11 resultados para Maple
em University of Connecticut - USA
This is the Maple code to support the molecular dynamics of a water monomer molecule, allowing investigation of the classical vibrations of this molecule.
The guessing of eigenfunctions is not trivial at higher quantum numbers, no matter what the system being considered. Instead of guessing, one can employ a symbolic calculus progam (Maple in this case) to aid in the reasoning process.
The Huckel Molecular Orbtial method is used to treat the MO's of butadiene. The method employs analytical tools and Maple.
The interactions employed in the “linear” reaction A(g)+BC(g) -> AB(g) + C(g) in a “one dimensional world” can be used to illustrate the “reaction coördinate”, using Maple, in a manner which allows students to inspect potential energy surfaces, make contour maps of those surfaces, and conceptually construct the “reaction coördinate” by tracing the local minimum path on the surface created.“one dimensional world” can be used to illustrate the “reaction coördinate”, using Maple, in a manner which allows students to inspect potential energy surfaces, make contour maps of those surfaces, and conceptually construct the “reaction coördinate” by tracing the local minimum path on the surface created.
The variational calculation of the energy of the Hydrogen Molecular (H2+) Cation's LCAO-MO for the sigma and sigma* states as functions of the AO's screening constant and the internuclear distance is carried out explicitly in great detail.
The pi and pi-star orbitals of the hydrogen molecular cation are obtained using Maple in the same manner as the sigma and sigma-star orbitals were obtained in paper-36.
The normal modes of water are obtained using Maple
In the spirit of trying to convert people to understanding atomic orbitals centered elsewhere than the origin, we continue the discussion of visualizing molecular orbitals, so called LCAO-MO, using various plotting tricks in Maple.
A Maple scheme for quickly parameterizing vibrational potential energy functions is presented. As an example, the potential energy function's parameters for the vibrational motions in H_2O_2 are obtained assuming the simplest potential energy function. This paper was originally written as a research paper, but rejected by the referees. It is therefore being edited into an ``educational'' paper for student usage.
We continue our discussion of the Runge-Lenz vector in a quantum mechanical context. The traditional form of the Runge-Lenz vector is obtained, and the commutation relations between the Runge-Lenz vector, the Hamiltonian, and the Angular Momentum are obtained using Maple.
The HCl molecule is simulated (using Maple) in its dynamics, for both vibrational (and implied) rotational motions. A discussion of the center of mass transformations involved is part of the total presentation.