8 resultados para tdm
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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, survives within macrophages by altering host cell activation and by manipulating phagosomal trafficking and acidification. Part of the success of M. tuberculosis as a major human pathogen has been attributed to its cell wall, a unique structure largely comprised of mycolic acids. Trehalose 6,6′-dimycolate (TDM) is the major glycolipid component on the surface of the mycobacterial cell wall. This study examines the contribution of TDM during mycobacterial infection of murine macrophages. Virulent M. tuberculosis was chemically depleted of surface-exposed TDM using petroleum ether extraction. Compared to their native counterparts, delipidated M. tuberculosis showed similar growth in broth culture. Bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) or the murine macrophage-like cell line J774A.1 were infected with delipidated M. tuberculosis, and responses were compared to cells infected with native M. tuberculosis. Delipidated M. tuberculosis demonstrated significantly decreased viability in macrophages by seven days after infection. Reconstitution of delipidated organisms with pure TDM restored viability. Infection with native M. tuberculosis led to high cellular production of cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, and TNF-α) and chemokines (MCP-1 and MIP-1α); infection with delipidated M. tuberculosis significantly abrogated responses. Cytokine and chemokine production were restored when delipidated organisms were reconstituted with TDM. Responses were specifically induced by TDM; all measured cytokines were elicited from macrophages incubated with TDM-coated beads, while control beads coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) did not induce cytokine production. Visualization of mycobacterial localization in J774A.1 cells using fluorescence microscopy revealed that delipidated M. tuberculosis were significantly more likely to traffic to acidic vesicles (lysosomes) than native organisms. Reconstitution with TDM restored trafficking to non-acidic vesicles. Similarly, TDM-coated beads demonstrated significantly delayed localization to acidic vesicles compared to BSA-coated beads. In summary, the interaction of TDM with macrophages may regulate the outcome of M. tuberculosis infection by influencing cellular cytokine production and intracellular localization of organisms. This research has elucidated a novel and necessary role for TDM in survival of virulent M. tuberculosis in host macrophages during in vitro infection. ^
Tuberculosis remains a major threat as drug resistance continues to increase. Pulmonary tuberculosis in adults is responsible for 80% of clinical cases and nearly 100% of transmission of infection. Unfortunately, since we have no animal models of adult type pulmonary tuberculosis, the most important type of disease remains largely out of reach of modern science and many fundamental questions remain unanswered. This paper reviews research dating back to the 1950's providing compelling evidence that cord factor (trehalose 6,6 dimycolate [TDM]) is essential for understanding tuberculosis. However, the original papers by Bloch and Noll were too far ahead of their time to have immediate impact. We can now recognize that the physical and biologic properties of cord factor are unprecedented in science, especially its ability to switch between two sets of biologic activities with changes in conformation. While TDM remains on organisms, it protects them from killing within macrophages, reduces antibiotic effectiveness and inhibits the stimulation of protective immune responses. If it comes off organisms and associates with lipid, TDM becomes a driver of tissue damage and necrosis. Studies emanating from cord factor research have produced (1) a rationale for improving vaccines, (2) an approach to new drugs that overcome natural resistance to antibiotics, (3) models of caseating granulomas that reproduce multiple manifestations of human tuberculosis. (4) evidence that TDM is a key T cell antigen in destructive lesions of tuberculosis, and (5) a new understanding of the pathology and pathogenesis of postprimary tuberculosis that can guide more informative studies of long standing mysteries of tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major public health burden. The immunocompetant host responds to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection by the formation of granulomas, which initially prevent uncontrolled bacterial proliferation and dissemination. However, increasing evidence suggests that granuloma formation promotes persistence of the organism by physically separating infected cells from effector lymphocytes and by inducing a state of non-replicating persistence in the bacilli, making them resistant to the action of antibiotics. Additionally, immune-mediated tissue destruction likely facilitates disease transmission. The granulomatous response is in part due to mycobacterial glycolipid antigens. Therefore, studies were first undertaken to determine the innate mechanisms of mycobacterial cord factor trehalose-6’6-dimycolate (TDM) on granuloma formation. Investigations using knock-out mice suggest that TNF-a is involved in the initiation of the granulomatous response, complement factor C5a generates granuloma cohesiveness, and IL-6 is necessary for maintenance of an established granulomatous responses. Studies were next performed to determine the ability of lactoferrin to modulate the immune response and pathology to mycobacterial cord factor. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein with immunomodulatory properties that decrease tissue damage and promote Th1 responses. Mice challenged with TDM and treated with lactoferrin had decreased size and numbers of granulomas at the peak of the granulomatous response, accompanied by increased IL-10 and TGF-b production. Finally, the ability of lactoferrin to serve as a novel therapeutic for the treatment of TB was performed by aerosol challenging mice with MTB and treating them with lactoferrin added to the drinking water. Mice given tap water had lung log10 CFUs of 7.5 ± 0.3 at week 3 post-infection. Lung CFUs were significantly decreased in mice given lactoferrin starting the day of infection (6.4 ± 0.7) and mice started therapeutically on lactoferrin at day 7 after established infection (6.5 ± 0.4). Total lung inflammation in lactoferrin treated mice was significantly decreased, with fewer areas of macrophages, increased total lymphocytes, and increased numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ cells. The lungs of lactoferrin treated mice had increased CD4+ IFN-g+ cells and IL-17 producing cells on ELISpot analysis. It is hypothesized that lactoferrin decreases bacterial burden during MTB infection by early induction of Th1 responses.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infects more people worldwide each year than any other single organism. The Antigen 85 Complex, a family of fibronectin-binding proteins (Fbps) found in several species of mycobacteria and possibly involved in host interaction, is considered among the putative virulence factors of M. tuberculosis. These proteins are implicated in the production of trehalose dimycolate (TDM) and arabinogalactan-mycolate (AG-M), two prominent components of the mycobacterium cell wall and potent modulators of the immune system during infection. For these reasons, the principal members of the complex, FbpA and FbpB, were the focus of these studies. The genes encoding these proteins, fbpA and fbpB, were each disrupted by insertion of a kanamycin resistance cassette in a pathogenic strain of M. tuberculosis, H37Rv. Neither mutation affected growth in routine broth culture. Thin layer chromatography analysis of TDM and AG-M showed no difference in content between the parent strain H37Rv and the FbpA- and FbpB-deficient mutants grown under two different culture conditions. However, metabolic radiolabeling of the strains showed that the production of TDM (but not its precursor TMM) was delayed in the FbpA- and FbpB-deficient mutants compared to the parent H37Rv. During this same labeling period, FbpA-deficient mutant LAa1 failed to produce AG-M and in the FpbB-deficient mutant LAb1 production was decreased. In macrophage tissue culture assay, LAa1 failed to multiply when bacteria in early log phase were used to infect monolayers while LAb1 grew like the parent strain. The growth deficiency of LAa1 as well as the deficiencies in TDM and AG-M production were restored by complementing LAa1 with a functional fbpA gene. These results suggest that the FbpA and FbpB proteins are involved in synthesis of TDM (but not its precursor TMM) as well as AG-M. Other members of the complex appear to compensate for defects in synthesis caused by mutation of single genes in the complex over time. Mutation of the FbpA gene causes greater in vivo effect than mutation of the FbpB gene despite very similar deficiencies in the rate of production of mycolate containing molecules on the cell surface. ^
Protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection requires an effective cell mediated immune response leading to granuloma formation and organism containment. Trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM), a glycolipid present on the mycobacterial cell wall, has been implicated as a key component in establishment of the granulomatous response. TDM has potent immunoregulatory and inflammatory properties; the acute response to TDM produces pathology resembling early Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. We have further developed this model to study TDM-specific cell mediated immune responses that may play a role in the later stages of infection and pathology. Lungs from mice immunized with TDM in the form of a water-oil-water (w/o/w) emulsion demonstrate heightened histological damage, inflammation, lymphocytic infiltration, and vascular endothelial cell damage upon subsequent challenge with TDM. This exacerbated response can be adoptively transferred to naïve mice via transfer of non-adherent lymphocytes from TDM immunized mice. To identify the cell phenotype(s) regulating this response, purified non-adherent cell populations (CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; CD19 + B cells) were isolated from TDM immunized mice, adoptively transferred into naive mice, and subsequently challenged with TDM. Lung histopathology and cytokine production identified CD4+ cells as the critical cell phenotype regulating the TDM-specific hypersensitive response. The role of CD1d in presentation of TDM was examined. CD1d, a molecule known to present lipids to T cells, was identified as critical in development of the hypersensitive response. CD4+ cells were isolated from TDM-immunized CD1d -/- mice and adoptively transferred into naive wild type mice, followed by TDM challenge. These mice were deficient in development of the hypersensitive granulomatous response, signifying the importance of CD1d in the generation of TDM-specific CD4+ cells. The experiments presented in this dissertation provide further evidence for involvement of TDM-specific cell mediated immune response in elicitation of pathological damage during Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. ^
The survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in macrophages largely plays upon its ability to manipulate the host immune response to its benefit. Trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM) is a glycolipid found abundantly on the surface of MTB. Preliminary studies have shown that MTB lacking TDM have a lower survival rate compared to wild-type MTB in infection experiments, and that lysosomal colocalization with the phagosome occurs more readily in delipidated MTB infections. The purpose of this dissertation is to identify the possible mechanistic roles of TDM and its importance to the survival of MTB in macrophages. Our hypothesis is that TDM promotes the survival of MTB by targeting specific immune functions in host macrophages. Our first specific aim is to evaluate the effects of TDM on MTB in surface marker expression and antigen presentation in macrophages. We characterized the surface marker response in murine macrophages infected with either TDM-intact or TDM-removed MTB. We found that the presence of TDM on MTB inhibited the expression of surface markers which are important for antigen presentation and costimulation to T cells. Then we measured and compared the ability of macrophages infected by MTB with or without TDM to present Antigen 85B to hybridoma T cells. Macrophages infected with TDM-intact MTB were found to be less efficient at antigen presentation than TDM-removed MTB. Our second aim is to identify molecular mechanisms which may be targeted by TDM to promote MTB survival in macrophages. We measured macrophage responsiveness to IFN-γ before or after MTB infection and correlated SOCS production to the presence of TDM on MTB. Macrophages infected with TDM-intact MTB were found to be less responsive to IFN-γ. This may be attributed to the TDM-driven production of SOCS, which was found to affect phosphorylation of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. We also identified the importance of TLR2 and TLR4 in the initiation of SOCS by TDM-intact MTB in host macrophages. In conclusion, our studies reveal new insights into how TDM regulates macrophages and their immune functions to aid in the survival of MTB.^
Trehalose dimycolate (TDM) is a mycobacterial glycolipid that is released from the surface of virulent M. tuberculosis. We evaluated the rate of growth, colony characteristics and production of TDM by Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from different clinical sites. Since detergent removes TDM from organisms, we analyzed growth rate and colony morphology of 79 primary clinical isolates grown as pellicles on the surface of detergent free Middlebrook 7H9 media. The genotype of each had been previously characterized. TDM production was measured by thin layer chromatography on 32 of these isolates. We found that strains isolated from pulmonary sites produced large amounts of TDM, grew rapidly as thin spreading pellicles, showed early cording (<1 week) and climbed the sides of the dish. In contrast, the extrapulmonary isolates (lymph node and bone marrow) produced less TDM (p<0.01), grew as discrete patches with little tendency to spread or climb the walls (p<0.02). The Beijing pulmonary (BP) isolates produced more TDM than non Beijing pulmonary isolates. The largest differences were observed in Beijing strains. The Beijing pulmonary isolates produced more TDM and grew faster than the Beijing extrapulmonary isolates (p<0.01). This was true even when the pulmonary and extrapulmonary isolates were derived from the same clade. These growth characteristics were consistently observed only on the first passage after primary isolation. This suggests that the differences in growth rate and TDM production observed reflect differences in gene expression patterns of pulmonary and extrapulmonary infections, that Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lung grows more rapidly and produces more TDM than it does in extrapulmonary sites. This provides new opportunities to investigate gene expression of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human.^
Protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires development and maintenance of granulomatous lesions, a feature considered to be the pathological hallmark of Tuberculosis (TB) disease. Upon encountering Mtb or mycobacterial antigens, specifically trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate (TDM), a strong local pro-inflammatory response is initiated. Systemic production of anti-inflammatory glucocorticoids (GCs) is also induced. Emergence of these antagonists at the inflammatory foci is counterproductive to development of the granulomatous structure and detrimental to host protection against TB. Therefore, it was hypothesized that local enzymatic regulation of GCs occurs locally at the site of granulomatous inflammation. The experiments described here strongly suggest that 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11βHSDs) shuttle GCs between active and inert forms during the acute granulomatous response, supporting the net reduction of corticosterone. The patterns of GC and 11βHSD regulation were specific to the lung (the site of inflammation) and were not observed in other tissues. Furthermore, 11βHSD2, which decreases corticosterone concentrations, was not expressed in models of dysregulated granulomatous inflammation. These findings suggest that cellular exposure to local active GC concentrations is restricted via 11βHSDs as a mechanism to initiate and maintain granuloma formation. The information derived from the experiments outlined in this dissertation provides a better understanding of the events required for establishment and maintenance of the protective granulomatous response. As a practical consequence, exploiting 11βHSD2 modulation of GCs at the site of Mtb infection may lead to improvement of Tuberculosis treatment strategies.^