12 resultados para gaps in perception

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Due to the rising number of children with disabilities, the needs of these families must be addressed. This article describes the development and implementation of a regional forum in a rural community to address education and training needs of families and professionals. The Special Needs Summit provided workshops, information, and activities for parents and professionals. Participants were invited to participate in a study through a survey soliciting feedback regarding the importance and effectiveness of the training and information received through the Summit, gaps in resources, and future educational and training needs. Overall, participants gave satisfactory ratings regarding the training and education provided during the forum, and gave direction for future programming.


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RecA in Escherichia coli and it's homologue, ScRad51 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, play important roles in recombinational repair. ScRad51 homologues have been discovered in a wide range of organisms including Schizosaccharomyces pombe, lily, chicken, mouse and human. To date there is no direct evidence to describe that mouse Rad51(MmRad51) is involved in DNA double-strand break repair. In order to elucidate the role of MmRad51 in vivo, it was mutated by the embryonic stem (ES) cell/gene targeting technology in mice. The mutant embryos arrested in development shortly after implantation. There was a decrease in cell proliferation followed by programmed cell death, and trophectoderm-derived cells were sensitive to $\gamma$-radiation. Severe chromosome loss was observed in most mitotically dividing cells. The mutant embryos lived longer and developed further in a p53 mutant background; however, double-mutant embryonic fibroblasts failed to proliferate in tissue culture, reflecting the embryos limited life span. Based on these data, MmRad51 repairs DNA damage induced by $\gamma$-radiation, is needed to maintain euplody, and plays an important role in proliferating cells.^ Ku is a heterodimer of 70 and 80 kDs subunit, which binds to DNA ends and other altered DNA structures such as hairpins, nicks, and gaps. In addition, Ku is required for DNA-PK activity through a direct association. Although the biochemical properties of Ku and DNA-PKcs have been characterized in cells, their physiological functions are not clear. In order to understand the function of Ku in vivo, we generated mice homozygous for a mutation of the Ku80 gene. Ku80-deficient mice, like scid mice, showed severe immunodeficiency due to a impairment of V(D)J recombination. Mutant mice were semiviable and runted, cells derived from mutant embryos displayed hypersensitivity to $\gamma$-radiation, a decreased growth rate, a slow entry into S phase, altered colony size distributions, and a short life span. Based on these results, mutant cells and mice appeared to prematurely age. ^


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Context. The high prevalence of diabetes among Hispanics in the U.S. has stimulated increased interest in the role culture plays in Hispanics' risk of diabetes. It is critical to identify gaps in the existing research and to determine the relationship between acculturation and diabetes prevalence in the Hispanic population. ^ Objective. To review the current literature to evaluate the effects of acculturation on diabetes prevalence among Hispanic Americans. ^ Methods. A literature search of diabetes-related studies was conducted. Studies were selected for review if they reported at least one acculturation measure, used Hispanics adults (ages 18 and older) and included information regarding the diabetes prevalence of Hispanics and/or Latinos. Only those that examined acculturation by diabetes prevalence for Hispanics were included in the review. ^ Results. Sixteen studies were reviewed that met the search criteria and these studies used distinct measures of acculturation that captured four primary dimensions: time (duration of exposure to U.S. culture), language, culture and residence. Data represented studies conducted in a variety of settings, such as healthcare facilities in a state or region of the U.S. and nationally representative surveys. The data indicate positive, negative and no significant relationship with diabetes. Depending on the measure of acculturation used and gender the association between acculturation and diabetes varied. ^ Conclusions. There is no clear association between acculturation and diabetes prevalence; it can not be determined based on the available literature. Many of the studies examining this relationship found non-significant results and the directionality of the relationship varied greatly depending on the type of measure used, the number of measures used, and the study population. Ideal studies of acculturation should concentrate on investigating the links between time measures of acculturation, location of residence and changing beliefs, values and norms. A comprehensive acculturation scale is needed to better understand the complex relationship between diabetes prevalence amongst Hispanics and acculturation. ^


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Published reports have consistently indicated high prevalence of serologic markers for hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) infection in U.S. incarcerated populations. Quantifying the current and projected burden of HBV and HCV infection and hepatitis-related sequelae in correctional healthcare systems with even modest precision remains elusive, however, because the prevalence and sequelae of HBV and HCV in U.S. incarcerated populations are not well-studied. This dissertation contributes to the assessment of the burden of HBV and HCV infections in U.S. incarcerated populations by addressing some of the deficiencies and gaps in previous research. ^ Objectives of the three dissertation studies were: (1) To investigate selected study-level factors as potential sources of heterogeneity in published HBV seroprevalence estimates in U.S. adult incarcerated populations (1975-2005), using meta-regression techniques; (2) To quantify the potential influence of suboptimal sensitivity of screening tests for antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) on previously reported anti-HCV prevalence estimates in U.S. incarcerated populations (1990-2005), by comparing these estimates to error-adjusted anti-HCV prevalence estimates in these populations; (3) To estimate death rates due to HBV, HCV, chronic liver disease (CLD/cirrhosis), and liver cancer from 1984 through 2003 in male prisoners in custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) and to quantify the proportion of CLD/cirrhosis and liver cancer prisoner deaths attributable to HBV and/or HCV. ^ Results were as follows. Although meta-regression analyses were limited by the small body of literature, mean population age and serum collection year appeared to be sources of heterogeneity, respectively, in prevalence estimates of antibodies to HBV antigen (HBsAg+) and any positive HBV marker. Other population characteristics and study methods could not be ruled out as sources of heterogeneity. Anti-HCV prevalence is likely somewhat higher in male and female U.S. incarcerated populations than previously estimated in studies using anti-HCV screening tests alone without the benefit of repeat or additional testing. Death rates due to HBV, HCV, CLD/cirrhosis, and liver cancer from 1984 through 2003 in TDCJ male prisoners exceeded state and national rates. HCV rates appeared to be increasing and disproportionately affecting Hispanics. HCV was implicated in nearly one-third of liver cancer deaths. ^


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In response to the recent rapid influx of refugees from Myanmar, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston (IM), a refugee resettlement agency, started to support them in June 2007. The study looked at the refugees' perspectives and identified the gaps in their understanding on US health care system, health seeking behaviors and challenges in utilizing health care in United States. The major issues identified were non-compliance with tuberculosis prevention medication due to barriers in obtaining medication refills, barriers in accessing specialty care services, transportation issues, written and oral language barrier, difficulties in the application for and use of Medicaid and Gold Card, misunderstanding of emergency health services, lack of resources for health education, self-treatment with Western medicine and income too low to buy private health insurance. In order to transform them to healthy citizens able to contribute to the US workforce, several multi-faceted and comprehensive approaches and better coordination among agencies are recommended. ^


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Emergency departments (EDs) have been called the net below the safety net due to their long history of providing care to the uninsured and others lacking access to the healthcare system. In past years, those with Medicaid and, more recently, those with Medicare, are also utilizing the ED as a medical home for routine primary care. There are many reasons for this but the costs to the community have become increasingly burdensome. ^ To evaluate how often the ED is being utilized for primary care, we applied a standardized tool, the New York University Algorithm, to over 43,000 ED visits when no hospitalization was required made by Hardin, Jefferson, and Orange County residents over a 12 month period. We compared our results to Harris County, where studies using the same framework have been performed, and found that sizeable segments of the population in both areas are utilizing the ED for non-emergent primary care that could be treated in a more cost-effective community setting. ^ We also analyzed our dataset for visit-specific characteristics. We found evidence of two possible health care disparities: (1) Blacks had a higher rate of primary care-related ED visits in relation to their percentage of the population when compared to other racial/ethnic groups; and (2) when form of payment is considered, the uninsured were more likely to have a primary care-related ED visit than any other group. These findings suggest a lack of community-based primary care services for the medically needy in Southeast Texas. ^ We believe that studies such as this are warranted elsewhere in Texas as well. We plan to present our findings to local policy makers, who should find this information helpful in identifying gaps in the safety net and assist them in better allocating scarce community resources. ^


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Introduction. Cancer registries provide information about treatment initiation but not the full course of treatment. In an effort to identify patient reported reasons for discontinuing cancer treatment, patients with prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer were identified from Alabama State Cancer Registry (ASCR) -Alabama Medicare linked database for interview. This study has two specific aims: (1) determine whether the ASCR-Medicare database accurately reflects patients’ treatment experiences in terms of whether they started and completed treatment when compared to patient self-report and (2) determine which patient demographic and health care system factors are related to treatment completion as defined by patient self-report. ^ Methods. The ASCR-Medicare claims dataset supplemented patient interview responses to identify treatment initiation and completion among prostate, breast, and colorectal cancer patients in Alabama from 1999-2003. Kappa statistic was used to test for concordance of treatment initiation and completion between patient self-report and Medicare claims data. Patients who reported not completing treatment were asked questions to ascertain reasons for treatment discontinuation. Logistic regression models were constructed to explore the association of patient and tumor characteristics with discontinuation of radiation and chemotherapy. ^ Results. Overall, there was a fair agreement across all cancer sites about whether one had surgery (Kappa=.382). There was fair agreement between self-report and Medicare claims data for starting radiation treatment (Kappa=.278). For starting chemotherapy there was moderate agreement (Kappa=.414). There was no agreement for completing treatment for radiation and chemotherapy between the self-report and claims data. Patients most often reported doctor’s recommendation (40% for radiation treatment and 21.4% for chemotherapy) and side effects (30% for radiation treatment and 42.8% for chemotherapy) for discontinuing treatment. Females were less likely to complete radiation than males (OR=.24, 95% CI=.11–.50). Stage I patients were more likely to drop radiation treatment than stage III patients (OR=3.34, 95% CI=1.12–9.95). Younger patients were more likely to discontinue chemotherapy than older patients (OR=2.84 95%, CI=1.08–7.69) and breast cancer patients were less likely to discontinue chemotherapy than colorectal patients (OR=.13, 95% CI=.04–.46). ^ Conclusion. This study reveals that patients recall starting treatment more accurately than completing treatment and that there are several demographic and tumor characteristics that influence treatment discontinuation. Providing patients with treatment summaries and survivorship plans can help patients their follow-up care when there are gaps in treatment recall and discontinuation of treatment.^


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Since the tragic events of September, 11 2001 the United States bioterrorism and disaster preparedness has made significant progress; yet, numerous research studies of nationwide hospital emergency response have found alarming shortcomings in surge capacity and training level of health care personnel in responding to bioterrorism incidents. The primary goals of this research were to assess hospital preparedness towards the threat of bioterrorist agents in the Southwest Region of the United States and provide recommendations for its improvement. Since little formal research has been published on the hospital preparedness of Oklahoma, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico, this research study specifically focused on the measurable factors affecting the respective states' resources and level of preparedness, such as funding, surge capacity and preparedness certification status.^ Over 300 citations of peer-reviewed articles and 17 Web sites were reviewed, of which 57 reports met inclusion criteria. The results of the systematic review highlighted key gaps in the existing literature and the key targets for future research, as well as identified strengths and weaknesses of the hospital preparedness in the Southwest states compared to the national average. ^ Based on the conducted research, currently, the Southwest states hospital systems are unable fully meet presidential preparedness mandates for emergency and disaster care: the staffed beds to 1,000 population value fluctuated around 1,5 across the states; funding for the hospital preparedness lags behind hospital costs by millions of dollars; and public health-hospital partnership in bioterrorism preparedness is quite weak as evident in lack of joint exercises and training. However, significant steps towards it are being made, including on-going hospital preparedness certification by the Joint Commission of Health Organization. Variations in preparedness levels among states signify that geographic location might determine a hospital level of bioterrorism preparedness as well, tending to favor bigger states such as Texas.^ Suggested recommendations on improvement of the hospital bioterrorism preparedness are consistent with the existing literature and include establishment and maintenance of solid partnerships between hospitals and public health agencies, conduction of joint exercises and drills for the health care personnel and key partners, improved state and federal funding specific to bioterrorism preparedness objectives, as well as on-going training of the clinical personnel on recognition of the bioterrorism agents.^


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Blood lead levels > 10 µg/dL are known to affect various areas of the brain that influence behavior and cause many other health problems in children. As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) set the blood lead action level at 10 µg/dL. However, recent research provides evidence that blood lead levels <10 µg/dL also may lead to behavioral problems in children. With the recent increase in diagnosis of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children in the U.S. it is important to determine possible environmental toxins such as lead that may play a role in causing ADHD symptoms. The aim of this systematic review of the literature was to identify recent published studies that examine an association between blood lead levels < 10 µg/dL and ADHD symptoms in children in order to summarize their findings and describe major gaps in the literature. Although available research is limited, the articles reviewed indicate that blood lead at levels much below the CDC action level of 10 µg/dL may affect a child's level of attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity and ADHD diagnosis. Additional prospective research is warranted in order to inform the revision of current blood lead action levels as well as better elucidate the relationship between lead and ADHD diagnoses.^


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InGen of Creative Production in the Health Sciences is a compendium of innovative thinking exercises for individuals and groups, derived from an eclectic array of practical guides for professionals in a variety of fields. Segmented into five subcategories across twenty two chapters, the effort seeks to make techniques for increasing innovative problem solving more accessible to a diverse audience of problem solvers. The chapters of Roberta Ness. Innovation Generation (2012, Oxford University Press) provide the themes for each of the chapters in the workbook. It is intended that those who read Ness. Innovation Generation will benefit from practicing the constructs of innovative thinking exemplified in each exercise.^ The methods used to gather data, in this case mostly innovative thinking exercises, included literature reviews of existing innovative thinking tools, classroom materials, and theory-driven exploration of exercises to fill in gaps in extant materials. Specifically, Google.com and Amazon.com searches were conducted using the terms “innovation,” “innovative,” “innovator,” “creative,” “novelty,” “thinking,” together with some variance of “book,” “workbook,” and “exercise.” The results were sorted thematically to show correspondence with the themes in Ness (2012) and compared to suggested best practices of 50 years of scientific research on innovative thinking. Where themes were suggested by Ness (2012) and peer-reviewed research on innovation but unavailable in published innovation thinking workbooks, new exercises were developed. The five type subcategories into which these results were organized are: individual direct, individual indirect, group direct, group indirect and probing question. It is anticipated that the five type subcategories and spectrum of themes will equip problem solvers in a variety of capacities.^


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is highly preventable, yet it is a leading cause of death among women in Texas. The primary goals of this research were to examine past and current trends of CVD, as well as identify whether there is an association between the insurance coverage and mortality from CVD among women aged 60–65 in Texas between 2000 and 2011. ^ The systematic review of the research is based on the guidelines and recommendations set by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination for conducting reviews in health care. Over 47 citations of peer-reviewed articles from Ovid MEDLINE and PubMed databases and five websites were identified, of which 7 studies met inclusion criteria for the first systematic review to examine the trends of CVD in Texas. Ten citations of peer-reviewed articles from Ovid MEDLINE and PubMed databases and five web sites were reviewed for the second systematic review (to study the association between insurance coverage and cardiovascular health among Texas women 60–64 years of age), of which 3 studies met inclusion criteria and were included in the research. The results of the study highlighted key gaps in the existing literature and important areas for the further research, as well as determined directions for future public health CVD prevention programs in Texas. ^ Based on the conducted research, the major determinants of premature mortality among women attributed to cardiovascular disease are based on individual level characteristics, more specifically sex, age, race/ethnicity, and education. The results indicate that African American and non-Hispanic white women are more likely to have higher CVD mortality rates than Hispanic women due to higher prevalence of cardiac risk factors. The data also shows higher levels of mortality from CVD in the southeastern United States, with Texas ranking as the third state with the highest prevalence of CVD among women. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, there are approximately 56,000 deaths caused by CVD annually in Texas, which represents about one death every ten minutes. Coronary artery disease and stroke were the causes of 31.2 percent of all female deaths in Texas in 2009, meaning that approximately 68 women die from any form of cardiac disease in Texas each day. ^ The data of the reviewed studies indicate that women' lack of health insurance was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease. The uninsured women were more likely to be unaware of their risk factors and more likely to have undiagnosed diabetes—a co-morbidity factor of CVD. One of the studies also reports strong correlation between state rates of uninsured and lower rates of preventive care. Given these strong correlations, those who were chronically uninsured were at a higher risk of mortality than the insured, due to prolonged periods of time without basic access to preventive and medical care. ^ Suggested recommendations to decrease CVD mortality rates in Texas are consistent with the existing literature and include state policy development that addresses elimination of health disparities, consideration of potential benefits of universal health coverage by the legislative policymakers, and maintenance of solid partnerships between public health agencies and hospitals to educate on, diagnose, and treat CVD among the female population in Texas. ^


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Prenatal genetic counseling patients have the ability to choose from a myriad of screening and diagnostic testing options, each with intricacies and caveats regarding accuracy and timing. Decisions regarding such testing can be difficult and are often made on the same day that testing is performed. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider that the support people brought to an appointment may have a role in the decision-making process. We aimed to better define this potential role by examining the incoming knowledge and expectations of support people who attended prenatal genetic counseling appointments. Support people were asked to complete a survey at one of seven Houston area prenatal clinics. The survey included questions regarding demographics, relationship to patient, incoming knowledge of the appointment, expectations of decision-making and perceived levels of influence over the decisions that would be made during the counseling session. The majority (79.4%) of the 252 participants were spouses/partners. Overall, there was poor knowledge of the referral indications with only 33.5% of participants correctly identifying the patient’s indication. Participants had even poorer knowledge of testing options that would be offered during the session, as only 17.7% were able to correctly identify testing options that would be discussed during the genetic counseling session. Of participants, just 3.6% said that they did not want to be included in discussions about screening/testing options. Only a few participants thought that they had less influence over decisions related to the pregnancy than over non-pregnancy decisions. Participants who reported feeling like they had a higher level of influence were likely to attend more of the pregnancy-related appointments with the patient. Findings from this study have provided insight into the perspective of support persons and have identified gaps in knowledge that may exist between the patients and the people they choose to bring with them into the genetic counseling session. In addition, this study is a starting point to assess how much the support people think that they impact the decision-making process of prenatal genetic counseling patients versus how much the prenatal patients value the input of the support people.