5 resultados para historical of malaria
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Malaria poses a significant public health problem worldwide. The World Health Organization indicates that approximately 40% of the world's population and almost 85% of the population from the South–East Asian region is at risk of contracting malaria. India being the most populous country in the region, contributes the highest number of malaria cases and deaths attributed to malaria. Orissa is the state that has the highest number of malaria cases and deaths attributable to malaria. A secondary data analysis was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the World bank-assisted Malaria Action Program in the state of Orissa under the health sector reforms of 1995-96. The secondary analysis utilized the government of India's National Anti Malaria Management Information System's (NAMMIS) surveillance data and the National Family Health Survey (NFHS–I and NFHS–II) datasets to compare the malaria mortality and morbidity in the state between 1992-93 and 1998-99. Results revealed no effect of the intervention and indicated an increase of 2.18 times in malaria mortality between 1992-1999 and an increase of 1.53 times in malaria morbidity between 1992-93 and 1998-99 in the state. The difference in the age-adjusted malaria morbidity in the state between the time periods of 1992-93 and 1998-99 proved to be highly significant (t = 4.29 df=16, p<. 0005) whereas the difference between the increase of age-adjusted malaria morbidity during 1992-93 and 1998-99 between Orissa (with intervention) and Bihar (no intervention) proved to be non significant (t=.0471 df=16, p<.50). Factors such as underutilization of World Bank funds for the malaria control program, inadequate health care infrastructure, structural adjustment problems, poor management, poor financial management, parasite resistance to anti-malarial drugs, inadequate supply of drugs and staff shortages may have contributed to the failure of the program in the state.^
Background. First synthesized in 1874, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was not used until the second half of World War II after its insecticidal properties were discovered in 1939. For decades DDT has been used globally with the intent of eradicating malaria. This began in 1955 when the eighth World Health Assembly launched a global campaign selecting DDT as the chemical of choice for the eradication of malaria. The United States banned DDT use in 1972 partially due to the publication of “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson in 1962 which suggested that DDT was harmful to the environment, wildlife and is a carcinogen. ^ Objectives. To critically review the literature on DDT, and evaluate its importance in malaria prevention and control. Methods: The design of this systematic literature review is a narrative summary and evaluation of the papers reviewed. The data came from searches using PubMed and MEDLINE which are free and publicly available databases. Inclusive criteria that were considered during the search are English language peer reviewed journal articles published in the last 20 years. The keywords were: “insecticidal and agricultural use of DDT”, “human impact of malaria”, “economic impact of malaria”, “benefits of DDT”, “effects of DDT”, “importance of malaria control”, and alternatives to DDT for malaria control. ^ Results. Malaria continues to be one of the most common infectious diseases and creates a tremendous global public health problem. WHO recommends DDT for malaria vector control because compared to other pesticides, it is the most persistent in indoor spraying. ^ Conclusion. Indoor spraying of DDT in malaria endemic areas may cause increased exposure of the chemical to humans; however I conclude that the overall benefits outweigh the risks because more lives are saved due to fewer infections with malaria.^
The clinical records of 432 P. falciparum and P. vivax infected volunteer male inmates of the Maryland House of Corrections in Jessup, Maryland, were studied to determine (1) the clinical and parasitologic courses of infections in both parasite species, and (2) the influence of previous homologous and/or heterologous strain exposures on subsequent infections. The clinical and parasitologic courses of infection with both P. falciparum and P. vivax species indicated that: (a) there were characteristic strain related differences between P. falciparum and P. vivax. P. falciparum strains were more apt to cause severe infections than P. vivax strains. (b) Blood-induced infections produced significantly shorter prepatent and incubation periods than mosquito-induced. (c) Blacks tolerated the infections better than whites and, (d) homologous and heterologous strain immunities persisted with previous malaria history. In previously exposed cases, clinical manifestations were moderate, peak fever lowered, and peak parasitemias limited. (e) Anti-malarial drugs were effective in reducing sexual and asexual forms of the malaria parasite, and limiting peak fevers, irrespective of method of induction, race, parasite strain and species, and drug type used.^ Given these findings, and the current worldwide resurgence of malaria, this study has major implications in terms of setting malaria control and public health policies in both developed and developing countries.^
Detection of malarial sporozoites by a double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is described. This investigation utilized the Anopheles stephensi-Plasmodium berghei malaria model for the generation of sporozoites. Anti-sporozoite antibody was obtained from the sera of rats which had been bitten by An. stephensi with salivary gland sporozoites. Mosquitoes were irradiated prior to feeding on the rats to render the sporozoites non-viable.^ The assay employed microtiter plates coated with their rat anti-sporozoite antiserum or rat anti-sporozoite IgG. Intact and sonicated sporozoites were used as antigens. Initially, sporozoites were detected by an ELISA using staphylococcal protein A conjugated with alkaline phosphatase. Sporozoites were also detected using alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase conjugated to anti-sporozoite IgG. Best results were obtained using the alkaline phosphatase conjugate.^ This investigation included the titration of antigen, coating antibody and labelled antibody as well as studies of various incubation times. A radioimmunoassay (RIA) was also developed and compared with the ELISA for detecting sporozoites. Finally, the detection of a single infected mosquito in pools of 5 to 10 whole, uninfested ones was studied using both ELISA and RIA.^ Sonicated sporozoites were more readily detected than intact sporozoites. The lower limit of detection was approximately 500 sporozoites per ml. Results using ELISA or RIA were similar. The ability of the ELISA to detect a single infected mosquito in a pool of uninfected ones indicates that this technique has potential use in entomological field studies which aim at determining the vector status of anopheline mosquitoes. The potential of the ELISA for identifying sporozoites of different species of malaria is discussed. ^
Part 1: 1881-1888 On Some Points in the Etiology and Pathology of Ulcerative Endocarditis, 1881 On Certain Parasites in the Blood of the Frog, 1883 The Third Corpuscle of the Blood, 1883 On the Use of Arsenic in Certain Forms of Anaemia, 1886 Antifebrin, 1887 Case of Arterio-Venous Aneurism of the Axillary Artery and Vein of Fourteen Year's Duration, 1887 Typhilitis and Appendicitis, 1888 Part 2: 1889-1892 Annual Address - License to Practice 1889 Case of Syphiloma of the Cord of the Cauda Equina-Death From Diffuse Central Myelitis, 1889 On a Case of Simple Idiopathic Muscular Atrophy, Involving the Face and the Scapulo-Humeral Muscles, 1889 Note on Intra-Thoracic Growths Developing from the Thyroid Gland, 1889 On the Value of Laveran's Organisms in the Diagnosis of Malaria, 1889 On the Form of Convulsive Tic Associated with Corprolalia, Etc., 1890 A Case of Sensory Aphasia Word-blindness with Hemianopsia, 1891 Rudolf Virchow: The Man and the Student, 1891 The Healing of Tuberculosis, 1892 The Cold-Bath Treatment of Typhoid Fever, 1892 Part 3: 1893 Remarks on the Varieties of Chronic Chorea, and a Report Upon Two Families of the Hereditary Form, With One Autopsy, 1893 Note on Arsenical Neuritis Following the use of Fowler's Solution, 1893 Note on a Remarkable House Epidemic of Typhoid Fever, 1893 Cases of Sub-Phrenic Abscess, 1893 On Sporadic Cretinism in America, 1893 Notes on Tuberculosis in Children, 1893 Part 4: 1849-1895 Parotitis in Pneumonia, Case of Pericarditis Treated by Incision and Drainage, 1894 The Army Surgeon, 1894 Introductory Remarks to Course of Clinical Demonstrations on Typhoid Fever, 1894 Cancer of the Stomach with Very Rapid Course, 1895 Case of Sporadic Cretinism (Infantile Myxcedema) Treated Successfully with Thyroid Extract, 1895 Visible Contractile Tumour of the Pylorus Following Ulcer of the Stomach, 1895 On the Association of Enormous Heart Hypertrophy, Chronic Proliferative Peritonitis, and Recurring Ascites, with Adherent Pericardium, 1895 Teaching and Thinking the Two Functions of a Medical School, 1895 The Practical Value of Laveran's Discoveries, 1895 Part 5 1896 Addison's Disease, 1896 On Six Cases of Addison's Disease, 1896 Hemiplegia in Typhoid Fever Thomas Dover (of Dover's Powder) Physician and Buccaneer, 1896 John Keats The Apothecary Poet, 1896 On The Classification of the Tics or Habit Movements, 1896 The Cerebral Complication of Raynaud's Disease, 1896 Part 6: 1897 On Certain Features in the Prognosis of Pneumonia, 1897 Clinical Lecture on Mitral Stenosis - Sudden Death - Ball Thrombus in the Left Auricle, 1897 The Diagnosis of Malarial Fever, 1897 The Functions of a State Faculty (President's Address), 1897 A Clinical Lecture on The Ball-Valve Gall-Stone in the Common Duct, 1897 Pneumonia (Review of Cases studied), 1897 Internal Medicine as a Vocation, 1897 Back Notes