10 resultados para proliferating cell nuclear antigen
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It is widely accepted that the process of breast cancer tumorigenesis involves estrogen receptor-alpha (ER)-regulated stimulatory pathways, which feed into survival, cell cycle progression and proliferative response. Recent data from Kumar laboratory indicate that dynein light chain 1 (DLC1) plays a role in survival, motility and invasiveness, all of which are required for a successful tumorigenesis process. In the present research, we have discovered a mechanistic bidirectional regulatory link between the DLC1 and ER. We found that DLC1 facilitates ligand-induced ER transactivation involving the recruitment of the DLC1-ER complex to ER-target genes. To gain insights into the mechanism by which DLC1 regulates the ER pathway, we set out to identify novel DLC1-interacting proteins. Among other proteins, we identified KIBRA and Ciz1 as two novel DLC1-interacting proteins. We found that the KIBRA-DLC1 complex is recruited to ER-responsive promoters, and that KIBRA-DLC1 interaction is needed for the recruitment of ER to its targets as well as for ER's transactivation function. Finally, we found that KIBRA utilizes its histone H3interacting glutamic acid-rich region to regulate the transactivation activity of ER. During the course of this work, we also discovered that DLC1 interacts with Cdk2 and Ciz1, and such interactions play a direct accelerating role in the G1-S transition of breast cancer cells. While delineating the role of Ciz1 in hormone-responsive cancer cells, we found that Ciz1 is an estrogen-responsive gene, and acts as a co-regulator of ER. Accordingly, Ciz1 overexpression in breast cancer cells conferred estrogen hypersensitivity, promoted the growth-rate, anchorage-independency and tumorigenic properties. Collectively, findings made during the course of the present dissertation research introduced two new molecular players in the action of ER in breast cancer cells, with a particular focus on cell cycle progression and ER-chromatin target regulation. In addition, findings presented here provide novel mechanistic insight about the contribution of DLC1 and its interacting proteins in amplifying the hormone action and promoting the process of breast cancer tumorigenesis. ^
Cytokine-induced transcription of the serum amyloid A3 (SAA3) gene promoter requires a transcriptional enhancer that contains three functional elements: two C/EBP-binding sites and a third site that interacts with a constitutively expressed transcription factor, SAA3 enhancer factor (SEF). Deletion or site-specific mutations in the SEF-binding site drastically reduced SAA3 promoter activity, strongly suggesting that SEF is important in SAA3 promoter function. To further elucidate its role in the regulation of the SAA3 gene, we purified SEF from HeLa cell nuclear extracts to near homogeneity by using conventional liquid chromatography and DNA-affinity chromatography. Ultraviolet cross-linking and Southwestern experiments indicated that SEF consisted of a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 65 kDa. Protein sequencing, oligonucleotide competition and antibody supershift experiments identified SEF as transcription factor LBP-1c/CP2/LSF. Cotransfection of SEF expression plasmid with SAA3-luciferase reporter resulted in 3- to 5-fold activation of SAA3 promoter. Interestingly, when SEF-transfected cells were treated with either conditioned medium (CM) or interleukin (IL) 1, the SAA3 promoter was synergistically activated in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, when SEF-binding site was mutated, the response of SAA3 promoter to IL-1 or CM stimulation was abolished or drastically decreased, suggesting that SEF may functionally cooperate with an IL-1-inducible transcription factor. Indeed, our functional studies showed that NFκB is a key transcription factor that mediates the IL-1-induced expression of SAA3 gene, and that SEF can synergize with NFκBp65 to activate SAA3 promoter. By coimmunoprecipitation experiments, we found that SEF could specifically interact with NFκBp65, and that the association of these two factors was enhanced upon IL-1 and CM stimulation. This suggests that the molecular basis for the functional synergy between SEF and NFκB may be due to the ability of SEF to physically interact with NPκB. In addition to its interaction with SEF, NFκB-dependent activation also requires the weak κB site in the C element and its interaction with C/EBP. Besides its role in regulating SAA3 gene expression, we provide evidence that SEF could also bind in a sequence-specific manner to the promoters of α2-macroglobulin, Aα fibrinogen, and 6–16 genes and to an intronic enhancer of the human Wilm's tumor 1 gene, suggesting a functional role in the regulation of these genes. By coimmunoprecipitation experiments, we determined that SEF could specifically associate with both Stat3 and Stat2 upon cytokine stimulation. To examine the functional roles of such interactions, we evaluated the effects of SEF on the transcriptional regulation of two reporter genes: Aα fibrinogen and 6–16, which are IL-6- and interferon-α-responsive, respectively. Our results showed that cotransfection of SEF expression plasmid can activate the expression of Aα fibrinogen gene and 6–16 gene. Moreover, SEF can dramatically enhance the interferon-α-induced expression of 6–16 gene and IL-6-induced expression of Aα fibrinogen gene, suggesting that SEF may functionally cooperate with ISGF3 and Stat3 to mediate interferon-α and IL-6 signaling. ^ Our findings that SEF can interact with multiple cytokine-inducible transcription factors to mediate the expression of target genes open a new avenue of investigation of cooperative transcriptional regulation of gene expression, and should further our understanding of differential gene expression in response to a specific stimulus. In summary, our data provide evidence that SEF can mediate the signaling of different cytokines by interacting with various cytokine-inducible transcription factors. ^
Periodontal disease is the major cause of tooth loss in man. The initial histological picture of the inflamed gingiva is characteristic of local inflammatory reaction involving polymorphonuclear leukocytes, vasculitis and localized tissue loss. Subsequent clinical stages of periodontal disease (mild gingivitis) show histological evidence of the involvement of the immune response with initial accumulation of macrophages, and lymphocytes devoid of surface staining immunoglobulins (presumably T cells). As the disease progresses, a predominance of surface and cytoplasmic staining lymphocytes and plasma cells are seen (severe gingivitis and periodontitis). Whether the occurrence of the immunoglobulin positive lymphocytes and the concurrent loss of collagen and resorption of alveolar bone seen in periodontitis is indicative of a direct cause and effect relationship has been a controversy.^ The majority of investigations in the periodontal field have involved the use of peripheral blood lymphocytes or serum. Blastogenic responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes and serum antibody titers from periodontal patients to a variety of oral bacteria have not shown any correlation between response and the severity of disease. The need to study the local immune response in inflamed gingiva is apparent. Since there are no baseline studies on the functional capabilities of the lymphoid cells present in gingiva from periodontitis patients, an in depth study involving the role of the immunoglobulin positive lymphocytes was investigated.^ Inflamed gingiva from four clinically defined periodontal disease states (mild gingivitis, severe gingivitis, periodontitis and severe periodontitis) were placed in gingival organ cultures. Class specific immunoglobulins were quantitated in gingival organ culture supernatants using an indirect sandwich technique. A significant difference in mean levels of IgA and IgG was seen between mild gingivitis and periodontitis (P < .00l, P = .001), as well as in IgG levels between periodontitis and severe periodontitis (P = .001). The predominance of IgG in gingival organ culture supernatants and the statistically significant findings that the overall mean levels of IgG between mild gingivitis and periodontitis (P = .014) and between severe periodontitis and periodontitis (P = .001) suggested a possible indicator of periodontal disease. The presence of IgG in gingival organ culture supernatants was shown to be a product of actively secreting plasma cells. The incorporation of radiolabelled amino acids into IgG was noted over a seven-day period with a peak response at day 4-5. The inhibition of IgG synthesis by cyclohexamide confirmed the contention that IgG was a product of de novo synthesis and not serum derived.^ The specificity of immunoglobulins derived from gingival organ cultures were studied using a whole bacterial agglutination test. Oral bacteria frequently cultured from periodontal patients were assessed for their ability to be agglutinated by gingival organ culture supernatants. A positive correlation of antibody titer and severity of disease was seen with five strains of Actinomyces viscosus, two of Actinomyces naeslundii and one Actinomyces israelii. The agglutination of bacteria was shown to be due to the specific interaction of immunoglobulin and cell-wall antigen. ^
Lodestar, a Drosophila maternal-effect gene, is essential for proper chromosome segregation during embryonic mitosis. Mutations in lodestar cause chromatin bridging in anaphase, preventing the sister chromatids from fully separating and leaving chromatin tangled at the metaphase plate. Drosophila lodestar protein was originally identified, in purified fractions of Drosophila Kc cell nuclear extracts, by its ability to suppress the generation of long RNA polymerase II transcripts. The human homolog of this protein (hLodestar) was cloned and studied in comparison to the Drosophila lodestar activities. The results of these studies show, similar to the Drosophila protein, hLodestar has dsDNA-dependent ATPase and transcription termination activity in vitro. hLodestar has also been shown to release RNA polymerase I and II stalled at a cyclobutane thymine dimer. Lodestar belongs to the SNF2 family of proteins, which are members of the DExH/D helicase super-family. The SNF2 family of proteins are believed to play a critical role in altering protein-DNA interactions in a variety of cellular contexts. We have recently isolated a human cDNA (hLodestar) that shares significant homology to the Drosophila lodestar gene. The 4.6 kb clone contains an open reading frame of 1162 amino acids, and shares 55% similarity and 46% identity to the Drosophila Lodestar protein sequence. Our studies looking for hLodestar interacting proteins revealed an association with CDC5L in the yeast two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. CDC5L has been well documented to be a component of the spliceosome. Our data suggests hLodestar is involved in splicing through in vitro assembly and splicing reactions, in addition to its association with spliceosomes purified from HeLa nuclear extract. Although many other members of the DExH/D helicase super-family have been linked to splicing, this is the first SNF2 family member to be implicated in the splicing reaction. ^
Treatment of metastatic melanoma with tumor reactive T cells (adoptive T cell therapy, ACT) is a promising approach associated with a high clinical response rate. However, further optimization of this treatment modality is required to increase the clinical response after this therapy. ACT in melanoma involves an initial phase (pre-REP) of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) expansion ex vivo from tumor isolates followed by a second phase, “rapid expansion protocol” (REP) generating the billions of cells used as the TIL infusion product. The main question addressed in this thesis was how the currently used REP affected the responsiveness of the CD8+ T cells to defined melanoma antigens. We hypothesized that the REP drives the TIL to further differentiate and become hyporesponsive to antigen restimulation, therefore, proper cytokine treatment or other ways to expand TIL is required to improve upon this outcome. We evaluated the response of CD8+ TIL to melanoma antigen restimulation using MART-1 peptide-pulsed mature DC in vitro. Post-REP TILs were mostly hypo-responsive with poor proliferation and higher apoptosis. Phenotypic analysis revealed that the expression of CD28 was significantly reduced in post-REP TILs. By sorting experiment and microarray analysis, we confirmed that the few CD28+ post-REP TILs had superior survival capacity and proliferated after restimulation. We then went on to investigate methods to maintain CD28 expression during the REP and improve TIL responsiveness. Firstly, IL-15 and IL-21 were found to synergize in maintaining TIL CD28 expression and antigenic responsiveness during REP. Secondly, we found IL-15 was superior as compared to IL-2 in supporting the long-term expansion of antigen-specific CD8+ TIL after restimulation. These results suggest that current expansion protocols used for adoptive T-cell therapy in melanoma yield largely hyporesponsive products containing CD8+ T cells unable to respond in vivo to re-stimulation with antigen. A modification of our current approaches by using IL-15+IL-21 as supporting cytokines in the REP, or/and administration of IL-15 instead of IL-2 after TIL infusion, may enhance the anti-tumor efficacy and long-term persistence of infused T cells in vivo.
The 14.5 kDa (galectin-1) and 31 kDa (galectin-3) lectins are the most well characterized members of a family of vertebrate carbohydrate-binding proteins known as the galectins. Evidence has been obtained implicating these galectins in events as diverse as cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions, growth regulation, transformation, differentiation, and programmed cell death. In the present study, sodium butyrate was found to be a potent inducer of galectin-1 in the KM12 human colon carcinoma cell line. Prior to treatment with butyrate this cell line expresses only galectin-3. These cells were utilized as an in vitro model system to study galectin expression as well as that of their endogenous ligands. The initial phase of this project involved the examination of the induction of galectin-1 by butyrate at the protein level. These studies indicated that galectin-1 induction by butyrate was relatively rapid reaching nearly maximal levels after only 24 hours. Additionally, the induction was found to be reversible upon the removal of butyrate and to precede the increase in expression of the well characterized differentiation marker, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). The second phase of this project involved the characterization of potential glycoprotein ligands for galectin-1 and galectin-3. This work demonstrated that the polylactosaminoglycan-containing glycoproteins laminin, CEA, and the lysosome-associated glycoproteins-1 and -2 (LAMPs-1 and -2) are capable of serving as ligands for both galectin-1 and -3. The third phase of this project involved the analysis of the induction of the galectin-1 promoter by butyrate. Through the analysis of deletion constructs transiently transfected into KM12 cells, the region of the galectin-1 promoter mediating a high level of induction by butyrate was localized primarily within a proximal portion of the promoter containing a CCAAT element and an Sp1 binding site. The CCAAT-binding activity in the KM12 nuclear extracts was subsequently dentified as NF-Y by gel shift analysis. These studies suggest that: (1) the galectins may be involved in modulating adhesive interactions in human colon carcinoma cells through the binding of several polylactosaminoglycans shown to play a role in adhesion and (2) high level induction of the galectin-1 promoter by butyrate can proceed through a discreet, proximal element containing an NF-Y-binding CCAAT box and an Sp1 site. ^
A series of studies were undertaken to analyze and compare various aspects of murine class I glycoproteins. An initial area of investigation characterized the Qa-1 alloantigens using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Analysis of the products of the Qa-1('b), Qa-1('c) and Qa-1('d) alleles indicated that these were distinct molecules as determined by their lack of comigration upon comparative two-dimensional gel analysis. The importance of asparagine-linked glycosylation in the cell surface expression of class I molecules was also examined. These studies employed tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation. Tunicamycin treatment of activated T lymphocytes diminished the surface expression of Qa-1 to undetectable levels; the levels of other class I molecules exhibited little or no decrease. These results indicated that N-linked glycosylation has a differential importance in the cell surface expression of various class I molecules. The molecular weight diversity of class I molecules was also investigated. Molecular weight determination of both the fully glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of H-2 and Qa/Tla region encoded molecules established that there is a significant variation in the sizes of these forms of various class I molecules. The most significant difference ((TURN)9,000 daltons) exists between the unglycosylated forms of H-2K('b) and Qa-2, suggesting that the structural organization of these two molecules may be very different. A comparative two-dimensional gel analysis of various class I glycoproteins isolated from resting and activated T and B lymphocytes indicated that class I molecules expressed on activated T cells exhibited an isoelectrophoretic pattern that was distinct from the isoelectrophoretic pattern of class I molecules expessed on the other cell populations. This difference was attributed to a lower sialic acid content of the molecules expressed on activated T cells. Analysis of cell homogenates determined that activated T cells contained a higher level of endogenous neuraminidase activity than was detected in the other populations, suggesting that this may be the basis of the lower sialic acid content. The relationship of the Qa-4 and Qa-2 alloantigens was also examined. It was established that upon mitogen activation, the expression of Qa-4 was greatly decreased, whereas Qa-2 expression was not decreased. However, an anti-Qa-2 monoclonal antibody blocked the binding of an anti-Qa-4 monoclonal antibody to resting cells. These studies established that Qa-4 is a determinant restricted to resting cells, which is closely associated on the surface with the Qa-2 molecule. ^
Several immune pathologies are the result of aberrant regulation of T lymphocytes. Pronounced T cell proliferation can result in autoimmunity or hematologic malignancy, whereas loss of T cell activity can manifest as immunodeficiency. Thus, there is a critical need to characterize the signal transduction pathways that mediate T cell activation so that novel and rational strategies to detect and effectively control T cell mediated disease can be achieved. ^ The first objective of this dissertation was to identify and characterize novel T cell regulatory proteins that are differentially expressed upon antigen induced activation. Using a functional proteomics approach, two members of the prohibitin (Phb) family of proteins, Phb1 and Phb2, were determined to be upregulated upon activation of primary human T cells. Furthermore, their regulated expression was dependent upon CD3 and CD28 signaling pathways which synergistically increased their expression. In contrast to previous reports of Phb nuclear localization, both proteins were determined to localize to the mitochondrial inner membrane of human T cells. Additionally, novel Phb phosphorylation sites were identified and characterized using mass spectrometry, phosphospecific antibodies and site directed mutagenesis. ^ Prohibitins have been proposed to play important roles in cancer development however the mechanism of action has not been elucidated. The second objective of this dissertation was to define the functional role of Phbs in T cell activity, survival and disease. Compared to levels in normal human T cells, Phb expression was higher in the human tumor T cell line Kit225 and subcellularly localized to the mitochondrion. Ablation of Phb expression by siRNA treatment of Kit225 cells resulted in disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential and significantly enhanced their sensitivity to cell death, suggesting they serve a protective function in T cells. Furthermore, Q-RT-PCR analysis of human oncology cDNA expression libraries indicated the Phbs may represent hematological cancer biomarkers. Indeed, Phb1 and Phb2 protein levels were 6-10 fold higher in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from malignant lymphoma and multiple myeloma patients compared to healthy individuals. ^ Taken together, Phb1 and Phb2 are novel phosphoproteins upregulated during T cell activation and transformation to function in the maintenance of mitochondrial integrity and perhaps energy metabolism, thus representing previously unrecognized intracellular biomarkers and therapeutic targets for regulating T cell activation and hematologic malignancies. ^