5 resultados para lobes

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Understanding the principles of calmodulin (CaM) activation of target enzymes will help delineate how this seemingly simple molecule can play such a complex role in transducing Ca (2+)-signals to a variety of downstream pathways. In the work reported here, we use biochemical and biophysical tools and a panel of CaM constructs to examine the lobe specific interactions between CaM and CaMKII necessary for the activation and autophosphorylation of the enzyme. Interestingly, the N-terminal lobe of CaM by itself was able to partially activate and allow autophosphorylation of CaMKII while the C-terminal lobe was inactive. When used together, CaMN and CaMC produced maximal CaMKII activation and autophosphorylation. Moreover, CaMNN and CaMCC (chimeras of the two N- or C-terminal lobes) both activated the kinase but with greater K act than for wtCaM. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments showed the same rank order of affinities of wtCaM > CaMNN > CaMCC as those determined in the activity assay and that the CaM to CaMKII subunit binding ratio was 1:1. Together, our results lead to a proposed sequential mechanism to describe the activation pathway of CaMKII led by binding of the N-lobe followed by the C-lobe. This mechanism contrasts the typical sequential binding mode of CaM with other CaM-dependent enzymes, where the C-lobe of CaM binds first. The consequence of such lobe specific binding mechanisms is discussed in relation to the differential rates of Ca (2+)-binding to each lobe of CaM during intracellular Ca (2+) oscillations.


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Calmodulin (CaM) is a ubiquitous Ca(2+) buffer and second messenger that affects cellular function as diverse as cardiac excitability, synaptic plasticity, and gene transcription. In CA1 pyramidal neurons, CaM regulates two opposing Ca(2+)-dependent processes that underlie memory formation: long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). Induction of LTP and LTD require activation of Ca(2+)-CaM-dependent enzymes: Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) and calcineurin, respectively. Yet, it remains unclear as to how Ca(2+) and CaM produce these two opposing effects, LTP and LTD. CaM binds 4 Ca(2+) ions: two in its N-terminal lobe and two in its C-terminal lobe. Experimental studies have shown that the N- and C-terminal lobes of CaM have different binding kinetics toward Ca(2+) and its downstream targets. This may suggest that each lobe of CaM differentially responds to Ca(2+) signal patterns. Here, we use a novel event-driven particle-based Monte Carlo simulation and statistical point pattern analysis to explore the spatial and temporal dynamics of lobe-specific Ca(2+)-CaM interaction at the single molecule level. We show that the N-lobe of CaM, but not the C-lobe, exhibits a nano-scale domain of activation that is highly sensitive to the location of Ca(2+) channels, and to the microscopic injection rate of Ca(2+) ions. We also demonstrate that Ca(2+) saturation takes place via two different pathways depending on the Ca(2+) injection rate, one dominated by the N-terminal lobe, and the other one by the C-terminal lobe. Taken together, these results suggest that the two lobes of CaM function as distinct Ca(2+) sensors that can differentially transduce Ca(2+) influx to downstream targets. We discuss a possible role of the N-terminal lobe-specific Ca(2+)-CaM nano-domain in CaMKII activation required for the induction of synaptic plasticity.


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Children with spina bifida meningomyelocele (SBM) are impaired relative to controls in terms of discriminating strong-meter and weak-meter rhythms, so congenital cerebellar dysmorphologies that affect rhythmic movements also disrupt rhythm perception. Cerebellar parcellations in children with SBM showed an abnormal configuration of volume fractions in cerebellar regions important for rhythm function: a smaller inferior-posterior lobe, and larger anterior and superior-posterior lobes.


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Classical ablation studies have shown that neural crest cells (NCC) are critical for thymus organogenesis, though their role in this process has never been determined. We have used a mouse model deficient in NCC near the thymus rudiment to investigate the role of NCC in thymus organogenesis. Splotch mice exhibit a lack of NCC migration due to mutation in the gene encoding the transcription factor Pax 3. Homozygous mutants, designated Pax3Sp/Sp, display a range of phenotypes including spina bifida, cardiac outflow tract deformities, and craniofacial deformities. Pax3Sp/Sp, mice have also been reported to have hypoplastic and abnormal thymi, which is consistent with the expected result based on the classical ablation studies. However, in contrast to the dogma, we find that the thymus lobes in Pax3Sp/Sp, mice are even larger in size than those of littermate controls, although they fail to migrate and are therefore ectopic. Differentiation of the thymic epithelial compartments occurs normally, including the ability to import hematopoietic precursors, until the embryos die at embryonic day E13.0. We also investigated the patterning of the third pharyngeal pouch which gives rise to both the thymus and the parathyroid. Using RNA probes to detect expression of transcription factors exclusively expressed in the ventral, thymus- or dorsal, parathyroidfated domains of the E11.5 third pouch, we show that the parathyroid domain is restricted and the thymus-fated domain is expanded in Pax3Sp/Sp, embryos. Furthermore, mixing of the boundary between these domains occurs at E12.0. These results necessitate reconsideration of the previously accepted role for NCC in thymus organogenesis. NCC are not required for outgrowth of the thymus up to E13.0, and most strikingly, we have discovered a novel role for NCC in establishing parathyroid versus thymus fate boundaries in the third pharyngeal pouch. ^


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Visual cortex of macaque monkeys consists of a large number of cortical areas that span the occipital, parietal, temporal, and frontal lobes and occupy more than half of cortical surface. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the contributions of many occipital areas to visual perceptual processing, much less is known concerning the specific functional contributions of higher areas in the temporal and frontal lobes. Previous behavioral and electrophysiological investigations have demonstrated that the inferotemporal cortex (IT) is essential to the animal's ability to recognize and remember visual objects. While it is generally recognized that IT consists of a number of anatomically and functionally distinct visual-processing areas, there remains considerable controversy concerning the precise number, size, and location of these areas. Therefore, the precise delineation of the cortical subdivisions of inferotemporal cortex is critical for any significant progress in the understanding of the specific contributions of inferotemporal areas to visual processing. In this study, anterograde and/or retrograde neuroanatomical tracers were injected into two visual areas in the ventral posterior and central portions of IT (areas PITv and CITvp) to elucidate the corticocortical connections of these areas with well known areas of occipital cortex and with less well understood regions of inferotemporal cortex. The locations of injection sites and the delineation of the borders of many occipital areas were aided by the pattern of interhemispheric connections, revealed following callosal transection and subsequent labeling with HRP. The resultant patterns of connections were represented on two-dimensional computational (CARET) and manual cortical maps and the laminar characteristics and density of the projection fields were quantified. The laminar and density features of these corticocortical connections demonstrate thirteen anatomically distinct subdivisions or areas distributed within the superior temporal sulcus and across the inferotemporal gyrus. These results serve to refine previous descriptions of inferotemporal areas, validate recently identified areas, and provide a new description of the hierarchical relationships among occipitotemporal cortical areas in macaques. ^