8 resultados para transforming subjectivities

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) is a cytokine that plays essential roles in regulating embryonic development and tissue homeostasis. In normal cells, TGF-b exerts an anti-proliferative effect. TGF-b inhibits cell growth by controlling a cytostatic program that includes activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 and repression of c-myc. In contrast to normal cells, many tumors are resistant to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b. In several types of tumors, particularly those of gastrointestinal origin, resistance to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b has been attributed to TGF-b receptor or Smad mutations. However, these mutations are absent from many other types of tumors that are resistant to TGF-b-mediated growth inhibition. The transcription factor encoded by the homeobox patterning gene DLX4 is overexpressed in a wide range of malignancies. In this study, I demonstrated that DLX4 blocks the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b by disabling key transcriptional control mechanisms of the TGF-b cytostatic program. Specifically, DLX4 blocked the ability of TGF-b to induce expression of p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 by directly binding to Smad4 and to Sp1. Binding of DLX4 to Smad4 prevented Smad4 from forming transcriptional complexes with Smad2 and Smad3, whereas binding of DLX4 to Sp1 inhibited DNA-binding activity of Sp1. In addition, DLX4 induced expression of c-myc, a repressor of p15Ink4B and p21WAF1/Cip1 transcription, independently of TGF-b signaling. The ability of DLX4 to counteract key transcriptional control mechanisms of the TGF-b cytostatic program could explain in part the resistance of tumors to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b. This study provides a molecular explanation as to why tumors are resistant to the anti-proliferative effect of TGF-b in the absence of mutations in the TGF-b signaling pathway. Furthermore, this study also provides insights into how aberrant activation of a developmental patterning gene promotes tumor pathogenesis.


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Most pancreatic cancer patients present with inoperable disease or develop metastases after surgery. Conventional therapies are usually ineffective in treating metastatic disease. It is evident that novel therapies remain to be developed. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) plays a key role in cancer metastasis, signaling through the TGF-beta type I/II receptors (TbetaRI/II). We hypothesized that targeting TbetaRI/II kinase activity with the novel inhibitor LY2109761 would suppress pancreatic cancer metastatic processes. The effect of LY2109761 has been evaluated on soft agar growth, migration, invasion using a fibroblast coculture model, and detachment-induced apoptosis (anoikis) by Annexin V flow cytometric analysis. The efficacy of LY2109761 on tumor growth, survival, and reduction of spontaneous metastasis have been evaluated in an orthotopic murine model of metastatic pancreatic cancer expressing both luciferase and green fluorescence proteins (L3.6pl/GLT). To determine whether pancreatic cancer cells or the cells in the liver microenvironment were involved in LY2109761-mediated reduction of liver metastasis, we used a model of experimental liver metastasis. LY2109761 significantly inhibited the L3.6pl/GLT soft agar growth, suppressed both basal and TGF-beta1-induced cell migration and invasion, and induced anoikis. In vivo, LY2109761, in combination with gemcitabine, significantly reduced the tumor burden, prolonged survival, and reduced spontaneous abdominal metastases. Results from the experimental liver metastasis models indicate an important role for targeting TbetaRI/II kinase activity on tumor and liver microenvironment cells in suppressing liver metastasis. Targeting TbetaRI/II kinase activity on pancreatic cancer cells or the cells of the liver microenvironment represents a novel therapeutic approach to prevent pancreatic cancer metastasis.


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The Bcr-Abl fusion oncogene which resulted from a balanced reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and 22, t(9;22)(q11, q34), encodes a 210 KD elevated tyrosine specific protein kinase that is found in more than 95 percent of chronic myelogenous leukemia patients (CML). Increase of level of phosphorylation of tyrosine is observed on cell cycle regulatory proteins in cells overexpressing the Bcr-Abl oncogene, which activates multiple signaling pathways. In addition, distinct signals are required for transforming susceptible fibroblast and hematopoietic cells, and the minimal signals essential for transforming hematopoietic cells are yet to be defined. In the present study, we first established a tetracycline repressible p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ expression system in a murine myeloid cell line 32D c13, which depends on IL3 to grow in the presence of tetracycline and proliferate independent of IL3 in the absence of tetracycline. Interestingly, one of these sublines does not form tumors in athymic nude mice suggesting that these cells may not be completely transformed. These cells also exhibit a dose-dependent growth and expression of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ at varying concentrations of tetracycline in the culture. However, p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ rescues IL3 deprivation induced apoptosis in a non-dose dependent fashion. DNA genotoxic damage induced by gamma-irradiation activates c-Abl tyrosine kinase, the cellular homologue of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl},$ and leads to activation of p38 MAP kinase in the cells. However, in the presence of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ the irradiation failed to activate the p38 MAP kinase as examined by an antibody against phosphorylated p38 MAP kinase. Similarly, an altered tyrosine phosphorylation of the JAK1-STAT1 pathways was identified in cells constitutively overexpressing p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}.$ This may provided a molecular mechanism for altered therapeutic response of CML patients to IFN-$\alpha.$^ Bcr-Abl oncoprotein has multiple functional domains which have been identified by the work of others. The Bcr tetramerization domain, which may function to stabilize the association of the Bcr-Abl with actin filaments in p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ susceptible cells, are essential for transforming both fibroblast and hematopoietic cells. We designed a transcription unit encoding first 160 amino acids polypeptide of Bcr protein to test if this polypeptide can inhibit the transforming activity of the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ oncoprotein in the 32D c13 cells. When this vector was transfected transiently along with the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ expression vector, it can block the transforming activity of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}.$ On the other hand, the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (Rb), a naturally occurring negative regulator of the c-Abl kinase, the cellular homologue of Bcr-Abl oncoprotein, binds to and inhibits the c-Abl kinase in a cell cycle dependent manner. A polypeptide obtained from the carboxyl terminal end of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein, in which the nuclear localization signal was mutated, was used to inhibit the kinase activity of the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ in the cytoplasm. This polypeptide, called Rb MC-box, and its wild type form, Rb C-box, when overexpressed in the 32D cells are mainly localized in the cytoplasm. Cotransfection of a plasmid transcription unit coding for this polypeptide and the gene for the p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ resulted in reduced plating efficiency of p210$\rm\sp{bcr-abl}$ transfected IL3 independent 32D cells. Together, these results may lead to a molecular approach to therapy of CML and an in vitro assay system to identify new targets to which an inhibitory polypeptide transcription unit may be directed. ^


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DNA mediated gene transfection is an important tool for moving and isolating genes from one cell type and putting them into a foreign genetic background. DNA transfection studies have been done routinely in many laboratories to identify and isolate transforming sequences in human tumors and tumor cell lines. A second technique, microcell-mediated chromosome transfer, allows the transfer of small numbers of intact human chromosome from one cell to another. This work was done to compare the efficiency of these two techniques in the transformation of NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells.^ My intent in comparing these two techniques was to see if there was a difference in the transforming capability of DNA which has been purified of all associated protein and RNAs, and that of DNA which is introduced into a cell in its native form, the chromosome. If chromosomal sequences were capable of transforming the 3T3 cells in culture, the method could then be used as a way to isolate the relevant tumorigenic chromosomes from human tumors.^ The study shows, however, that even for those cell lines that contain transforming sequences identified by DNA-mediated gene transfer, those same sequences were unable to transform 3T3 cells when introduced to the cells by somatic fusion of human tumor microcells. I believe that the human transforming sequences in their original genetic conformation are not recognized by the mouse cell as genes which should be expressed; therefore, no noticeable transformation event was selected by this technique. ^


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The viral proteins synthesized by a Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MuSV) with a temperature-sensitive mutation in a function required for the maintenance of the transformed state (ts110) were examined. Normal rat kidney cells (NRK) were infected with the ts110 virus and a non-virus-producing cell clone, termed 6m2, was isolated. This cell clone had a malignant phenotype at 33(DEGREES), the permissive temperature, but changed to a normal phenotype at 39(DEGREES).^ Two viral proteins were detected in 6m2 cells. A 58,000 dalton protein (P58) was detected at both 33(DEGREES) and 39(DEGREES) and contained only core protein (gag) coded sequences. An 85,000 dalton protein (P85) was detected only at 33(DEGREES) and contained sequences of viral core proteins p15, pp12, and part of p30 as well as protein sequences attributed by peptide mapping to P23 and P38, two candidate viral mouse src (v-mos) gene products. These results provide good evidence that P85 is a gag-mos polyprotein. As expected for a functional mos-gene product, P85 synthesis preceded parameters characteristic of the transformed state, including changes in cell morphology, in the cytoplasmic microtubule complex (CMTC) and in the rate of hexose uptake.^ Other studies were conducted to ascertain the defect which prohibited the synthesis of P85 at 39(DEGREES), the non-permissive temperature. When 6m2 cells were treated with actinomycin D at 39(DEGREES) and shifted to 33(DEGREES), the cells were unable to synthesize P85, but P58 continued to be made. P85 mRNA, active at 33(DEGREES), continued to be translated for two to three hours after shifting to 39(DEGREES) as judged by pulse-labeling experiments. Virus harvested at 33(DEGREES) from ts110 MuSV producer cells packaged both P85 and P58 coding RNAs while virus harvested at 39(DEGREES) was deficient in the amount of P85 coding RNA. Agarose gel electrophoresis of 6m2 cellular RNA showed that RNA harvested at 33(DEGREES) contained the 4.0 and 3.5 kb RNAs. Similar experiments on cells maintained at 39(DEGREES) have detected only the 4.0 kb RNA, suggesting that the 3.5 kb RNA codes for P85. The defect appeared to be in the long term stability of the P85 coding RNA at 39(DEGREES), since, in shift-up experiments (33(DEGREES) (--->) 39(DEGREES)), P85 was translated for only three hours at 39(DEGREES), while P58 was synthesized for at least eight hours. However, at 33(DEGREES) in the presence of actinomycin D, the ratio of P85 and P58 synthesis at hourly intervals was similar throughout a 12 hour period. ^


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Objective. To determine whether transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) receptor blockade using an oral antagonist has an effect on cardiac myocyte size in the hearts of transgenic mice with a heart failure phenotype. ^ Methods. In this pilot experimental study, cardiac tissue sections from the hearts of transgenic mice overexpressing tumor necrosis factor (MHCsTNF mice) having a phenotype of heart failure and wild-type mice, treated with an orally available TGF-β receptor antagonist were stained with wheat germ agglutinin to delineate the myocyte cell membrane and imaged using fluorescence microscopy. Using MetaVue software, the cardiac myocyte circumference was traced and the cross sectional area (CSA) of individual myocytes were measured. Measurements were repeated at the epicardial, mid-myocardial and endocardial levels to ensure adequate sampling and to minimize the effect of regional variations in myocyte size. ANOVA testing with post-hoc pairwise comparisons was done to assess any difference between the drug-treated and diluent-treated groups. ^ Results. There were no statistically significant differences in the average myocyte CSA measured at the epicardial, mid-myocardial or endocardial levels between diluent treated littermate control mice, drug treated normal mice, diluent-treated transgenic mice and drug-treated transgenic mice. There was no difference between the average pan-myocardial cross sectional area between any of the four groups mentioned above. ^ Conclusions. TGF-β receptor blockade using oral TGF-β receptor antagonist does not alter myocyte size in MHCsTNF mice that have a phenotype of heart failure. ^


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Bullying needs to be understood and positioned as a form of child abuse – peer abuse. For too many people, bullying is a benign term. This article will include information collected from a wide-range of researchers and discussions with over 50,000 students that I have facilitated during the past twenty years. The content will focus on new morbidities related to bullying such as depression and suicide, obesity, eating disorders, food allergies, juvenile diabetes, truancy, and substance and alcohol abuse. Making a cultural change in our society will require identified Change Agents, along with recommendations for collaboration, policies, projects and legislation.


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Keynote address presented by Roger Friedman, PhD, LCSW at the Family Preservation Institute Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas, September 9, 2004. Looking at Language and Concepts Looking closely at certain language that we use helps us understand how we think about our work and our world—and ultimately, it helps us understand ourselves better. The term "village " as used in the title of the paper and in many of our professional conversations is worthy of such an inquiry