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Background. Today modern day slavery is known as human trafficking and is a growing pandemic that is a grave human rights violation. Estimates suggest that 12.3 million people are working under conditions of force, fraud or coercion. Working toward eradication is a worthy effort; it would free millions of humans from slavery, mostly women and children, as well as uphold basic human rights. One tactic to eradicating human trafficking is to increase identification of victims among those likely to encounter victims of human trafficking.^ Purpose. This study aims to develop an intervention that improves certain stakeholders' ability, in the health clinic setting, to appropriately identify and report victims of human trafficking to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.^ Methods. The Intervention Mapping (IM) process was used by program planners to develop an intervention for health professionals. This methodology is a six step process that guides program planners to develop an intervention. Each step builds on the others through the execution of a needs assessment, and the development of matrices based on performance objectives and determinants of the targeted health behavior. The end product results in an ecological, theoretical, and evidence based intervention.^ Discussion. The IM process served as a useful protocol for program planners to take an ecological approach as well as incorporate theory and evidence into the intervention. Consultation with key informants, the planning group, adopters, implementers, and individuals responsible for institutionalization also contributed to the practicality and feasibility of the intervention. Program planners believe that this intervention fully meets recommendations set forth in the literature.^ Conclusions. The intervention mapping methodology enabled program planners to develop an intervention that is appropriate and acceptable to the implementer and the recipients.^
Adhesion involves interactions between cells or cells with extracellular matrix components and is a fundamental process for all multicellular organisms as well as many pathogenic microbes. Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane proteins that function as adhesion molecules and transduce signals between the extracellular environment and the intracellular cytoskeletal machinery. β1 integrin subfamily is highly expressed on T lymphocytes and mediates cell spreading, adhesion and coactivation. T lymphocytes have an important role in the regulation and homeostasis of the immune system therefore, the goals of this study were to first to investigate β1 integrin interaction with fibronectin binding protein A (FnbpA), a surface protein expressed on gram-negative bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Second, characterize the association and function of a non-integrin surface protein, CD98, with β1 integrins on T lymphocytes. ^ FnbpA binds to fibronectin (FN), also a ligand for α5β1 and α4β1 integrins on T lymphocytes. Since both bacterial proteins FnbpA and T cell integrins utilize FN, it was of interest to determine the effects FnbpA on T cell activation. Results demonstrated that recombinant FnbpA (rFnbpA) coimmobilized with OKT3 mediated T cell coactivation in a soluble FN-dependent manner. Integrin α5β1 was identified as the main integrin utilized by Staphylococcus aureus FnbpA from studies using soluble antibodies to inhibit T cell proliferation and parallel plate flow chamber assays. The mechanism of rFnbpA-mediated coactivation was one that used soluble FN as a bridge between rFnbpA and integrin α5β1 on the T lymphocyte. ^ Since integrins are utilized by T lymphocytes and bacterial proteins, it was of interest to identify proteins involved in integrin regulation. Anti-CD98 mAb 80A10 was identified and characterized from a screen to identify surface proteins involved in integrin signaling and functions. CD98 is a non-integrin protein that was sensitive to integrin inhibition in human T lymphocyte aggregation and activation, thus suggested that CD98 shared a common signaling pathway with integrins. These results led to the question of whether CD98 physically associates with β1 integrins. Fluorescence microscopy and biochemical analysis determined that CD98 is specifically associated with β1 integrin on human T lymphocytes and may be part of a larger multimolecular signaling complex. ^
Infection with certain types of HPV is a necessary event in the development of cervical carcinoma; however, not all women who become infected will progress. While much is known about the molecular influence of HPV E6 and E7 proteins on the malignant transformation, little is known about the additional factors needed to drive the process. Currently, conventional cervical screening is insufficient at identifying women who are likely to progress from premalignant lesions to carcinoma. Aneuploidy and chromatin texture from image cytometry have been suggested as quantitative measures of nuclear damage in premalignant lesions and cancer, and traditional epidemiologic studies have identified potential factors to aid in the discrimination of those lesions likely to progress. ^ In the current study, real-time PCR was used to quantitate mRNA expression of the E7 gene in women exhibiting normal epithelium, LSIL, and HSIL. Quantitative cytometry was used to gather information about the DNA index and chromatin features of cells from the same women. Logistic regression modeling was used to establish predictor variables for histologic grade based on the traditional epidemiologic risk factors and molecular markers. ^ Prevalence of mRNA transcripts was lower among women with normal histology (27%) than for women with LSIL (40%) and HSIL (37%) with mean levels ranging from 2.0 to 4.2. The transcriptional activity of HPV 18 was higher than that of HPV 16 and increased with increasing level of dysplasia, reinforcing the more aggressive nature of HPV 18. DNA index and mRNA level increased with increasing histological grade. Chromatin score was not correlated with histology but was higher for HPV 18 samples and those with both HPV 18 and HPV 16. However, chromatin score and DNA index were not correlated with mRNA levels. The most predictive variables in the regression modeling were mRNA level, DNA index, parity, and age, and the ROC curves for LSIL and HSIL indicated excellent discrimination. ^ Real-time PCR of viral transcripts could provide a more efficient method to analyze the oncogenic potential within cells from cervical swabs. Epidemiological modeling of malignant progression in the cervix should include molecular markers, as well as the traditional epidemiological risk factors. ^
Macromolecular interactions, such as protein-protein interactions and protein-DNA interactions, play important roles in executing biological functions in cells. However the complexity of such interactions often makes it very challenging to elucidate the structural details of these subjects. In this thesis, two different research strategies were applied on two different two macromolecular systems: X-ray crystallography on three tandem FF domains of transcription regulator CA150 and electron microscopy on STAT1-importin α5 complex. The results from these studies provide novel insights into the function-structure relationships of transcription coupled RNA splicing mediated by CA150 and the nuclear import process of the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. ^ The first project aimed at the protein-protein interaction module FF domain, which often occurs as tandem repeats. Crystallographic structure of the first three FF domains of human CA150 was determined to 2.7 Å resolution. This is the only crystal structure of an FF domain and the only structure on tandem FF domains to date. It revealed a striking connectivity between an FF domain and the next. Peptide binding assay with the potential binding ligand of FF domains was performed using fluorescence polarization. Furthermore, for the first time, FF domains were found to potentially interact with DNA. DNA binding assays were also performed and the results were supportive to this newly proposed functionality of an FF domain. ^ The second project aimed at understanding the molecular mechanism of the nuclear import process of transcription factor STAT1. The first structural model of pSTAT1-importin α5 complex in solution was built from the images of negative staining electron microscopy. Two STAT1 molecules were observed to interact with one molecule of importin α5 in an asymmetric manner. This seems to imply that STAT1 interacts with importin α5 with a novel mechanism that is different from canonical importin α-cargo interactions. Further in vitro binding assays were performed to obtain more details on the pSTAT1-importin α5 interaction. ^
Structure-function analysis of human Integrator subunit 4 Anupama Sataluri Advisor: Eric. J. Wagner, Ph.D. Uridine-rich small nuclear RNAs (U snRNA) are RNA Polymerase-II (RNAPII) transcripts that are ubiquitously expressed and are known to be essential for gene expression. snRNAs play a key role in mRNA splicing and in histone mRNA expression. Inaccurate snRNA biosynthesis can lead to diseases related to defective splicing and histone mRNA expression. Although the 3′ end formation mechanism and processing machinery of other RNAPII transcripts such as mRNA has been well studied, the mechanism of snRNA 3′ end processing has remained a mystery until the recent discovery of the machinery that mediates this process. In 2005, a complex of 14 subunits (the Integrator complex) associated with RNA Polymerase-II was discovered. The 14subunits were annotated Integrator 1-14 based on their size. The subunits of this complex together were found to facilitate 3′ end processing of snRNA. Identification of the Integrator complex propelled research in the direction of understanding the events of snRNA 3’end processing. Recent studies from our lab confirmed that Integrator subunit (IntS) 9 and 11 together perform the endonucleolytic cleavage of the nascent snRNA 3′ end to generate mature snRNA. However, the role of other members of the Integrator complex remains elusive. Current research in our lab is focused on deciphering the role of each subunit within the Integrator complex This work specifically focuses on elucidating the role of human Integrator subunit 4 (IntS4) and understanding how it facilitates the overall function of the complex. IntS4 has structural similarity with a protein called “Symplekin”, which is part of the mRNA 3’end processing machinery. Symplekin has been thoroughly researched in recent years and structure-function correlation studies in the context of mRNA 3’end processing have reported a scaffold function for Symplekin due to the presence of HEAT repeat motifs in its N-terminus. Based upon the structural similarity between IntS4 and Symplekin, we hypothesized that Integrator subunit 4 may be behaving as a Symplekin-like scaffold molecule that facilitates the interaction between other members of the Integrator Complex. To answer this question, the two important goals of this study were to: 1) identify the region of IntS4, which is important for snRNA 3′ end processing and 2) determine binding partners of IntS4 which promote its function as a scaffold. IntS4 structurally consists of a highly conserved N-terminus with 8 HEAT repeats, followed by a nonconserved C- terminus. A series of siRNA resistant N and C-terminus deletion constructs as well as specific point mutants within its N-terminal HEAT repeats were generated for human IntS4 and, utilizing a snRNA transcriptional readthrough GFP-reporter assay, we tested their ability to rescue misprocessing. This assay revealed a possible scaffold like property of IntS4. To probe IntS4 for interaction partners, we performed co-immunoprecipitation on nuclear extracts of IntS4 expressing stable cell lines and identified IntS3 and IntS5 among other Integrator subunits to be binding partners which facilitate the scaffold like function of hIntS4. These findings have established a critical role for IntS4 in snRNA 3′ end processing, identified that both its N and C termini are essential for its function, and mapped putative interaction domains with other Integrator subunits.
The purpose of this dissertation was to develop a conceptual framework which can be used to account for policy decisions made by the House Ways and Means Committee (HW&MC) of the Texas House of Representatives. This analysis will examine the actions of the committee over a ten-year period with the goal of explaining and predicting the success of failure of certain efforts to raise revenue.^ The basis framework for modelling the revenue decision-making process includes three major components--the decision alternatives, the external factors and two competing contingency theories. The decision alternatives encompass the particular options available to increase tax revenue. The options were classified as non-innovative or innovative. The non-innovative options included the sales, franchise, property and severance taxes. The innovative options were principally the personal and corporate income taxes.^ The external factors included political and economic constraints that affected the actions of the HW&MC. Several key political constraints on committee decision-making were addressed--including public attitudes, interest groups, political party strength and tradition and precedents. The economic constraints that affected revenue decisions included court mandates, federal mandates and the fiscal condition of the nation and the state.^ The third component of the revenue decision-making framework included two alternative contingency theories. The first alternative theory postulated that the committee structure, including the individual member roles and the overall committee style, resulted in distinctive revenue decisions. This theory will be favored if evidence points to the committee acting autonomously with less concern for the policies of the Speaker of the House. The Speaker assignment theory, postulated that the assignment of committee members shaped or changed the course of committee decision-making. This theory will be favored if there was evidence that the committee was strictly a vehicle for the Speaker to institute his preferred tax policies.^ The ultimate goal of this analysis is to develop an explanation for legislative decision-making about tax policy. This explanation will be based on the linkages across various tax options, political and economic constraints, member roles and committee style and the patterns of committee assignment. ^
Paracrine motogenic factors, including motility cytokines and extracellular matrix molecules secreted by normal cells, can stimulate metastatic cell invasion. For extracellular matrix molecules, both the intact molecules and the degradative products may exhibit these activities, which in some cases are not shared by the intact molecules. We found that human peritumoral and lung fibroblasts secrete motility-stimulating activity for several recently established human sarcoma cell strains. The motility of lung metastasis-derived human SYN-1 sarcoma cells was preferentially stimulated by human lung and peritumoral fibroblast motility-stimulating factors (FMSFs). FMSFs were nondialyzable, susceptible to trypsin, and sensitive to dithiothreitol. Cycloheximide inhibited accumulation of FMSF activity in conditioned medium; however, addition of cycloheximide to the migration assay did not significantly affect motility-stimulating activity. Purified hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF), rabbit anti-hHGF, and RT-PCR analysis of peritumoral and lung fibroblast HGF/SF mRNA expression indicated that FMSF activity was unrelated to HGF/SF. Partial purification of FMSF by gel exclusion chromatography revealed several peaks of activity, suggesting multiple FMSF molecules or complexes.^ We purified the fibroblast motility-stimulating factor from human lung fibroblast-conditioned medium to apparent homogeneity by sequential heparin affinity chromatography and DEAE anion exchange chromatography. Lysylendopeptidase C digestion of FMSF and sequencing of peptides purified by reverse phase HPLC after digestion identified it as an N-terminal fragment of human fibronectin. Purified FMSF stimulated predominantly chemotaxis but chemokinesis as well of SYN-1 sarcoma cells and was chemotactic for a variety of human sarcoma cells, including fibrosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, liposarcoma, synovial sarcoma and neurofibrosarcoma cells. The motility-stimulating activity present in HLF-CM was completely eliminated by either neutralization or immunodepletion with a rabbit anti-human-fibronectin antibody, thus further confirming that the fibronectin fragment was the FMSF responsible for the motility stimulation of human soft tissue sarcoma cells. Since human soft tissue sarcomas have a distinctive hematogenous metastatic pattern (predominantly lung), FMSF may play a role in this process. ^
c-Met is the protein tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) and mediates several normal cellular functions including proliferation, survival, and migration. Overexpression of c-Met correlates with progression and metastasis of human colorectal carcinoma (CRC). The goals of this study were to determine if overexpression of c-Met directly contributes to tumorigenicity and liver metastatic potential of colon cancer, and what are the critical pathways regulated by c-Met in this process. The studies used two colon tumor cell lines, KM12SM and KM20, which express high levels of constitutively active c-Met and are highly metastatic in nude mice. To examine the effects of c-Met overexpression, subclones of theses lines with reduced c-Met expression were obtained following transfection with a c-Met specific targeting ribozyme. Reduction of c-Met in KM12SM cells abolished liver metastases when cells were injected intrasplenically in an experimental metastasis assay. However, c-Met downregulation in theses clones was unstable. Three stable KM20 clones with a 25–35% reduction in c-Met protein levels but 60–90% reduction in basal c-Met autophosphorylation and kinase activity were obtained. While HGF increased c-Met kinase activity in the clones with reduced c-Met, the activity was less than that observed in parental or control transfected cells. Correlating with the reduction in c-Met kinase activity, subclones with reduced c-Met expression had significantly reduced in vitro growth rates, soft-agar colony forming abilities, and increased apoptosis. HGF/SF treatment did not affect anchorage-dependent growth or soft-agar colony forming abilities. Further, c-Met downregulation significantly impaired the ability of HGF/SF to induce migration. To examine the effects of reduced c-Met on tumor formation, parental and c-Met reduced KM20 cells were grown subcutaneously and intrahepatically in nude mice. c-Met downregulation delayed, but did not abolish growth at the subcutaneous site. When these cells were injected intrahepatically, both tumor incidences and size were significantly reduced. To further understand the molecular basis of c-Met in promoting tumor growth, the activation of several signaling intermediates that have been implicated in c-Met mediated growth, survival and migration were compared between KM20 parental cells and subclones with reduced c-Met expression levels. The expression and activity (as determined by phosphorylation) of AKT and Erk1/2 were unaltered. In contrast, Src kinase activity, as measured by immune complex kinase assay, was reduced 2–5 fold following c-Met downregulation. As Src has been implicated in growth, survival and migration, Src activation in c-Met overexpressing lines is likely contributing to the tumorigenic and metastatic capabilities of colon tumor cell lines that overexpress c-Met. Collectively, these results suggest that c-Met overexpression plays a causal role in the development of CRC liver metastases, and that c-Src and c-Met inhibitors may be of potential therapeutic benefit for late-stage colon cancer. ^