5 resultados para Clinical care pathway

em University of Connecticut - USA


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Patients expect to be safe from harm inside the walls of a hospital. Increasing reports of medical errors and adverse events have brought these concerns to public attention. Although we have celebrated many scientific advances over the past several decades, many patients do not benefit because the healthcare infrastructure is inadequate to deliver care to all. Studies confirm opportunities to improve in areas such as inpatient vaccination for flu and outpatient screening for breast, cervical or colon cancer. (Institute of Medicine, (IOM), 2000, 2001, 2004). This document outlines the steps needed to further increase our focus on patient safety in John Dempsey Hospital through the development of a multi-disciplinary Collaborative Center for Clinical Care Improvement (CCCCI). The dimensions of safety and outcomes are briefly discussed to provide some perspective on the scope of these challenges (Strongwater, 2003).


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Our Goal: To Prevent Harm The most important goal for the Collaborative Center for Clinical Care Improvement (C4I) Patient Falls Group is to prevent any serious injury should a fall occur. While our goal is also to reduce the number of patient falls, it is especially important to prevent any serious harm to the patient. During calendar year 2006 (January-December), we accomplished our most important goal - there were no serious injuries related to any patient falls that occurred in the hospital during the past twelve months.


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Communication : If there is one topic that comes up over and over again as we discuss ways to make John Dempsey Hospital the safest hospital, it is “communication.” In fact, several of the 2006 and 2007 National Patient Safety Goals are centered around improving the effectiveness of communication among caregivers. There are many ways of doing this, and we have implemented several already. These include handoffs, medication reconciliation, “SBAR,” etc. On page two, we will talk in more detail about hand-offs and the use of “SBAR.”