7 resultados para unclean internet data

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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While there are reports of developing sexual relationships on the Internet (I) among MSM, there are few reports that have examined the process of developing sexual relationships on the I and comparing to that in real life (IRL). This study examines the process to provide insight into how MSM make decisions about courtship, engages in negotiations for sex, and choose sexual partners and examines the comparative sexual risks taken between I vs. IRL negotiation. This self-selected convenience sample at a national level (n=1001) of MSM recruited through the I, systematically explored the different steps, the process of courtship in a flow chart of I and IRL dating to portray the process of filtering, courtship and/or negotiation for sex. Risk behaviors in both environments are presented along with interactions that create predictable sequences or "scripts". These sequences constitute 'filtering' and 'sexual positioning'. Differences between I & IRL suggest discussion of HIV/STD status to have consistent differences for all variables except 'unprotected sex' meaning no condom use. There was more communication on the I in regards to self revealing information or variables relating to reducing risks which enable 'filtering' (including serosorting). Data indicate more steps in the I process, providing more complex, multiple steps to filter and position with regard not only to HIV/STD risk but also to negotiate position for complementary sexual interest. The study established a pattern of MSM's courtships or negotiation for sex and a pattern of acquisition, and more I negotiation. Data suggest negotiation opportunities which could lend to intervention to advise people how to negotiate safely. ^ Previous studies have reviewed MSM and drug use. This is a study to review the process of drug use associated with sexual behavior regarding the Internet (I) and in real life (IRL) using a self-selected, convenience sample of MSM (n=1001) recruited nation-wide through the Internet. Data on MSM and drugs illustrate the Internet being used as a tool to filter for drug use among MSM. MSM's drug use in both environments highlights the use of sexual performance drugs with an IRL pursuit of intimacy or negotiation for sex. IRL encounters were more likely to involve drug use (both recreational and sexual performance-enhancing) than Internet encounters. This may be due to more IRL meetings occurring at bars, clubs or parties where drug use is a norm. Compared with IRL, the Internet may provide a venue for persons who do not want to use drugs to select partners with similar attitudes. This suggests that filtering may be occurring as part of the internet negotiation. Data indicated that IRL persons get drunk/high before having sex in past 60 days significantly more often than Internet participants. Age did not alter the pattern of results. Thus drug filtering is really not recreational drug filtering or selecting for PNP, but appears to be situationally-based. Thus, it should perhaps be seen as another form of filtering to select drug-free partners, rather than using the Internet to specifically recruit and interact with other recreational drug users. ^


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether algorithms developed for the World Wide Web can be applied to the biomedical literature in order to identify articles that are important as well as relevant. DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS A direct comparison of eight algorithms: simple PubMed queries, clinical queries (sensitive and specific versions), vector cosine comparison, citation count, journal impact factor, PageRank, and machine learning based on polynomial support vector machines. The objective was to prioritize important articles, defined as being included in a pre-existing bibliography of important literature in surgical oncology. RESULTS Citation-based algorithms were more effective than noncitation-based algorithms at identifying important articles. The most effective strategies were simple citation count and PageRank, which on average identified over six important articles in the first 100 results compared to 0.85 for the best noncitation-based algorithm (p < 0.001). The authors saw similar differences between citation-based and noncitation-based algorithms at 10, 20, 50, 200, 500, and 1,000 results (p < 0.001). Citation lag affects performance of PageRank more than simple citation count. However, in spite of citation lag, citation-based algorithms remain more effective than noncitation-based algorithms. CONCLUSION Algorithms that have proved successful on the World Wide Web can be applied to biomedical information retrieval. Citation-based algorithms can help identify important articles within large sets of relevant results. Further studies are needed to determine whether citation-based algorithms can effectively meet actual user information needs.


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The purpose of this study is to examine associations between adolescents’ Internet use, exposure to pornography online, and sexual behavior. This cross-sectional study examines data collected from an HIV, sexually transmitted infection, and pregnancy prevention program being evaluated in inner-city middle schools. Chi-squares were used to examine differences in Internet use and exposure to Internet pornography by gender, race/ethnicity, and sexual behavior. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were used to examine associations between Internet use, exposure to Internet pornography, and sexual behavior. Ninety-four percent of students have used the Internet. Sixty-two percent of students had accidentally seen pornography on the Internet and 35% had purposefully viewed pornography online. Students who experienced sexual solicitation and who purposefully viewed pornography online were more likely to report lifetime and current sexual behavior. Additional research is needed to understand the impact of Internet use and exposure to Internet pornography on adolescents’ sexual behavior.^


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Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. With the advent of new technologies, changes in health care delivery, and multiplicity of provider types that patients must see, cancer care management has become increasingly complex. The availability of cancer health information has been shown to help cancer patients cope with the management and effects of their cancers. As a result, more cancer patients are using the internet to find resources that can aid in decision-making and recovery. ^ The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) is a nationally representative survey designed to collect information about the experiences of cancer and non-cancer adults with health information sources. The HINTS survey focused on both conventional sources as well as newer technologies, particularly the internet. This study is a descriptive analysis of the HINTS 2003 and HINTS 2005 survey data. The purpose of the research is to explore the general trends in health information seeking and use by US adults, and especially by cancer patients. ^ From 2003 to 2005, internet use for various health-related activities appears to have increased among adults with and without cancer. Differences were found between the groups in the general trust in information media, particularly the internet. Non-cancer respondents tended to have greater trust in information media than cancer respondents. ^ The latter portion of this work examined characteristics of HINTS respondents that were thought to be relevant to how much trust individuals placed in the internet as a source of health information. Trust in health information from the internet was significantly greater among younger adults, higher-earning households, internet users, online seekers of health or cancer information, and those who found online cancer information useful. ^


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The purpose of this study was to exam the relationship between internet use and depression among a population of individuals who have sustained spinal cord injury. This was cross-sectional survey design conducted among spinal cord injury (SCI) patients in the Model Spinal Cord Injury System. We included a total of 1,011 SCI-patients who were interviewed face-to-face or by telephone interview over approximately a three year time period (2004–2006). All data were collected through a telephone survey which included the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) to assess depression. We examined various scales of this survey, included a reduced 3-item scale (items 1, 2 and 6) to avoid the presence of somatic symptoms among SCI patients from influencing classification of depression. The frequency of internet usage was grouped as daily/weekly/monthly/non user. Covariates examined as possible confounders included demographic characteristics, occupational status, educational level, injury type, daily function of living, pain level, self-perceived health status and satisfaction with life. We observed a negative association between the frequency of internet use and the level of depression. Daily use of internet was associated with lower PHQ-9 score and depression; however this association did not reach statistical significance after for the mentioned covariates. In conclusion, the factors related to lower depression in SCI patients who use the internet are complicated. Daily internet usage was associated with lower levels of depression. The accuracy of 3-item scale needs further validation and investigation. Further study of internet usage pattern in SCI patient is recommended. ^


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Objective. To perform a systematic review of the internet based HIV prevention interventions.^ Data Source. Data resources including Ovid Medline, CINAHL (EBSCOhost and Psycinfo) were searched for the relevant articles. Study Selection: Studies were selected if the entire article was in English, Randomized control trial performed after 1998 till current, internet based aimed towards HIV/AIDS prevention. ^ Data Extraction. Each relevant article was coded using a code sheet which consisted of background information, study characteristics, study population information, program details, intervention and results. Data Synthesis: Total of seven relevant articles were coded and the information obtained was incorporated into the evidence tables for comparison.^ Conclusion. Overall the internet based HIV prevention studies have been very successful in recruiting large number of people but has not been able to show effective results due to high attrition. More research needs to be done in the area.^


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The aim of this study was to examine the role of the Internet in Internal Homonegativity (IH) among Non gay identifying men who have sex with men (NGI-MSM). This study at University of Texas School of Public Health (UTSPH) had a mixed method research design and consisted of men 18 years of age and older who were residents of the US and Canada. The data were collected using an online survey called 'Men's Sexual Health Survey' which was developed in collaboration with Boston University School of Public Health and Denver Public Health. These surveys were administered in English, which took 30-minutes to complete, and were placed on gay oriented websites and chat rooms. 141 participants were presented with the module relating to IH. A Principal Component Analysis with varimax rotation on the nine questions that asked the participants about their feelings about gay men produced three factors of IH identified as (1) public identification as gay; (2) perception of stigma associated with being gay; and (3) social comfort with gay men. The factors significantly correlated with age, grade completed in school, income, openness about being gay and socializing with gay people, meeting partners online, dating on the Internet, attitude toward condom usage, alcohol and drug use before sex and having unprotected sex with Internet partners. These findings point toward the role of the Internet in determining IH and sexual behavior. Despite the risks, the Internet's popularity and outreach in NGI-MSM makes it an effective medium to spread public health programs.^