72 resultados para Stotts, Carl W.
The Bohr Model for the Hydrogen Atom's electron is discussed in detail, with a recapitulation of angular momentum and a detailed discussion of relevant units (out of the cgs system).
This is the Maple code to support the molecular dynamics of a water monomer molecule, allowing investigation of the classical vibrations of this molecule.
Some consequences of using Atomic Units are treated here.
An introduction to Legendre polynomials as precursor to studying angular momentum in quantum chemistry,
Various plots of sigma molecular orbitals in diatomic molecules are discussed.
Slightly advanced problems in Physical Chemistry, herein concerning the H-atom and the Hydrogen Molecular Cation, are presented and discussed.
This is a set of P. Chem. problems posed at a slightly higher level than the normal textbook level, for students who are continuing in the study of this subject.
The Stefan Boltzmann equation is obtained using a non-traditional Carnot Engine. In addition, the original Planck argument for radiation density is given.
L'Hopital's Rule is discussed in the cvase of an irreversible isothermal expansion.
In the spirit of trying to convert people to understanding atomic orbitals centered elsewhere than the origin, we continue the discussion of visualizing molecular orbitals, so called LCAO-MO, using various plotting tricks in Maple.
The second chapter of the Case text on the phase rule, this time dealing with two component systems, added to by the author, is presented here.
The classical harmonic oscillator and an elementary discussion of the quantum mechanical solutions for the harmonic oscillator are discussed.
A ladder operator solution to the particle in a box problem of elementary quantum mechanics is presented, although the pedagogical use of this method for this problem is questioned.
The 1937 paper of Gronwall which concerns an alternative form for the Schrodinger Equation of the 2-electron Helium problem is re-derived in a (hopefully) transparent (possibly pedestrian) manner.
The Runge-Lenz equivalent for the Hydrogen Molecular Cation (and the Earth, Moon and Sun) problem is obtained