4 resultados para Somers hatchery

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This study evaluated the use of electroshock as in alternative to traditional techniques for immobilizing and euthanizing hatchery fish. We used a commercially available electroanesthesia unit at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Carson National Fish Hatchery (Carson, Washington) to euthanize adult spring Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and to son and collect gametes of fish at maturation. During euthanization by electroshock, the response of each fish was observed, Muscular and vertebral hemorrhaging wits quantified, and electrical settings were optimized accordingly. During gamete collection, fish were either electroshocked or exposed to tricaine methanesulfortate (MS-222); hemorrhaging, egg viability. egg size and quantity, and resultant fry quality were examined for each treatment group. Electroshocked fish had a higher likelihood Of injury during gamete collection than did fish exposed to MS-222. On average, each electroshocked fish had less than two hemorrhages oil both fillets examined. The size of each hemorrhage was less than 0.10% of the fillet surface. Fecundity and egg and fry quality were not affected by either immobilization method. Electroshock was a viable and efficient means of euthanizing adult spring Chinook salmon or sorting the fish and collecting their gametes. However, equipment settings must be optimized based on site-specific (e.g., water conductivity) and species-specific (e.g., fish size and seasonal state of maturation) factors.


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Hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts produced from captive-reared Dennys River and sea-run Penobscot River broodstock are released into their source rivers in Maine. The adult return rate of Dennys smolts is comparatively low, and disparity in smolt quality between stocks resulting from genetic or broodstock rearing effects is plausible. Smolt behavior and physiology were assessed during sequential 14-d trials conducted in seminatural annular tanks with circular flow. "Migratory urge'' (downstream movement) was monitored remotely using passive integrated transponder tags, and gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity was measured at the beginning and end of the trials to provide an index of smolt development. The migratory urge of both stocks was low in early April, increased 20-fold through late May, and declined by the end of June. The frequency and seasonal distribution of downstream movement were independent of stock. In March and April, initial gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activities of Penobscot River smolts were lower than those of Dennys River smolts. For these trials, however, Penobscot River smolts increased enzyme activity after exposure to the tank, whereas Dennys River smolts did not, resulting in similar activities between stocks at the end of all trials. There was no clear relationship between migratory urge and gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity. Gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity of both stocks increased in advance of migratory urge and then declined while migratory urge was increasing. Maximum movement was observed from 2 h after sunset through 1 h after sunrise but varied seasonally. Dennys River smolts were slightly more nocturnal than Penobscot River smolts. These data suggest that Dennys and Penobscot River stocks are not markedly different in either physiological or behavioral expression of smolting.


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Understanding the homing behavior of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar is vital to the restoration program employed on the Penobscot River, Maine. To produce significant adult returns, managers currently stock hatchery-raised smolts in specific river sections, providing smolts the opportunity to imprint on chemical signals and enabling their return to productive spawning and rearing habitat as adults. In this study, we used observational evidence from passive integrated transponder telemetry to determine whether adults returning from smolt stockings behaved in a way that suggested strong homing to smolt stocking locations. Adults returning from smolt stocking locations located in or at the mouth of the Piscataquis River were more likely to be detected as entering the Piscataquis River than were adults returning from the upper Penobscot River smolt stocking locations. In general, returning adult Atlantic salmon that had been stocked near or in tributaries as smolts chose a path more quickly than those that had been stocked in more downstream or main-stem locations. These results suggest that Atlantic salmon smolts should be stocked at specific sites with superior habitat for spawning kind juvenile survival to capitalize on the strong homing tendency in adults. This technique call also be utilized to allow for natural selection and the development of localized stocks.


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The effect of descaling injury on the osmoregulatory ability of hatchery Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in seawater was investigated. Experimental series were initiated during early, middle, and late periods of the spring smolt migration (April 25, May 11, and May 31, respectively). For each time series, descaled smolts (subjected to descaling on 10% of the body surface area) and control smolts (held out of water for 15 s) were transferred to seawater at 0, 1, 3, or 7 d posttreatment. After fish were held in 35% seawater for 24 h, gill and blood samples were collected and analyzed for Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity and plasma osmolyte levels. Based on gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity, the three series spanned the period from early smolting (increasing activity) to de-smolting (decreasing activity). In each series, descaled fish transferred to seawater at 0 and 1 d posttreatment had greater plasma osmolality than control fish; descaled fish transferred to seawater at 3 d posttreatment did not differ from controls. The greatest perturbation in osmolality (70 milliosmoles) was observed at the peak of smolting (middle series), whereas lesser increases were seen for early and late-series smolts. The observed osmotic perturbations in descaled fish would probably reduce performance and decrease survival during smolt migration.