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To quantify species- specific relationships between bivalve carbonate isotope geochemistry ( delta O-18(c)) and water conditions ( temperature and salinity, related to water isotopic composition [delta O-18(w)]), an aquaculture-based methodology was developed and applied to Mytilus edulis ( blue mussel). The four- by- three factorial design consisted of four circulating temperature baths ( 7, 11, 15, and 19 degrees C) and three salinity ranges ( 23, 28, and 32 parts per thousand ( ppt); monitored for delta O-18(w) weekly). In mid- July of 2003, 4800 juvenile mussels were collected in Salt Bay, Damariscotta, Maine, and were placed in each configuration. The size distribution of harvested mussels, based on 105 specimens, ranged from 10.9 mm to 29.5 mm with a mean size of 19.8 mm. The mussels were grown in controlled conditions for up to 8.5 months, and a paleotemperature relationship based on juvenile M. edulis from Maine was developed from animals harvested at months 4, 5, and 8.5. This relationship [ T degrees C = 16.19 (+/- 0.14) - 4.69 (+/- 0.21) {delta O-18(c) VPBD - delta O-18(w) VSMOW} + 0.17 (+/- 0.13) {delta O-18(c) VPBD - delta O-18(w) VSMOW}(2); r(2) = 0.99; N = 105; P < 0.0001] is nearly identical to the Kim and O'Neil ( 1997) abiogenic calcite equation over the entire temperature range ( 7 - 19 degrees C), and it closely resembles the commonly used paleotemperature equations of Epstein et al. ( 1953) and Horibe and Oba ( 1972). Further, the comparison of the M. edulis paleotemperature equation with the Kim and O'Neil ( 1997) equilibrium- based equation indicates that M. edulis specimens used in this study precipitated their shell in isotopic equilibrium with ambient water within the experimental uncertainties of both studies. The aquaculture- based methodology described here allows similar species- specific isotope paleothermometer calibrations to be performed with other bivalve species and thus provides improved quantitative paleoenvironmental reconstructions.


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The transfer coefficient of radon from water to air was investigated in schools. Kitchens, bathrooms and locker rooms were studied for seven schools in Maine. Simulations were done in water-use rooms where radon in air detectors were in place. Quantities measured were radon in water (270-24500 F) and air (0-80 q), volume of water used, emissivities (0.01-0.99) and ventilation rates (0.012-0.066A). Variation throughout the room of the radon concentration was found. Values calculated for the transfer coefficient for kitchens and baths were ranged from 9.6 x to 2.0 x The transfer coefficient was calculated using these parameters and was also measured using concentrations of radon in water and air. This provides a means by which radon in air can be estimated using the transfer coefficient and the concentration in the water in other schools and it can be used to estimate the dose caused by radon released from water use. This project was partially funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (grant #X828l2 101-0) and by the State of Maine (grant #10A500178). These are the first measurements of this type to be done in schools in the United States.