27 resultados para peroxisome proliferator activated receptor

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In several species, a family of nuclear receptors, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) composed of three isotypes, is expressed in somatic cells and germ cells of the ovary as well as the testis. Invalidation of these receptors in mice or stimulation of these receptors in vivo or in vitro showed that each receptor has physiological roles in the gamete maturation or the embryo development. In addition, synthetic PPAR gamma ligands are recently used to induce ovulation in women with polycystic ovary disease. These results reveal the positive actions of PPAR in reproduction. On the other hand, xenobiotics molecules (in herbicides, plasticizers, or components of personal care products), capable of activating PPAR, may disrupt normal PPAR functions in the ovary or the testis and have consequences on the quality of the gametes and the embryos. Despite the recent data obtained on the biological actions of PPARs in reproduction, relatively little is known about PPARs in gametes and embryos. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the expression and the function of PPARs as well as their partners, retinoid X receptors (RXRs), in germ cells and preimplantation embryos. The effects of natural and synthetic PPAR ligands will also be discussed from the perspectives of reproductive toxicology and assisted reproductive technology.


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Arginine methylation has been implicated in the regulation of gene expression. The coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (CARMI/PRMT4) binds the p160 family of steroid receptor coactivators (SRCs). This association enhances transcriptional activation by nuclear receptors. Here, we generated and characterized CARM1 knockout mice. Embryos with a targeted disruption of CARM1 are 35% smaller in size than the wild-type littermates and die perinatally. We also generated Carm1-/- and Carm1+/+ mouse embryonic fibroblasts and tested gene expression in response to estrogen. Estrogenresponsive gene expression was aberrant in Carm1-/- fibroblasts and embryos, thus emphasizing the role of arginine methylation as a transcription activation tag. We subsequently studied the role of CARM1 in estrogen signaling in viva in the mammary gland. Conditional knockout of CARM1 in mammary gland and Carml-1-embryonic mammary anlagen transplant experiments did not show any defects in growth and development of the glands. To further dissect the role of CARM1 in estrogen receptor mediated transactivation, we performed cDNA microarray and serial analysis of gene expression on Carm1-/- and Carm1+/+ embryos treated with the estrogen analog, DES. Our results indicate global changes in estrogen regulated genes as well as genes involved in lipid homeostasis. Marker genes for Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor γ (PPARγ) activity, adipsin and aP2, are downregulated in the Carm1-/- embryos. Furthermore, OCT frozen sections of 18.5dpc embryos, processed simultaneously for oil red O staining to look for neutral fat, reveals greatly reduced brown fat accumulation in the Carm1-/- embryos in contrast to wild-type and gain-of-function Carm1 transgenic (ubiquitous) embryo. We used a well-established 3T3-L1 preadipocyte cell line to knockdown CARM1 by short hairpin RNA. 3T3-L1 cells with CARM1 knockdown showed greatly reduced potential to differentiate into mature lipid accumulating adipocytes upon administration of adipogenic stimuli. Ligand-dependent activation of reporter genes by the PPARγ receptor showed that PPRE-luciferase reporter activity was enhanced in the presence of CARM1, additionally, luciferase activity was reduced to background levels when enzyme dead CARM1 (CARM1-VLD) was used. Thus, in this study, we have identified novel pathways that use CARM1 as coactivator and showed that CARM1 functions as a key component of PPARγ receptor mediated gene expression. ^


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Rexinoids are synthetic agonists for the retinoid X receptors (RXRs), a member of the nuclear receptor family of ligand-activated transcription factors. Rexinoids have been shown to lower serum glucose and insulin levels in animal models of type 2 diabetes. However the mechanisms that are responsible for the insulin-sensitizing action of rexinoids are largely unknown. Skeletal muscle accounts for the majority of insulin-regulated whole-body glucose disposal and impaired insulin action in muscle is an important contributor to the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. Glucose transport is a rate-limiting step in glucose utilization. The goal of these studies is to examine the mechanisms of the anti-diabetic activity of rexinoids in skeletal muscle of diabetic db/db mice. The results we have obtained showed that treatment of db/db mice with rexinoids for two weeks resulted in a significant increase in insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity in skeletal muscle. Insulin stimulates glucose transport in muscle via the regulation of both the insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1)/Akt pathway and the Cbl-associated protein (CAP)/Cbl pathway. Rexinoids increased the insulin-stimulated IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation and Akt phosphorylation without effects on the activity of the CAP/Cbl pathway. The effects of rexinoids on the IRS-1/Akt pathway were associated with a decrease in the level of IRS-1 Serine 307 phosphorylation as well as qualitative and quantitative alterations in the fatty acyl-CoAs present within the muscle cells. In addition, rexinoids increased the expression of uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) and activation of AMPK in diabetic muscle. This effect may also enhance the IRS-1/Akt signaling. We believe that it is the concerted activation of the IRS-1/Akt and AMPK signaling systems, a pharmacological mechanism that as far as we know, is unique to rexinoids, that results in the anti-diabetic effects of these drugs. Our results also suggest that the glucose-lowering mechanism of rexinoids is distinct from that of the thiazolidinediones (TZDs), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) agonists with well-characterized anti-diabetic activity. Rexinoids appear to represent a novel class of insulin sensitizers, with potential applications for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. ^


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Thiazolidinediones (TZDs), a novel class of anti-diabetic drugs, have been known as ligands of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), a transcription factor that belongs to the nuclear receptor superfamily. These synthetic compounds improve insulin sensitivity in patients with type II diabetes likely through activating PAPRγ. Interestingly, they were also shown to inhibit cell growth and proliferation in a wide variety of tumor cell lines. The aim of this study is to assess the potential use of TZDs in the prevention of carcinogenesis using mouse skin as a model. ^ We found that troglitazone, one of TZD drugs, strongly inhibited cultured mouse skin keratinocyte proliferation as demonstrated by [3H]thymidine incorporation assay. It also induced a cell cycle G1 phase arrest and inhibited expression of cell cycle proteins, including cyclin D1, cdk2 and cdk4. Further experiments showed that PPARγ expression in keratinocytes was surprisingly undetectable in vitro or in vivo. Consistent with this, no endogenous PPARγ function in keratinocytes was found, suggesting that the inhibition of troglitazone on keratinocyte proliferation and cell cycle was PPARγ-independent. We further found that troglitazone inhibited insulin/insulin growth factor I (IGF-1) mitogenic signaling, which may explains, at least partly, its inhibitory effect on keratinocyte proliferation. We showed that troglitazone rapidly inhibited IGF-1 induced phosphorylation of p70S6K by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). However, troglitazone did not directly inhibit mTOR kinase activity as shown by in vitro kinase assay. The inhibition of p70S6K is likely to be the result of strong activation of AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) by TZDs. Stable expression of a dominant negative AMPK in keratinocytes blocked the inhibitory effect of troglitazone on IGF-1 induced phosphorylation of p70S6K. ^ Finally, we found that dietary TZDs inhibited by up to 73% mouse skin tumor development promoted by elevated IGF-1 signaling in BK5-IGF-1 transgenic mice, while they had no or little effect on skin tumor development promoted by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) or ultraviolet (UV). Since IGF-1 signaling is frequently found to be elevated in patients with insulin resistance and in many human tumors, our data suggest that TZDs may provide tumor preventive benefit particularly to these patients. ^


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Overexpression of the thrombin receptor (Protease-Activated-Receptor-1), PAR-1, in cell lines and tissue specimens correlates with the metastatic potential of human melanoma. Utilizing lentiviral shRNA to stably silence PAR-1 in metastatic melanoma cell lines results in decreased tumor growth and lung metastasis in vivo. Since the use of viral technology is not ideal for clinical therapies, neutral liposomes (DOPC) were utilized as a delivery vehicle for PAR-1 siRNA. Our data suggest that PAR-1 siRNA-DOPC treatment by systemic delivery significantly decreases tumor growth and lung metastasis in nude mice. Concomitant decreases in angiogenic and invasive factors (IL-8, VEGF, MMP-2) were observed in PAR-1 siRNA-DOPC-treated mice. Utilizing a cDNA microarray platform, several novel PAR-1 downstream target genes were identified, including Connexin 43 (Cx-43) and Maspin. Cx-43, known to be involved in tumor cell diapedesis and attachment to endothelial cells, is decreased after PAR-1 silencing. Furthermore, the Cx-43 promoter activity was significantly inhibited in PAR-1-silenced cells suggesting transcriptional regulation of Cx-43 by PAR-1. ChIP analysis revealed a reduction in SP-1 and AP-1 binding to the Cx-43 promoter. Moreover, melanoma cell attachment to HUVEC was significantly decreased in PAR-1-silenced cells as well as in Cx-43 shRNA transduced cells. As both SP-1 and AP-1 transcription factors act as positive regulators of Cx-43, our data provide a novel mechanism for the regulation of Cx-43 expression by PAR-1. Maspin, a serine protease inhibitor with tumor-suppressor function, was found to be upregulated after PAR-1 silencing. Our results indicate that PAR-1 transcriptionally regulates Maspin, as the promoter activity was significantly increased after PAR-1 silencing. ChIP analysis revealed that silencing PAR-1 increased binding of Ets and c-Jun to the Maspin promoter. As Maspin was recently found to be a tumor-suppressor in melanoma by reducing the invasive capacity of melanoma cells, invasion assays revealed a decrease in invasion after PAR-1 silencing and in cells transduced with a Maspin expression vector. We propose that PAR-1 is key to the progression and metastasis of melanoma in part by regulating the expression of Cx-43 and Maspin. Taken together, we propose that PAR-1 is an attractive target for the treatment of melanoma.^


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Obesity and diabetes are frequently associated with cardiovascular disease. When a normal heart is subjected to brief/sublethal repetitive ischemia and reperfusion (I/R), adaptive responses are activated to preserve cardiac structure and function. These responses include but are not limited to alterations in cardiac metabolism, reduced calcium responsiveness, and induction of antioxidant enzymes. In a model of ischemic cardiomyopathy inducible by brief repetitive I/R, we hypothesized that dysregulation of these adaptive responses in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice would contribute to enhanced myocardial injury. DIO C57BL/6J mice were subjected to 15 min of daily repetitive I/R while under short-acting anesthesia, a protocol that results in the development of fibrotic cardiomyopathy. Cardiac lipids and candidate gene expression were analyzed at 3 days, and histology at 5 days of repetitive I/R. Total free fatty acids (FFAs) in the cardiac extracts of DIO mice were significantly elevated, reflecting primarily the dietary fatty acid (FA) composition. Compared with lean controls, cardiac FA oxidation (FAO) capacity of DIO mice was significantly higher, concurrent with increased expression of FA metabolism gene transcripts. Following 15 min of daily repetitive I/R for 3 or 5 days, DIO mice exhibited increased susceptibility to I/R and, in contrast to lean mice, developed microinfarction, which was associated with an exaggerated inflammatory response. Repetitive I/R in DIO mice was associated with more profound significant downregulation of FA metabolism gene transcripts and elevated FFAs and triglycerides. Maladaptive metabolic changes of FA metabolism contribute to enhanced myocardial injury in diet-induced obesity.


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The cytochrome P450 4F subfamily comprises a group of enzymes that metabolize derivatives of arachidonic acid such as prostaglandins, lipoxins leukotrienes and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids, which are important mediators involved in the inflammatory response. Therefore, we speculate that CYP4Fs might be able to modulate the extent of the inflammation by controlling of the tissue levels of these inflammatory mediators, especially, leukotriene B4. One way to provide support for this hypothesis is to test whether the expression of CYP4Fs changes under inflammatory conditions, since these changes are required to adjust the levels of inflammatory mediators. ^ A lipopolysacchride (LPS) induced rat inflammation model was used to analyze the expressions of rat CYP4F4 and CYP4F5 in liver and kidney. LPS administration did not change the constitutive expression level of CYP4F4 and CYP4F5. In liver, the expressions of CYP4F4 and CYP4F5 decreased to 50–60% of the untreated level. The same effect of LPS on CYP4F4 and CYP4F5 expression can be mimicked in hepatocyte primary cultures treated with LPS, indicating a direct of effect of LPS on hepatocytes. LPS treatment also decreased the activity of liver microsomes towards chlorpromazine, however, antibody inhibition study revealed that liver CYP4Fs are not the only players in metabolizing chlorpromazine. To study further the underlying mechanism, CYP4F5 gene was isolated, characterized, and the promoter region was defined. ^ Accumulating evidence showed that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) play an active role in inflammation. To investigate the possible role of PPARα in regulating CYP4F expression by inflammation or by clofibrate treatment, the expressions of two new mouse 4F isoforms were analyzed in PPARα knockout mice upon LPS or clofibrate challenge. A novel induction of CYP4F15 by LPS and clofibrate was observed in kidney, and this effect is totally dependent on the presence of PPARα. Renal CYP4F16 expression was not affected by LPS or clofibrate in both (+/+) and (−/−) mice. In contrast, hepatic expressions of CYP4F15 and CYP4F16 were reduced significantly in (+/+) mice, but much less in (−/−) mice, suggesting that PPARα is partially responsible for this down-regulation. Clofibrate treatment reduced the expression of CYP4F16 in liver, but has no effect on CYP4F15 and PPARα does not have a role in hepatic CYP4F expression regulated by clofibrate. In general, CYP4Fs are regulated in an isoform-, tissue- and species-specific manner. ^ A human CYP4F isoform, CYP4F11, was isolated. The genomic structure was also solved by using database mining and bioinformatics tools. Localization of CYP4F11 to chromosome 19, 16 kb upstream of CYP4F2, suggests that human CYP4F genes may form a cluster on chromosome 19. This novel human 4F is highly expressed in liver, as well as in kidney, heart and skeletal muscle. Further study of the activity and gene regulation on CYP4F11 will provide us more insights into the physiological functions of CYP4F subfamily. ^


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Cytochromes P450 4Fs (CYP4F) are a subfamily of enzymes involved in arachidonic acid metabolism with highest catalytic activity towards leukotriene B 4 (LTB4), a potent chemoattractant involved in prompting inflammation. CYP4F-mediated metabolism of LTB4 leads to inactive ω-hydroxy products incapable of initiating chemotaxis and the inflammatory stimuli that result in the influx of inflammatory cells. Our hypothesis is based on the catalytic ability of CYP4Fs to inactivate pro-inflammatory LTB4 which assures these enzymes a pivotal role in the process of inflammation resolution. ^ To test this hypothesis and evaluate the changes in CYP4F expression under complex inflammatory conditions, we designed two mouse models, one challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a sterile model of sepsis and the other challenged with a systemic live bacterial infection of Citrobacter rodentium, an equivalent of the human enterobacterium E. coli pathogen invasion. Based on the evidence that Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPARs) play an active role in inflammation regulation, we also examined PPARs as a regulation mechanism in CYP4F expression during inflammation using PPARα knockout mice under LPS challenge. Using the Citrobacter rodentium model of inflammation, we studied CYP4F levels to compare them to those in LPS challenged animals. LPS-triggered inflammation signal is mediated by Toll-like 4 (TLR4) receptors which specifically respond to LPS in association with several other proteins. Using TLR4 knockout mice challenged with Citrobacter rodentium we addressed possible mediation of CYP4F expression regulation via these receptors. ^ Our results show isoform- and tissue-specific CYP4F expression in all the tissues examined. The Citrobacter rodentium inflammation model revealed significant reduction in liver expression of CYP4F14 and CYP4F15 and an up-regulation of gene expression of CYP4F16 and CYP4F18. TLR4 knockout studies showed that the decrease in hepatic CYP4F15 expression is TLR4-dependent. CYP4F expression in kidney shows down-regulation of CYP4F14 and CYP4F15 and up-regulation of CYP4F18 expression. In the LPS inflammation model, we showed similar patterns of CYP4F changes as in Citrobacter rodentium -infected mice. The renal profile of CYP4Fs in PPARα knockout mice with LPS challenge showed CYP4F15 down-regulation to be PPARα dependent. Our study confirmed tissue- and isoform-specific regulation of CYP4F isoforms in the course of inflammation. ^


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Increasing evidence demonstrates that the thrombin receptor (protease activated receptor-1, PAR-1) plays a major role in tumor invasion and contributes to the metastatic phenotype of human melanoma. We demonstrate that the metastatic potential of human melanoma cells correlates with overexpression of PAR-1. The promoter of the PAR-1 gene contains multiple putative AP-2 and Sp1 consensus elements. We provide evidence that an inverse correlation exists between the expression of AP-2 and the expression of PAR-1 in human melanoma cells. Re-expression of AP-2 in WM266-4 melanoma cells (AP-2 negative) resulted in decreased mRNA and protein expression of PAR-1 and significantly reduced the tumor potential in nude mice. ChIP analysis of the PAR-1 promoter regions bp −365 to −329 (complex 1) and bp −206 to −180 (complex 2) demonstrates that in metastatic cells Sp1 is predominantly binding to the PAR-1 promoter, while in nonmetastatic cells AP-2 is bound. In vitro analysis of complex 1 demonstrates that AP-2 and Sp1 bind to this region in a mutually exclusive manner. Transfection experiments with full-length and progressive deletions of the PAR-1 promoter luciferase constructs demonstrated that metastatic cells had increased promoter activity compared to low and nonmetastatic melanoma cells. Our data shows that exogenous AP-2 expression decreased promoter activity, while transient expression of Sp1 further activated expression of the reporter gene. Mutational analysis of complex 1 within PAR-1 luciferase constructs further demonstrates that the regulation of PAR-1 is mediated through interactions with AP-2 and Sp1. Moreover, loss of AP-2 in metastatic cells alters the AP-2 to Sp1 ratio and DNA-binding activity resulting in overexpression of PAR-1. In addition, we evaluated the expression of AP-2 and PAR-1 utilizing a tissue microarray of 93 melanocytic lesions spanning from benign nevi to melanoma metastasis. We report loss of AP-2 expression in malignant tumors compared to benign tissue while PAR-1 was expressed more often in metastatic melanoma cells than in benign melanocytes. We propose that loss of AP-2 results in increased expression of PAR-1, which in turn results in upregulation of gene products that contribute to the metastatic phenotype of melanoma. ^


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Retinoid therapy has been successful for the treatment of skin squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). A suppression of the predominant retinoid X receptor expressed in skin, retinoid X receptor α (RXRα), has been reported in skin SCC. These observations have led to the hypothesis that retinoid receptor loss contributes to the tumorigenic phenotype of epithelial cancers. To test this hypothesis, the RXRα gene was mapped in order to generate a targeting construct. Additionally the transcriptional regulation of the human RXRα a gene in keratinocytes was characterized after identifying the transcription initiation sites, the promoter, and enhancer regions of this gene. The structure is highly conserved between human and mouse. A nontumorigenic human skin-derived cell line called near diploid immortalized keratinocytes (NIKS) has the advantage of growing as organotypic raft cultures, under physiological conditions closely resembling in-vivo squamous stratification. We have exploited the raft culture technique to develop an in-vitro model for skin SCC progression that includes the NIKS cells, HaCaT cells, a premalignant cell line, and SRB 12-p9 cells, a tumorigenic SCC skin cell line. The differentiation, proliferation and nuclear receptor ligand response characteristics of this system were studied and significant and novel results were obtained. RXRs are obligate heterodimerization partners with many of the nuclear hormone receptors, including retinoic acid receptors (RARs), vitamin D3 receptors (VDR), thyroid hormone receptors (T3 R) and peroxisome proliferator activate receptors (PPARs), which are all known to be active in skin. Treatment of the three cell lines in raft culture with the RXR specific ligand BMS649, BMS961 (RARγ-specific), vitamin D3 (VDR ligand), thryoid hormone (T3R ligand) and clofibrate (PPARa ligand), and the combination of BMS649 with each of the 4 receptor partner ligands, resulted in distinct effects on differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. The effects of activation of RXRs in each of the four-receptor pathways; in the context of skin SCC progression, with an emphasis on the VDR/RXR pathway, are discussed. These studies will lead to a better understanding of RXRα action in human skin and will help determine its role in SCC tumorigenesis, as well as its potential as a target for the prevention, treatment, and control of skin cancer. ^


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Stats (s&barbelow;ignal t&barbelow;ransducer and a&barbelow;ctivator of t&barbelow;ranscription) are latent transcription factors that translocate from the cytoplasm to nucleus. Constitutive activation of Stat3α by upstream oncoproteins and receptor tyrosine kinases has been found in many human tumors and tumor-derived cell lines and it is often correlated with the activation of ErbB-2. In order to explore the involvement of ErbB-2 in the activation of Stat3 and the mechanisms underlying this event, an erbB-2 point mutant was used as a model of a constitutively activated receptor. Phenylalanine mutations (Y-F) were made in the receptor's autophosphorylation sites and their ability to activate Stat3α was evaluated. Our results suggest that Stat3α and Janus tyrosine kinase 2 associates with ErbB-2 prior to tyrosine phosphorylation of the receptor and that full activation of Stat3α by ErbB-2 requires the participation of other non-receptor tyrosine kinases. Both Src and Jak2 kinases contribute to the activation of Stat3α while only Src binds to ErbB-2 only when the receptor is tyrosine phosphorylated. Our results also suggest that tyrosine 1139 may be important for Src SH2 domain association since a mutant lacking this tyrosine reduces the ability of the Src SH2 domain to bind to ErbB-2 and significantly decreases its ability to activate Stat3α. ^ In order to disrupt aberrant STAT3α activation which contributes to tumorigenesis, we sought small molecules which can specifically bind to the STAT3 SH2 domain, thereby abolishing its ability of being recruited into receptors, and also blocking the dimer formation required for STAT3α activation. A phosphopeptide derived from gp130 was found to have a high affinity to STAT3 SH2 domain, and we decided to use this peptide as the base for further modifications. A series of peptide based compounds were designed and tested using electrophoretic mobility shift assay and fluorescence polarization assay to evaluate their affinity to the STAT3 SH2 domain. Two promising compounds, DRIV-73C and BisPOM, were used for blocking STAT3α activity in cell culture. Either can successfully impair STAT3α activation induced by IL-6 stimulation in HepG2 cells. BisPOM proved to be the more effective in blocking STAT3α tyrosine phosphorylation in induced cells and tumor cell lines, and was the more potent in inhibiting STAT3 dependent cell growth. ^


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Traumatic brain injury results from a primary insult and secondary events that together result in tissue injury. This primary injury occurs at the moment of impact and damage can include scalp laceration, skull fraction, cerebral contusions and lacerations as well as intracranial hemorrhage. Following the initial insult, a delayed response occurs and is characterized by hypoxia, ischemia, cerebral edema, and infection. During secondary brain injury, a series of neuroinflammatory events are triggered that can produce additional damage but may also help to protect nervous tissue from invading pathogens and help to repair the damaged tissue. Brain microglia and astrocytes become activated and migrate to the site of injury where these cells secrete immune mediators such as cytokines and chemokines. CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is a member of the CC chemokine receptor family of seven transmembrane G protein coupled receptors. CCR5 is expressed in the immune system and is found in monocytes, leukoctyes, memory T cells, and immature dendritic cells. Upon binding to its ligands, CCR5 functions in the chemotaxis of these immune cells to the site of inflammation. In the CNS, CCR5 and its ligands are expressed in multiple cell types. In this study, I investigated whether CCR5 expression is altered in brain after traumatic brain injury. I examined the time course of CCR5 protein expression in cortex and hippocampus using quantitative western analysis of tissues from injured rat brain after mild impact injury. In addition, I also investigated the cellular localization of CCR5 before and after brain injury using confocal microscopy. I have observed that after brain injury CCR5 is upregulated in a time dependent manner in neurons of the parietal cortex and hippocampus. The absence of CCR5 expression in microglia and its delayed expression in neurons after injury suggests a role for CCR5 in neuronal survival after injury.


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Traumatic brain injury results from a primary insult and secondary events that together result in tissue injury. This primary injury occurs at the moment of impact and damage can include scalp laceration, skull fraction, cerebral contusions and lacerations as well as intracranial hemorrhage. Following the initial insult, a delayed response occurs and is characterized by hypoxia, ischemia, cerebral edema, and infection. During secondary brain injury, a series of neuroinflammatory events are triggered that can produce additional damage but may also help to protect nervous tissue from invading pathogens and help to repair the damaged tissue. Brain microglia and astrocytes become activated and migrate to the site of injury where these cells secrete immune mediators such as cytokines and chemokines. CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) is a member of the CC chemokine receptor family of seven transmembrane G protein coupled receptors. CCR5 is expressed in the immune system and is found in monocytes, leukoctyes, memory T cells, and immature dendritic cells. Upon binding to its ligands, CCR5 functions in the chemotaxis of these immune cells to the site of inflammation. In the CNS, CCR5 and its ligands are expressed in multiple cell types. In this study, I investigated whether CCR5 expression is altered in brain after traumatic brain injury. I examined the time course of CCR5 protein expression in cortex and hippocampus using quantitative western analysis of tissues from injured rat brain after mild impact injury. In addition, I also investigated the cellular localization of CCR5 before and after brain injury using confocal microscopy. I have observed that after brain injury CCR5 is upregulated in a time dependent manner in neurons of the parietal cortex and hippocampus. The absence of CCR5 expression in microglia and its delayed expression in neurons after injury suggests a role for CCR5 in neuronal survival after injury.


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Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection of the uterine cervix is linked to the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. Preclinical in vitro and in vivo studies using HPV-containing human cervical carcinoma cell lines have shown that the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, rapamycin, and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-tyrosine kinase inhibitor, erlotinib, can induce growth delay of xenografts. Activation of Akt and mTOR are also observed in cervical squamous cell carcinoma and, the expression of phosphorylated mTOR was reported to serve as a marker to predict response to chemotherapy and survival of cervical cancer patients. Therefore, we investigated: a) the expression level of EGFR in cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) versus non-neoplastic cervical squamous epithelium; b) the state of activation of the mTOR pathway in these same tissues; and c) any impact of these signal transduction molecules on cell cycle. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue microarray blocks containing 20 samples each of normal cervix, HSIL and invasive SCC, derived from a total of 60 cases of cervical biopsies and cervical conizations were examined. Immunohistochemistry was utilized to detect the following antigens: EGFR; mTOR pathway markers, phosphorylated (p)-mTOR (Ser2448) and p-p70S6K (Thr389); and cell cycle associated proteins, Ki-67 and S phase kinase-associated protein (Skp)2. Protein compartmentalization and expression were quantified in regard to proportion (0-100%) and intensity (0-3+). Mitotic index (MI) was also assessed. An expression index (EI) for pmTOR, p-p70S6K and EGFR, respectively was calculated by taking the product of intensity score and proportion of positively staining cells. We found that plasmalemmal EGFR expression was limited to the basal/parabasal cells (2-3+, EI = 67) in normal cervical epithelium (NL), but was diffusely positive in all HSIL (EI = 237) and SCC (EI 226). The pattern of cytoplasmic p-mTOR and nuclear p-p70S6K expression was similar to that of EGFR; all showed a significantly increased EI in HSIL/SCC versus NL (p<0.02). Nuclear translocation of p-mTOR was observed in all SCC lesions (EI = 202) and was significantly increased versus both HSIL (EI = 89) and NL (EI = 54) with p<0.015 and p<0.0001, respectively. Concomitant increases in MI and proportion of nuclear Ki-67 and Skp2 expression were noted in HSIL and SCC. In conclusion, morphoproteomic analysis reveals constitutive activation and overexpression of the mTOR pathway in HSIL and SCC as evidenced by: increased nuclear translocation of pmTOR and p-p70S6K, phosphorylated at putative sites of activation, Ser2448 and Thr389, respectively; correlative overexpression of the upstream signal transducer, EGFR, and increases in cell cycle correlates, Skp2 and mitotic indices. These results suggest that the mTOR pathway plays a key role in cervical carcinogenesis and targeted therapies may be developed for SCC as well as its precursor lesion, HSIL.


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Regulation of colonic epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation remains poorly understood due to the inability to design a model system which recapitulates these processes. Currently, properties of "differentiation" are studied in colon adenocarcinoma cell lines which can be induced to express some, but not all of the phenotypes of normal cells. In this thesis, the DiFi human colon adenocarcinoma cell line is utilized as an in vitro model system in which to study mucin production. In response to treatment with tumor necrosis factor-alpha, DiFi cells acquire some properties of mucin-producing goblet cells including altered morphology, increased reactivity to wheat germ agglutinin, and increased mucin production as determined by RNA expression as well as reactivity with the MUC-1 antibodies, HMFG-1 and SM-3. Thus, TNF-treated DiFi cells represent one of the few in vitro systems in which mucin expression can be induced.^ DiFi cells express an activated pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ as do most colon adenocarcinomas and derived cell lines, as well as an amplified epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. To assess potential changes in these enzymes during induction of differentiation characteristics, potential changes in the levels and activities of these enzymes were examined. For pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ no changes were observed in protein levels, specific activity of the kinase, cellular localization, or phosphorylation pattern as determined by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease partial proteolytic mapping after induction of goblet cell-like phenotypic changes. These results suggest that pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ is regulated differentially in goblet cells than in absorptive cells, as down-modulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ kinase occurs in the latter. Therefore, effects on pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ may be critical in colon regulation, and may be important in generating the various colonic epithelial cell types.^ In contrast to pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ EGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity decreased ($<$5-fold) after TNF treatment and at the time in which morphologic changes were observed. Similar decreases in tyrosine phosphorylation of EGF receptor were observed as assessed by immunoblotting with an anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. In addition, ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF cell surface binding was reduced approximately 3-fold following TNF treatment with a concomitant reduction in receptor affinity ($<$2-fold). These results suggest that modulation of EGF receptor may be important in goblet cell differentiation. In contrast, other published studies have demonstrated that increases in EGF receptor mRNA and in ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF binding accompany differentiation toward the absorptive cell phenotype. Therefore, differential regulation of both EGF receptor and pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ occur along the goblet cell and absorptive cell differentiation pathways. Thus, my results suggest that TNF-treated DiFi cells represent a unique system in which to study distinct patterns of regulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ and EGF receptor in colonic cells, and to determine if increased MUC-1 expression is an early event in goblet cell differentiation. ^