6 resultados para macaque

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Small bistratified cells (SBCs) in the primate retina carry a major blue-yellow opponent signal to the brain. We found that SBCs also carry signals from rod photoreceptors, with the same sign as S cone input. SBCs exhibited robust responses under low scotopic conditions. Physiological and anatomical experiments indicated that this rod input arose from the AII amacrine cell-mediated rod pathway. Rod and cone signals were both present in SBCs at mesopic light levels. These findings have three implications. First, more retinal circuits may multiplex rod and cone signals than were previously thought to, efficiently exploiting the limited number of optic nerve fibers. Second, signals from AII amacrine cells may diverge to most or all of the approximately 20 retinal ganglion cell types in the peripheral primate retina. Third, rod input to SBCs may be the substrate for behavioral biases toward perception of blue at mesopic light levels.


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V2 has long been recognized to contain functionally distinguishable compartments that are correlated with the stripelike pattern of cytochrome oxidase activity. Early electrophysiological studies suggested that color, direction/disparity, and orientation selectivity were largely segregated in the thin, thick, and interstripes, respectively. Subsequent studies revealed a greater degree of homogeneity in the distribution of response properties across stripes, yet color-selective cells were still found to be most prevalent in the thin stripes. Optical recording studies have demonstrated that thin stripes contain both color-preferring and luminance-preferring modules. These thin stripe color-preferring modules contain spatially organized hue maps, whereas the luminance-preferring modules contain spatially organized luminance-change maps. In this study, the neuronal basis of these hue maps was determined by characterizing the selectivity of neurons for isoluminant hues in multiple penetrations within previously characterized V2 thin stripe hue maps. The results indicate that neurons within the superficial layers of V2 thin stripe hue maps are organized into columns whose aggregated hue selectivity is closely related to the hue selectivity of the optically defined hue maps. These data suggest that thin stripes contain hue maps not simply because of their moderate percentage of hue-selective neurons, but because of the columnar and tangential organization of hue selectivity.


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The macaque cortical visual system is hierarchically organized into two streams, the ventral stream for recognizing objects and the dorsal stream for analyzing spatial relationships. The ventral stream extends from striate cortex or area V1 to inferior temporal cortex (IT) through extra-striate areas V2 and V4. Between V1 and V2, the ventral stream consists of two roughly parallel sub-streams, one extending from the cytochrome oxidase (CO) rich blobs in V1 to the CO rich thin stripes in V2, the other extending from the interblobs in V1 to interstripes, in V2. The blob-dominated sub-stream is thought to analyze the surface features such as color, whereas the interblob-dominated one is thought to analyze the contour features such as shape. ^ In the current study, the organization of cortical pathways linking V2 thin stripe and interstripe compartments with area V4 was investigated using a combination of physiological and anatomical techniques. Different compartments of V2 were first characterized, in vivo, using optical recording of intrinsic cortical signals. These functionally derived maps of V2 stripe compartments were then used to guide iontophoretic injections of multiple, distinguishable, anterograde tracers into specific V2 compartments. The distribution of labeled axons was analyzed either in horizontal sections through the prelunate gyrus, or in tangentially sectioned portions of physically unfolded cortex containing the lunate sulcus, prelunate gyrus and superior temporal sulcus. When a V2 thin stripe and adjacent interstripe were injected with distinguishable tracers, a large primary and several secondary foci were observed in V4. The primary focus from the thin stripe injection was spatially segregated from the primary focus from the V2 interstripe injection, suggesting a retention of the pattern of compartmentation. ^ We examined the distribution of retrogradely labeled cells in V1 following the injections of tracers into V2 different compartments, in order to quantitate just how parallel the two sub-streams are from V1 to V2. Our results suggest that both blobs and interblobs project to thin stripes in V2, whereas only interblobs project to interstripes. This asymmetrical segregation argues against the original proposal of strict parallelism. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Visual cortex of macaque monkeys consists of a large number of cortical areas that span the occipital, parietal, temporal, and frontal lobes and occupy more than half of cortical surface. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the contributions of many occipital areas to visual perceptual processing, much less is known concerning the specific functional contributions of higher areas in the temporal and frontal lobes. Previous behavioral and electrophysiological investigations have demonstrated that the inferotemporal cortex (IT) is essential to the animal's ability to recognize and remember visual objects. While it is generally recognized that IT consists of a number of anatomically and functionally distinct visual-processing areas, there remains considerable controversy concerning the precise number, size, and location of these areas. Therefore, the precise delineation of the cortical subdivisions of inferotemporal cortex is critical for any significant progress in the understanding of the specific contributions of inferotemporal areas to visual processing. In this study, anterograde and/or retrograde neuroanatomical tracers were injected into two visual areas in the ventral posterior and central portions of IT (areas PITv and CITvp) to elucidate the corticocortical connections of these areas with well known areas of occipital cortex and with less well understood regions of inferotemporal cortex. The locations of injection sites and the delineation of the borders of many occipital areas were aided by the pattern of interhemispheric connections, revealed following callosal transection and subsequent labeling with HRP. The resultant patterns of connections were represented on two-dimensional computational (CARET) and manual cortical maps and the laminar characteristics and density of the projection fields were quantified. The laminar and density features of these corticocortical connections demonstrate thirteen anatomically distinct subdivisions or areas distributed within the superior temporal sulcus and across the inferotemporal gyrus. These results serve to refine previous descriptions of inferotemporal areas, validate recently identified areas, and provide a new description of the hierarchical relationships among occipitotemporal cortical areas in macaques. ^


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BACKGROUND: A key aspect of representations for object recognition and scene analysis in the ventral visual stream is the spatial frame of reference, be it a viewer-centered, object-centered, or scene-based coordinate system. Coordinate transforms from retinocentric space to other reference frames involve combining neural visual responses with extraretinal postural information. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examined whether such spatial information is available to anterior inferotemporal (AIT) neurons in the macaque monkey by measuring the effect of eye position on responses to a set of simple 2D shapes. We report, for the first time, a significant eye position effect in over 40% of recorded neurons with small gaze angle shifts from central fixation. Although eye position modulates responses, it does not change shape selectivity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data demonstrate that spatial information is available in AIT for the representation of objects and scenes within a non-retinocentric frame of reference. More generally, the availability of spatial information in AIT calls into questions the classic dichotomy in visual processing that associates object shape processing with ventral structures such as AIT but places spatial processing in a separate anatomical stream projecting to dorsal structures.


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High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) techniques, including Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI), have been proposed to resolve crossing and other complex fiber architecture in the human brain white matter. In these methods, directional information of diffusion is inferred from the peaks in the orientation distribution function (ODF). Extensive studies using histology on macaque brain, cat cerebellum, rat hippocampus and optic tracts, and bovine tongue are qualitatively in agreement with the DSI-derived ODFs and tractography. However, there are only two studies in the literature which validated the DSI results using physical phantoms and both these studies were not performed on a clinical MRI scanner. Also, the limited studies which optimized DSI in a clinical setting, did not involve a comparison against physical phantoms. Finally, there is lack of consensus on the necessary pre- and post-processing steps in DSI; and ground truth diffusion fiber phantoms are not yet standardized. Therefore, the aims of this dissertation were to design and construct novel diffusion phantoms, employ post-processing techniques in order to systematically validate and optimize (DSI)-derived fiber ODFs in the crossing regions on a clinical 3T MR scanner, and develop user-friendly software for DSI data reconstruction and analysis. Phantoms with a fixed crossing fiber configuration of two crossing fibers at 90° and 45° respectively along with a phantom with three crossing fibers at 60°, using novel hollow plastic capillaries and novel placeholders, were constructed. T2-weighted MRI results on these phantoms demonstrated high SNR, homogeneous signal, and absence of air bubbles. Also, a technique to deconvolve the response function of an individual peak from the overall ODF was implemented, in addition to other DSI post-processing steps. This technique greatly improved the angular resolution of the otherwise unresolvable peaks in a crossing fiber ODF. The effects of DSI acquisition parameters and SNR on the resultant angular accuracy of DSI on the clinical scanner were studied and quantified using the developed phantoms. With a high angular direction sampling and reasonable levels of SNR, quantification of a crossing region in the 90°, 45° and 60° phantoms resulted in a successful detection of angular information with mean ± SD of 86.93°±2.65°, 44.61°±1.6° and 60.03°±2.21° respectively, while simultaneously enhancing the ODFs in regions containing single fibers. For the applicability of these validated methodologies in DSI, improvement in ODFs and fiber tracking from known crossing fiber regions in normal human subjects were demonstrated; and an in-house software package in MATLAB which streamlines the data reconstruction and post-processing for DSI, with easy to use graphical user interface was developed. In conclusion, the phantoms developed in this dissertation offer a means of providing ground truth for validation of reconstruction and tractography algorithms of various diffusion models (including DSI). Also, the deconvolution methodology (when applied as an additional DSI post-processing step) significantly improved the angular accuracy of the ODFs obtained from DSI, and should be applicable to ODFs obtained from the other high angular resolution diffusion imaging techniques.