5 resultados para evolution, methylation, Alu repeat

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The Wilms' tumor gene, WT1, encodes a zinc finger transcription factor which functions as a tumor suppressor. Defects in the WT1 gene can result in the development of nephroblastoma. WT1 is expressed during development, primarily in the metanephric kidney, the mesothelial lining of the abdomen and thorax, and the developing gonads. WT1 expression is tightly regulated and is essential for renal development. The WT1 gene encodes a protein with a proline-rich N-terminus which functions as a transcriptional repressor and C-terminus contains 4 zinc fingers that mediate DNA binding. WT1 represses transcription from a number of growth factors and growth factor receptors. WT1 mRNA undergoes alternative splicing at two sites, resulting in 4 mRNA species and polypeptide products. Exon 5, encoding 17 amino acids is alternatively spliced, and is located between the transcriptional repression domain and the DNA binding domain. The second alternative splice is the terminal 9 nucleotides of zinc finger 3, encoding the tripeptide Lys-Thr-Ser (KTS). The presence or absence of KTS within the zinc fingers of WT1 alters DNA binding.^ I have investigated transcriptional regulation of WT1, characterizing two means of repressing WT1 transcription. I have cloned a transcriptional silencer of the WT1 promoter which is located in the third intron of the WT1 gene. The silencer is 460 bp in length and contains an Alu repeat. The silencer functions in cells of non-renal origin.^ I have found that WT1 protein can autoregulate the WT1 promoter. Using the autoregulation of the WT1 promoter as a functional assay, I have defined differential consensus DNA binding motifs of WT1 isoforms lacking and containing the KTS tripeptide insertion. With these refined consensus DNA binding motifs, I have identified two additional targets of WT1 transcriptional repression, the proto-oncogenes bcl-2 and c-myc.^ I have investigated the ability of the alternatively spliced exon 5 to influence cell growth. In cell proliferation assays, isoforms of WT1 lacking exon 5 repress cell growth. WT1 isoforms containing exon 5 fail to repress cell growth to the same extent, but alter the morphology of the cells. These experiments demonstrate that the alternative splice isoforms of WT1 have differential effects on the function of WT1. These findings suggest a role for the alternative splicing of WT1 in metanephric development. ^


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I studied the apolipoprotein (apo) B 3$\sp\prime$ variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) and did computer simulations of the stepwise mutation model to address four questions: (1) How did the apo B VNTR originate? (2) What is the mutational mechanism of repeat number change at the apo B VNTR? (3) To what extent are population and molecular level events responsible for the determination of the contemporary apo B allele frequency distribution? (4) Can VNTR allele frequency distributions be explained by a simple and conservative mutation-drift model? I used three general approaches to address these questions: (1) I characterized the apo B VNTR region in non-human primate species; (2) I constructed haplotypes of polymorphic markers flanking the apo B VNTR in a sample of individuals from Lorrain, France and studied the associations between the flanking-marker haplotypes and apo B VNTR size; (3) I did computer simulations of the one-step stepwise mutation model and compared the results to real data in terms of four allele frequency distribution characteristics.^ The results of this work have allowed me to conclude that the apo B VNTR originated after an initial duplication of a sequence which is still present as a single copy sequence in New World monkey species. I conclude that this locus did not originate by the transposition of an array of repeats from somewhere else in the genome. It is unlikely that recombination is the primary mutational mechanism. Furthermore, the clustered nature of these associations implicates a stepwise mutational mechanism. From the high frequencies of certain haplotype-allele size combinations, it is evident that population level events have also been important in the determination of the apo B VNTR allele frequency distribution. Results from computer simulations of the one-step stepwise mutation model have allowed me to conclude that bimodal and multimodal allele frequency distributions are not unexpected at loci evolving via stepwise mutation mechanisms. Short tandem repeat loci fit the stepwise mutation model best, followed by microsatellite loci. I therefore conclude that there are differences in the mutational mechanisms of VNTR loci as classed by repeat unit size. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Gene silencing due to promoter methylation is an alternative to mutations and deletions, which inactivate tumor suppressor genes (TSG) in cancer. We identified RIL by Methylated CpG Island Amplification technique as a novel aberrantly methylated gene. RIL is expressed in normal tissues and maps to the 5q31 region, frequently deleted in leukemias. We found methylation of RIL in 55/80 (69%) cancer cell lines, with highest methylation in leukemia and colon. We also observed methylation in 46/80 (58%) primary tumors, whereas normal tissues showed substantially lower degrees of methylation. RIL expression was lost in 13/16 cancer cell lines and was restored by demethylating agent. Screening of 38 cell lines and 13 primary cancers by SSCP revealed no mutations in RIL, suggesting that methylation and LOH are the primary inactivation mechanisms. Stable transfection of RIL into colorectal cancer cells resulted in reduction in cell growth, clonogenicity, and increased apoptosis upon UVC treatment, suggesting that RIL is a good candidate TSG. ^ In searching for a cause of RIL hypermethylation, we identified a 12-bp polymorphic sequence around the transcription start site of the gene that creates a long allele containing 3CTC repeat. Evolutionary studies suggested that the long allele appeared late in evolution due to insertion. Using bisulfite sequencing, in cancers heterozygous for RIL, we found that the short allele is 4.4-fold more methylated than the long allele (P = 0.003). EMSA results suggested binding of factor(s) to the inserted region of the long allele, but not to the short. EMSA mutagenesis and competition studies, as well as supershifts using nuclear extracts or recombinant Sp1 strongly indicated that those DNA binding proteins are Sp1 and Sp3. Transient transfections of RIL allele-specific expression constructs showed less than 2-fold differences in luciferase activity, suggesting no major effects of the additional Sp1 site on transcription. However, stable transfection resulted in 3-fold lower levels of transcription from the short allele 60 days post-transfection, consistent with the concept that the polymorphic Sp1 site protects against time-dependent silencing. Thus, an insertional polymorphism in the RIL promoter creates an additional Sp1/Sp3 site, which appears to protect it from silencing and methylation in cancer. ^


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CpG island methylation within single gene promoters can silence expression of associated genes. We first extended these studies to bidirectional gene pairs controlled by single promoters. We showed that hypermethylation of bidirectional promoter-associated CpG island silences gene pairs (WNT9A/CD558500, CTDSPL/BC040563, and KCNK15/BF 195580) simultaneously. Hypomethylation of these promoters by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine treatment reactivated or enhanced gene expression bidirectionally. These results were further confirmed by luciferase assays. Methylation of WNT9A/CD558500 and CTDSPL/BC040563 promoters occurs frequently in primary colon cancers and acute lymphoid leukemia, respectively. ^ Next we sought to understand the origins of hypermethylation in cancer. CpG islands associated with tumor suppressor genes are normally free from methylation, but can be hypermethylated in cancer. It remains poorly understood how these genes are protected from methylation in normal tissues. In our studies, we aimed to determine if cis-acting elements in these genes are responsible for this protection, using the tumor suppressor gene p16 as a model. We found that Alu repeats located both upstream and downstream of the p16 promoter become hypermethylated with age. In colon cancer samples, the methylation level is particularly high, and the promoter can also be affected. Therefore, the protection in the promoter against methylation spreading could fail during tumorigenesis. This methylation pattern in p16 was also observed in cell lines of different tissue origins, and their methylation levels were found to be inversely correlated with that of active histone modification markers (H3K4-3me and H3K9-Ac). To identify the mechanism of protection against methylation spreading, we constructed serial deletions of the p16 protected region and used silencing of a neomycin reporter gene to evaluate the protective effects of these fragments. A 126 bp element was identified within the region which exerts bidirectional protection against DNA methylation, independently of its transcriptional activity. The protective strength of this element is comparable to that of the HS4 insulator. During long-term culture, the presence of this element significantly slowed methylation spreading. In conclusion, we have found that an element located in the p16 promoter is responsible for protection against DNA methylation spreading in normal tissues. The failure of protective cis-elements may be a general feature of tumor-suppressor gene silencing during tumorigenesis. ^


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Chromatin, composed of repeating nucleosome units, is the genetic polymer of life. To aid in DNA compaction and organized storage, the double helix wraps around a core complex of histone proteins to form the nucleosome, and is therefore no longer freely accessible to cellular proteins for the processes of transcription, replication and DNA repair. Over the course of evolution, DNA-based applications have developed routes to access DNA bound up in chromatin, and further, have actually utilized the chromatin structure to create another level of complexity and information storage. The histone molecules that DNA surrounds have free-floating tails that extend out of the nucleosome. These tails are post-translationally modified to create docking sites for the proteins involved in transcription, replication and repair, thus providing one prominent way that specific genomic sequences are accessed and manipulated. Adding another degree of information storage, histone tail-modifications paint the genome in precise manners to influence a state of transcriptional activity or repression, to generate euchromatin, containing gene-dense regions, or heterochromatin, containing repeat sequences and low-density gene regions. The work presented here is the study of histone tail modifications, how they are written and how they are read, divided into two projects. Both begin with protein microarray experiments where we discover the protein domains that can bind modified histone tails, and how multiple tail modifications can influence this binding. Project one then looks deeper into the enzymes that lay down the tail modifications. Specifically, we studied histone-tail arginine methylation by PRMT6. We found that methylation of a specific histone residue by PRMT6, arginine 2 of H3, can antagonize the binding of protein domains to the H3 tail and therefore affect transcription of genes regulated by the H3-tail binding proteins. Project two focuses on a protein we identified to bind modified histone tails, PHF20, and was an endeavor to discover the biological role of this protein. Thus, in total, we are looking at a complete process: (1) histone tail modification by an enzyme (here, PRMT6), (2) how this and other modifications are bound by conserved protein domains, and (3) by using PHF20 as an example, the functional outcome of binding through investigating the biological role of a chromatin reader. ^