5 resultados para hadronic transport model

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A three-dimensional model has been proposed that uses Monte Carlo and fast Fourier transform convolution techniques to calculate the dose distribution from a fast neutron beam. This method transports scattered neutrons and photons in the forward, lateral, and backward directions and protons, electrons, and positrons in the forward and lateral directions by convolving energy spread kernels with initial interaction available energy distributions. The primary neutron and photon spectrums have been derived from narrow beam attenuation measurements. The positions and strengths of the effective primary neutron, scattered neutron, and photon sources have been derived from dual ion chamber measurements. The size of the effective primary neutron source has been measured using a copper activation technique. Heterogeneous tissue calculations require a weighted sum of two convolutions for each component since the kernels must be invariant for FFT convolution. Comparisons between calculations and measurements were performed for several water and heterogeneous phantom geometries. ^


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Effects of Combined Bevacizumab and Paclitaxel on Tumor Interstitial Fluid Pressure in a Preclinical Breast Cancer Model by Ricardo H. Alvarez Several mechanisms of cell resistance are often accountable for unsuccessful chemotherapy against cancer. Another reason, which has received increased attention, is the inefficient transport of anticancer drugs into tumor tissue. These impaired transports of chemotherapy into the tumor have been attributed to abnormal microvasculature and to pathologically increased tumor hypertension also called: interstitial fluid pressure (IFP). The pathophysiological processes leading to elevated tumor IFP are poorly understood. Here, in a preclinical breast cancer model, it is argued that a condition of raised IFP is a major factor in preventing optimal access of systemically administered chemotherapy agents. In our experimental model, we used a GILM2 human breast cancer in xenografts; mice were treated with different doses of paclitaxel –a widely used antimicrotubular agent, and bevacizumab –monoclonal antibody against vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The proposed research project is designed to test the hypothesis that paclitaxel in combination with bevacizumab decreases the tumor IPF by restoring tumor permeability and increasing chemotherapy delivery. We demonstrated that the combination of paclitaxel and bevacizumab produced greater tumor control than either agent given alone and this combination reduced the IFP, producing an increment of 75% of apoptosis compared with the control arm. In addition, the intra-tumor paclitaxel quantification by liquid chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) demonstrated that lower dose of both agents showed a synergistic effect compared with high dose of treatment, where there is no significantly increase of paclitaxel into the tumor. These preclinical results are likely to have broad implications for the utility of anti-angiogenic therapies alone and in combination with chemotherapeutic agents.


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UPTAKE AND METABOLISM OF 5’-AMP IN THE ERYTHROCYTE PLAY KEY ROLES IN THE 5’-AMP INDUCED MODEL OF DEEP HYPOMETABOLISM Publication No. ________ Isadora Susan Daniels, B.A. Supervisory Professor: Cheng Chi Lee, Ph.D. Mechanisms that initiate and control the natural hypometabolic states of mammals are poorly understood. The laboratory developed a model of deep hypometabolism (DH) initiated by uptake of 5’-adenosine monophosphate (5’-AMP) into erythrocytes. Mice enter DH when given a high dose of 5’-AMP and the body cools readily. Influx of 5’-AMP appears to inhibit thermoregulatory control. In a 15°C environment, mice injected with 5’-AMP (0.5 mg/gw) enter a Phase I response in which oxygen consumption (VO2) drops rapidly to 1/3rd of euthermic levels. The Phase I response appears independent of body temperature (Tb). This is followed by gradual body temperature decline that correlates with VO2 decline, called Phase II response. Within 90 minutes, mouse Tb approaches 15°C, and VO2 is 1/10th of normal. Mice can remain several hours in this state, before gradually and safely recovering. The DH state translates to other mammalian species. Our studies show uptake and metabolism of 5’-AMP in erythrocytes causes biochemical changes that initiate DH. Increased AMP shifts the adenylate equilibrium toward ADP formation, consequently decreasing intracellular ATP. In turn, glycolysis slows, indicated by increased glucose and decreased lactate. 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate levels rise, allosterically reducing oxygen affinity for hemoglobin, and deoxyhemoglobin rises. Less oxygen transport to tissues likely triggers the DH model. The major intracellular pathway for AMP catabolism is catalyzed by AMP deaminase (AMPD). Multiple AMPD isozymes are expressed in various tissues, but erythrocytes only have AMPD3. Mice lacking AMPD3 were created to study control of the DH model, specifically in erythrocytes. Telemetric measurements demonstrate lower Tb and difficulty maintaining Tb under moderate metabolic stress. A more dramatic response to lower dose of 5’-AMP suggests AMPD activity in the erythrocyte plays an important role in control of the DH model. Analysis of adenylates in erythrocyte lysate shows 3-fold higher levels of ATP and ADP but similar AMP levels to wild-type. Taken together, results indicate alterations in energy status of erythrocytes can induce a hypometabolic state. AMPD3 control of AMP catabolism is important in controlling the DH model. Genetically reducing AMP catabolism in erythrocytes causes a phenotype of lower Tb and compromised ability to maintain temperature homeostasis.


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Trauma and severe head injuries are important issues because they are prevalent, because they occur predominantly in the young, and because variations in clinical management may matter. Trauma is the leading cause of death for those under age 40. The focus of this head injury study is to determine if variations in time from the scene of accident to a trauma center hospital makes a difference in patient outcomes.^ A trauma registry is maintained in the Houston-Galveston area and includes all patients admitted to any one of three trauma center hospitals with mild or severe head injuries. A study cohort, derived from the Registry, includes 254 severe head injury cases, for 1980, with a Glasgow Coma Score of 8 or less.^ Multiple influences relate to patient outcomes from severe head injury. Two primary variables and four confounding variables are identified, including time to emergency room, time to intubation, patient age, severity of injury, type of injury and mode of transport to the emergency room. Regression analysis, analysis of variance, and chi-square analysis were the principal statistical methods utilized.^ Analysis indicates that within an urban setting, with a four-hour time span, variations in time to emergency room do not provide any strong influence or predictive value to patient outcome. However, data are suggestive that at longer time periods there is a negative influence on outcomes. Age is influential only when the older group (55-64) is included. Mode of transport (helicopter or ambulance) did not indicate any significant difference in outcome.^ In a multivariate regression model, outcomes are influenced primarily by severity of injury and age which explain 36% (R('2)) of variance. Inclusion of time to emergency room, time to intubation, transport mode and type injury add only 4% (R('2)) additional contribution to explaining variation in patient outcome.^ The research concludes that since the group most at risk to head trauma is the young adult male involved in automobile/motorcycle accidents, more may be gained by modifying driving habits and other preventive measures. Continuous clinical and evaluative research are required to provide updated clinical wisdom in patient management and trauma treatment protocols. A National Institute of Trauma may be required to develop a national public policy and evaluate the many medical, behavioral and social changes required to cope with the country's number 3 killer and the primary killer of young adults.^


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a plant pathogen with the unique ability to export oncogenic DNA-protein complexes (T-complexes) to susceptible plant cells and cause crown gall tumors. Delivery of the T-complexes across the bacterial membranes requires eleven VirB proteins and VirD4, which are postulated to form a transmembrane transporter. This thesis examines the subcellular localization and oligomeric structure of the 87-kDa VirB4 protein, which is one of three essential ATPases proposed to energize T-complex transport and/or assembly. Results of subcellular localization studies showed that VirB4 is tightly associated with the cytoplasmic membrane, suggesting that it is a membrane-spanning protein. The membrane topology of VirB4 was determined by using a nested deletion strategy to generate random fusions between virB4 and the periplasmically-active alkaline phosphatase, $\sp\prime phoA$. Analysis of PhoA and complementary $\beta$-galactosidase reporter fusions identified two putative periplasmically-exposed regions in VirB4. A periplasmic exposure of one of these regions was further confirmed by protease susceptibility assays using A. tumefaciens spheroplasts. To gain insight into the structure of the transporter, the topological configurations of other VirB proteins were also examined. Results from hydropathy analyses, subcellular localization, protease susceptibility, and PhoA reporter fusion studies support a model that all of the VirB proteins localize at one or both of the bacterial membranes. Immunoprecipitation and Co$\sp{2+}$ affinity chromatography studies demonstrated that native VirB4 (87-kDa) and a functional N-terminally tagged HIS-VirB4 derivative (89-kDa) interact and that the interaction is independent of other VirB proteins. A $\lambda$ cI repressor fusion assay supplied further evidence for VirB4 dimer formation. A VirB4 dimerization domain was localized to the N-terminal third of the protein, as judged by: (i) transdominance of an allele that codes for this region of VirB4; (ii) co-retention of a His-tagged N-terminal truncation derivative and native VirB4 on Co$\sp{2+}$ affinity columns; and (iii) dimer formation of the N-terminal third of VirB4 fused to the cI repressor protein. Taken together, these findings are consistent with a model that VirB4 is topologically configured as an integral cytoplasmic membrane protein with two periplasmic domains and that VirB4 assembles as homodimers via an N-terminal dimerization domain. Dimer formation is postulated to be essential for stabilization of VirB4 monomers during T-complex transporter assembly. ^