32 resultados para obesity, bariatric surgery, Food Frequency Questionnaire, Dietary Record, dietary habits
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Although many family-based genetic studies have collected dietary data, very few have used the dietary information in published findings. No single solution has been presented or discussed in the literature to deal with the problem of using factor analyses for the analyses of dietary data from several related individuals from a given household. The standard statistical approach of factor analysis cannot be applied to the VIVA LA FAMILIA Study diet data to ascertain dietary patterns since this population consists of three children from each family, thus the dietary patterns of the related children may be correlated and non-independent. Addressing this problem in this project will enable us to describe the dietary patterns in Hispanic families and to explore the relationships between dietary patterns and childhood obesity. ^ In the VIVA LA FAMILIA Study, an overweight child was first identified and then his/her siblings and parents were brought in for data collection which included 24 hour recalls and food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Dietary intake data were collected using FFQ and 24 hour recalls on 1030 Hispanic children from 319 families. ^ The design of the VIVA LA FAMILIA Study has important and unique statistical considerations since its participants are related to each other, the majority form distinct nuclear families. Thus, the standard approach of factor analysis cannot be applied to these diet data to ascertain dietary patterns. In this project we propose to investigate whether the determinants of the correlation matrix of each family unit will allow us to adjust the original correlation matrix of the dietary intake data prior to ascertaining dietary intake patterns. If these methods are appropriate, then in the future the dietary patterns among related individuals could be assessed by standard orthogonal principal component factor analysis.^
BACKGROUND: Obesity is a systemic disorder associated with an increase in left ventricular mass and premature death and disability from cardiovascular disease. Although bariatric surgery reverses many of the hormonal and hemodynamic derangements, the long-term collective effects on body composition and left ventricular mass have not been considered before. We hypothesized that the decrease in fat mass and lean mass after weight loss surgery is associated with a decrease in left ventricular mass. METHODS: Fifteen severely obese women (mean body mass index [BMI]: 46.7+/-1.7 kg/m(2)) with medically controlled hypertension underwent bariatric surgery. Left ventricular mass and plasma markers of systemic metabolism, together with body mass index (BMI), waist and hip circumferences, body composition (fat mass and lean mass), and resting energy expenditure were measured at 0, 3, 9, 12, and 24 months. RESULTS: Left ventricular mass continued to decrease linearly over the entire period of observation, while rates of weight loss, loss of lean mass, loss of fat mass, and resting energy expenditure all plateaued at 9 [corrected] months (P <.001 for all). Parameters of systemic metabolism normalized by 9 months, and showed no further change at 24 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Even though parameters of obesity, including BMI and body composition, plateau, the benefits of bariatric surgery on systemic metabolism and left ventricular mass are sustained. We propose that the progressive decrease of left ventricular mass after weight loss surgery is regulated by neurohumoral factors, and may contribute to improved long-term survival.
BACKGROUND: Our objective was to analyze subjective explanations for unsuccessful weight loss among bariatric surgery candidates. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of 909 bariatric surgery candidates (78.2% female, average body mass index [BMI] 47.3) at a university center from 2001 to April 2007 who answered an open-ended question about why they were unable to lose weight. We generated a coding scheme for answers to the question and established inter-rater reliability of the coding process. Associations with demographic parameters and initial BMI were tested. RESULTS: The most common categories of answers were nonspecific explanations related to diet (25.3%), physical activity (21.0%), or motivation (19.7%), followed by diet-related motivation (12.7%) and medical conditions or medications affecting physical activity (12.7%). Categories related to time, financial cost, social support, physical environment, and knowledge occurred in less than 4% each. Men were more likely than women to cite a medical condition or medication affecting physical activity (19.2% vs 10.8%, P = 0.002, odds ratio [OR] = 1.96, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.28-2.99) but less likely to cite diet-related motivation (7.1% vs 14.2%, P = 0.008, OR = 0.46, 95% CI = 0.26-0.82). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that addressing diet, physical activity, and motivation in a comprehensive approach would meet the stated needs of obese patients. Raising patient awareness of under-recognized barriers to weight loss, such as the physical environment and lack of social support, should also be considered. Lastly, anticipating gender-specific attributions may facilitate tailoring of interventions.
OBJECTIVE: Bariatric surgery reverses obesity-related comorbidities, including type 2 diabetes mellitus. Several studies have already described differences in anthropometrics and body composition in patients undergoing Roux-en-Y gastric bypass compared with laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, but the role of adipokines in the outcomes after the different types of surgery is not known. Differences in weight loss and reversal of insulin resistance exist between the 2 groups and correlate with changes in adipokines. METHODS: Fifteen severely obese women (mean body mass index [BMI]: 46.7 kg/m(2)) underwent 2 types of laparoscopic weight loss surgery (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass=10, adjustable gastric banding=5). Weight, waist and hip circumference, body composition, plasma metabolic markers, and lipids were measured at set intervals during a 24-month period after surgery. RESULTS: At 24 months, patients who underwent Roux-en-Y were overweight (BMI 29.7 kg/m(2)), whereas patients who underwent gastric banding remained obese (BMI 36.3 kg/m(2)). Patients who underwent Roux-en-Y lost significantly more fat mass than patients who underwent gastric banding (mean difference 16.8 kg, P<.05). Likewise, leptin levels were lower in the patients who underwent Roux-en-Y (P=.003), and levels correlated with weight loss, loss of fat mass, insulin levels, and Homeostasis Model of Assessment 2. Adiponectin correlated with insulin levels and Homeostasis Model of Assessment 2 (r=-0.653, P=.04 and r=-0.674, P=.032, respectively) in the patients who underwent Roux-en-Y at 24 months. CONCLUSION: After 2 years, weight loss and normalization of metabolic parameters were less pronounced in patients who underwent gastric banding compared with patients who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Our findings require confirmation in a prospective randomized trial.
Usual food choices during the past year, self-reported changes in consumption of three important food groups, and weight changes or stability were the questions addressed in this cross-sectional survey and retrospective review. The subjects were 141 patients with Hodgkin's disease or other B-cell types of lymphoma within their first three years following completion of initial treatments for lymphoma at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. ^ The previously validated Block-98 Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to estimate usual food choices during the past year. Supplementary questions asked about changes breads and cereals (white or whole grain) and relative amounts of fruits and vegetables compared with before diagnosis and treatment. Over half of the subjects reported consuming more whole grains, fruits, and/or vegetables and almost three quarters of those not reporting such changes had been consuming whole grains before diagnosis and treatment. ^ Various dietary patterns were defined in order to learn whether proportionately more patients who changed in healthy directions fulfilled recognized nutritional guidelines such as 5-A-day fruits and vegetables and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIB) for selected nutrients. ^ Small sizes of dietary pattern sub-groups limited the power of this study to detect differences in meeting recommended dietary guidelines. Nevertheless, insufficient and excessive intakes were detected among individuals with respect to fruits and vegetables, fats, calcium, selenium, iron, folate, and Vitamin A. The prevalence of inadequate or excess intakes of foods or nutrients even among those who perceived that they had increased or continued to eat whole grains and/or fruits and vegetables is of concern because of recognized effects upon general health and potential cancer related effects. ^ Over half of the subjects were overweight or obese (by BMI category) on their first visit to this cancer center and that proportion increased to almost three-quarters by their last follow-up visits. Men were significantly heavier than women, but no other significant differences in BMI measures were found even after accounting for prescribed steroids and dietary patterns. ^
Background. It is important to understand the association between diet and risk of pancreatic cancer in order to better understand the etiology of pancreatic cancer.^ Objectives. Describe the dietary patterns of cases of adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and non-cancer controls and evaluate the odds of having a healthy eating pattern among cases and non-cancer controls.^ Design and Methods. An ongoing hospital-based case-control study was conducted in Houston, Texas from 2000-2008 with 678 pancreatic adenocarcinoma cases and 724 controls. Participants completed a food frequency questionnaire and a risk factor questionnaire. Dietary patterns were derived by principal component analysis and associations between dietary patterns and pancreatic cancer risk were assessed using unconditional logistic regression.^ Results. Two dietary patterns were derived: fruit-vegetable and high fat-meat. There were no statistically significant associations between the fruit-vegetable pattern and pancreatic cancer. An inverse association was seen between the high fat-meat pattern and pancreatic cancer risk when comparing those in the upper intake quintile to those scoring in the lowest quintile after adjusting for demographic and risk factor variables (OR=0.67, p=0.03). In sex-stratified analysis adjusted for demographic and risk factor variables, females scoring in the upper intake quintile of the fruit-vegetable pattern had a 49% lower risk of pancreatic cancer compared to females scoring in the lowest quintile (OR=0.51, p=0.03). An inverse relationship was also seen for the high fat-meat pattern when comparing females in the upper intake quintile to females in the lowest quintile (OR=0.50, p=0.03). In males, neither dietary pattern was significantly associated with pancreatic cancer.^ Conclusions. The current findings for the fruit-vegetable pattern are similar to those of previous studies and support the hypothesis that there is an inverse association between a “healthy” diet (comprised of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) and risk of having pancreatic cancer (in females only). However, the inverse relationship with the high fat-meat pattern and risk of pancreatic cancer is contrary to other results. Further research on dietary patters and pancreatic cancer risk may lead to better understanding of the etiologic cause of pancreatic cancer.^
Little is known about the etiology of colorectal adenomatous polyps, although they are generally considered to be precursor lesions to colorectal carcinoma. To investigate the associations of colorectal adenomatous polyps with dietary intake of calcium, total fat and fiber, a case comparison study was conducted among 98 persons who had first occurrences of adenomatous polyps and 408 persons who did not have colorectal polyps.^ The study population comprised Black, White and Hispanic males and females ages 35 to 80 inclusive, who underwent a sigmoidoscopy or total colonoscopy at collaborating clinics in the Texas Medical Center at Houston between September 1991 and November 1992, and met the eligibility criteria. Case participants were those who had a first-time diagnosis of adenomatous polyps. Comparison participants were individuals who underwent the same diagnostic procedure as the cases and met the same eligibility criteria but had no colorectal polyps. A food frequency questionnaire was administered by interview to obtain information about diet during the 28 days preceding the interview.^ Dietary intake of total fiber was inversely associated with risk of adenomatous polyps. An increment of 15 gm/day in energy-adjusted intake of fiber was associated with a relative odds of 0.39 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.20 to 0.79, after adjustment for age, sex, ethnicity, body mass index, cigarette smoking, family history of colorectal cancer and intake of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. No association between dietary intake of total fat and risk of adenomatous polyps was observed. When total fat was analyzed as percent of energy, an increment of 15.3% in intake was associated with a relative odds of 0.98 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.53 to 1.80. However, few persons in the study group had intakes below 25% of energy from total fat. An inverse association was observed between energy-adjusted intake of dietary calcium and risk of adenomatous polyps, but this was not statistically significant; an increment of 638 mg/day was associated with a relative odds of 0.77 with a 95% confidence interval of 0.41 to 1.38. Intake of calcium did not appear to strongly modify the association between intake of fat and risk of adenomatous polyps, perhaps because the study group included few people with calcium intake below 400 mg/day.^ These results support the idea that dietary fiber decreases risk of adenomatous polyps. Further studies are needed on the association of dietary calcium and fat with risk of colorectal adenomatous polyps in populations where individuals vary widely in intake of these nutrients. ^
Background. Obesity in America has increased exponentially since the 1970s with no sign of slowing down. It is a major public health problem, and is currently the second leading cause of preventable deaths in America (Flegal et al., 2010). Bariatric surgery is currently the only approved therapy that has shown to have a lasting impact on obese patients. While the initial cost of the surgery remains high, numerous cost-benefit analyses have demonstrated an overall cost saving within two to five years (McEwen et al., 2010). Only three states, including Texas, do not currently fund bariatric surgery through Medicare and Medicaid. ^ Objectives. To determine whether the current data on the cost-benefit analysis of bariatric surgery supports Texas' decision to not publicly fund bariatric surgery through its Medicare and Medicaid programs. ^ Methods. We conducted literature reviews to determine the current cost of obesity in Texas as well as the methods being employed to treat obesity currently. We then analyzed the history of bariatric surgery and its current implementation, looking at safety and the future benefits of bariatric surgery. We then looked at key cost-benefit analyses and meta-analyses to determine the cost effectiveness of bariatric surgery. We then analyzed both direct medical expenditures and indirect benefits of bariatric surgery. ^ Conclusions. If the obesity epidemic continues unabated, it will become one of the leading health expenditures in Texas within decades. Given that surgery is currently the only approved therapy for obesity that has been shown to be effective in the majority of patients, Texas' decision not to publicly fund bariatric surgery is short sighted.^
Purpose. To determine if self-efficacy (SE) changes predicted total fat (TF) and total fiber (TFB) intake and the relationship between SE changes and the two dietary outcomes. ^ Design. This is a secondary analysis, utilizing baseline and first follow up (FFU) data from the NULIFE, a randomized trial. ^ Setting. Nutrition classes were taught in the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas. ^ Participants. 79 pre-menopausal, 25--45 year old African American women with an 85% response rate at FFU. ^ Method. Dietary intake was assessed with the Arizona Food Frequency Questionnaire and SE with the Self Efficacy for Dietary Change Questionnaire. Analysis was done using Stata version 9. Linear and logistic regression was used with adjustment for confounders. ^ Results. Linear regression analyses showed that SE changes for eating fruits and vegetables predicted total fiber intake in the control group for both the univariate (P = 0.001) and multivariate (P = 0.01) models while SE for eating fruits and vegetables at first follow-up predicted total fiber intake in the intervention for both models (P = 0.000). Logistic regression analyses of low fat SE changes and 30% or less for total fat intake, showed an adjusted OR of 0.22 (95% CI = 0.03, 1.48; P = 0.12) in the intervention group. The logistic regression analyses of SE changes in fruits and vegetables and 10g or more for total fiber intake, showed an adjusted OR of 6.25 (95% CI = 0.53, 72.78; P = 0.14) in the control group. ^ Conclusion. SE for eating fruits and vegetables at first follow-up predicted intervention groups' TFB intake and intervention women that increased their SE for eating a low fat diet were more likely to achieve the study goal of 30% or less calories from TF. SE changes for eating fruits and vegetables predicted the control's TFB intake and control women that increased their SE for eating fruits and vegetables were more likely to achieve the study goal of 10 g or more from TFB. Limitations are use of self-report measures, small sample size, and possible control group contamination.^
Several studies have examined the association between high glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) diets and the risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). However, most of these studies were conducted primarily on white populations. The primary aim of this study was to examine whether high GI and GL diets are associated with increased risk for developing CHD in whites and African Americans, non-diabetics and diabetics, and within stratifications of body mass index (BMI) and hypertension (HTN). Baseline and 17-year follow-up data from ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities) study was used. The study population (13,051) consisted of 74% whites, 26% African Americans, 89% non-diabetics, 11% diabetics, 43% male, 57% female aged 44 to 66 years at baseline. Data from the ARIC food frequency questionnaire at baseline were analyzed to provide GI and GL indices for each subject. Increases of 25 and 30 units for GI and GL respectively were used to describe relationships on incident CHD risk. Adjusted hazard ratios for propensity score with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to assess associations. During 17 years of follow-up (1987 to 2004), 1,683 cases of CHD was recorded. Glycemic index was associated with 2.12 fold (95% CI: 1.05, 4.30) increased incident CHD risk for all African Americans and GL was associated with 1.14 fold (95% CI: 1.04, 1.25) increased CHD risk for all whites. In addition, GL was also an important CHD risk factor for white non-diabetics (HR=1.59; 95% CI: 1.33, 1.90). Furthermore, within stratum of BMI 23.0 to 29.9 in non-diabetics, GI was associated with an increased hazard ratio of 11.99 (95% CI: 2.31, 62.18) for CHD in African Americans, and GL was associated with 1.23 fold (1.08, 1.39) increased CHD risk in whites. Body mass index modified the effect of GI and GL on CHD risk in all whites and white non-diabetics. For HTN, both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure modified the effect on GI and GL on CHD risk in all whites and African Americans, white and African American non-diabetics, and white diabetics. Further studies should examine other factors that could influence the effects of GI and GL on CHD risk, including dietary factors, physical activity, and diet-gene interactions. ^
Background. Obesity is a major health problem throughout the industrialized world. Despite numerous attempts to curtail the rapid growth of obesity, its incidence continues to rise. Therefore, it is crucial to better understand the etiology of obesity beyond the concept of energy balance.^ Aims. The first aim of this study was to first investigate the relationship between eating behaviors and body size. The second goal was to identify genetic variation associated with eating behaviors. Thirdly, this study aimed to examine the joint relationships between eating behavior, body size and genetic variation.^ Methods. This study utilized baseline data ascertained in young adults from the Training Interventions and Genetics of Exercise (TIGER) Study. Variables assessed included eating behavior (Emotional Eating Scale, Eating Attitudes Test-26, and the Block98 Food Frequency Questionnaire), body size (body mass index, waist and hip circumference, waist/hip ratio, and percent body fat), genetic variation in genes implicated related to the hypothalamic control of energy balance, and appropriate covariates (age, gender, race/ethnicity, smoking status, and physical activity. For the genetic association analyses, genotypes were collapsed by minor allele frequency, and haplotypes were estimated for each gene. Additionally, Bayesian networks were constructed in order to determine the relationships between genetic variation, eating behavior and body size.^ Results. We report that the EAT-26 score, Caloric intake, percent fat, fiber intake, HEAT index, and daily servings of vegetables, meats, grains, and fats were significantly associated with at least one body size measure. Multiple SNPs in 17 genes and haplotypes from 12 genes were tested for their association with body size. Variation within both DRD4 and HTR2A was found to be associated with EAT-26 score. In addition, variation in the ghrelin gene (GHRL) was significantly associated with daily Caloric intake. A significant interaction between daily servings of grains and the HEAT index and variation within the leptin receptor gene (LEPR) was shown to influence body size.^ Conclusion. This study has shown that there is a substantial genetic component to eating behavior and that genetic variation interacts with eating behavior to influence body size.^
Understanding a population's dietary behavior is important to promote behaviors which have the most beneficial impact on health. The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2005) identifies carotenoids as a key nutrient to be consumed through increased intake of fruits and vegetables (FV). While some studies have included or focused on the Hispanic population, few have focused only on Mexican-American populations and staged its intake of FV. Stage of change behavior theory has been used to understand the adoption and promotion of healthy behaviors such as increased intake of FV. It has been shown to effectively aid interventionists' understanding of dietary behavior. Intake patterns of FV of older women, rural residents, and adolescents of Mexican American descent have been conducted but not by stages of change. This study aimed to determine the relationship between stages of change for fruits and vegetables (SOC-FV) and total carotene intake to assess the quality of SOC-FV as a surrogate measure of total carotene. ^ Data from the 2000 Qué Sabrosa Vida Community Nutrition Survey (QSV-CNS) were analyzed to identify the SOC-FV and sources of carotenes in a Mexican American population 18-60 yrs. of the Paso del Norte region. A 107 item interviewer administered food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) specifically calibrated for a Mexican American population was used to collect usual intake of total carotene. The QSV survey study population included 963 participants, 590 (61.3%) women and 373 (38.7%) men. A statistically significant mean difference in caloric intake between men and women was found (p-value = <0.01). When total carotene intake was adjusted for energy, there were significant differences between men and women (p-value = <0.0001) with women consuming a higher amount of total carotene (406 RE/kcal 1,000) than men (332 RE/kcal 1000). The food sources of total carotene for both genders included many items found in a traditional Mexican American diet. Chile, after carrots, was the highest contributor of dietary carotene. Total carotene intake was not associated with stages of change among women or men and their distributions were not linear. Mean differences of total carotene by stages of change were significant for women for pre-contemplation/contemplation (p-value = 0.04) and preparation (p-value = 0.0004) but not for men. ^ SOC-FV may serve as a surrogate measure for dietary carotene intake. This study's Mexican American population had a high carotene quality diet derived from traditional food items irrespective of their stage of change for fruits and vegetables. To better understand this population's dietary intake a measure for acculturation should be included. Interventions aimed at Mexican American populations should aim to promote traditional diets consistent with cultural practices.^ ^
We investigated cross-sectional associations between intakes of zinc, magnesium, heme- and non heme iron, beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E and inflammation and subclinical atherosclerosis in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). We also investigated prospective associations between those micronutrients and incident MetS, T2D and CVD. Participants between 45-84 years of age at baseline were followed between 2000 and 2007. Dietary intake was assessed at baseline using a 120-item food frequency questionnaire. Multivariable linear regression and Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to evaluate associations of interest. Dietary intakes of non-heme iron and Mg were inversely associated with tHcy concentrations (geometric means across quintiles: 9.11, 8.86, 8.74, 8.71, and 8.50 µmol/L for non-heme iron, and 9.20, 9.00, 8.65, 8.76, and 8.33 µmol/L for Mg; ptrends <0.001). Mg intake was inversely associated with high CC-IMT; odds ratio (95% CI) for extreme quintiles 0.76 (0.58, 1.01), ptrend: 0.002. Dietary Zn and heme-iron were positively associated with CRP (geometric means: 1.73, 1.75, 1.78, 1.88, and 1.96 mg/L for Zn and 1.72, 1.76, 1.83, 1.86, and 1.94 mg/L for heme-iron). In the prospective analysis, dietary vitamin E intake was inversely associated with incident MetS and with incident CVD (HR [CI] for extreme quintiles - MetS: 0.78 [0.62-0.97] ptrend=0.01; CVD: 0.69 [0.46-1.03]; ptrend =0.04). Intake of heme-iron from red meat and Zn from red meat, but not from other sources, were each positively associated with risk of CVD (HR [CI] - heme-iron from red meat: 1.65 [1.10-2.47] ptrend = 0.01; Zn from red meat: 1.51 [1.02 - 2.24] ptrend =0.01) and MetS (HR [CI] - heme-iron from red meat: 1.25 [0.99-1.56] ptrend =0.03; Zn from red meat: 1.29 [1.03-1.61]; ptrend = 0.04). All associations evaluated were similar across different strata of gender, race-ethnicity and alcohol intake. Most of the micronutrients investigated were not associated with the outcomes of interest in this multi-ethnic cohort. These observations do not provide consistent support for the hypothesized association of individual nutrients with inflammatory markers, MetS, T2D, or CVD. However, nutrients consumed in red meat, or consumption of red meat as a whole, may increase risk of MetS and CVD.^
A case comparison study of 159 women was conducted to test the hypotheses that women with cervical dysplasia had a higher prevalence of low dietary intakes of carotenoids, vitamin C, and folacin than women without cervical dysplasia, and that there would be no association between the risk of having cervical dysplasia and dietary intake of retinol. Information regarding the prevalence of known risk factors for cervical dysplasia, early age at first intercourse, multiple sexual partners, early age at first pregnancy, history of having sexually transmitted diseases, cigarette smoking, and sociodemographic data was collected. Dietary intake was estimated using a 97 item quantified food frequency questionnaire designed to obtain information on consumption of all sources of retinol, carotenoids, vitamin C and folacin. Univariate analyses showed that the presence of cervical dysplasia was positively and significantly associated with all the risk factors. In analyses of the association of the dietary variables with cervical dysplasia, information on carotenoid intake was calculated in two ways, as total carotenoid intake and as intake of lycopene and other carotenoids. While there appeared to be an inverse association between the presence of cervical dysplasia and intakes of lycopene and folacin, lower intake of retinol, total carotenoids, other carotenoids (non-lycopene carotenoids) or vitamin C did not increase the risk of having cervical dysplasia. Multivariable analyses showed that, in comparison to women who usually consume 105 RE/day of lycopene, the odds of having cervical dysplasia for women who consume 31-104 RE/day and 30 RE/day or less were 1.31 and 1.66 respectively. The odds of having cervical dysplasia in women who consume 199-396 mcg/day and 198 mcg/day or less of folacin were 2.66 and 2.97 respectively as compared to women who usually consume 397 mcg/day or more. These results suggest the importance of re-evaluating existing dietary data and planning in future studies to evaluate the associations of lycopene and folacin with cervical cancer, as well as to extend these results to other diet/cancer investigations. ^
Laboratory experiments in animals, correlational and migrant studies in humans suggest a role for diet in the etiology of breast cancer. Data gathered from individuals via case-control studies are less consistent. Seventh-day Adventist women experience lower mortality from breast cancer than comparable U.S. populations and this decrease is thought to be, at least in part, related to dietary practices (half are vegetarian). In 1960, 25,000 California Seventh-day Adventists completed a questionnaire which included a 21 item food frequency section. Cancer mortality in this population was monitored between 1960 and 1980 and the relationship of high fat food intake and fatal breast cancer was evaluated. Although established risk factors for breast cancer were observed in this population (e.g. age at menarche, age at first pregnancy, age at menopause and obesity) consumption of high fat foods were not observed to exert a strong influence on fatal breast cancer risk. Odds ratios (O.R.) for fatal breast cancer among non-vegetarians was 1.2. Increasing meat consumption bore little relation to risk; O.R. = 1.0, 1.2, 1.1 for consumption categories of none/occasional, 1-3 days/week and 4+ days/week respectively. Nor did the consumption of other high fat foods of animal origin (e.g. butter, cheese, milk, eggs) show any relationship to risk. These results remained unchanged after simultaneously controlling for the effect of other, potentially confounding variables (menstrual characteristics, obesity) via logistic regression analysis. ^