24 resultados para uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1)

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Poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) stimulates translation initiation by binding simultaneously to the mRNA poly(A) tail and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4G (eIF4G). PABP activity is regulated by PABP-interacting (Paip) proteins. Paip1 binds PABP and stimulates translation by an unknown mechanism. Here, we describe the interaction between Paip1 and eIF3, which is direct, RNA independent, and mediated via the eIF3g (p44) subunit. Stimulation of translation by Paip1 in vivo was decreased upon deletion of the N-terminal sequence containing the eIF3-binding domain and upon silencing of PABP or several eIF3 subunits. We also show the formation of ternary complexes composed of Paip1-PABP-eIF4G and Paip1-eIF3-eIF4G. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the eIF3-Paip1 interaction promotes translation. We propose that eIF3-Paip1 stabilizes the interaction between PABP and eIF4G, which brings about the circularization of the mRNA.


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Alternative RNA splicing plays an integral role in cell fate determination and function, especially in the cells of the brain. Errors in RNA processing contribute to diseases such as cancer, where it leads to the production of oncogenic proteins or the loss of tumor suppressors. In silica mining suggests that hundreds of splice isoforms are misexpressed in the glial cell-derived glioma. However, there is little experimental evidence of the prevalence and contribution of these changes and whether they contribute to the formation and progression of this devastating malignancy. To determine the frequency of these aberrant events, global profiling of alternative RNA splice patterns in glioma and nontumor brain was conducted using an exon array. Most splicing changes were less than 5-fold in magnitude and 14 cassette exon events were validated, including 7 previously published events. To determine the possible causes of missplicing, the differential expression levels of splicing factors in these two tissues were also analyzed. Six RNA splicing factors had greater than 2-fold changes in expression. The highest differentially expressed factor was polypyrimidine tract binding protein-1 (PTB). Evaluation by immunohistochemistry determined that this factor was elevated in both early and late stages of glioma. Glial cell-specific PTB expression in the adult brain led me to examine the role of PTB in gliomagenesis. Downregulation of PTB slowed glioma cell proliferation and migration and enhanced cell adhesion to fibronectin and vitronectin. To determine whether PTB was affecting these processes through splicing, genome-wide exon expression levels were correlated with PTB levels. Surprisingly, previously reported PTB target transcripts were insensitive to changes in PTB levels in both patient samples and PTB-depleted glioma cells. Only one validated glioma-specific splice target, RTN4/Nogo, had a significant PTB-mediated splicing change. Downregulation of PTB enhanced inclusion of its alternative exon 3, which encodes an auxiliary domain within a neurite inhibitor protein. Overexpression of this splice isoform in glioma cells slowed proliferation in a manner similar to that observed in PTB knockdown cells. In summary, aberrant expression of splicing factors such as PTB in glioma may elicit changes in splicing patterns that enhance tumorigenesis. ^


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Obesity and related chronic diseases represent a tremendous public health burden among Mexican Americans, a young and rapidly-expanding population. This study investigated the impact of variation within eight candidate obesity genes, which include leptin (LEP), leptin receptor (LEPR), neuropeptide Y (NPY), NPYY1 receptor (NPYY1), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), GLP-1 receptor (GLP1R), beta-3 adrenergic receptor (β3AR), and uncoupling protein (UCP1), on variation in human obesity status and/or quantitative traits related to obesity in Mexican Americans from Starr County, Texas. The Trp64Arg polymorphism within β3AR was typed in 820 random individuals and 240 pedigrees (N = 2,044). The Arg allele frequency was significantly greater in obese versus non-obese individuals (0.20 versus 0. 15, respectively). In addition, within the random sample, the Arg allele was associated with significantly greater body weight (p = 0.031) and body mass index (BMI, p = 0.008) than the Trp allele. In the family sample, the Trp64Arg locus was also linked to percent fat (p = 0.045) but not to body weight or BMI. No linkage between obesity, diabetes, hypertension, or gallbladder disease and the Trp64Arg mutation was observed in families using affected sib pair linkage analysis or the transmission disequilibrium test. Microsatellite markers proximate to the remaining seven genes were typed in 302 individuals from 59 families. Sib pair linkage analysis provided evidence for linkage between obesity and NPY within affected sibling pairs (p = 0.042; n = 170 pairs). NPY was also linked to weight (p = 0.020), abdominal circumference (p = 0.031), hip circumference (p = 0.012), DBP (p ≤ 0.005), and a composite measure of body mass/fat (p ≤ 0.048) in all sibling pairs (n = 545 pairs). Additionally, LEP was linked to waist/hip ratio (p ≤ 0.009), total cholesterol (p ≤ 0.030), and HDL cholesterol (p ≤ 0.026), and LEPR was linked to fasting blood glucose (p ≤ 0.018) and DBP (p ≤ 0.003). Subsequent to the linkage analyses, the NPY gene was sequenced and eight variant sites identified. Two variant sites (-880I/D and 69I/D) were typed in a random sample of 914 individuals. The 880I/D variant was significantly associated with waist/hip ratio (p = 0.035) in the entire sample (N = 914) and with BMI (p = 0. 031), abdominal circumference (p = 0.044), and waist/hip ratio (p = 0.041) in a non-obese subsample (BW < 30 kg/m2, n = 594). The 69I/D variant was a rare mutation observed in only one pedigree and was not associated with obesity or body size/mass within this pedigree. Results of this study indicate that variation at or near β3AR, LEP, LEPR, and NPY may exert effects which increase obesity susceptibility and influence obesity-related measures in this population. ^


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Nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) and activator protein 1 (AP-1) transcription factors regulate many important biological and pathological processes. Activation of NF-kappaB is regulated by the inducible phosphorylation of NF-kappaB inhibitor IkappaB by IkappaB kinase. In contrast, Fos, a key component of AP-1, is primarily transcriptionally regulated by serum responsive factors (SRFs) and ternary complex factors (TCFs). Despite these different regulatory mechanisms, there is an intriguing possibility that NF-kappaB and AP-1 may modulate each other, thus expanding the scope of these two rapidly inducible transcription factors. To determine whether NF-kappaB activity is involved in the regulation of fos expression in response to various stimuli, we analyzed activity of AP-1 and expression of fos, fosB, fra-1, fra-2, jun, junB, and junD, as well as AP-1 downstream target gene VEGF, using MDAPanc-28 and MDAPanc-28/IkappaBalphaM pancreatic tumor cells and wild-type, IKK1-/-, and IKK2-/- murine embryonic fibroblast cells. Our results show that elk-1, a member of TCFs, is one of the NF-kappaB downstream target genes. Inhibition of NF-kappaB activity greatly decreased expression of elk-1. Consequently, the reduced level of activated Elk-1 protein by extracellular signal-regulated kinase impeded constitutive, serum-, and superoxide-inducible c-fos expression. Thus, our study revealed a distinct and essential role of NF-kappaB in participating in the regulation of elk-1, c-fos, and VEGF expression.


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CREB [CRE (cAMP-response element)-binding protein] is an important transcription factor that is differentially regulated in cells of various types. We recently reported that RA (retinoic acid) rapidly activates CREB without using RARs (RA receptors) or RXRs (retinoid X receptors) in NHTBE cells (normal human tracheobronchial epithelial cells). However, little is known about the role of RA in the physiological regulation of CREB expression in the early mucous differentiation of NHTBE cells. In the present study, we report that RA up-regulates CREB gene expression and that, using 5'-serial deletion promoter analysis and mutagenesis analyses, two Sp1 (specificity protein 1)-binding sites located at nt -217 and -150, which flank the transcription initiation site, are essential for RA induction of CREB gene transcription. Furthermore, we found that CREs located at nt -119 and -98 contributed to basal promoter activity. Interestingly, RA also up-regulated Sp1 in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Knockdown of endogenous Sp1 using siRNA (small interfering RNA) decreased RA-induced CREB gene expression. However, the converse was not true: knockdown of CREB using CREB siRNA did not affect RA-induced Sp1 gene expression. We conclude that RA up-regulates CREB gene expression during the early stage of NHTBE cell differentiation and that RA-inducible Sp1 plays a major role in up-regulating human CREB gene expression. This result implies that co-operation of these two transcription factors plays a crucial role in mediating early events of normal mucous cell differentiation of bronchial epithelial cells.


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Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is localized in the Golgi, where it functions in oligosaccharide synthesis, as well as on the cell surface where it serves as a cell adhesion molecule. GalTase-specific adhesions are functional in a number of important biological events, including F9 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell adhesions. GalTase-based adhesions are formed by recognition and binding to terminal N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues on its glycoprotein counterpart on adjacent cell surfaces. The object of this work has been to investigate the formation and function of GalTase-specific adhesions during F9 cell growth and differentiation. We initially investigated GalTase synthesis during differentiation and found that the increase in GalTase activity was specific for the Golgi compartment; surface GalTase levels remained constant during differentiation. These data indicated that the increase in cell adhesions expected with increased cell-matrix interaction in differentiated F9 cells is not the consequence of increased surface GalTase expression and, more interestingly, that the two pools of GalTase are under differential regulation. Synthesis and recognition of the consociate glycoprotein component was next investigated. Surface GalTase recognized several surface glycoproteins in a pattern that changes with differentiation. Uvomorulin, lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 (LAMP-1), and laminin were recognized by surface GalTase and are, therefore, potential components in GalTase-specific adhesions. Furthermore, these interactions were aberrant in an adhesion-defective F9 cell line that results, at least in part, from abnormal oligosaccharide synthesis. The function played by surface GalTase in growth and induction of differentiation was examined. Inhibition of surface GalTase function by a panel of reagents inhibited F9 cell growth. GalTase expression at both the transcription and protein levels were differentially regulated during the cell cycle, with surface expression greatest in the G1 phase. Disruption of GalTase adhesion by exposure to anti-GalTase antibodies during this period resulted in extension of the G2 phase, a result similar to that seen with agents known to inhibit growth and induce differentiation. Finally, other studies have suggested that a subset of cell adhesion molecules have the capability to induce differentiation in EC cells systems. We have determined in F9 cells that dissociating GalTase adhesion by galactosylation of and release of the consociate glycoproteins induces differentiation, as defined by increased laminin synthesis. The ability to induce differentiation by surface galactosylation was greatest in cells grown in cultures promoting cell-cell adhesions, relative to cultures with minimal cell-cell interactions. ^


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Rexinoids are synthetic agonists for the retinoid X receptors (RXRs), a member of the nuclear receptor family of ligand-activated transcription factors. Rexinoids have been shown to lower serum glucose and insulin levels in animal models of type 2 diabetes. However the mechanisms that are responsible for the insulin-sensitizing action of rexinoids are largely unknown. Skeletal muscle accounts for the majority of insulin-regulated whole-body glucose disposal and impaired insulin action in muscle is an important contributor to the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. Glucose transport is a rate-limiting step in glucose utilization. The goal of these studies is to examine the mechanisms of the anti-diabetic activity of rexinoids in skeletal muscle of diabetic db/db mice. The results we have obtained showed that treatment of db/db mice with rexinoids for two weeks resulted in a significant increase in insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity in skeletal muscle. Insulin stimulates glucose transport in muscle via the regulation of both the insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1)/Akt pathway and the Cbl-associated protein (CAP)/Cbl pathway. Rexinoids increased the insulin-stimulated IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation and Akt phosphorylation without effects on the activity of the CAP/Cbl pathway. The effects of rexinoids on the IRS-1/Akt pathway were associated with a decrease in the level of IRS-1 Serine 307 phosphorylation as well as qualitative and quantitative alterations in the fatty acyl-CoAs present within the muscle cells. In addition, rexinoids increased the expression of uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) and activation of AMPK in diabetic muscle. This effect may also enhance the IRS-1/Akt signaling. We believe that it is the concerted activation of the IRS-1/Akt and AMPK signaling systems, a pharmacological mechanism that as far as we know, is unique to rexinoids, that results in the anti-diabetic effects of these drugs. Our results also suggest that the glucose-lowering mechanism of rexinoids is distinct from that of the thiazolidinediones (TZDs), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) agonists with well-characterized anti-diabetic activity. Rexinoids appear to represent a novel class of insulin sensitizers, with potential applications for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. ^


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Obesity and diabetes are metabolic disorders associated with fatty acid availability in excess of the tissues' capacity for fatty acid oxidation. This mismatch is implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiac contractile dysfunction and also in skeletal muscle insulin resistance. My dissertation will present work to test the overall hypothesis that "western" and high fat diets differentially affect cardiac and skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation, the expression of fatty acid responsive genes, and cardiac contractile function. Wistar rats were fed a low fat, "western," or high fat (10%, 45%, or 60% calories from fat, respectively) diet for acute (1 day to 1 week), short (4 to 8 weeks), intermediate (16 to 24 weeks), or long (32 to 48 weeks) term. With high fat diet, cardiac oleate oxidation increased at all time points investigated. In contrast, with western diet cardiac oleate oxidation increased in the acute, short and intermediate term, but not in the long term. Consistent with a maladaptation of fatty acid oxidation, cardiac power (measured ex vivo) decreased with long term western diet only. In contrast to the heart, soleus muscle oleate oxidation increased only in the acute and short term with either western or high fat feeding. Transcript analysis revealed that several fatty acid responsive genes, including pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4, uncoupling protein 3, mitochondrial thioesterase 1, and cytosolic thioesterase 1 increased in heart and soleus muscle to a greater extent with high fat diet, versus western diet, feeding. In conclusion, the data implicate inadequate induction of a cassette of fatty acid responsive genes in both the heart and skeletal muscle by western diet resulting in impaired activation of fatty acid oxidation, and the development of cardiac dysfunction. ^


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Disruption of the mechanisms that regulate cell-cycle checkpoints, DNA repair, and apoptosis results in genomic instability and often leads to the development of cancer. In response to double stranded breaks (DSBs) as induced by ionizing radiation (IR), generated during DNA replication, or through immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) rearrangements in T and B cells of lymphoid origin, the protein kinases ATM and ATR are central players that activate signaling pathways leading to DSB repair. p53 binding protein 1 (53BP1) participates in the repair of DNA double stranded breaks (DSBs) where it is recruited to or near sites of DNA damage. In addition to its well established role in DSB repair, multiple lines of evidence implicate 53BP1 in transcription which stem from its initial discovery as a p53 binding protein in a yeast two-hybrid screen. However, the mechanisms behind the role of 53BP1 in these processes are not well understood. ^ 53BP1 possesses several motifs that are likely important for its role in DSB repair including two BRCA1 C-terminal repeats, tandem Tudor domains, and a variety of phosphorylation sites. In addition to these motifs, we identified a glycine and arginine rich region (GAR) upstream of the Tudor domains, a sequence that is oftentimes serves as a site for protein arginine methylation. The focus of this project was to characterize the methylation of 53BP1 and to evaluate how methylation influenced the role of 53BP1 as a tumor suppressor. ^ Using a variety of biochemical techniques, we demonstrated that 53BP1 is methylated by the PRMT1 methyltransferase in vivo. Moreover, GAR methylation occurs on arginine residues in an asymmetric manner. We further show that sequences upstream of the Tudor domains that do not include the GAR stretch are sufficient for 53BP1 oligomerization in vivo. While investigating the role of arginine methylation in 53BP1 function, we discovered that 53BP1 associates with proteins of the general transcription apparatus as well as to other factors implicated in coordinating transcription with chromatin function. Collectively, these data support a role for 53BP1 in regulating transcription and provide insight into the possible mechanisms by which this occurs. ^


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MAX dimerization protein 1 (MAD1) is a basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factors that recruits transcription repressor such as HDAC to suppress target genes transcription. It antagonizes to MYC because the promoter binding sites for MYC are usually also serve as the binding sites for MAD1 so they compete for it. However, the mechanism of the switch between MYC and MAD1 in turning on and off of genes' transcription is obscure. In this study, we demonstrated that AKT-mediated MAD1 phosphorylation inhibits MAD1 transcription repression function. The association between MAD1 and its target genes' promoter is reduced after been phosphorylated by AKT; therefore, consequently, allows MYC to occupy the binding site and activates transcription. Mutation of such phosphorylation site abrogates the inhibition from AKT. In addition, functional assays demonstrated that AKT suppressed MAD1-mediated transcription repression of its target genes hTERT and ODC. Cell cycle and cell growth were also been released from inhibition by MAD1 in the presents of AKT. Taken together, our study suggests that MAD1 is a novel substrate of AKT and AKT-mediated MAD1 phosphorylation inhibits MAD1function; therefore, activates MAD1 target genes expression. ^ Furthermore, analysis of protein-protein interaction is indispensable for current molecular biology research, but multiplex protein dynamics in cells is too complicated to be analyzed by using existing biochemical methods. To overcome the disadvantage, we have developed a single molecule level detection system with nanofluidic chip. Single molecule was analyzed based on their fluorescent profile and their profiles were plotted into 2 dimensional time co-incident photon burst diagram (2DTP). From this 2DTP, protein complexes were characterized. These results demonstrate that the nanochannel protein detection system is a promising tool for future molecular biology. ^


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A pivotal mediator of actin dynamics is the protein cofilin, which promotes filament severing and depolymerization, facilitating the breakdown of existing filaments, and the enhancement of filament growth from newly created barbed ends. It does so in concert with actin interacting protein 1 (Aip1), which serves to accelerate cofilin's activity. While progress has been made in understanding its biochemical functions, the physiologic processes the cofilin/Aip1 complex regulates, particularly in higher organisms, are yet to be determined. We have generated an allelic series for WD40 repeat protein 1 (Wdr1), the mammalian homolog of Aip1, and report that reductions in Wdr1 function produce a dramatic phenotype gradient. While severe loss of function at the Wdr1 locus causes embryonic lethality, macrothrombocytopenia and autoinflammatory disease develop in mice carrying hypomorphic alleles. Macrothrombocytopenia is the result of megakaryocyte maturation defects, which lead to a failure of normal platelet shedding. Autoinflammatory disease, which is bone marrow-derived yet nonlymphoid in origin, is characterized by a massive infiltration of neutrophils into inflammatory lesions. Cytoskeletal responses are impaired in Wdr1 mutant neutrophils. These studies establish an essential requirement for Wdr1 in megakaryocytes and neutrophils, indicating that cofilin-mediated actin dynamics are critically important to the development and function of both cell types.


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The mammalian adaptor protein Alix [ALG-2 (apoptosis-linked-gene-2 product)-interacting protein X] belongs to a conserved family of proteins that have in common an N-terminal Bro1 domain and a C-terminal PRD (proline-rich domain), both of which mediate partner protein interactions. Following our previous finding that Xp95, the Xenopus orthologue of Alix, undergoes a phosphorylation-dependent gel mobility shift during progesteroneinduced oocyte meiotic maturation, we explored potential regulation of Xp95/Alix by protein phosphorylation in hormone-induced cell cycle re-entry or M-phase induction. By MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight) MS analyses and gel mobility-shift assays, Xp95 is phosphorylated at multiple sites within the N-terminal half of the PRD during Xenopus oocyte maturation, and a similar region in Alix is phosphorylated in mitotically arrested but not serum-stimulated mammalian cells. By tandem MS, Thr745 within this region, which localizes in a conserved binding site to the adaptor protein SETA [SH3 (Src homology 3) domain-containing, expressed in tumorigenic astrocytes] CIN85 (a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate)/SH3KBP1 (SH3-domain kinase-binding protein 1), is one of the phosphorylation sites in Xp95. Results from GST (glutathione S-transferase)-pull down and peptide binding/competition assays further demonstrate that the Thr745 phosphorylation inhibits Xp95 interaction with the second SH3 domain of SETA. However, immunoprecipitates of Xp95 from extracts of M-phase-arrested mature oocytes contained additional partner proteins as compared with immunoprecipitates from extracts of G2-arrested immature oocytes. The deubiquitinase AMSH (associated molecule with the SH3 domain of signal transducing adaptor molecule) specifically interacts with phosphorylated Xp95 in M-phase cell lysates. These findings establish that Xp95/Alix is phosphorylated within the PRD during M-phase induction, and indicate that the phosphorylation may both positively and negatively modulate their interaction with partner proteins.


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IkappaB kinase beta (IKKbeta) is involved in tumor development and progression through activation of the nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB pathway. However, the molecular mechanism that regulates IKKbeta degradation remains largely unknown. Here, we show that a Cullin 3 (CUL3)-based ubiquitin ligase, Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1), is responsible for IKKbeta ubiquitination. Depletion of KEAP1 led to the accumulation and stabilization of IKKbeta and to upregulation of NF-kappaB-derived tumor angiogenic factors. A systematic analysis of the CUL3, KEAP1, and RBX1 genomic loci revealed a high percentage of genome loss and missense mutations in human cancers that failed to facilitate IKKbeta degradation. Our results suggest that the dysregulation of KEAP1-mediated IKKbeta ubiquitination may contribute to tumorigenesis.


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Objective: To determine alterations in quantities and distributions of natural antimicrobials following ischemia-reperfusion injury. We hypothesized that these compounds would be upregulated in areas of small intestine where changes in permeability and cellular disruption were likely and where protective mechanisms would be initiated. Methods: Rats with ischemia-reperfusion underwent superior mesenteric artery clamping and reperfusion. Shams were subjected to laparotomy but no clamping. Ileum and jejunum were harvested and sectioned, and subjected to fluorescence deconvolution microscopy for determinations of content and localization of rat beta defensins, 1, 2, 3; rat neutrophil protein-1; and cathelicidin LL-37. Modeling was performed to determine cellular location of antimicrobials. Results: Ischemia-reperfusion increased neutrophil defensin alpha (RNP-1) in jejunum; rat beta defensin 1 was increased 2-fold in ileal mucosa and slightly reduced in jejunal mucosa; rat beta defensin 2 was reduced by ischemia-reperfusion in ileum, but slightly increased in jejunum; rat beta defensin 3 was concentrated in the muscularis externa and myenteric plexus of the jejunum; ischemia-reperfusion did not alter cathelicidin LL-37 content in the small intestine, although a greater concentration was seen in jejunum compared with ileum. Conclusion: Ischemia-reperfusion injury caused changes in antimicrobial content in defined areas, and these different regulations might reflect the specific roles of jejunum versus ileum.


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Bronchial epithelial cells play a pivotal role in airway inflammation, but little is known about posttranscriptional regulation of mediator gene expression during the inflammatory response in these cells. Here, we show that activation of human bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells by proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-4 (IL-4) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) leads to an increase in the mRNA stability of the key chemokines monocyte chemotactic protein 1 and IL-8, an elevation of the global translation rate, an increase in the levels of several proteins critical for translation, and a reduction of microRNA-mediated translational repression. Moreover, using the BEAS-2B cell system and a mouse model, we found that RNA processing bodies (P bodies), cytoplasmic domains linked to storage and/or degradation of translationally silenced mRNAs, are significantly reduced in activated bronchial epithelial cells, suggesting a physiological role for P bodies in airway inflammation. Our study reveals an orchestrated change among posttranscriptional mechanisms, which help sustain high levels of inflammatory mediator production in bronchial epithelium during the pathogenesis of inflammatory airway diseases.