51 resultados para radiation quenching

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The motion of lung tumors during respiration makes the accurate delivery of radiation therapy to the thorax difficult because it increases the uncertainty of target position. The adoption of four-dimensional computed tomography (4D-CT) has allowed us to determine how a tumor moves with respiration for each individual patient. Using information acquired during a 4D-CT scan, we can define the target, visualize motion, and calculate dose during the planning phase of the radiotherapy process. One image data set that can be created from the 4D-CT acquisition is the maximum-intensity projection (MIP). The MIP can be used as a starting point to define the volume that encompasses the motion envelope of the moving gross target volume (GTV). Because of the close relationship that exists between the MIP and the final target volume, we investigated four MIP data sets created with different methodologies (3 using various 4D-CT sorting implementations, and one using all available cine CT images) to compare target delineation. It has been observed that changing the 4D-CT sorting method will lead to the selection of a different collection of images; however, the clinical implications of changing the constituent images on the resultant MIP data set are not clear. There has not been a comprehensive study that compares target delineation based on different 4D-CT sorting methodologies in a patient population. We selected a collection of patients who had previously undergone thoracic 4D-CT scans at our institution, and who had lung tumors that moved at least 1 cm. We then generated the four MIP data sets and automatically contoured the target volumes. In doing so, we identified cases in which the MIP generated from a 4D-CT sorting process under-represented the motion envelope of the target volume by more than 10% than when measured on the MIP generated from all of the cine CT images. The 4D-CT methods suffered from duplicate image selection and might not choose maximum extent images. Based on our results, we suggest utilization of a MIP generated from the full cine CT data set to ensure a representative inclusive tumor extent, and to avoid geometric miss.


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The Radiological Physics Center (RPC) provides heterogeneous phantoms that are used to evaluate radiation treatment procedures as part of a comprehensive quality assurance program for institutions participating in clinical trials. It was hypothesized that the existing RPC heterogeneous thorax phantom can be modified to assess lung tumor proton beam therapy procedures involving patient simulation, treatment planning, and treatment delivery, and could confirm agreement between the measured dose and calculated dose within 5%/3mm with a reproducibility of 5%. The Hounsfield Units (HU) for lung equivalent materials (balsa wood and cork) was measured using a CT scanner. The relative linear stopping power (RLSP) of these materials was measured. The linear energy transfer (LET) of Gafchromic EBT2 film was analyzed utilizing parallel and perpendicular orientations in a water tank and compared to ion chamber readings. Both parallel and perpendicular orientations displayed a quenching effect underperforming the ion chamber, with the parallel orientation showing an average 31 % difference and the perpendicular showing an average of 15% difference. Two treatment plans were created that delivered the prescribed dose to the target volume, while achieving low entrance doses. Both treatment plans were designed using smeared compensators and expanded apertures, as would be utilized for a patient in the clinic. Plan 1a contained two beams that were set to orthogonal angles and a zero degree couch kick. Plan 1b utilized two beams set to 10 and 80 degrees with a 15 degree couch kick. EBT2 film and TLD were inserted and the phantom was irradiated 3 times for each plan. Both plans passed the criteria for the TLD measurements where the TLD values were within 7% of the dose calculated by Eclipse. Utilizing the 5%/3mm criteria, the 3 trial average of overall pass rate was 71% for Plan 1a. The 3 trial average for the overall pass rate was 76% for Plan 1b. The trials were then analyzed using RPC conventional lung treatment guidelines set forth by the RTOG: 5%/5mm, and an overall pass rate of 85%. Utilizing these criteria, only Plan 1b passed for all 3 trials, with an average overall pass rate of 89%.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether a 3-mm isotropic target margin adequately covers the prostate and seminal vesicles (SVs) during administration of an intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment fraction, assuming that daily image-guided setup is performed just before each fraction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In-room computed tomographic (CT) scans were acquired immediately before and after a daily treatment fraction in 46 patients with prostate cancer. An eight-field IMRT plan was designed using the pre-fraction CT with a 3-mm margin and subsequently recalculated on the post-fraction CT. For convenience of comparison, dose plans were scaled to full course of treatment (75.6 Gy). Dose coverage was assessed on the post-treatment CT image set. RESULTS: During one treatment fraction (21.4+/-5.5 min), there were reductions in the volumes of the prostate and SVs receiving the prescribed dose (median reduction 0.1% and 1.0%, respectively, p<0.001) and in the minimum dose to 0.1 cm(3) of their volumes (median reduction 0.5 and 1.5 Gy, p<0.001). Of the 46 patients, three patients' prostates and eight patients' SVs did not maintain dose coverage above 70 Gy. Rectal filling correlated with decreased percentage-volume of SV receiving 75.6, 70, and 60 Gy (p<0.02). CONCLUSIONS: The 3-mm intrafractional margin was adequate for prostate dose coverage. However, a significant subset of patients lost SV dose coverage. The rectal volume change significantly affected SV dose coverage. For advanced-stage prostate cancers, we recommend to use larger margins or improve organ immobilization (such as with a rectal balloon) to ensure SV coverage.


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OBJECTIVE: Because studies suggest that ultraviolet (UV) radiation modulates the myositis phenotype and Mi-2 autoantigen expression, we conducted a retrospective investigation to determine whether UV radiation may influence the relative prevalence of dermatomyositis and anti-Mi-2 autoantibodies in the US. METHODS: We assessed the relationship between surface UV radiation intensity in the state of residence at the time of onset with the relative prevalence of dermatomyositis and myositis autoantibodies in 380 patients with myositis from referral centers in the US. Myositis autoantibodies were detected by validated immunoprecipitation assays. Surface UV radiation intensity was estimated from UV Index data collected by the US National Weather Service. RESULTS: UV radiation intensity was associated with the relative proportion of patients with dermatomyositis (odds ratio [OR] 2.3, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.9-5.8) and with the proportion of patients expressing anti-Mi-2 autoantibodies (OR 6.0, 95% CI 1.1-34.1). Modeling of these data showed that these associations were confined to women (OR 3.8, 95% CI 1.3-11.0 and OR 17.3, 95% CI 1.8-162.4, respectively) and suggests that sex influences the effects of UV radiation on autoimmune disorders. Significant associations were not observed in men, nor were UV radiation levels related to the presence of antisynthetase or anti-signal recognition particle autoantibodies. CONCLUSION: This first study of the distribution of myositis phenotypes and UV radiation exposure in the US showed that UV radiation may modulate the clinical and immunologic expression of autoimmune disease in women. Further investigation of the mechanisms by which these effects are produced may provide insights into pathogenesis and suggest therapeutic or preventative strategies.


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Radiation-induced injuries from fluoroscopic procedures in pediatric patients have occurred, and young patients are at greatest risk of many radiation-induced neoplasms. Some fluoroscopists have been injured from their use of fluoroscopy, and they are known to be at risk of radiation-induced neoplasm when radiation is not well-controlled. This article reviews the circumstances that lead to radiation injury and delineates some procedural methods to avoid injury and limit radiation exposure to both the patient and the fluoroscopist.


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Radiation-induced injury to skin is an infrequent but potentially serious complication to complex fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures. Due to a lack of experience with such injuries, the medical community has found fluoroscopically-induced injuries difficult to diagnose. Injuries have occurred globally in many countries. Serious injuries most frequently occur on the back but have also occurred on the neck, buttocks and anterior of the chest. Severities of injuries range from skin rashes and epilation to necrosis of the skin and its underlying structures. This article reviews the characteristics of these injuries and some actions that can be taken to reduce their likelihood or seriousness.


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Purpose: To evaluate normal tissue dose reduction in step-and-shoot intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) on the Varian 2100 platform by tracking the multileaf collimator (MLC) apertures with the accelerator jaws. Methods: Clinical radiation treatment plans for 10 thoracic, 3 pediatric and 3 head and neck patients were converted to plans with the jaws tracking each segment’s MLC apertures. Each segment was then renormalized to account for the change in collimator scatter to obtain target coverage within 1% of that in the original plan. The new plans were compared to the original plans in a commercial radiation treatment planning system (TPS). Reduction in normal tissue dose was evaluated in the new plan by using the parameters V5, V10, and V20 in the cumulative dose-volume histogram for the following structures: total lung minus GTV (gross target volume), heart, esophagus, spinal cord, liver, parotids, and brainstem. In order to validate the accuracy of our beam model, MLC transmission measurements were made and compared to those predicted by the TPS. Results: The greatest change between the original plan and new plan occurred at lower dose levels. The reduction in V20 was never more than 6.3% and was typically less than 1% for all patients. The reduction in V5 was 16.7% maximum and was typically less than 3% for all patients. The variation in normal tissue dose reduction was not predictable, and we found no clear parameters that indicated which patients would benefit most from jaw tracking. Our TPS model of MLC transmission agreed with measurements with absolute transmission differences of less than 0.1 % and thus uncertainties in the model did not contribute significantly to the uncertainty in the dose determination. Conclusion: The amount of dose reduction achieved by collimating the jaws around each MLC aperture in step-and-shoot IMRT does not appear to be clinically significant.


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Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is a technique that delivers a highly conformal dose distribution to a target volume while attempting to maximally spare the surrounding normal tissues. IMRT is a common treatment modality used for treating head and neck (H&N) cancers, and the presence of many critical structures in this region requires accurate treatment delivery. The Radiological Physics Center (RPC) acts as both a remote and on-site quality assurance agency that credentials institutions participating in clinical trials. To date, about 30% of all IMRT participants have failed the RPC’s remote audit using the IMRT H&N phantom. The purpose of this project is to evaluate possible causes of H&N IMRT delivery errors observed by the RPC, specifically IMRT treatment plan complexity and the use of improper dosimetry data from machines that were thought to be matched but in reality were not. Eight H&N IMRT plans with a range of complexity defined by total MU (1460-3466), number of segments (54-225), and modulation complexity scores (MCS) (0.181-0.609) were created in Pinnacle v.8m. These plans were delivered to the RPC’s H&N phantom on a single Varian Clinac. One of the IMRT plans (1851 MU, 88 segments, and MCS=0.469) was equivalent to the median H&N plan from 130 previous RPC H&N phantom irradiations. This average IMRT plan was also delivered on four matched Varian Clinac machines and the dose distribution calculated using a different 6MV beam model. Radiochromic film and TLD within the phantom were used to analyze the dose profiles and absolute doses, respectively. The measured and calculated were compared to evaluate the dosimetric accuracy. All deliveries met the RPC acceptance criteria of ±7% absolute dose difference and 4 mm distance-to-agreement (DTA). Additionally, gamma index analysis was performed for all deliveries using a ±7%/4mm and ±5%/3mm criteria. Increasing the treatment plan complexity by varying the MU, number of segments, or varying the MCS resulted in no clear trend toward an increase in dosimetric error determined by the absolute dose difference, DTA, or gamma index. Varying the delivery machines as well as the beam model (use of a Clinac 6EX 6MV beam model vs. Clinac 21EX 6MV model), also did not show any clear trend towards an increased dosimetric error using the same criteria indicated above.


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The prognosis for lung cancer patients remains poor. Five year survival rates have been reported to be 15%. Studies have shown that dose escalation to the tumor can lead to better local control and subsequently better overall survival. However, dose to lung tumor is limited by normal tissue toxicity. The most prevalent thoracic toxicity is radiation pneumonitis. In order to determine a safe dose that can be delivered to the healthy lung, researchers have turned to mathematical models predicting the rate of radiation pneumonitis. However, these models rely on simple metrics based on the dose-volume histogram and are not yet accurate enough to be used for dose escalation trials. The purpose of this work was to improve the fit of predictive risk models for radiation pneumonitis and to show the dosimetric benefit of using the models to guide patient treatment planning. The study was divided into 3 specific aims. The first two specifics aims were focused on improving the fit of the predictive model. In Specific Aim 1 we incorporated information about the spatial location of the lung dose distribution into a predictive model. In Specific Aim 2 we incorporated ventilation-based functional information into a predictive pneumonitis model. In the third specific aim a proof of principle virtual simulation was performed where a model-determined limit was used to scale the prescription dose. The data showed that for our patient cohort, the fit of the model to the data was not improved by incorporating spatial information. Although we were not able to achieve a significant improvement in model fit using pre-treatment ventilation, we show some promising results indicating that ventilation imaging can provide useful information about lung function in lung cancer patients. The virtual simulation trial demonstrated that using a personalized lung dose limit derived from a predictive model will result in a different prescription than what was achieved with the clinically used plan; thus demonstrating the utility of a normal tissue toxicity model in personalizing the prescription dose.


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Advances in radiotherapy have generated increased interest in comparative studies of treatment techniques and their effectiveness. In this respect, pediatric patients are of specific interest because of their sensitivity to radiation induced second cancers. However, due to the rarity of childhood cancers and the long latency of second cancers, large sample sizes are unavailable for the epidemiological study of contemporary radiotherapy treatments. Additionally, when specific treatments are considered, such as proton therapy, sample sizes are further reduced due to the rareness of such treatments. We propose a method to improve statistical power in micro clinical trials. Specifically, we use a more biologically relevant quantity, cancer equivalent dose (DCE), to estimate risk instead of mean absorbed dose (DMA). Our objective was to demonstrate that when DCE is used fewer subjects are needed for clinical trials. Thus, we compared the impact of DCE vs. DMA on sample size in a virtual clinical trial that estimated risk for second cancer (SC) in the thyroid following craniospinal irradiation (CSI) of pediatric patients using protons vs. photons. Dose reconstruction, risk models, and statistical analysis were used to evaluate SC risk from therapeutic and stray radiation from CSI for 18 patients. Absorbed dose was calculated in two ways: with (1) traditional DMA and (2) with DCE. DCE and DMA values were used to estimate relative risk of SC incidence (RRCE and RRMA, respectively) after proton vs. photon CSI. Ratios of RR for proton vs. photon CSI (RRRCE and RRRMA) were then used in comparative estimations of sample size to determine the minimal number of patients needed to maintain 80% statistical power when using DCE vs. DMA. For all patients, we found that protons substantially reduced the risk of developing a second thyroid cancer when compared to photon therapy. Mean RRR values were 0.052±0.014 and 0.087±0.021 for RRRMA and RRRCE, respectively. However, we did not find that use of DCE reduced the number of patents needed for acceptable statistical power (i.e, 80%). In fact, when considerations were made for RRR values that met equipoise requirements and the need for descriptive statistics, the minimum number of patients needed for a micro-clinical trial increased from 17 using DMA to 37 using DCE. Subsequent analyses revealed that for our sample, the most influential factor in determining variations in sample size was the experimental standard deviation of estimates for RRR across the patient sample. Additionally, because the relative uncertainty in dose from proton CSI was so much larger (on the order of 2000 times larger) than the other uncertainty terms, it dominated the uncertainty in RRR. Thus, we found that use of corrections for cell sterilization, in the form of DCE, may be an important and underappreciated consideration in the design of clinical trials and radio-epidemiological studies. In addition, the accurate application of cell sterilization to thyroid dose was sensitive to variations in absorbed dose, especially for proton CSI, which may stem from errors in patient positioning, range calculation, and other aspects of treatment planning and delivery.


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Antigenic changes present in nonantigenic tumor cells exposed to UV radiation (UV) in vitro were investigated by addressing the following questions: (1) Are antigenic variants (AV) produced that are rejected in normal but not immunosuppressed mice? (2) Does generation of AV depend upon intrinsic properties of the cells exposed or result from the action of UV? (3) Is antigenic modification induced by UV due to increased histocompatibility antigen expression? (4) Do AV crossreact immunologically with parental tumor or with other AV? and (5) Is the UV-associated common antigen expressed on UV-induced tumors present on UV-irradiated tumor cells? AV were generated at different frequencies following in vitro UV irradiation of a spontaneous murine fibrosarcoma (51% of cell lines tested), a murine melanoma (56%), and two melanoma clones (100% and 11%). This indicated that the percentage of AV produced is an intrinsic property of the cell line exposed. The increased antigenicity did not correlate with an increased expression of class I histocompatibility antigens. Immunological experiments demonstrated that the AV and parental cells shared a determinant that was susceptible to immune recognition, but incapable of inducing immunity. In contrast, the AV were noncrossreactive, suggesting that variant-specific antigens were also expressed. Finally, the AV were recognized by UV-induced suppressor cells, indicating that the UV-associated common antigen expressed by UV-induced tumors was also present. This investigation provides new information on the susceptibility of tumors to antigenic modification by UV and on the relationship between tumor antigens and neoplastic transformation. Furthermore, it suggests an immunological approach for cancer therapy. ^


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation produces immunological alterations in both humans and animals that include a decrease in the delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to complex antigens, and to the induction of the suppressor T cell pathway. Cell-mediated immunity of the type that is altered by UV radiation has been shown to be important in host resistance against microorganisms. My dissertation addresses questions concerning the effects of UV radiation on the pathogenesis of opportunistic fungal pathogens such as Candida albicans.^ The (DTH) response of C3H mice exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation before (afferent arm of DTH) or after (efferent arm of DTH) infection with Candida albicans was markedly and systemically suppressed. Although suppression of both the afferent and efferent phases of DTH were caused by similar wavebands within the ultraviolet region, the dose of UV radiation that suppressed the efferent arm of DTH was 10-fold higher than the dose that suppressed the afferent arm of the DTH reaction.^ The DTH response of C57BL/6 mice was also suppressed by UV radiation; however the suppression was accomplished by exposure to significantly lower doses UV radiation compared to C3H mice. In C57BL/6 mice, the dose of UV radiation that suppressed the afferent phase of DTH was 5-fold higher than the dose that suppressed the efferent phase.^ Exposure of C3H mice to UV radiation before sensitization induced splenic suppressor T cells that upon transfer to normal recipients, impaired the induction of DTH to Candida. In contrast, the suppression caused by UV irradiation of mice after sensitization was not transferable. Spleen cells from sensitized mice exhibited altered homing patterns in animals that were exposed to UV radiation shortly before receiving cells, suggesting that UV-induced suppression of the efferent arm of DTH could result from an alteration in the distribution of effector cells.^ UV radiation decreased the survival of Candida-infected mice; however, no correlation was found between suppression of the DTH response and the course of lethal infection. This suggested that DTH was not protective against lethal disease with this organism. UV radiation also changed the persistence of the organism in the internal organs. UV-irradiated, infected animals had increased numbers of Candida in their kidneys compared to non-irradiated mice. Sensitization prior to UV irradiation aided clearance of the organism from the kidneys of UV-irradiated mice.^ These data show that UV radiation suppresses cell-mediated immunity to Candida albicans in mice and increases mortality of Candida-infected mice. Moreover, the data suggest that an increase in environmental UV radiation could increase the severity of pathogenic infections. ^


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Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation, in addition to being carcinogenic, is also immunosuppressive. Immunologically, UVB induces suppression locally, at the site of irradiation, or systemically, by inducing the production of a variety of immunosuppressive cytokines. Systemic effects include suppression of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to a variety of antigens (e.g. haptens, proteins, bacterial antigens, or alloantigens). One of the principal mediators of UV-induced immune suppression is the T helper-2 (Th2) cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10); this suggests that UV irradiation induces suppression by shifting the immune response from a Th1 (cellular) to a Th2 (humoral) response. These "opposing" T helper responses are usually mutually exclusive, and polarized Th1 or Th2 responses may lead to either protection from infection or increased susceptibility to disease, depending on the infectious agent and the route of infection.^ This study examines the effects of UVB irradiation on cellular and humoral responses to Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the causative agent of Lyme disease (LD) in both immunization and infectious disease models; in addition, it examines the role of T cells in protection from and pathology of Bb infection. Particular emphasis is placed on the Bb-specific antibody responses following irradiation since UVB effects on humoral immunity are not fully understood. Mice were irradiated with a single dose of UV and then immunized (in complete Freund's adjuvant) or infected with Bb (intradermally at the base of the tail) in order to examine both DTH and antibody responses in both systems. UVB suppressed the Th1-associated antibodies IgG2a and IgG2b in both systems, as well as the DTH response to Bb in a dose dependent manner. Injection of anti-IL-10 antibody into UV-irradiated mice within 24 h after UV exposure restored the DTH response, as well as the Th1 antibody (IgG2a and IgG2b) response. In addition, injecting recombinant IL-10 mimicked some of the effects of UV radiation.^ Bb-specific Th1 T cell lines (BAT2.1-2.3) were generated to examine the role of T cells in Lyme borreliosis. All lines were CD4$\sp+,$ $\alpha\beta\sp+$ and proliferated specifically in response to Bb. The BAT2 cell lines not only conferred a DTH response to naive C3H recipients, but reduced the number of organisms recovered from the blood and tissues of mice infected with Bb. Furthermore, BAT2 cell lines protected mice from Bb-induced periarthritis. ^


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The proportional distribution of independent malignant tumors in the contralateral breast following treatment for breast cancer was investigated to assess the influence of scattered radiation as a cause of these tumors. In a population of 172 patients the proportion of contralateral tumors in each quadrant and the center (the nipple-areolar complex) was compared with the expected, or natural, distribution found in the general population, in the absence of radiation. The observed/expected ratio for contralateral tumors was 1.43 for the upper-inner quadrant; 0.97, lower-inner quadrant; 1.51, center; 0.76, upper-outer quadrant; and 0.64, lower-outer quadrant. In each quadrant, except the lower-inner, the observed/expected ratio differed from 1.00 with statistical significance at the 5% level (one-tail). The same analysis, stratified by age and menopausal status, showed a similar shift of tumors, with more than expected in the inner quadrants and center and less than expected in the outer quadrants, although the results did not show statistical significance at the 5% level for all strata. For each patient the mean absorbed radiation dose for each quadrant and center of the breast was estimated, based on measurements in a tissue-equivalent phantom. Among patients the doses ranged from 0.5 to 8 Gy; within individuals, doses to the inner quadrants typically were a factor of three times higher than doses to the outer quadrants. The results suggest that radiation may be a risk factor for contralateral breast tumors and warrants further investigation. ^