45 resultados para max-semistable domain of attraction

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Ionotropic glutamate receptors are important excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the mammalian central nervous system that have been implicated in a number of neuropathologies such as epilepsy, ischemia, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Glutamate binding to an extracellular ligand binding domain initiates a series of structural changes that leads to the formation of a cation selective transmembrane channel, which consequently closes due to desensitization of the receptor. The crystal structures of the AMPA subtype of the glutamate receptor have been particularly useful in providing initial insight into the conformational changes in the ligand binding domain; however, these structures are limited by crystallographic constraint. To gain a clear picture of how agonist binding is coupled to channel activation and desensitization, it is essential to study changes in the ligand binding domain in a dynamic, physiological state. In this dissertation, a technique called Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer was used to determine the conformational changes associated with activation and desensitization in a functional AMPA receptor (ÄN*-AMPA) that contains the ligand binding domain and transmembrane segments; ÄN*-AMPA has been modified such that fluorophores can be introduced at specific sites to serve as a readout of cleft closure or to establish intersubunit distances. Previous structural studies of cleft closure of the isolated ligand binding domain in conjunction with functional studies of the full receptor suggest that extent of cleft closure correlates with extent of activation. Here, LRET has been used to show that a similar relationship between cleft closure and activation is observed in the “full length” receptor showing that the isolated ligand binding domain is a good model of the domain in the full length receptor for changes within a subunit. Similar LRET investigations were used to study intersubunit distances specifically to probe conformational changes between subunits within a dimer in the tetrameric receptor. These studies show that the dimer interface is coupled in the open state, and decoupled in the desensitized state, similar to the isolated ligand binding domain crystal structure studies. However, we show that the apo state dimer interface is not pre-formed as in the crystal structure, hence suggesting a mechanism for functional transitions within the receptor based on LRET distances obtained.


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The mammalian adaptor protein Alix [ALG-2 (apoptosis-linked-gene-2 product)-interacting protein X] belongs to a conserved family of proteins that have in common an N-terminal Bro1 domain and a C-terminal PRD (proline-rich domain), both of which mediate partner protein interactions. Following our previous finding that Xp95, the Xenopus orthologue of Alix, undergoes a phosphorylation-dependent gel mobility shift during progesteroneinduced oocyte meiotic maturation, we explored potential regulation of Xp95/Alix by protein phosphorylation in hormone-induced cell cycle re-entry or M-phase induction. By MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight) MS analyses and gel mobility-shift assays, Xp95 is phosphorylated at multiple sites within the N-terminal half of the PRD during Xenopus oocyte maturation, and a similar region in Alix is phosphorylated in mitotically arrested but not serum-stimulated mammalian cells. By tandem MS, Thr745 within this region, which localizes in a conserved binding site to the adaptor protein SETA [SH3 (Src homology 3) domain-containing, expressed in tumorigenic astrocytes] CIN85 (a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate)/SH3KBP1 (SH3-domain kinase-binding protein 1), is one of the phosphorylation sites in Xp95. Results from GST (glutathione S-transferase)-pull down and peptide binding/competition assays further demonstrate that the Thr745 phosphorylation inhibits Xp95 interaction with the second SH3 domain of SETA. However, immunoprecipitates of Xp95 from extracts of M-phase-arrested mature oocytes contained additional partner proteins as compared with immunoprecipitates from extracts of G2-arrested immature oocytes. The deubiquitinase AMSH (associated molecule with the SH3 domain of signal transducing adaptor molecule) specifically interacts with phosphorylated Xp95 in M-phase cell lysates. These findings establish that Xp95/Alix is phosphorylated within the PRD during M-phase induction, and indicate that the phosphorylation may both positively and negatively modulate their interaction with partner proteins.


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Pepper (Capsicum annuum) serotonin N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (SHT) catalyzes the synthesis of N-hydroxycinnamic acid amides of serotonin, including feruloylserotonin and p-coumaroylserotonin. To elucidate the domain or the key amino acid that determines the amine substrate specificity, we isolated a tyramine N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (THT) gene from pepper. Purified recombinant THT protein catalyzed the synthesis of N-hydroxycinnamic acid amides of tyramine, including feruloyltyramine and p-coumaroyltyramine, but did not accept serotonin as a substrate. Both the SHT and THT mRNAs were found to be expressed constitutively in all pepper organs. Pepper SHT and THT, which have primary sequences that are 78% identical, were used as models to investigate the structural determinants responsible for their distinct substrate specificities and other enzymatic properties. A series of chimeric genes was constructed by reciprocal exchange of DNA segments between the SHT and THT cDNAs. Functional characterization of the recombinant chimeric proteins revealed that the amino acid residues 129 to 165 of SHT and the corresponding residues 125 to 160 in THT are critical structural determinants for amine substrate specificity. Several amino acids are strongly implicated in the determination of amine substrate specificity, in which glycine-158 is involved in catalysis and amine substrate binding and tyrosine-149 plays a pivotal role in controlling amine substrate specificity between serotonin and tyramine in SHT. Furthermore, the indisputable role of tyrosine is corroborated by the THT-F145Y mutant that uses serotonin as the acyl acceptor. The results from the chimeras and the kinetic measurements will direct the creation of additional novel N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferases from the various N-hydroxycinnamoyltransferases found in nature.


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In Escherichia coli, the Min system, consisting of three proteins, MinC, MinD, and MinE, negatively regulates FtsZ assembly at the cell poles, helping to ensure that the Z ring will assemble only at midcell. Of the three Min proteins, MinC is sufficient to inhibit Z-ring assembly. By binding to MinD, which is mostly localized at the membrane near the cell poles, MinC is sequestered away from the cell midpoint, increasing the probability of Z-ring assembly there. Previously, it has been shown that the two halves of MinC have two distinct functions. The N-terminal half is sufficient for inhibition of FtsZ assembly, whereas the C-terminal half of the protein is required for binding to MinD as well as to a component of the division septum. In this study, we discovered that overproduction of the C-terminal half of MinC (MinC(122-231)) could also inhibit cell division and that this inhibition was at the level of Z-ring disassembly and dependent on MinD. We also found that fusing green fluorescent protein to either the N-terminal end of MinC(122-231), the C terminus of full-length MinC, or the C terminus of MinC(122-231) perturbed MinC function, which may explain why cell division inhibition by MinC(122-231) was not detected previously. These results suggest that the C-terminal half of MinC has an additional function in the regulation of Z-ring assembly.


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The mammalian adaptor protein Alix [ALG-2 (apoptosis-linked-gene-2 product)-interacting protein X] belongs to a conserved family of proteins that have in common an N-terminal Bro1 domain and a C-terminal PRD (proline-rich domain), both of which mediate partner protein interactions. Following our previous finding that Xp95, the Xenopus orthologue of Alix, undergoes a phosphorylation-dependent gel mobility shift during progesteroneinduced oocyte meiotic maturation, we explored potential regulation of Xp95/Alix by protein phosphorylation in hormone-induced cell cycle re-entry or M-phase induction. By MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight) MS analyses and gel mobility-shift assays, Xp95 is phosphorylated at multiple sites within the N-terminal half of the PRD during Xenopus oocyte maturation, and a similar region in Alix is phosphorylated in mitotically arrested but not serum-stimulated mammalian cells. By tandem MS, Thr745 within this region, which localizes in a conserved binding site to the adaptor protein SETA [SH3 (Src homology 3) domain-containing, expressed in tumorigenic astrocytes] CIN85 (a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate)/SH3KBP1 (SH3-domain kinase-binding protein 1), is one of the phosphorylation sites in Xp95. Results from GST (glutathione S-transferase)-pull down and peptide binding/competition assays further demonstrate that the Thr745 phosphorylation inhibits Xp95 interaction with the second SH3 domain of SETA. However, immunoprecipitates of Xp95 from extracts of M-phase-arrested mature oocytes contained additional partner proteins as compared with immunoprecipitates from extracts of G2-arrested immature oocytes. The deubiquitinase AMSH (associated molecule with the SH3 domain of signal transducing adaptor molecule) specifically interacts with phosphorylated Xp95 in M-phase cell lysates. These findings establish that Xp95/Alix is phosphorylated within the PRD during M-phase induction, and indicate that the phosphorylation may both positively and negatively modulate their interaction with partner proteins.


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The family of membrane protein called glutamate receptors play an important role in the central nervous system in mediating signaling between neurons. Glutamate receptors are involved in the elaborate game that nerve cells play with each other in order to control movement, memory, and learning. Neurons achieve this communication by rapidly converting electrical signals into chemical signals and then converting them back into electrical signals. To propagate an electrical impulse, neurons in the brain launch bursts of neurotransmitter molecules like glutamate at the junction between neurons, called the synapse. Glutamate receptors are found lodged in the membranes of the post-synaptic neuron. They receive the burst of neurotransmitters and respond by fielding the neurotransmitters and opening ion channels. Glutamate receptors have been implicated in a number of neuropathologies like ischemia, stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Specifically, the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptors has been linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and the subsequent degeneration of neuronal cells. While crystal structures of AMPA and kainate subtypes of glutamate receptors have provided valuable information regarding the assembly and mechanism of activation; little is known about the NMDA receptors. Even the basic question of receptor assembly still remains unanswered. Therefore, to gain a clear understanding of how the receptors are assembled and how agonist binding gets translated to channel opening, I have used a technique called Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (LRET). LRET offers the unique advantage of tracking large scale conformational changes associated with receptor activation and desensitization. In this dissertation, LRET, in combination with biochemical and electrophysiological studies, were performed on the NMDA receptors to draw a correlation between structure and function. NMDA receptor subtypes GluN1 and GluN2A were modified such that fluorophores could be introduced at specific sites to determine their pattern of assembly. The results indicated that the GluN1 subunits assembled across each other in a diagonal manner to form a functional receptor. Once the subunit arrangement was established, this was used as a model to further examine the mechanism of activation in this subtype of glutamate receptor. Using LRET, the correlation between cleft closure and activation was tested for both the GluN1 and GluN2A subunit of the NMDA receptor in response to agonists of varying efficacies. These investigations revealed that cleft closure plays a major role in the mechanism of activation in the NMDA receptor, similar to the AMPA and kainate subtypes. Therefore, suggesting that the mechanism of activation is conserved across the different subtypes of glutamate receptors.


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One of the most critical aspects of G Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) regulation is their rapid and acute desensitization following agonist stimulation. Phosphorylation of these receptors by GPCR kinases (GRK) is a major mechanism of desensitization. Considerable evidence from studies of rhodopsin kinase and GRK2 suggests there is an allosteric docking site for the receptor distinct from the GRK catalytic site. While the agonist-activated GPCR appears crucial for GRK activation, the molecular details of this interaction remain unclear. Recent studies suggested an important role for the N- and C-termini and domains in the small lobe of the kinase domain in allosteric activation; however, neither the mechanism of action of that site nor the RH domain contributions have been elucidated. To search for the allosteric site, we first indentified evolutionarily conserved sites within the RH and kinase domains presumably deterministic of protein function employing evolutionary trace (ET) methodology and crystal structures of GRK6. Focusing on a conserved cluster centered on helices 3, 9, and 10 in the RH domain, key residues of GRK5 and 6 were targeted for mutagenesis and functional assays. We found that a number of double mutations within helices 3, 9, and 10 and the N-terminus markedly reduced (50–90%) the constitutive phosphorylation of the β-2 Adrenergic Receptor (β2AR) in intact cells and phosphorylation of light-activated rhodopsin (Rho*) in vitro as compared to wild type (WT) GRK5 or 6. Based on these results, we designed peptide mimetics of GRK5 helix 9 both computationally and through chemical modifications with the goal of both confirming the importance of helix 9 and developing a useful inhibitor to disrupt the GPCR-GRK interaction. Several peptides were found to block Rho* phosphorylation by GRK5 including the native helix 9 sequence, Peptide Builder designed-peptide preserving only the key ET residues, and chemically locked helices. Most peptidomimetics showed inhibition of GRK5 activity greater than 80 % with an IC50 of ∼ 30 µM. Alanine scanning of helix 9 has further revealed both essential and non-essential residues for inhibition. Importantly, substitution of Arg 169 by an alanine in the native helix 9-based peptide gave an almost complete inhibition at 30 µM with an IC50 of ∼ 10 µM. In summary we report a previously unrecognized crucial role for the RH domain of GRK5 and 6, and the subsequent identification of a lead peptide inhibitor of protein-protein interaction with potential for specific blockade of GPCR desensitization. ^


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p53 mutations are the most commonly observed genetic alterations in human cancers to date. A majority of these point mutations cluster in four evolutionarily conserved domains spanning amino acids 100-300. This region of p53 has been called its central conserved, or conformational domain. This domain of p53 is also targeted by the SV40 T antigen. Mutation, as well as interaction with SV40 T antigen results in inactivation of p53. We hypothesized that mutations and SV40 T antigen disrupt p53 function by interfering with the molecular interactions of the central conserved domain. Using a chimeric protein consisting of the central conserved domain of wild-type p53 (amino acids 115-295) and a protein A affinity tail, we isolated several cellular proteins that interact specifically with this domain of p53. These proteins range in size from 30K to 90K M$\rm\sb{r}.$ We also employed the p53 fusion protein to demonstrate that the central conserved domain of p53 possesses sequence-specific DNA-binding activity. Interestingly, the cellular proteins binding to the central conserved domain of p53 enhance the sequence-specific DNA-binding activity of full length p53. Partial purification of the individual proteins binding to the conformational domain of p53 by utilizing a sodium chloride step-gradient enabled further characterization of two proteins: (1) a 42K M$\rm\sb{r}$ protein that eluted at 0.5M NaCl, and bound DNA nonspecifically, and (2) a 35K M$\rm\sb{r}$ protein eluting into the 1.0M NaCl fraction, capable of enhancing the sequence-specific DNA-binding activity of p53. In order to determine the physiologic relevance of the molecular interactions of the conformational domain of p53, we examined the biochemical processes underlying the TNF-$\alpha$ mediated growth suppression of the NSCLC cell line H460. While growth suppression was accompanied by enhanced sequence-specific p53-DNA binding activity in TNF-$\alpha$ treated H460 nuclei, there was no increase in p53 protein levels. Furthermore, p35 was upregulated in TNF-$\alpha$ treated H460 cells, suggesting that the enhanced p53-DNA binding seen in these cells may be mediated by p35. Our studies define two novel interactions involving the central conserved domain of p53 that appear to be functionally relevant: (1) sequence-specific DNA-binding, and (2) interaction with other cellular proteins. ^


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Rapid redistribution of STAT subcellular localization is an essential feature of cytokine signaling. To elucidate the molecular basis of STAT3 function, which plays a critical role in controlling innate immune responses in vivo, we initiated studies to determine the mechanisms controlling STAT3 nuclear trafficking. We found that STAT3 is transported to the nucleus in the absence of cytokine treatment, as judged by indirect immunofluorescence studies in the presence of leptomycin B, an inhibitor of CRM1-dependent nuclear export, suggesting that the non-phosphorylated STAT3 protein contains a functional nuclear import signal. An isoform lacking the STAT3 N-terminal domain (Δ133STAT3) retains the ability to undergo constitutive nuclear localization, indicating that this region is not essential for cytokine-independent nuclear import. Δ133STAT3 is also transported to the nucleus following stimulation with interleukin-6 (IL-6). Interestingly, IL-6-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Δ133STAT3 appears to be prolonged and the nuclear export of the protein delayed in cells expressing endogenous STAT3, consistent with defective Δ133STAT3 dephosphorylation. Endogenous STAT3 does not promote the nuclear export of Δ133STAT3, although dimerization between endogenous Stat3 and Δ133STAT3 is detected readily. Thus, the STAT3 N-terminal domain is not required for dimerization with full-length STAT3, yet appears to play a role in proper export of Stat3 from the nucleus following cytokine stimulation. STAT3-deficient cells reconstituted with Δ133STAT3 show enhanced and prolonged Stat1 signaling in response to IL-6, suggesting that induction of the STAT3-dependent negative regulator SOCS3 is impaired. In fact, Δ133STAT3 fails to induce SOCS3 mRNA efficiently. These studies collectively indicate that the STAT3 N-terminal region may be important for IL-6-dependent target gene activation and nuclear dephosphorylation, while dispensable for nuclear import. STAT3 is an oncogene. STAT3 is constitutively activated in primary tumors of many types. Thus far, research in the design of STAT3 protein inhibitors has focused on the SH2 and DNA-binding domains of STAT3. Interference with these domains eliminates all signaling through STAT3. If the N-terminal domain is involved in tetramerization on a subset of target genes, inhibition of this region may lead to a more selective inhibition of some STAT3 functions while leaving others intact. ^


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Ras proteins serve as crucial signaling modulators in cell proliferation through their ability to hydrolyze GTP and exist in a GTP “on” state and GTP “off” state. There are three different human Ras isoforms: H-ras, N-ras and K-ras (4A and 4B). Although their sequence identity is very high at the catalytic domain, these isoforms differ in their ability to activate different effectors and hence different signaling pathways. Much of the previous work on this topic has attributed this difference to the hyper variable region of Ras proteins, which contains most of the sequence variance among the isoforms and encodes specificity for differential distribution in the membrane. However, we hypothesize that sequence variation on lobe II of Ras catalytic domain alters dynamics and leads to differential preference for different effectors or modulators. In this work, we used all atom molecular dynamics to analyze the dynamics in the catalytic domain of H-ras and K-ras. We have also analyzed the dynamics of a transforming mutant of H-ras and K-ras and further studied the dynamics of an effectorselective mutant of H-ras. Collectively we have determined that wild type K-ras is more dynamic than H-ras and that the structure of the effector binding loop more closely resembles that of the T35S Raf-selective mutant, possibly giving us a new view and insight into the v mode of effector specificity. Furthermore we have determined that specific mutations at the same location perturb the conformational equilibrium differently in H-ras and K-ras and that an enhanced oncogenic potential may arise from different structural perturbations for each point mutation of a specific isoform.


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Cell-CAM 105 has been identified as a cell adhesion molecule (CAM) based on the ability of monospecific and monovalent anti-cell-CAM 105 antibodies to inhibit the reaggregation of rat hepatocytes. Although one would expect to find CAMs concentrated in the lateral membrane domain where adhesive interactions predominate, immunofluorescence analysis of rat liver frozen sections revealed that cell-CAM 105 was present exclusively in the bile canalicular (BC) domain of the hepatocyte. To more precisely define the in situ localization of cell-CAM 105, immunoperoxidase and electron microscopy were used to analyze intact and mechanically dissociated fixed liver tissue. Results indicate that although cell-CAM 105 is apparently restricted to the BC domain in situ, it can be detected in the pericanalicular region of the lateral membranes when accessibility to lateral membranes is provided by mechanical dissociation. In contrast, when hepatocytes were labeled following incubation in vitro under conditions used during adhesion assays, cell-CAM 105 had redistributed to all areas of the plasma membrane. Immunofluorescence analysis of primary hepatocyte cultures revealed that cell-CAM 105 and two other BC proteins were localized in discrete domains reminscent of BC while cell-CAM 105 was also present in regions of intercellular contact. These results indicate that the distribution of cell-CAM 105 under the experimental conditions used for cell adhesion assays differs from that in situ and raises the possibility that its adhesive function may be modulated by its cell surface distribution. The implications of these and other findings are discussed with regard to a model for BC formation.^ Analysis of molecular events involved in BC formation would be accelerated if an in vitro model system were available. Although BC formation in culture has previously been observed, repolarization of cell-CAM 105 and two other domain-specific membrane proteins was incomplete. Since DMSO had been used by Isom et al. to maintain liver-specific gene expression in vitro, the effect of this differentiation system on the polarity of these membrane proteins was examined. Based on findings presented here, DMSO apparently prolongs the expression and facilitates polarization of hepatocyte membrane proteins in vitro. ^


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The exosome is a 3’ to 5’ exoribonuclease complex that consists of ten essential subunits. In the cytoplasm, the exosome degrades mRNA in a general mRNA turnover pathway and in several mRNA surveillance pathways. In the nucleus, the exosome processes RNA precursors to form small, stable, mature RNA species, including rRNA, snRNA, and snoRNA. In addition to processing these RNAs, the nuclear exosome is also involved in degrading aberrantly processed forms of these RNAs, and others, including mRNA. The 3’ to 5’ exoribonuclease activity of the exosome is contributed by the RNB domain of the only catalytically active subunit, Rrp44p, a member of the RNase II family of enzymes. In addition to the RNB domain, Rrp44p consists of three putative RNA binding domains and has an uncharacterized N-terminus, which includes a CR3 region and PIN domain. In an effort to characterize the cellular functions of the domains of Rrp44p, this study identified a second nuclease active site in the PIN domain. Specifically, the PIN domain exhibits endoribonuclease activity in vitro and is essential for exosome function. Further analysis of the nuclease activities of Rrp44p indicate a role for the exoribonuclease activity of Rrp44p in the cytoplasmic and nuclear exosome. This work has also characterized the CR3 region of Rrp44p, a region that has not yet been characterized in any other protein. This region is needed for the majority, if not all, of the cytoplasmic exosome functions as well as for interaction with the exosome. The CR3 region, along with a histidine residue in the N-terminus of Rrp44p, may coordinate a zinc atom. Preliminary evidence supports a role for this coordination in exosome function. Further investigation, however, is needed to determine the molecular dependence of the exosome on the CR3 region of Rrp44p. Despite its initial discovery thirteen years ago, the essential function of Rrp44p, and the exosome, is not yet known. The studies presented here, however, indicate that the essential function of Rrp44p and the exosome is in the nucleus and depends on the nuclease activities of Rrp44p.


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One critical step in addressing and resolving the problems associated with human errors is the development of a cognitive taxonomy of such errors. In the case of errors, such a taxonomy may be developed (1) to categorize all types of errors along cognitive dimensions, (2) to associate each type of error with a specific underlying cognitive mechanism, (3) to explain why, and even predict when and where, a specific error will occur, and (4) to generate intervention strategies for each type of error. Based on Reason's (1992) definition of human errors and Norman's (1986) cognitive theory of human action, we have developed a preliminary action-based cognitive taxonomy of errors that largely satisfies these four criteria in the domain of medicine. We discuss initial steps for applying this taxonomy to develop an online medical error reporting system that not only categorizes errors but also identifies problems and generates solutions.


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Most newly synthesized messenger RNAs possess a 5’ cap and a 3’ poly(A) tail. The process of poly(A) tail shortening, also termed deadenylation, is important for post-transcriptional gene regulation, because deadenylation not only leads to mRNA translational inhibition but also is the first step of major mRNA degradation. Translationally inhibited mRNAs can be stored and/or degraded in dynamic cytoplasmic foci termed mRNA processing bodies, or P bodies, which are conserved in eukaryotes. To shed new light on the mechanisms of P body formation and P body functions, I focused on the link between deadenylation factors and P bodies. I found that the two major deadenylation complexes, Pan3-Pan2 and Ccr4-Caf1, can both be enriched in P bodies. The deadenylase activity of the Ccr4-Caf1 complex is prerequisite for P body formation. Pan3, but not the deadenylase Pan2, is essential for P body formation. While the C-terminal domain of Pan3 is important for interaction with Pan2, Pan3 N-terminal domain is important for Pan3 to form cytoplasmic foci colocalizing with P bodies and to promote mRNA decay. Interestingly, Pan3 N-terminal domain may be phosphorylated to regulate Pan3 localization and functions. Aside from the functions of the two deadenylation complexes in P bodies, I also studied all reported human P body proteins as a whole using bioinformatics. This effort not only has generated a comprehensive picture of the functions of and interactions among human P body proteins, but also has predicted proteins that may regulate P body formation and/or functions. In summary, my study has established a direct link between mRNA deadenylation and P body formation and has also led to new hypotheses to guide future research on how P body dynamics are controlled.


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PURPOSE: Resistance to platinum chemotherapy remains a significant problem in ovarian carcinoma. Here, we examined the biological mechanisms and therapeutic potential of targeting a critical platinum resistance gene, ATP7B, using both in vitro and in vivo models. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Expression of ATP7A and ATP7B was examined in ovarian cancer cell lines by real-time reverse transcription-PCR and Western blot analysis. ATP7A and ATP7B gene silencing was achieved with targeted small interfering RNA (siRNA) and its effects on cell viability and DNA adduct formation were examined. For in vivo therapy experiments, siRNA was incorporated into the neutral nanoliposome 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DOPC). RESULTS: ATP7A and ATP7B genes were expressed at higher levels in platinum-resistant cells compared with sensitive cells; however, only differences in ATP7B reached statistical significance. ATP7A gene silencing had no significant effect on the sensitivity of resistant cells to cisplatin, but ATP7B silencing resulted in 2.5-fold reduction of cisplatin IC(50) levels and increased DNA adduct formation in cisplatin-resistant cells (A2780-CP20 and RMG2). Cisplatin was found to bind to the NH(2)-terminal copper-binding domain of ATP7B, which might be a contributing factor to cisplatin resistance. For in vivo therapy experiments, ATP7B siRNA was incorporated into DOPC and was highly effective in reducing tumor growth in combination with cisplatin (70-88% reduction in both models compared with controls). This reduction in tumor growth was accompanied by reduced proliferation, increased tumor cell apoptosis, and reduced angiogenesis. CONCLUSION: These data provide a new understanding of cisplatin resistance in cancer cells and may have implications for therapeutic reversal of drug resistance.