5 resultados para Taylor, Mark C
em DigitalCommons - The University of Maine Research
Dating the Siple Dome (Antarctica) Ice Core By Manual and Computer Interpretation of Annual Layering
The Holocene portion of the Siple Dome (Antarctica) ice core was dated by interpreting the electrical, visual and chemical properties of the core. The data were interpreted manually and with a computer algorithm. The algorithm interpretation was adjusted to be consistent with atmospheric methane stratigraphic ties to the GISP2 (Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2) ice core, (BE)-B-10 stratigraphic ties to the dendrochronology C-14 record and the dated volcanic stratigraphy. The algorithm interpretation is more consistent and better quantified than the tedious and subjective manual interpretation.
One common assumption in interpreting ice-core CO(2) records is that diffusion in the ice does not affect the concentration profile. However, this assumption remains untested because the extremely small CO(2) diffusion coefficient in ice has not been accurately determined in the laboratory. In this study we take advantage of high levels of CO(2) associated with refrozen layers in an ice core from Siple Dome, Antarctica, to study CO(2) diffusion rates. We use noble gases (Xe/Ar and Kr/Ar), electrical conductivity and Ca(2+) ion concentrations to show that substantial CO(2) diffusion may occur in ice on timescales of thousands of years. We estimate the permeation coefficient for CO(2) in ice is similar to 4 x 10(-21) mol m(-1) s(-1) Pa(-1) at -23 degrees C in the top 287 m (corresponding to 2.74 kyr). Smoothing of the CO(2) record by diffusion at this depth/age is one or two orders of magnitude smaller than the smoothing in the firn. However, simulations for depths of similar to 930-950m (similar to 60-70 kyr) indicate that smoothing of the CO(2) record by diffusion in deep ice is comparable to smoothing in the firn. Other types of diffusion (e.g. via liquid in ice grain boundaries or veins) may also be important but their influence has not been quantified.
Air mass trajectories in the Southern Hemisphere provide a mechanism for transport to and deposition of volcanic products on the Antarctic ice sheet from local volcanoes and from tropical and subtropical volcanic centers. This study extends the detailed record of Antarctic, South American, and equatorial volcanism over the last 12,000 years using continuous glaciochemical series developed from the Siple Dome A (SDMA) ice core, West Antarctica. The largest volcanic sulfate spike ( 280 mu g/L) occurs at 5881 B. C. E. Other large signals with unknown sources are observed around 325 B. C. E. ( 270 mu g/L) and 2818 B. C. E. ( 191 mu g/L). Ages of several large equatorial or Southern Hemisphere volcanic eruptions are synchronous with many sulfate peaks detected in the SDMA volcanic ice chemistry record. The microprobe "fingerprinting'' of glass shards in the SDMA core points to the following Antarctic volcanic centers as sources of tephra found in the SDMA core: Balenny Island, Pleiades, Mount Berlin, Mount Takahe, and Mount Melbourne as well as Mount Hudson and possibly Mount Burney volcanoes of South America. Identified volcanic sources provide an insight into the poorly resolved transport history of volcanic products from source volcanoes to the West Antarctic ice sheet.
We have measured the CO2 concentration of air occluded during the last 40,000 years in the deep Siple Dome A ( hereafter Siple Dome) ice core, Antarctica. The general trend of CO2 concentration from Siple Dome ice follows the temperature inferred from the isotopic composition of the ice and is mostly in agreement with other Antarctic ice core CO2 records. CO2 rose initially at similar to 17.5 kyr B. P. ( thousand years before 1950), decreased slowly during the Antarctic Cold Reversal, rose during the Younger Dryas, fell to a local minimum at around 8 kyr B. P., and rose continuously since then. The CO2 concentration never reached steady state during the Holocene, as also found in the Taylor Dome and EPICA Dome C ( hereafter Dome C) records. During the last glacial termination, a lag of CO2 versus Siple Dome isotopic temperature is probable. The Siple Dome CO2 concentrations during the last glacial termination and in the Holocene are at certain times greater than in other Antarctic ice cores by up to 20 ppm (mumol CO2/mol air). While in situ production of CO2 is one possible cause of the sporadic elevated levels, the mechanism leading to the enrichment is not yet clear.
This review assesses the circumpolar occurrence of emerged marine macrofossils and sediments from Antarctic coastal areas in relation to Late Quaternary climate changes. Radiocarbon ages of the macrofossils, which are interpreted in view of the complexities of the Antarctic marine radiocarbon reservoir and resolution of this dating technique, show a bimodal distribution. The data indicate that marine species inhabited coastal environments from at least 35000 to 20000 yr sp, during Marine Isotope Stage 3 when extensive iceberg calving created a 'meltwater lid' over the Southern Ocean. The general absence of these marine species from 20000 to 8500 yr sp coincides with the subsequent advance of the Antarctic ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum. Synchronous re-appearance of the Antarctic marine fossils in emerged beaches around the continent, all of wh ich have Holocene marine-limit elevations an order of magnitude lower than those in the Arctic, reflect minimal isostatic rebound as relative sea-level rise decelerated. Antarctic coastal marine habitat changes around the continent also coincided with increasing sea-ice extent and outlet glacial advances during the mid-Holocene. in view of the diverse environmental changes that occurred around the Earth during this period, it is suggested that Antarctic coastal areas were responding to a mid-Holocene climatic shift associated with the hydrological cycle. This synthesis of Late Quaternary emerged marine deposits demonstrates the application of evaluating circum-Antarctic phenomena from the glacial-terrestrial-marine transition zone.