8 resultados para power in the bucket

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Obesity and diabetes are associated with increased fatty acid availability in excess of muscle fatty acid oxidation capacity. This mismatch is implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiac contractile dysfunction and also in the development of skeletal-muscle insulin resistance. We tested the hypothesis that 'Western' and high fat diets differentially cause maladaptation of cardiac- and skeletal-muscle fatty acid oxidation, resulting in cardiac contractile dysfunction. Wistar rats were fed on low fat, 'Western' or high fat (10, 45 or 60% calories from fat respectively) diet for acute (1 day to 1 week), short (4-8 weeks), intermediate (16-24 weeks) or long (32-48 weeks) term. Oleate oxidation in heart muscle ex vivo increased with high fat diet at all time points investigated. In contrast, cardiac oleate oxidation increased with Western diet in the acute, short and intermediate term, but not in the long term. Consistent with fatty acid oxidation maladaptation, cardiac power decreased with long-term Western diet only. In contrast, soleus muscle oleate oxidation (ex vivo) increased only in the acute and short term with either Western or high fat feeding. Fatty acid-responsive genes, including PDHK4 (pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4) and CTE1 (cytosolic thioesterase 1), increased in heart and soleus muscle to a greater extent with feeding a high fat diet compared with a Western diet. In conclusion, we implicate inadequate induction of a cassette of fatty acid-responsive genes, and impaired activation of fatty acid oxidation, in the development of cardiac dysfunction with Western diet.


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The use of group-randomized trials is particularly widespread in the evaluation of health care, educational, and screening strategies. Group-randomized trials represent a subset of a larger class of designs often labeled nested, hierarchical, or multilevel and are characterized by the randomization of intact social units or groups, rather than individuals. The application of random effects models to group-randomized trials requires the specification of fixed and random components of the model. The underlying assumption is usually that these random components are normally distributed. This research is intended to determine if the Type I error rate and power are affected when the assumption of normality for the random component representing the group effect is violated. ^ In this study, simulated data are used to examine the Type I error rate, power, bias and mean squared error of the estimates of the fixed effect and the observed intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) when the random component representing the group effect possess distributions with non-normal characteristics, such as heavy tails or severe skewness. The simulated data are generated with various characteristics (e.g. number of schools per condition, number of students per school, and several within school ICCs) observed in most small, school-based, group-randomized trials. The analysis is carried out using SAS PROC MIXED, Version 6.12, with random effects specified in a random statement and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation specified. The results from the non-normally distributed data are compared to the results obtained from the analysis of data with similar design characteristics but normally distributed random effects. ^ The results suggest that the violation of the normality assumption for the group component by a skewed or heavy-tailed distribution does not appear to influence the estimation of the fixed effect, Type I error, and power. Negative biases were detected when estimating the sample ICC and dramatically increased in magnitude as the true ICC increased. These biases were not as pronounced when the true ICC was within the range observed in most group-randomized trials (i.e. 0.00 to 0.05). The normally distributed group effect also resulted in bias ICC estimates when the true ICC was greater than 0.05. However, this may be a result of higher correlation within the data. ^


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Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is among the most common operations performed in the United States and accounts for more resources expended in cardiovascular medicine than any other single procedure. CABG surgery patients initially recover in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU). The post-procedure CVICU length of stay (LOS) goal is two days or less. A longer ICU LOS is associated with a prolonged hospital LOS, poor health outcomes, greater use of limited resources, and increased medical costs. ^ Research has shown that experienced clinicians can predict LOS no better than chance. Current CABG surgery LOS risk models differ greatly in generalizability and ease of use in the clinical setting. A predictive model that identified modifiable pre- and intra-operative risk factors for CVICU LOS greater than two days could have major public health implications as modification of these identified factors could decrease CVICU LOS and potentially minimize morbidity and mortality, optimize use of limited health care resources, and decrease medical costs. ^ The primary aim of this study was to identify modifiable pre-and intra-operative predictors of CVICU LOS greater than two days for CABG surgery patients with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). A secondary aim was to build a probability equation for CVICU LOS greater than two days. Data were extracted from 416 medical records of CABG surgery patients with CPB, 50 to 80 years of age, recovered in the CVICU of a large teaching, referral hospital in southeastern Texas, during the calendar year 2004 and the first quarter of 2005. Exclusion criteria included Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) 106, CABG surgery without CPB, CABG surgery with other procedures, and operative deaths. The data were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression for an alpha=0.05, power=0.80, and correlation=0.26. ^ This study found age, history of peripheral arterial disease, and total operative time equal to and greater than four hours to be independent predictors of CVICU LOS greater than two days. The probability of CVICU LOS greater than two days can be calculated by the following equation: -2.872941 +.0323081 (age in years) + .8177223 (history of peripheral arterial disease) + .70379 (operative time). ^


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Purpose. Understanding siblings' experiences after a major childhood burn injury was the purpose of this mixed method, qualitative dominant study. The following research questions guided this project: How do siblings describe the impact of a major childhood burn injury experience? How do sibling relationship factors of warmth/closeness, relative status/power, conflict, and rivalry further clarify their relationship and their experience after a major burn injury? ^ Methods. A mixed method, qualitative dominant, design was implemented to understand the sibling experiences in a family with a child suffering from a major burn injury. Informants were selected from patients with childhood burn injuries attending the reconstructive clinic at a Gulf coast children's specialty hospital. The qualitative portion used the life story method, a narrative process, to portray the long-term impact on sibling relationships. A "case" represents a family unit and could be composed of one or multiple family members. Participants from 22 cases (N = 40 participants) were interviewed. Interviews were conducted in person and via telephone. The quantitative portion, or the embedded part of this mixed method design, used the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire Revised (SRQ-R) to conduct an additional structured interview and acquire scoring data. It was postulated that the SRQ-R would provide another perspective on the sibling experience and expand the qualitative data analysis. Thematic analysis was implemented on the qualitative interview data including the qualitative data from the interviews structured on the SRQ-R. Additionally, scores on the SRQ-R were tabulated to further describe the cases. ^ Results. The overall thematic pattern for the sibling relationship in families having a child with a major burn injury was that of normalization. Areas of normalization as well as the process of adjustment were the major themes. Areas of normalization were found in play and other activities, in school and work, and in family relations with their siblings and their parents. The process of adjustment in the sibling relationship was described as varied, involved school and work re-entry, and might even change their life perspective. Further analysis included an examination of the cases in which more than one person were interviewed and completed the SRQ-R. Participants from five ( n = 11) of six cases (n = 14), scored above 3.0 on the five-point scale on the Warmth/Closeness construct, indicating they perceived the sibling relationship as close. Five participants scored high on the Conflict construct and four participants scored high on the Rivalry construct. Finally, Relative Status/Power was low or negative in the six cases (n = 13). ^ Conclusions/implications. These findings suggest the importance of returning to normalcy for many of the families and the significance of sibling relationships on the process. Some of these families were able to use this major life event in a positive way to promote normalization. ^


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Purpose of the study. The purpose was to determine if sleep deprivation in hospitalized older adults predicts the development of delirium, and if sleep is predicted by nighttime light and sound levels. ^ Method. This observational feasibility study enrolled 54 adults ≥70 years of age (mean age 79, range 70–94) who were negative for delirium. The sample was monitored for sleep via wrist actigraphy, and light and sound levels were monitored from 2200 to 0700 the first night of hospitalization. The Richards Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (RCSQ) was administered to measure subjective sleep satisfaction. Subjects were assessed for delirium daily using the Confusion Assessment Method. ^ Conclusions. Of 50 subjects completing the study, two (4%) developed delirium. Mean nighttime sleep was 225 minutes (± 137) with frequent awakenings (13 ± 6) Light levels were elevated episodically (mean intense light = 64 lux, lasting 1¾ hours); median sound levels [49.65 dB(A)] exceeded WHO recommendations [35 dB(A)]. Neither median sound (r = -.63, p = 67) nor mean light levels (r = -.104, p = .47) significantly correlated with sleep. Mean RCSQ was 50.7 ± 24 and showed a moderate correlation with nighttime sleep minutes (r = .577, p .000). Power analysis determined that 294 subjects will be required to determine if nighttime sleep minutes predict delirium, and 182 subjects will be required to determine if sound and light levels predict nighttime sleep minutes.^


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Background. Literature worldwide has documented associations between gender-based relationship inequity, sexual communication self-efficacy, and actual use of condoms and contraceptives among young women. However studies that have rigorously tested these associations in southern Vietnam are extremely rare. This study aimed to examine these associations and other current sexual practices among undergraduate female students in the Mekong Delta. Method. A qualitative study was conducted to examine the operationalization of the Theory of Gender and Power and to obtain salient and culture-relevant dimensions of perceived gender relations in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Sixty-four undergraduate female students from two universities participated in eight group discussions focusing on their viewpoints regarding national and local gender equity issues. A subsequent cross-sectional survey consisting of 1181 third-year female students from Can Tho University and An Giang University was conducted. Latent variable modeling and logistic regression were employed to examine the hypothesized associations. Results. Dimensions of perceived gender relations were attributable to theoretical structures of labor, power, and cathexis. Perceptions about gender inequities were comparable to findings from several reports, in which women were still viewed as inferior and subordinate to men. Among students who had ever had a boyfriend(s) (72.4%), 44.8% indicated that their boyfriend had ever asked for sex, 13% had ever had penile-vaginal sex, and 10.3% had ever had oral sex. For those who had ever had penile-vaginal sex, 33% did not use any contraceptive method at first sex. The greater a student’s perception that women were subordinate to men, the lower her self-efficacy for sexual communication and the lower her actual frequencies of asking for contraceptive or condom use. Sexual communication self-efficacy was marginally associated with actual contraceptive use (p=.039) and condom use (p=.092) at first sex. Conclusion. Sexual health promotion strategies should address the influence of perceived unequal gender relations on young women’s sexual communication self-efficacy and the subsequent impact on actual contraceptive and condom use.^


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Background: Helicobacter pylori infection among Native Americans is more prevalent than any other minority group in the United States. Few studies involving Helicobacter pylori have been conducted on Native Americans and no previous studies have been conducted in the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo population. Therefore we wanted to explore the prevalence and risk factors of Helicobacter pylori within this community. We also explored whether household transmission is occurring. ^ Materials and Methods: We conducted a cross-section study on the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo community. Main household caregivers were interviewed on household conditions, hygiene practices, and household sociodemographics. All household members were tested for IgG urine antibodies against Helicobacter pylori using RAPIRUN test kits. 13C urea breath testing using BREATHTEK kits was provided to study participants that had positive antibody results and utilized as confirmatory results of infection. ^ Results: Prevalence of Ysleta del Sur Pueblo was determined to be 27.4%. When comparing for ethnicity, Native Americans had increased prevalence of infection then Mexican-Americans living on the Pueblo. That prevalence increased from 1.6 to 3.3 when taking account only United States born study participants. The household secondary prevalence rate was found to be 23.8%. Helicobacter pylori infection rates increased with increasing age and decreasing income. ^ Conclusions: Native Americans had an increased risk of infection. As expected risk factors for Helicobacter pylori correlated with previous studies, but we found evidence of limited current transmission within households. However, due to the limited sample size (n=62) and power, we were not able to find statistical significance for some risk factors. A statistical association was found with age where increasing prevalence corresponded with increasing age suggesting that the birth cohort may be in effect within this population.^


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An interim analysis is usually applied in later phase II or phase III trials to find convincing evidence of a significant treatment difference that may lead to trial termination at an earlier point than planned at the beginning. This can result in the saving of patient resources and shortening of drug development and approval time. In addition, ethics and economics are also the reasons to stop a trial earlier. In clinical trials of eyes, ears, knees, arms, kidneys, lungs, and other clustered treatments, data may include distribution-free random variables with matched and unmatched subjects in one study. It is important to properly include both subjects in the interim and the final analyses so that the maximum efficiency of statistical and clinical inferences can be obtained at different stages of the trials. So far, no publication has applied a statistical method for distribution-free data with matched and unmatched subjects in the interim analysis of clinical trials. In this simulation study, the hybrid statistic was used to estimate the empirical powers and the empirical type I errors among the simulated datasets with different sample sizes, different effect sizes, different correlation coefficients for matched pairs, and different data distributions, respectively, in the interim and final analysis with 4 different group sequential methods. Empirical powers and empirical type I errors were also compared to those estimated by using the meta-analysis t-test among the same simulated datasets. Results from this simulation study show that, compared to the meta-analysis t-test commonly used for data with normally distributed observations, the hybrid statistic has a greater power for data observed from normally, log-normally, and multinomially distributed random variables with matched and unmatched subjects and with outliers. Powers rose with the increase in sample size, effect size, and correlation coefficient for the matched pairs. In addition, lower type I errors were observed estimated by using the hybrid statistic, which indicates that this test is also conservative for data with outliers in the interim analysis of clinical trials.^