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The availability of isotype specific antisera for $\beta$-tubulin, coupled with genetic and biochemical analysis, has allowed the determination of $\beta$-tubulin isotype expression and distribution in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Using genetic manipulations involving selection for colcemid resistance followed by reversion and reselection for drug resistance, we have succeeded in isolating cell lines that exhibit three major and one minor $\beta$-tubulin spots by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In concert with isotype specific antibodies, analysis of these mutants demonstrates that CHO cells express two copies of isotype I, at least one copy of isotype IV, and very small amounts of isotype V. Their stoichiometry is approximately 1:1:0.7:0.2. All three isotypes assemble into both cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules, and are similar in their responses to cold, colcemid, and calcium induced depolymerization. They have comparable turnover rates and are equally sensitive to depression of synthesis upon colchicine treatment. These results suggest that $\beta$-tubulin isotypes are used interchangeably to assemble microtubule structures in CHO cells. However, of 18 colcemid resistant mutants with a demonstrable alteration in $\beta$-tubulin, all were found to have the alteration in isotype I, thus leaving open the possibility that subtle differences in isotype properties may exist. Under various conditions of the cell growth, the relative proportion of each expressed isotype does not significantly seem to change except in the early G1 phase of the cell cycle. At this time the synthesis of isotype V increases more than two fold relative to isotype I and IV, while at the same time, total $\beta$-tubulin synthesis is decreased about 60-70%. ^


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In order to more fully understand the function of surface GalTase on mesenchymal cells, anti-GalTase IgG was used to (a) examine the role of surface GalTase during mouse mesenchymal cell migration on laminin and fibronectin; (b) define the plasma membrane distribution of GalTase by indirect immunofluorescence on migrating cells; (c) quantitate the level of surface GalTase on migrating cells; and (d) determine whether GalTase is associated with the cytoskeleton.^ Results show that anti-GalTase IgG was able to inhibit migration (48-80% as compared to basal rate) when cells were migrating on laminin-containing matrices. Monovalent Fab fragments inhibited migration on laminin by 90% after 4 hours. On the other hand, anti-GalTase IgG had no effect on cells migrating on fibronectin. This illustrates the substrate specificity of GalTase mediated-migration. When anti-GalTase IgG was used to localize surface GalTase on cells migratory on laminin, the enzyme was restricted to the leading and trailing edges of the cell. Assays indicate that GalTase is elevated approximately 3-fold when cells are migrating on laminin-containing matrices as compared to migratory cells on plastic or fibronectin, or as compared to stationary cells on any substrate. Laminin appears to recruit GalTase from preexisting intracellular pools to the growing lamellipodia.^ Double-label indirect immunofluorescence studies indicate that there is an apparent co-localization between some of the surface GalTase and some actin filaments. This relationship was explored by extracting cells prelabeled with anti-GalTase IgG and quantitated by radiolabeled second antibodies. Results show that 79% of the surface GalTase is associated with the cytoskeleton (as judged by detergent insolubility) when monovalent antibodies (Fab) are used. However virtually all (80-100%) of the surface GalTase can be induced to associate with the cytoskeleton when cross-linked with bivalent antibodies. Furthermore, when cells in suspension are incubated with divalent antibodies, an additional 66% of the surface GalTase can be induced to associate with the cytoskeleton. The elevated levels of surface GalTase detectable on cells migrating on laminin also appear to be associated with the cytoskeleton.^ Several lines of evidence suggest that GalTase is associated with F-actin. Data suggest that laminin induces the expression of surface GalTase to the growing lamellipodia where it becomes associated with the cytoskeleton leading to cell spreading and migration. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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The skin immune system is believed to be a crucial site of contact between immunocompetent cells and invading organisms. A novel T cell component of murine epidermis is the Thy-1$\sp+$ dendritic epidermal cell (Tdec). To assess the immunocompetence of Tdec, the ability of Tdec to induce immune responses was tested. Tdec were unable to induce positive immune responses in three models of immunocompetence. Subsequent studies were designed to test the hypothesis that Tdec are involved in the down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. Cultured Tdec lines were conjugated in vitro with the hapten, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). The intrafootpad (ifp.) or intravenous (i.v.) injection of FTIC-conjugated Tdec induced immunologic tolerance to subsequent epicutaneous sensitization with FITC. This induction of tolerance was antigen-specific, and injection of unconjugated Tdec had no effect on the contact hypersensitivity response to FITC. Tolerance was not H-2-restricted, since it could be induced in both syngeneic and allogeneic recipients of FITC-conjugated Tdec. No suppressive activity could be detected in lymphoid organs of animals tolerized by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. In contrast, suppressor T cells were present in the spleens of mice injected i.v. with hapten-conjugated Tdec. These results indicate that Ts cells are not involved in the induction of tolerance by the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec. To investigate the mechanism by which the ifp. injection of hapten-conjugated Tdec induced tolerance to contact sensitization, the activity of these cells was measured in vitro. The addition of hapten-conjugated Tdec inhibited the proliferation of Con A-stimulated lymphocytes. In addition, FITC-conjugated Tdec abrogated the proliferation of normal lymphocytes in response to FITC-labeled stimulator cells. These studies suggest that specific T cell-mediated immunity is the target of the inhibitory effect of Tdec in vitro. In summary, these results demonstrate that while Tdec are unable to induce positive immune responses, they can produce a state of specific immunologic tolerance when injected ifp. or i.v. These results also suggest that the induction of immunologic tolerance by hapten-conjugated Tdec may occur through the inactivation or elimination of activated T lymphocytes resulting in down-regulation of cell-mediated immunity against cutaneous antigens. ^


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There have been numerous reports over the past several years on the ability of vitamin A analogs (retinoids) to modulate cell proliferation, malignant transformation, morphogenesis, and differentiation in a wide variety of cell types and organisms. Two families of nuclear retinoid-inducible, trans-acting, transcription-enhancing receptors that bear strong DNA sequence homology to thyroid and steroid hormone receptors have recently been discovered. The retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid X receptors (RXRs) each have at least three types designated $\alpha,$ $\beta,$ and $\gamma,$ which are encoded by separate genes and expressed in a tissue and cell type-specific manner. We have been interested in the mechanism by which retinoids inhibit tumor cell proliferation and induce differentiation. As a model system we have employed several murine melanoma cell lines (S91-C2, K1735P, and B16-F1), which are sensitive to the growth-inhibitory and differentiation-inducing effects of RA, as well as a RA-resistant subclone of one of the cell lines (S91-C154), in order to study the role of the nuclear RARs in these effects. The initial phase of this project consisted of the characterization of the expression pattern of the three known RAR and RXR types in the murine melanoma cell lines in order to determine whether any differences exist which may elucidate a role for any of the receptors in RA-induced growth inhibition and differentiation. The novel finding was made that the RAR-$\beta$ gene is rapidly induced from undetectable levels by RA treatment at the mRNA and protein level, and that the induction of RAR-$\beta$ by other biologically active retinoids correlated with their ability to inhibit the growth of the highly RA-sensitive S91-C2 cell line. This suggests a role for RAR-$\beta$ in the growth inhibiting effect of retinoids. The second phase of this project involves the stable expression of RAR-$\beta$ in the S91-C2 cells and the RAR-$\beta$ receptor-null cell line, K1735P. These studies have indicated an inverse correlation between RAR-$\beta$ expression and proliferation rate. ^


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Prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) is a key enzyme in biosynthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxane, and prostacyclin. It has two activities, cyclooxygenase and peroxidase. "PGHS" means PGHS-1. A current hypothesis considers the cyclooxygenase reaction to be a free radical chain reaction, initiated by interaction of the synthase peroxidase with hydroperoxides leading to the production of a tyrosyl free radical. According to this hypothesis, tyrosyl residue(s) may play a key role in the cyclooxygenase reaction. Tetranitromethane (TNM) can relatively selectively nitrate tyrosines at pH 8.0. The effect of TNM on both cyclooxygenase activity and peroxidase activity has been examined: reaction of the synthase holoenzyme with TNM at pH 8.0 led to inactivation of both activities, with the cyclooxygenase activity being lost rapidly and completely, while the peroxidase activity was lost more slowly. Indomethacin, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, can protect the synthase from the inactivation of TNM. Amino acid analyses indicated that a loss of tyrosine and formation of nitrotyrosine residues occurred during reaction with TNM, and that TNM-reacted holoenzyme with $<$10% residual cyclooxygenase activity had about 2.0 nitrotyrosine/subunit.^ PGH synthase is known to be an endoplasmic reticulum membrane-associated protein. Antibodies directed at particular PGHS peptide segments and indirect immunofluorescence have been used to characterize the membrane topology of crucial portions of PGHS. PGHS was expressed in COS-1 cells transfected with the appropriate cDNA. Stably-transfected human endothelial cells were also used for the topology study. The cells were treated with streptolysin-O, which selectively permeabilizes the plasma membrane, or with saponin to achieve general membrane disruption, before incubation with the antipeptide antibodies. Bound antipeptide antibody was stained by FITC-labelled secondary antibody and visualized by fluorescence microscopy. With the antipeptide antibodies against residues 51-66, 156-170 or 377-390, there was a significant reticular and perinuclear pattern of staining in cells permeabilized with saponin but not in cells permeabilized with SLO alone. Antibodies directed against the endogenous C-terminal peptide or against residues 271-284 produced staining in cells permeabilized with saponin, and also in a lower, but significant fraction of cells permeabilized with SLO. Similar results were obtained when COS-1 cells expressing recombinant PGHS with a viral reporter peptide inserted at the C-terminus were stained with antibody against the reporter epitope.^ The PGHS C-terminal sequence is similar to that of the consensus KDEL ER retention signal. The potential function of the PGHS C-terminus segment in ER retention was examined by mutating this segment and analyzing the subcellular distribution of the mutants expressed in COS-1 cells. None of the mutants had an altered subcellular distribution, although some had greatly diminished the enzyme activities. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Genes of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor family have been implicated in many different developmental processes from neurogenesis to myogenesis. The recently cloned bHLH transcription factor, paraxis, has been found to be expressed in the paraxial mesoderm of the mouse suggesting a role for paraxis in the development of this mesodermal subtype which gives rise to the axial muscle, skeleton, and dermis of the embryo. In order to perform in vivo gain of function assays and obtain a better understanding of the possible roles of paraxis in mesodermal and somitic development, we have successfully identified homologues of paraxis in the frog, Xenopus laevis, where the process of mesodermal induction and development is best understood. The two homologues, Xparaxis-a and Xparaxis-b, are conserved with respect to their murine homologue in structure and expression within the embryo. Xparaxis genes are expressed immediately after gastrulation in the paraxial mesoderm of Xenopus embryos and are down regulated in the myotome of the mature somite with continued expression in the undifferentiated dermatome. Overexpression of Xparaxis-b in Xenopus embryos caused defects in the organization and morphology of the somites. This effect was not dependent on DNA binding of Xparaxis but is likely due to its dimerization with other bHLH factors. Co-injections with XE12 did not diminish the effects indicating that the defects were not the result of limiting amounts of XE12. We also demonstrated that Xparaxis does not cause obvious defects in the cell adhesions and movements required for proper mesoderm patterning during gastrulation. The paraxis proteins also lacked the ability to activate transcription as GAL4 fusion proteins in a GAL4 reporter assay, indicating that the genes may function more as modulators of the activity of dimerization partners than as positively acting cell determination factors. In agreement with this, Xparaxis is regulated in response to other pathways of bHLH gene action, in that XE12 can activate Xparaxis-b, in vivo. In addition we show regulation of Xparaxis in response to mMyoD induced myogenesis pathways, again suggesting Xparaxis plays an important role in the patterning and organization of the paraxial mesoderm. ^


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Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and alterations in central GABAergic transmission may contribute to the symptoms of a number of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Because of this relationship, numerous laboratories are attempting to develop agents which will selectively enhance GABA neurotransmission in brain. Due to these efforts, several promising compounds have recently been discovered. Should these drugs prove to be clinically effective, they will be used to treat chronic neuropsychiatric disabilities and, therefore, will be administered for long periods of time. Accordingly, the present investigation was undertaken to determine the neurochemical consequences of chronic activation of brain GABA systems in order to better define the therapeutic potential and possible side-effect liability of GABAmimetic compounds.^ Chronic (15 day) administration to rats of low doses of amino-oxyacetic acid (AOAA, 10 mg/kg, once daily), isonicotinic acid hydrazide (20 mg/kg, b.i.d.), two non-specific inhibitors of GABA-T, the enzyme which catabolizes GABA in brain, or (gamma)-acetylenic GABA (10 mg/kg, b.i.d.) a catalytic inhibitor of this enzyme, resulted in a significant elevation of brain and CSF GABA content throughout the course of treatment. In addition, chronic administration of these drugs, as well as the direct acting GABA receptor agonists THIP (8 mg/kg, b.i.d.) or kojic amine (18 mg/kg, b.i.d.) resulted in a significant increase in dopamine receptor number and a significant decrease in GABA receptor number in the corpus striatum of treated animals as determined by standard in vitro receptor binding techniques. Changes in the GABA receptor were limited to the corpus striatum and occurred more rapidly than did alterations in the dopamine receptor. The finding that dopamine-mediated stereotypic behavior was enhanced in animals treated chronically with AOAA suggested that the receptor binding changes noted in vitro have some functional consequence in vitro.^ Coadministration of atropine (a muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist) blocked the GABA-T inhibitor-induced increase in striatal dopamine receptors but was without effect on receptor alterations seen following chronic administration of direct acting GABA receptor agonists. Atropine administration failed to influence the drug-induced decreases in striatal GABA receptors.^ Other findings included the discovery that synaptosomal high affinity ('3)H-choline uptake, an index of cholinergic neuronal activity, was significantly increased in the corpus striatum of animals treated acutely, but not chronically, with GABAmimetics.^ It is suggested that the dopamine receptor supersensitivity observed in the corpus striatum of animals following long-term treatment with GABAmimetics is a result of the chronic inhibition of the nigrostriatal dopamine system by these drugs. Changes in the GABA receptor, on the other hand, are more likely due to a homospecific regulation of these receptors. An hypothesis based on the different sites of action of GABA-T inhibitors vis-a-vis the direct acting GABA receptor agonists is proposed to account for the differential effect of atropine on the response to these drugs.^ The results of this investigation provide new insights into the functional interrelationships that exist in the basal ganglia and suggest that chronic treatment with GABAmimetics may produce extrapyramidal side-effects in man. In addition, the constellation of neurochemical changes observed following administration of these drugs may be a useful guide for determining the GABAmimetic properties of neuropharmacological agents. ^


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are recognized as important pathogens and are particularly associated with foreign body infections. S. epidermidis accounts for approximately 75% of the infections caused by CNS. Three genes, sdrF, sdrG, and sdrH, were identified by screening a S. epidermidis genomic library with a probe encompassing the serine-aspartate dipeptide repeat-encoding region (region R) of clfA from S. aureus. SdrG has significant amino acid identity to ClfA, ClfB and other surface proteins of S. aureus. SdrG is also similar to a protein (Fbe) recently described by Nilsson, et al. (Infection and Immunity, 1998, 66:2666–73) from S. epidermidis. The N-terminal domain (A region) of SdrG was expressed as a his-tag fusion protein in E. coli. In an ELISA, this protein, rSdrG(50-597) was shown to bind specifically to fibrinogen (Fg). Western ligand blot analysis showed that SdrG binds the Bβ chain of Fg. To further characterize the rSdrG(50-597)-Fg interaction, truncates of the Fg Bβ chain were made and expressed as recombinant proteins in E. coli. SdrG was shown to bind the full-length Bβ chain (1462), as well as the N-terminal three-quarters (1-341), the N-terminal one-half (1-220) and the N-terminal one-quarter (1-95) Bβ chain constructs. rSdrG(50-597) failed to bind to the recombinant truncates that lacked the N-terminal 25 amino acid residues of this polypeptide suggesting that SdrG recognizes a site within this region of the Bβ chain. Inhibition ELISAs have shown that peptide mimetics, including β1–25, and β6–20, encompassing this 25 residue region can inhibit binding of rSdrG(50-597) to Fg coated wells. Using fluorescence polarization we were able to determine an equilibrium constant (KD) for the interaction of rSdrG(50-597) with the Fg Bβ chain peptide β1–25. The labeled peptide was shown to bind to rSdrG(50-597) with a KD of 0.14 ± 0.01μM. Because rSdrG(50-597) recognizes a site in the Fg Bβ chain close to the thrombin cleavage site, we investigated the possibility of the rSdrG(50-597) site either overlapping or lying close to this cleavage site. An ELISA showed that rSdrG(50-597) binding to thrombin-treated Fg was significantly reduced. In a clot inhibition assay rSdrG(50-597) was able to inhibit fibrin clot formation in a concentration dependent manner. Furthermore, rSdrG(50-597) was able to inhibit clot formation by preventing the release of fibrinopeptide B as determined by HPLC. To further define the interaction between rSdrG(50-597) and peptide β6–20, we utilized an alanine amino acid replacement strategy. The residues in β6–20 that appear to be important in rSdrG(50-597) binding to Fg, were confirmed by the rSdrG(273-597)-β6–20 co-crystal structure that was recently solved by our collaborators at University of Alabama-Birmingham. Additionally, rSdrG(50-597) was not able to bind to Fg from different animal species, rather it bound specifically to human Fg in an ELISA. This suggests that the sequence variation between Fg Bβ chains of different species, specifically with in the N-terminal 25 residues, affects the ability of rSdrG(50-597) binding to Fg, and this may explain why S. epidermidis is primarily a human pathogen. ^


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The heparan sulfate (HS)-fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling system is a ubiquitous regulator that senses local environmental changes and mediates cell-to-cell communication. This system consists of three mutually interactive components. These are regulatory polypeptides (FGF), FGF receptor (FGFR) and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (FGFRHS). All four FGFR genes are expressed in the adult liver. Expression of the FGFR1–3 genes is generally associated with non-parenchymal cells while expression of the FGFR4 gene is associated with parenchymal hepatocytes. We showed that livers of mice lacking FGFR4 exhibited normal morphology and regenerated normally in response to partial hepatectomy. However, the FGFR4 (−/−) mice exhibited depleted gallbladders, an elevated bile acid pool and elevated excretion of bile acids. Cholesterol- and bile acid-controlled liver cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (Cyp7a), the limiting enzyme for bile acid synthesis, was elevated, unresponsive to dietary cholesterol, but repressed normally by dietary cholate. These results indicated that FGFR4 was not directly involved in liver growth but exerted negative control on liver bile acid synthesis. This was confirmed in transgenic mice overexpressing the constitutively active human FGFR4 in livers. The transgenic mice exhibited decreased fecal bile acid excretion, bile acid pool size, and expression of Cyp7a. Introduction of this constitutively active human FGFR4 into FGFR4 (−/−) mice restored the inhibition of bile acid synthesis. Activation of the c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) pathway by FGFR4 correlated with the repressive effect on bile acid synthesis. ^ To determine whether FGFR4 played a broader role in liver-specific metabolic function, we examined the impact of both acute and chronic exposure to CCl 4 in FGFR4 (−/−) mice. Following acute CCl4 exposure, the FGFR4 (−/−) mice exhibited accelerated liver injury, a significant increase in liver mass and delayed hepatolobular repair, with no apparent effect on liver cell proliferation and restoration of cellularity. Chronic CCl4 exposure resulted in severe fibrosis in livers of FGFR4 (−/−) mice compared to normal mice. Analysis at both mRNA and protein levels indicated an 8 hr delay in FGFR4-deficient mice in the down-regulation of cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) protein, the major enzyme whose products underlie CCl 4-induced injury. These results show that hepatocyte FGFR4 protects against acute and chronic insult to the liver and prevents accompanying fibrosis. ^ Of the 23 FGF polypeptides, FGF1 and FGF2 are present at significant levels in the liver. To determine whether FGF1 and FGF2 played a role in CCl 4-induced liver injury and fibrosis, we examined the impact of both acute and chronic exposure to CCl4 in both wild-type and FGF1-FGF2 double-knockout mice. Following acute CCl4 exposure, FGF1(−/−)FGF2(−/−) mice exhibited accelerated liver injury, overall normal liver growth and repair, and decreased liver collagen α1(I) induction. Liver fibrosis resulting from chronic CCl4 exposure was markedly decreased in livers of FGF1(−/−)FGF2(−/−) mice compared to wild-type mice. This study suggests a role for FGF1 and FGF2 in hepatic fibrogenesis. ^ In summary, our three part study shows that specific components of the ubiquitous HS-FGF signaling family in the liver context interfaces with metabolite- and xenobiotic-controlled networks to regulate liver function, but has no apparent direct effect on liver cell growth. ^


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Membranes are essential for the integrity and function of the cell. The collective property of the lipid bilayer is critical in providing an optimal functioning environment for membrane proteins. The simple yet well-characterized bacterium Escherichia coli serves an ideal model system to study the function of specific lipids since its lipid content can be easily manipulated. The most abundant lipid in E. coli membrane is phosphatidylethanolamine (PE, 70-80%). A PE-lacking E. coli mutant displays a complex mixture of deficient phenotypes, suggesting a profound role for PE in different aspects of cell function. A novel role of PE as a topological and functional determinant for membrane proteins has been established using lactose permease (LacY) as a model protein. PE is found to be required for energy-dependent uphill transport process of LacY. In PE-lacking membranes, LacY undergoes a dramatic conformational change, and the first half of the protein adopts an inverted topology with respect to the bilayer plane. ^ The work reported here was initiated to understand the molecular properties of lipids that enable their function as topological and functional determinants for membrane proteins. A glycolipid, monoglucosyldiacylglycerol (MGlcDAG) which shares physicochemical similarities with PE, was introduced to PE-lacking E. coli membranes. The introduction of MGlcDAG suppresses many of the PE-deficient phenotypes, and in particular supports the function and native topology of LacY. ^ The lipid-sensitive topogenic signals encoded in the amino acid sequence of LacY were also identified. Native LacY adopts an inverted topology when synthesized without PE, but mutation of specific acidic residues in the cytoplasmic extra-membrane domains can prevent this inversion and supports a native topological organization of LacY in PE-lacking membranes. These results suggest that it is the interplay between the collective charge properties of the lipid bilayer and extra-membrane loops of protein that determines the final orientation of transmembrane domains. By comparing the similarities as well as differences between these two lipids, we established how specific physical and chemical properties of lipids influence various cell functions and elucidated the molecular basis for the novel role of lipids in determining membrane protein topology. ^


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Glycoprotein (GP) Ib-IX complex, the second most abundant receptor expressed on the platelet surface, plays critical roles in haemostasis and thrombosis by binding to its ligand, von Willebrand factor (vWF). Defect or malfunction of the complex leads to severe bleeding disorders, heart attack or stroke. Comprised of three type I transmembrane subunits—GPIbα, GPIbβ and GPIX, efficient expression of the GPIb-IX complex requires all three subunits, as evident from genetic mutations identified in the patients and reproduced in transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. However, how the subunits are assembled together and how the complex function is regulated is not fully clear. By probing the interactions among the three subunits in transfected cells, we have demonstrated that the transmembrane domains of the three subunits interact with one another, facilitating formation of the two membrane-proximal disulfide bonds between GPIbα and GPIbβ. We have also identified the interface between extracellular domains of GPIbβ and GPIX, and provided evidence suggesting a direct interaction between extracellular domains of GPIbα and GPIX. All of these interactions are not only critical for correct assembly and consequently efficient expression of the GPIb-IX complex on the cell surface, but also for its function, such as the proper ligand binding, since removing the two inter-subunit disulfide bonds significantly hampers vWF binding to the complex under both static and physiological flow conditions. The two inter-subunit disulfide bonds are also critical for regulating the ectodomain shedding of GPIbα by the GPIbβ cytoplasmic domain. Mutations in the juxtamembrane region of the GPIbβ cytoplasmic domain deregulate GPIbα shedding, and such deregulation is further enhanced when the two inter-subunit disulfide bonds are removed. In summary, we have established the overall organization of the GPIb-IX complex, and the importance of proper organization on its function. ^


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Metastasis is the ultimate cause for the majority of cancer-related deaths. The forkhead box transcription factor FOXC2 is known to be involved in regulating metastasis as well as a variety of developmental processes, including the formation of lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. Previous studies have shown that FOXC2 protein is localized either in the nucleus and/or in the cytoplasm of human breast tumor cells. This pattern of localization is similar to that of another forkhead family member, FOXO3a. Additionally, localization of FOXO3a is known to be differentially regulated by upstream kinase AKT. Therefore, I investigated whether FOXC2 localization could also be regulated by upstream kinases. Analysis of FOXC2 protein sequence revealed two potential phosphorylation sites for GSK-3β. Furthermore, inhibition of GSK-3βsignificantly reduces FOXC2 protein. In addition, exposure of HMLE Twist cells expressing endogenous FOXC2 to the GSK-3β inhibitor, TWS119, results in accumulation of FOXC2 protein in the cytoplasm with concomitant decrease in the nucleus in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, continued treatment with TWS119 eventually induces epithelial morphology and decreased stem cell properties including sphere formation in these cells. Further characterization of FOXC2- GSK-3β interaction and the associated signaling cascade are necessary to determine the effect of FOXC2 phosphorylation by GSK-3β on EMT and metastasis.


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Chromosome segregation is a critical step during cell division to avoid aneuploidy and promote proper organismal development. Correct sister chromatid positioning and separation during mitosis helps to achieve faithful transmission of genetic material to daughter cells. This prevents improper chromosome partitioning that can potentially result in extrachromosomal fragments, increasing the tumorigenic potential of the cells. The kinetochore is a protenaicious structure responsible for the initiation and orchestration of chromosome movement during mitosis. This highly conserved structure among eukaryotes is required for chromosome attachment to the mitotic spindle and failure to assemble the kinetochore results in aberrant chromosome segregation. Thus elucidating the mechanism of kinetochore assembly is important to have a better understanding of the regulation that controls chromosome segregation. Our previous work identified the C. elegans Tousled-like kinase (TLK-1) as a mitotic kinase and depletion of TLK-1 results in embryonic lethality, characterized by nuclei displaying poor mitotic chromosome alignment, lagging chromosome, and chromosome bridges during anaphase. Additionally, previous studies from our group revealed that TLK-1 is phosphorylated independently by Aurora B at serine 634, and by CHK-1 at threonine T610. The research presented herein reveals that both phosphorylated forms of TLK-1 associate with the kinetochore during mitosis. Moreover, by systematic depletion of kinetochore proteins, I uncovered that pTLK-1 is bona fide kinetochore component that is located at the outer kinetochore layer, influencing the microtubule-binding interface. I also demonstrated that TLK-1 is necessary for the kinetochore localization of the microtubule interacting proteins CLS-2 and LIS-1 and I show that embryos depleted of TLK-1 presented an aberrant twisted kinetochore pattern. Furthermore, I established that the inner kinetochore protein KNL-2 is an in vitro substrate of TLK-1 indicating a possible role of TLK-1 in regulating centromeric assembly. Collectively, these results suggest a novel role for the Tousled-like kinase in regulation of kinetochore assembly and microtubule dynamics and demonstrate the necessity of TLK-1 for proper chromosome segregation in C. elegans.