6 resultados para staff evaluation

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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This retrospective, case-control study investigated the effectiveness of the Houston, Texas Ask Your Nurse Advice Line (AYN) in diverting callers with non-emergent medical conditions away from the emergency department (ED). After asking callers a series of questions, AYN nurses evaluate the medical condition and make recommendations for appropriate care, e.g., home care, see a clinic physician, or visit the ED. To evaluate the AYN, the rate of caller ED visits before accessing the AYN for the first time was compared to the caller ED visit rate afterwards. The pre-post rate change was compared to that of a control group of similar caller age, race, gender, and insurance status drawn from a Harris County Hospital District HCHD database. ^ The treatment group (AYN caller) had a 66% reduction in ED visits after the first AYN call compared to an 18% drop in ED visits among control group subjects during the same time period. Study results were presented to HCHD staff on August 30th, 2007 and recommendations were made for future studies that would provide a basis for policy development. ^


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Community-based participatory research necessitates that community members act as partners in decision making and mutual learning and discovery. In the same light, for programs/issues involving youth, youth should be partners in knowledge sharing and evaluation (Checkoway & Richards-Schuster, 2004). This study is a youth-focused empowerment evaluation for the Successful Youth program. Successful Youth is a multi-component youth development after-school program for Latino middle school youth, created with the goal of reducing teen pregnancy. An empowerment evaluation is collaborative and participatory (Balcazar and Harper 2003). The three steps of an empowerment evaluation are: (1) defining mission, (2) taking stock, and (3) planning for the future (Fetterman 2001).^ In a program where youth are developing leadership skills, making choices, and learning how to self reflect and evaluate, the empowerment evaluation could not be more aligned with promoting and enhancing these skills. In addition, an empowerment evaluation is designed to "foster improvement and self-determination" and "build capacity" (Fetterman 2001). Four empowerment groups were conducted with approximately 6-9 Latino 7th grade students per group. All participants were enrolled in the Successful Youth program. Results indicate points where students' perceptions of the program were aligned with the program's mission and where gaps were identified. Students offered recommendations for program improvements. Additionally, students enjoyed expressing their feelings about the program and appreciated that their opinions were valued. Youth recommendations will be brought to program staff; and, where possible, gaps will be addressed. Empowerment evaluations with youth will continue during the duration of the program so that youth involvement and input remains integral in the evaluation and to ascertain whether the program's goals are being met. ^


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A retrospective cohort study was designed to evaluate the compliance of vaccination dose schedules and vaccination effectiveness at 12 months of age among a total of 226 high-risk infants born to HBsAg-positive pregnant women who participated in the HBV Perinatal Vaccination Program in Houston, Texas, 1991-1993.^ The seroprevalence of HBsAg-positivity was 0.5% among pregnant women who attended prenatal clinics in Houston, Texas, 1991-1993. The Asian women had the highest seroprevalence rate (5.9%), followed by black (1.9%), white (0.7%), and Hispanic women (0.3%). The seroprevalence of HBsAg increased with age (p =.02); the highest seroprevalence rate found among the $>$40 group (5.4%), followed by the 20-40 age group, and the $<$20 age. A steady increase was observed in the number of infants, from 45 in 1991, to 103 in 1993. The majority of these infants were black (58.0%), followed by Hispanic (28.8%), Asian (8.4%), and white infants (4.0%). Significant increases were observed from 1991 to 1993 in the number of infants who initiated vaccination (86.7% to 98.1%, p =.02) and in those infants who were post-tested at 12 months of age (24.4% to 44.7%, p =.04). During the same period an increase was also observed in the number of infants who completed the vaccination dose schedules (62.2% to 72.8%, p =.37). The compliance rates were not statistically significant regarding gender, race or ethnicity, health service area, medical referral source, and residential geographic areas. About 56.0% of the reasons cited for non-compliance among the 144 infants who neither completed the vaccination dose schedules nor received the 12-month post-test were "moved," and "no response/not at home." A total of 82 infants completed the vaccination dose schedules and were post-tested at 12 months of age for anti-HBs-positivity, and 96.3% of these infants seroconverted. A race-specific statistically significant seroconversion difference was found among infants who received all vaccination doses and were post-tested at 12 months of age (100% for the black and the white, 96.3% for the Hispanic, and 80.0% for the Asians infants, p =.05).^ From a public health perspective, the HBV Perinatal Vaccination Program improved during its first three years (1991-1993). It was effective in preventing perinatal HBV infection in almost 97.0% of infants who were vaccinated and post-tested. To increase the efficiency and efficacy of the program, the following recommendations are proposed: (1) Increase the vaccination compliance rate by educating and improving the tracking, communication and coordination channels with those individuals involved in the process and by increasing staff resources. (2) Reduce the post-test vaccination non-compliance by post-testing infants simultaneously with third vaccination dose at 6 months of age, and only post-test those infants who are anti-HBs-negative at 9-12 months of age. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The issue over utilization of evaluation results has been receiving increasing attention lately. However, a continuing problem has been the lack of knowledge of the specific determinants of the utilization of evaluation results, the extent that these results are used, and the absence in the literature of empirical investigations of those determinants. The purposes of the current study were to examine the patterns of utilization of the recommendations made to an organization following an extensive evaluation, and to quantitatively examine some determinants of that utilization. During the course of the ten-month study, a number of important points regarding evaluation studies, and the utilization of their results were identified. Primary among these was the fact that a definition of utilization that requires adoption of recommendations is limited. Tremendous amounts of organizational activity may accrue from the results of an evaluation regardless of whether the results are adopted. In addition, none of the characteristics of the recommendations that were examined proved to be significant predictors of the extent of their utilization other than whether adoption was considered an authority decision or the results of staff concensus. ^


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Background. It is estimated that hospitals spend between 28 and 33 billion dollars per year as a result of hospital-acquired infections. (Scott, 2009) The costs continue to rise despite the guidance and controls provided by hospital infection control staff to reduce patient exposures to fungal spores and other infectious agents. With all processes and controls in place, the vented elevator shaft represents an unprotected opening from the top of the building to the lower floors. The hypothesis for this prospective study is that there is a positive correlation between the number of Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spores, Cladosporium, ascospores, basidiospores in spores/m3 as individual spore categories found in the hoistway vent of an elevator shaft and the levels of the same spores, sampled near-simultaneously in the outdoor intake of the elevator shaft. Specific aims of this study include determining if external Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spores are entering the healthcare facility via the elevator shaft and hoistway vents. Additional aims include determining levels of Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spores outdoors, in the elevator shafts, and indoors in areas possibly affected by elevator shaft air; and, finally, to evaluate whether any effect is observed due to the installation of a hoistway vent damper, installed serendipitously during this study. ^ Methods. Between April 2010 and September 2010, a total of 3,521 air samples were collected, including 363 spore trap samples analyzed microscopically for seven spore types, and polymerase chain reaction analyses on 254 air samples. 2178 particle count measurements, 363 temperature readings and 363 relative humidity readings were also obtained from 7 different locations potentially related to the path of air travel inside and near a centrally-located and representative elevator shaft. ^ Results. Mean Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spore values were higher outside the building (530 spores/m3 of air) than inside the hoistway (22.8 spores/m3) during the six month study. Mean values inside the hospital were lower than outside throughout the study, ranging from 15 to 73 spores/m3 of air. Mean Penicillium/Aspergillus-like spore counts inside the hoistway decreased from 40.1 spores/m3 of air to 9 spores/m3 of air following the installation of a back draft damper between the outside air and the elevator shaft. Comparison of samples collected outside the building and inside the hoistway vent prior to installing the damper indicated a strong positive correlation (Spearman's Rho=0.8008, p=0.0001). The similar comparison following the damper installation indicated a moderate non-significant inverse correlation (Spearman's rho = −0.2795, p=0.1347). ^ Conclusion. Elevator shafts are one pathway for mold spores to enter a healthcare facility. A significant correlation was detected between spores and particle counts inside the hoistway and outside prior to changes in the ventilation system. The insertion of the back draft damper appeared to lower the spore counts inside the hoistway and inside the building. The mold spore counts in air outside the study building were higher in the period following the damper installation while the levels inside the hoistway and hospital decreased. Cladosporium and Penicillium/Aspergillus -like spores provided a method for evaluating indoor air quality as a natural tracer from outside the building to inside the building. Ascospores and basidiospores were not a valuable tracer due to low levels of detection during this study. ^ Installation of a back draft damper provides additional protection for the indoor environment of a hospital or healthcare facility, including in particular patients who may be immunocompromised. Current design standards and references do not require the installation of a back draft damper, but evaluation of adding language to relevant building codes should be considered. The data indicate a reduction in levels of Penicillium/Aspergillus -like spores, particle counts and a reduction in relative humidity inside of the elevator shaft after damper installation.^


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The study purpose was to analyze the effects Integrated Health Solutions (IHS), an employee wellness program that has been implemented for one year on the corporate campus of a major private sector petrochemical company in Houston, TX, has on employee health. ^ Chronic diseases are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States and are the most preventable of all health problems. The costs of chronic diseases in the working-age adult population include not only health problems and a decrease in quality of life, but also an increase the cost of health care and costs to businesses and employers, both directly and indirectly. These emerging costs to employers as well as the fact that adults now spend the majority of waking hours at the office have increased the interest in worksite health promotion programs that address many of the behavioral factors that lead to chronic conditions. Therefore, implementing and evaluating programs that are aimed at promoting health and decreasing the prevalence of chronic diseases at worksites is very important. ^ Data came from existing data that were collected by IHS staff during employee biometric screenings at the company in 2010 and 2011. Data from employees who participated in screenings in both 2010 and 2011 were grouped into a cohort by IHS staff. ^ One-tailed t-tests were conducted to determine if there were significant improvements in the biometric measures of body fat percentage, BMI, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol levels, triglycerides, blood glucose levels, and cardiac risk ratios. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine if there were differences in program outcomes when stratified by age, gender, job type, and time between screenings. ^ Mean differences for the variables from 2010 to 2011 were small and not always in the desired direction for health improvement indicators. Through conducting t-tests, it was found that there were significant improvements in HDL, cardiac risk ratio, and glucose levels. There were significant increases in cholesterol, LDL, and diastolic blood pressures. For the IHS program, it appears that gender, job type, and time between screenings were possible modifiers of program effectiveness. When program outcome measures were stratified by these factors, results suggest that corporate employees had better outcomes than field employees, males had better outcomes overall than females, and more positive program effects were seen for employees with less time between their two screenings. ^ Recommendations for the program based on the results include ensuring validity of instruments and initial and periodic training of measurement procedures and equipment handling, using normative data or benchmarks to decrease chances for biased estimates of program effectiveness, measuring behaviors as well as biometric and physiologic statuses and changes, and collecting level of engagement data.^