23 resultados para medication counseling
em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center
BACKGROUND: Physician advice is an important motivator for attempting to stop smoking. However, physicians' lack of intervention with smokers has only modestly improved in the last decade. Although the literature includes extensive research in the area of the smoking intervention practices of clinicians, few studies have focused on Hispanic physicians. The purpose of this study was to explore the correlates of tobacco cessation counseling practices among Hispanic physicians in the US. METHODS: Data were collected through a validated survey instrument among a cross-sectional sample of self-reported Hispanic physicians practicing in New Mexico, and who were members of the New Mexico Hispanic Medical Society in the year 2001. Domains of interest included counseling practices, self-efficacy, attitudes/responsibility, and knowledge/skills. Returned surveys were analyzed to obtain frequencies and descriptive statistics for each survey item. Other analyses included: bivariate Pearson's correlation, factorial ANOVAs, and multiple linear regressions. RESULTS: Respondents (n = 45) reported a low level of compliance with tobacco control guidelines and recommendations. Results indicate that physicians' familiarity with standard cessation protocols has a significant effect on their tobacco-related practices (r = .35, variance shared = 12%). Self-efficacy and gender were both significantly correlated to tobacco related practices (r = .42, variance shared = 17%). A significant correlation was also found between self-efficacy and knowledge/skills (r = .60, variance shared = 36%). Attitudes/responsibility was not significantly correlated with any of the other measures. CONCLUSION: More resources should be dedicated to training Hispanic physicians in tobacco intervention. Training may facilitate practice by increasing knowledge, developing skills and, ultimately, enhancing feelings of self-efficacy.
BACKGROUND: Adults use the Internet for weight loss information, sometimes by participating in discussion forums. Our purpose was to analyze the quality of advice exchanged on these forums. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of messages posted to 18 Internet weight loss forums during 1 month in 2006. Advice was evaluated for congruence with clinical guidelines; potential for causing harm; and subsequent correction when it was contradictory to guidelines (erroneous) or potentially harmful. Message- and forum-specific characteristics were evaluated as predictors of advice quality and self-correction. RESULTS: Of 3368 initial messages, 266 (7.9%) were requests for advice. Of 654 provisions of advice, 56 (8.6%) were erroneous and 19 of these 56 (34%) were subsequently corrected. Forty-three (6.6%) provisions of advice were harmful, and 12 of these 43 (28%) were subsequently corrected. Messages from low-activity forums (fewer messages) were more likely than those from high-activity forums to be erroneous (10.6% vs 2.4%, P < .001) or harmful (8.4% vs 1.2%, P < .001). In high-activity forums, 2 of 4 (50%) erroneous provisions of advice and 2 of 2 (100%) potentially harmful provisions of advice were corrected by subsequent postings. Compared with general weight loss advice, medication-related advice was more likely to be erroneous (P = .02) or harmful (P = .01). CONCLUSIONS: Most advice posted on highly active Internet weight loss forums is not erroneous or harmful. However, clinical and research strategies are needed to address the quality of medication-related advice.
Mood disorders are the most common form of mental illness and one of the leading causes of morbidity worldwide. Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder have a lifetime prevalence of 16.2% and 4.4%, respectively. Women comprise a substantial proportion of this population, and an estimated 500,000 pregnancies each year involve women with a psychiatric condition. Management with psychotropic medications is considered standard of care for most patients with mood disorders. However, many of these medications are known human teratogens. Because pregnant women with mood disorders face a high risk of relapse if unmanaged, the obstetrician faces a unique challenge in providing the best care to both mother and baby. It has been suggested that many obstetricians overestimate the teratogenic risks associated with psychotropic medications, while concurrently underestimating the risks associated with unmanaged mood disorders. This may be due a knowledge gap regarding the most current teratogen information, and lack of official management guidelines. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the current knowledge base of obstetricians regarding the teratogenic effects of common psychotropic medications, as wells as to capture current management practices for pregnant women with mood disorders. A total of 117 Texas obstetricians responded to a survey regarding teratogen knowledge and management practice. It was common for respondents to encounter women who disclose both having a mood disorder and taking a psychotropic medication during pregnancy. Many respondents did not utilize up-to-date drug counseling resources, and were unaware of or over-estimated the teratogenic risks of common medications used to treat mood disorders. Finally, many respondents reported wanting to refer pregnant patients with mood disorders to psychiatrists for co-management, but are reportedly restricted in doing so due to accessibility or insurance issues. This study demonstrates that there is a knowledge gap among obstetricians regarding the teratogenicity of common psychotropic medications utilized to manage a patient population they frequently encounter. Further, obstetricians have vastly different risk perceptions of these medications, resulting in various management approaches and recommendations. Future research should focus on establishing standard practice guidelines, as well as better accessibility to psychiatric services for pregnant women.
BACKGROUND: Adults use the Internet for weight loss information, sometimes by participating in discussion forums. Our purpose was to analyze the quality of advice exchanged on these forums. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of messages posted to 18 Internet weight loss forums during 1 month in 2006. Advice was evaluated for congruence with clinical guidelines; potential for causing harm; and subsequent correction when it was contradictory to guidelines (erroneous) or potentially harmful. Message- and forum-specific characteristics were evaluated as predictors of advice quality and self-correction. RESULTS: Of 3368 initial messages, 266 (7.9%) were requests for advice. Of 654 provisions of advice, 56 (8.6%) were erroneous and 19 of these 56 (34%) were subsequently corrected. Forty-three (6.6%) provisions of advice were harmful, and 12 of these 43 (28%) were subsequently corrected. Messages from low-activity forums (fewer messages) were more likely than those from high-activity forums to be erroneous (10.6% vs 2.4%, P < .001) or harmful (8.4% vs 1.2%, P < .001). In high-activity forums, 2 of 4 (50%) erroneous provisions of advice and 2 of 2 (100%) potentially harmful provisions of advice were corrected by subsequent postings. Compared with general weight loss advice, medication-related advice was more likely to be erroneous (P = .02) or harmful (P = .01). CONCLUSIONS: Most advice posted on highly active Internet weight loss forums is not erroneous or harmful. However, clinical and research strategies are needed to address the quality of medication-related advice.
The reflexive nature of reason and the unique relationship reason shares with autonomy in Kant's philosophy is the theoretical basis of this dissertation. The principle of respect for autonomy undergirds the two main legal and ethical tenets of genetic counseling, an emerging profession trying to accommodate the sweeping changes that have occurred in clinical genetics, clinical ethics, and case law applicable to medicine. These two tenets of the counseling profession, informed consent and nondirectiveness, both share a principlist interpretation of autonomy that I argue is flawed due to its connection to: instrumental forms of reasoning, empirical theories of action supporting rational choice, and a liberal paradigm of law. I offer an alternative bioethical-legal framework that is based in the Kantian tradition in law and ethics through the complex theories of Jurgen Habermas. Following Habermas's reconstruction of the mutually constituting notions of private and public autonomy, I will argue for a richer conceptualization of autonomy that can have significant implications for the legal and bioethical concepts supporting the profession of genetic counseling, and which can ultimately change counseling practice. ^
Errors in healthcare are commonplace and have significant impact on mortality, morbidity, and costs. Other high-risk industries are credited with strong safety records. These successes are due in part to a strong, committed organizational culture and their leadership. A consistent pattern of effective leadership behaviors; creating change, establishing a vision and strategic actions, and enabling and inspiring the organization's members to act, is present in these high-risk industries. This research examined the relationship between leadership practices and a medication safety regime. The hypothesis is strong leadership practices have a positive relationship with the degree of sophistication of a medication safety program (safety performance). Leadership was used as a surrogate for organizational culture and was measured in this research through the Kouzes and Posner's Leadership Practices Inventory. The Institute of Medicine's 14 Selected Strategies to Improve Medication Safety was used to measure the development of a medication safety regime. Leadership practices towards safety were assessed by surveying 2,478 critical care Registered Nurses in the greater Houston area. A response rate of 19% was achieved. Thirteen hospitals participated in the medication safety regime assessment. Data from 386 RN respondents from 53 institutions provided an overall description of unit (ICU) and organization (hospital) leader's practices towards safety. There is some recognition of the medical error problem and that leaders exhibit moderate levels of leadership practices to promote safety. There were no differences noted in unit and hospital leaders' behaviors, with the exception that unit leaders promote change and enable staff to act more often than hospital leaders. There were no statistically significant relationships between overall leadership, or individual leadership practices and the organization's safety performance. There was a significant relationship between leadership and safety performance when other factors in organizational culture were considered. Teaching and Magnet hospitals also exhibited stronger behaviors towards safety. Organizational culture, as measured by academic affiliation and Magnet recognition, is strongly related to safety performance as measured by the degree of development of a medication safety regime. ^
An estimated 5.6 million children under the age of 18 suffer from asthma in the United States making asthma one of the most common chronic diseases in children. Because of the nature of the disease, the treatment regimen necessary to manage asthma has considerably changed as new drugs are developed and improved. The complexity of the treatment regimen recommended by the physician, however, has been linked with problems in adherence. Accordingly, the purpose of this cross-sectional study is to determine the prevalence of adherence to medication regimens among children between 9 to 15 years of age with physician-diagnosed asthma in Houston, Texas. The study used a set of data from a sample of children who participated in a pilot, panel asthma study to investigate the association between exposure to oxygenated air toxics and asthma health outcomes, conducted between 2002 and 2003. Data on daily intake of medication and onset of asthma-related symptoms were collected for each child per 10-day sampling period. Information was gathered through telephone or personal interviews for the 28 study participants who completed the study. The prevalence of adherence was calculated based on the number of times the participant reported taking his or her maintenance medication. The Fisher's Exact test and the Student's t-test were used to compare the level of adherence between the first and the last sampling cycle (Cycle 1 and Cycle 4) among the study participants by age, gender, and ethnicity. ^
Mexican immigrants make up the largest subgroup of Hispanics living in the United States. The largest percentage of illegal immigrants comes from México. As such they are a subpopulation with limited access to health care and social services; their health seeking behaviors including self-medication behaviors that, aside from the intake of antibiotics, have not been studied in depth. The analysis of the data presented sought to document the medication behaviors of illegal immigrants living in El Paso County along the U.S.-México border. Of the 80 participants, 31 were taking medication on a regular basis. Of these, 28 claimed that at least one of the medications had been prescribed by a physician, 13 people had bought at least one of their medications in México, nine participants claimed that they had not paid for at least one of the medications they were taking, ten participants reported that they had skipped the doses of at least one of their medications due to monetary constraints. Participants were also asked if they had purchased medication in México during the year prior to the study, 68 of the 80 (85%) participants had bought 295 pharmaceutical products across the border themselves or through a third party. The most frequently purchased medications were antibiotics (17%), followed by syrups, pomades, creams, eardrops, and cold medicine as a group (15%), followed by analgesics (13%) and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (12%) and oral hypoglycemic agents (6%). ^
Each year an estimated 180,000 people in the United States (U.S.) die as a result of medication errors, now considered a major public health problem. If a patient cannot correctly act on information related to medication use or "Medication Literacy" there is an increased potential for error. Medication use issues are unique on the US-Mexico border because they include high rates of herbal products and medication products from Mexico as well as issues related to the preferred language (English or Spanish) of the patient. To evaluate the medication literacy in a US-Mexico border community, this retrospective study evaluates 180 subjects representing four diverse economic segments of a metropolitan US-Mexico Border community who have taken a Medication Literacy Assessment. The assessment tool has been created to understand how patients interpret medication information for prescription, over-the-counter, herbal, and Mexican medication product use, and how they problem-solve medication questions. The Medication Literacy Assessment tool specifically assesses document literacy (e.g., prescription labels), prose literacy (e.g., patient leaflets), numeracy (e.g., calculations and measurements) as well as qualitative data related to medication use practices. The main hypothesis of this study is that the ability to interpret and use medications will vary based on education, language (Spanish or English), and recruitment sites (economically diverse communities). The results will provide information to better characterize medication use in a primarily Hispanic population on the US-Mexico border and may be used to influence policy decisions regarding prescription and over-the-counter product information.^
Physical activity is an important health-promoting behavior to prevent and control chronic disease. Interventions to increase physical activity are vitally needed. Women are not meeting the recommended goals for physical activity - a behavior that has been shown to effectively reduce the incidence of chronic disease and the medical costs associated with treating it. Among many factors predicting physical activity and the different forms of interventions that have been applied, physician counseling is one potentially cost-effective approach that may produce at least modest effects on women's behavior. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published standards for physician counseling of patients regarding physical activity. This study used a short questionnaire to assess the degree to which a group practice of cardiology physicians in Texas queried and discussed physical activity recommendations to older women that they treat and whether they are meeting the physical activity counseling goals of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The majority of this group of physicians counseled patients without benefit of exploring patient behavior. Although these physicians "agreed" that physical activity delayed or prevented disease, the outcome suggests that low self-efficacy hampered efforts to counsel older women on this. Physicians' perceptions that counseling may be ineffective could explain the lower rate of physical activity counseling that does not meet the goals of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ^
Acute kidney Injury (AKI) in hospitalized pediatric patients can be a significant event that can result in increased patient morbidity and mortality. The incidence of medication associated AKI is increasing in the pediatric population. Currently, there are no data to quantify the risks of developing AKI for various potentially nephrotoxic medications. The primary objective of this study was to determine the odds of nephrotoxic medication exposure in hospitalized pediatric patients with AKI as defined by the pediatric modified pRIFLE criteria. A retrospective case-control study was performed with patients that developed AKI, as defined by the pediatric pRIFLE criteria, as cases, and patients without AKI as controls that were matched by age category, gender, and disease state. Patients between 1 day and 18 years of age, admitted to a non-intensive care unit at Texas Children's Hospital for at least 3 days, and had at least 2 serum creatinine values drawn were included. Patient data was analyzed with Student's t test, Mann-Whitney U test, Chi square analysis, ANOVA, and conditional logistic regression. ^ Out of 1,660 patients identified for inclusion, 561 (33.8%) patients had AKI, and 357 cases were matched with 357 controls to become pairs. Of the cases, 441 were category 'R', 117 category 'I', 3 patients were category 'F', and no patient died. Cases with AKI were significantly younger than controls (p < 0.05). Significantly longer hospital length of stays, increased hospital costs, and exposure to more nephrotoxic medications for a longer period of time were characteristics of patients with AKI compared to patient without AKI. Patients with AKI had greater odds of exposure to one or more nephrotoxic medication than patients without AKI (OR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1–1.4, p < 0.05). Percent changes in estimated creatinine clearance (eCCl) from baseline were greatest with increased number of nephrotoxic medication exposures. ^ Exposure to potentially nephrotoxic medications may place pediatric patients at greater risk of acute kidney injury. Multiple nephrotoxic medication exposure may confer a greater risk of development of acute kidney injury, and result in increased hospital costs and patient morbidity. Due to the high percentage of patients that were exposed to potentially nephrotoxic medications, monitoring and medication selection strategies may need to be altered to prevent or minimize risk.^
Medication errors, one of the most frequent types of medical errors, are a common cause of patient harm in hospital systems today. Nurses at the bedside are in a position to encounter many of these errors since they are there at the start of the process (ordering/prescribing) and the end of the process (administration). One of the recommendations from the IOM (Institute of Medicine) report, "To Err is Human," was for organizations to identify and learn from medical errors through event reporting systems. While many organizations have reporting systems in place, research studies report a significant amount of underreporting by nurses. A systematic review of the literature was performed to identify contributing factors related to the reporting and not reporting of medication errors by nurses at the bedside.^ Articles included in the literature review were primary or secondary studies, dated January 1, 2000 – July 2009, related to nursing medication error reporting. All 634 articles were reviewed with an algorithm developed to standardize the review process and help filter out those that did not meet the study criteria. In addition, 142 article bibliographies were reviewed to find additional studies that were not found in the original literature search.^ After reviewing the 634 articles and the additional 108 articles discovered in the bibliography review, 41 articles met the study criteria and were used in the systematic literature review results.^ Fear of punitive reactions to medication errors was a frequent barrier to error reporting. Nurses fear reactions from their leadership, peers, patients and their families, nursing boards, and the media. Anonymous reporting systems and departments/organizations with a strong safety culture in place helped to encourage the reporting of medication errors by nursing staff.^ Many of the studies included in this literature review do not allow results that can be generalized. The majority of them took place in single institutions/organizations with limited sample sizes. Stronger studies with larger sample sizes need to be performed, utilizing data collection methods that have been validated, to determine stronger correlations between safety cultures and nurse error reporting.^
Background. Pharmaceutical-sponsored patient assistance programs (PAPs) are charity programs that provide free or reduced-priced medications to eligible patients. PAPs have the potential to improve prescription drug accessibility for patients but currently there is limited information about their use and effectiveness. ^ Objectives and methods. This dissertation described the use of PAPs in the U.S. through the conduct of two studies: (1) a systematic review of primary studies of PAPs from commercially-published and “grey” literature sources; and (2) a retrospective, cross-sectional study of cancer patients' use of PAPs at a tertiary care cancer outpatient center. ^ Results. (1) The systematic review identified 33 studies: 15 evaluated the impact of PAP enrollment assistance programs on patient healthcare outcomes; 7 assessed institutional costs of providing enrollment assistance; 7 surveyed stakeholders; 4 examined other aspects. Standardized mean differences calculated for disease indicator outcomes (most of which were single group, pre-posttest designs) showed significant decreases in glycemic and lipid control, and inconsistent results for blood pressure. Grey literature abstracts reported insufficient statistics for calculations. Study heterogeneity made weighted summary estimates inappropriate. Economic analyses indicated positive financial benefits to institutions providing enrollment assistance (cost) compared to the wholesale value of the medications provided (benefit); analyses did not value health outcomes. Mean quality of reporting scores were higher for observational studies in commercially-published articles versus full text, grey literature reports. (2) The cross-sectional study found that PAP outpatients were significantly more likely to be uninsured, indigent, and < 65 years old than non-PAP patients. Nearly all non-PAP and PAP prescriptions were for non-cancer conditions, either for co-morbidities (e.g., hypertension) or the management of treatment side effects (e.g., pain). Oral chemotherapies from PAPs were significantly more likely to be for breast versus other cancers, and be a newer, targeted versus traditional chemotherapy.^ Conclusions. In outpatient settings, PAP enrollment assistance plus additional medication services (e.g., counseling, reminders, and free samples) is associated with improved disease indicators for patients. Healthcare institutions, including cancer centers, can offset financial losses from uncompensated drug costs and recoup costs invested in enrollment assistance programs by procuring free PAP medications. Cancer patients who are indigent and uninsured may be able to access more outpatient medications for their supportive care needs through PAPs, than for cancer treatment options like oral chemotherapies. Because of the selective availability of drugs through PAPs, there may be more options for newer, oral, targeted chemotherapies for the treatment breast cancer versus other for other cancers.^