7 resultados para targeted beta-amylase

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Type II collagen is a major chondrocyte-specific component of the cartilage extracellular matrix and it represents a typical differentiation marker of mature chondrocytes. In order to delineate cis-acting elements of the mouse pro$\alpha1$(II) collagen gene that control chondrocyte-specific expression in intact mouse embryos, we generated transgenic mice harboring chimeric constructions in which varying lengths of the promoter and intron 1 sequences were linked to a $\beta$-galactosidase reporter gene. A construction containing a 3000-bp promoter and a 3020-bp intron 1 fragment directed high levels of $\beta$-galactosidase expression specifically to chondrocytes. Successive deletions of intron 1 delineated a 48-bp fragment which targeted $\beta$-galactosidase expression to chondrocytes with the same specificity as the larger intron 1 fragment. When the Col2a1 promoter was replaced with a minimal $\beta$-globin promoter, the 48-bp intron 1 sequence was still able to target expression of the transgene to chondrocytes, specifically. Therefore a 48-bp intron 1 DNA segment of the mouse Col2a1 gene contains the necessary information to confer high-level, temporally correct, chondrocyte expression to a reporter gene in intact mouse embryos and that Col2a1 promoter sequences are dispensable for chondrocyte expression. Nuclear proteins present selectively in mouse primary chondrocytes and rat chondrosarcoma cells bind to the three putative HMG (High-Mobility-Group) domain protein binding sites in this 48-bp sequence and the chondrocyte-specific proteins likely bind the DNA through minor groove. Together, my results indicate that a 48-bp sequence in Col2a1 intron 1 controls chondrocyte-specific expression in vivo and suggest that chondrocytes contain specific nuclear proteins involved in enhancer activity. ^


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$\beta$1,4-Galactosyltransferase (GalTase) is unusual among the glycosyltransferases in that it is found in two subcellular compartments where it performs different functions. In the trans-Golgi complex, GalTase participates in oligosaccharide biosynthesis as do other glycosyltransferases. GalTase is also found on the cell surface, where it associates with the cytoskeleton and functions as a receptor for extracellular oligosaccharide ligands. Although we know much regarding GalTase function on the cell surface, little is known about the mechanisms underlying its transport to the plasma membrane. Cloning of the GalTase gene revealed that there are two GalTase proteins (i.e., long and short) with different size cytoplasmic tails. This raises the possibility that differences in the cytoplasmic domain of GalTase may influence its subcellular distribution. The object of this study was to examine this hypothesis directly through the use of molecular, immunological, and biochemical approaches.^ To examine whether the two GalTase proteins are targeted to different subcellular compartments, F9 embryonal carcinoma cells were transfected with either long or short GalTase cDNAs and intracellular and cell surface enzyme levels measured. Cell surface GalTase activity was enriched in cells overexpressing the long, but not the form of short GalTase. Furthermore, a dominant negative mutation in cell surface GalTase was created by transfecting cells with GalTase cDNAs encoding a truncated version of long GalTase devoid of the extracellular catalytic domain. Overexpressing the complete cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of long GalTase led to a loss of GalTase-dependent cellular adhesion by specifically displacing surface GalTase from its cytoskeletal associations. In contrast, overexpressing the analogous truncated protein of short GalTase had no effect on cell adhesion. Finally, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter proteins were used to determine directly whether the cytoplasmic domains of long and short GalTase were responsible for differential subcellular distribution. The cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of long GalTase led to CAT expression on the ceil surface and its association with the detergent-insoluble cytoskeleton; the analogous fusion protein containing short GalTase was restricted to the Golgi compartment. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic domain unique to long GalTase is responsible for targeting a portion of this protein to the cell surface and associating it with the cytoskeleton, enabling it to function as a cell adhesion molecule. ^


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Under normal physiological conditions, cells of the hematopoietic system produce Interleukin-1$\beta$(IL-1$\beta)$ only when a stimulus is present. Leukemic cells, however, can constitutively produce this cytokine without an exogenous source of activation. In addition, IL-1$\beta$ can operate as an autocrine and/or paracrine growth factor for leukemic blasts. In order to study the cellular basis for this aberrant production, we analyzed two leukemic cell lines (B1 and W1) which express high levels of IL-1$\beta$ and use IL-1$\beta$ as an autocrine growth factor. Initial studies demonstrated: (1) lack of rearrangement and/or amplification in the IL-1$\beta$ gene and its promoter; and (2) intact responsiveness to regulators such as cycloheximide and dexamethasone, implying that the molecular defect was upstream. Analysis of the Ras inducible transcription factors by gel shift assay demonstrated constitutive transcription factor binding in the IL-1$\beta$ promoter. Furthermore, RAS mutations were found at codon 12 in the K-RAS and N-RAS genes in the B1 and W1 cells, respectively. To deduce the effects of activated Ras on IL-1$\beta$ expression, two classes of farnesyltransferase inhibitors and an adenoviral vector expressing antisense targeted to K-RAS were utilized. The farnesyltransferase inhibitors perillyl alcohol and B581 were able to reduce IL-1$\beta$ levels by 80% and 50% in the B1 cells, respectively. In W1 cells, IL-1$\beta$ was reduced by 60% with 1mM perillyl alcohol. Antisense RNA targeted to K-RAS confirmed the results demonstrating a 50% reduction in IL-1$\beta$ expression in the B1 cells. In addition, decreased binding at the crucial NF-IL6/CREB binding site correlated with decreased IL-1$\beta$ production and cellular proliferation implying that this site was a downstream effector of Ras signaling. Our data suggest that mutated RAS genes may be responsible for autocrine IL-1$\beta$ production in some leukemias by stimulating signal transduction pathways that activate the IL-1$\beta$ promoter. ^


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Despite much attention, the function of oligosaccharide chains of glycoproteins remains largely unknown. Our understanding of oligosaccharide function in vivo has been limited to the use of reagents and targeted mutations that eliminate entire oligosaccharide chains. However, most, if not all biological functions for oligosaccharides have been attributed to specific terminal sequences on these oligosaccharides, yet there have been few studies to examine the consequences of modifying terminal oligosaccharide structures in vivo. To address this issue, mice were created bearing a targeted mutation in $\beta$1,4-galactosyltransferase, an enzyme responsible for elaboration of many of the proposed biologically-active carbohydrate epitopes. Most galactosyltransferase-null mice died within the first few weeks after birth and were characterized by stunted growth, thin skin, sparse hair, and dehydration. In addition, the adrenal cortices were poorly stratified and spermatogenesis was delayed. The few surviving adults had puffy skin (myxedema), difficulty delivering pups at birth (dystocia), and failed to lactate (agalactosis). All of these defects are consistant with endocrine insufficiency, which was confirmed by markedly decreased levels of serum thyroxine. The anterior pituitary gland appeared functionally delayed in newborn mutant mice, since the constituent cells were quiescent and nonsecretory, unlike that of control littermates. However, the anterior pituitary acquired a normal secretory phenotype during neonatal development, although it remained abnormally small and its glycoprotein hormones were devoid of $\beta$1,4-galactosyl residues. These results support in vitro studies suggesting that incomplete glycosylation of pituitary hormones leads to the creation of hormone antagonists that down regulate subsequent endocrine function producing polyglandular endocrine insufficiency. More surprisingly, the fact that some mice survive this neonatal period indicates the presence of a previously unrecognized compensatory pathway for glycoprotein hormone glycosylation and/or action.^ In addition to its well-studied biosynthetic function in the Golgi complex, a GalTase isoform is also expressed on the sperm surface where it functions as a gamete receptor during fertilization by binding to its oligosaccharide ligand on the egg coat glycoprotein, ZP3. Aggregation of GalTase by multivalent ZP3 oligosaccharides activates a G-protein cascade leading to the acrosome reaction. Although GalTase-null males are fertile, the mutant sperm bind less ZP3 than wild-type sperm, and are unable to undergo the acrosome reaction in response to either zona pellucida glycoproteins or to anti-GalTase anti-serum, as do wild-type sperm. However, mutant and wild-type sperm undergo the acrosome reaction normally in response to calcium ionophore which bypasses the requirement for ZP3 binding. Interestingly, the phenotype of the GalTase-null sperm is reciprocal to that of sperm that overexpress surface GalTAse and which bind more ZP3 leading to precocious acrosome reactions. These results confirm that GalTase functions as at least one of the sperm receptors for ZP3, and that GalTase participates in the ZP3-induced signal transduction pathway during zona pellucida-induced acrosome reactions. ^


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TGF-β plays an important role in differentiation and tissue morphogenesis as well as cancer progression. However, the role of TGF-β in cancer is complicate. TGF-β has primarily been recognized as tumor suppressor, because it can directly inhibit cell proliferation of normal and premalignant epithelial cell. However, in the last stage of tumor progression, TGF-β functions as tumor promoter to enhance tumor cells metastatic dissemination and expands metastatic colonies. Currently, the mechanism of how TGF-β switches its role from tumor suppressor to promoter still remains elusive. Here we identify that overexpression of 14-3-3ζ inhibits TGF-β’s cell cytostatic program through destabilizing p53 in non-transformed human mammary epithelial cells. Mechanistically, we found that 14-3-3ζ overexpression leads to 14-3-3σ downregulation, thereby activates PI3K/Akt signaling pathway and degrades p53, and further inhibits TGF-β induced p21 expression and cell cytostatic function. In addition, we found that overexpression of 14-3-3ζ promotes TGF-β induced breast cancer cells bone metastatic colonization through stabilizing Gli2, which is an important co-transcriptional factor for p-smad2 to activate PTHrP expression and bone osteolytic effect. Taken together, we reveal a novel mechanism that 14-3-3ζ dictates the tumor suppressor or metastases promoter activities of TGF-β signaling pathway through switching p-smad2 binding partner from p53 to Gli2. The expected results will not only provide us the better understanding of the important role of 14-3-3ζ in the early stage of breast cancer development, but also deeply impact our knowledge of signaling mechanisms underlying the complex roles of TGF-β in cancer, which will give us a more accurate strategy to determine when and how anti-TGF-β targeted therapy might be effective.


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In the mouse, gamete recognition is mediated in part by the binding of sperm surface $\beta$1,4 galactosyltransferase (GalTase) to specific oligosaccharide residues on the zona pellucida ZP3. The expression of GalTase on the sperm surface is regulated by alleles within the distal segment of the T/t complex and results in a haploid-specific increase in GalTase expression on spermatids and sperm from t-bearing males, suggesting that differences in sperm GalTase activity may contribute to t-sperm transmission ratio distortion. In this study, the expression of GalTase RNA during wild-type and T/t-mutant spermatogenesis was characterized and the role of GalTase was analyzed in transmission ratio distortion. It was found that spermatogenic cells predominantly express the long form of the GalTase RNA, which encodes the GalTase protein that is preferentially targeted to the cell surface in somatic cells. In wild-type testes, GalTase RNA accumulates during the maturation of primary spermatocytes, reaches peak levels prior to meiosis, and decreases and meiosis. GalTase RNA accumulates to similar levels during the maturation of +/t and t/t primary spermatocytes, but unlike wild-type, the level of GalTase RNA in t-spermatocytes remains elevated during meiotic division. Consequently, spermatids in t-mutant testes inherit higher levels of GalTase RNA than do wild-type spermatids, which likely accounts for the haploid-specific increase in surface GalTase activity characteristic of spermatids from t-bearing mice.^ The functional significance of the increased GalTase activity during t-sperm transmission ratio distortion was determined by examining the distribution of GalTase RNA and surface GalTase protein in haploid spermatids from +/t males. Results show that +- and t-spermatids have similar levels of both GalTase RNA and protein, indicating that transmission ratio distortion in +/t mice is not likely due to haploid-specific differences in sperm surface GalTase activity.^ The presence of GalTase on the surface of an early spermatogenic cells before it is required on the mature sperm to perform its function during gamete binding suggests a separate function for GalTase in Sertoli-germ cell adhesion. Studies indicate that cell surface GalTase partly mediates the initial adhesion of pachytene spermatocytes, but not haploid spermatids, to Sertoli cells. ^


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Heregulins constitute a family of growth factors belonging to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family. Breast cancers that overexpress specific members of the EGF receptor family (EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, ErbB4) have increased metastatic potential, and Heregulin-β1 (HRGβ1), a ligand for ErbB3 and ErbB4, has also been shown to induce metastasis-related properties in breast cancer cells in vitro. The secreted form of the HRGβ1 is composed of five distinct structural domains, including the N-terminal domain, an immunoglobulin-like domain (IgG-like), a glycosylation domain, an EGF-like domain, and a β1-specific domain. Of these, the EGF-like domain is well characterized for its function in metastasis-related properties as well as its structure. However, the contributions of the other HRGβ1 domains in breast cancer metastasis remains unclear. ^ To investigate this, HRGβ1 proteins with targeted domain deletions were purified and subjected to assays for metastasis-related properties, including aggregation, invasion, activation of EGFR family members, and motility of breast cancer cells. These assays showed that retaining the EGF-like domain of HRGβ1 is important for activation of EGFRs. Interestingly, the HRGβ1 protein lacking the IgG-like domain (NGEB) led to a decrease in breast cancer cell motility, indicating the IgG-like domain modulates cell motility, an important step in cancer metastasis. ^ To understand the underlying mechanisms, I performed protein sequence and structural analysis of HRGβ1 and identified that the IgG-like domain of HRGβ1 shares sequence homology and three-dimensional structural similarity with the IgG-like domain of TRIO. TRIO is a cytoplasmic protein that directly associates with RhoA, a GTPase involved in cell reorganization and cell motility. Therefore, I hypothesized that HRGβ1 may translocate inside the breast cancer cells through receptor mediated endocytosis and bind to RhoA via its IgG-like domain. I show wild type HRGβ1 but not NGEB binds RhoA in vitro and in vivo, leading to RhoA activation. Inhibition of HRG-β1 internalization via endocytosis disrupted HRGβ1 binding to RhoA. Additionally, breast cancer cell motility induced by HRG-β1 is reduced after treatment with inhibitors to both endocytosis and RhoA function, similar to levels seen with NGEB treatment. ^ Thus, in addition to the well-known role of HRGβ1 as an extracellular stimulator of the EGFR family members, HRGβ1 also functions within the cell as a binding partner and activator of RhoA to modulate cancer cell motility. ^