25 resultados para disease impact
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Objective. To assess differences in body weight, body composition, total cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood glucose between OC users and non-users age 18-30 y before and after a 15-week cardiovascular exercise program in Houston, TX from 2003 to 2007.^ Study Design. Secondary analysis of prospective data. ^ Study Subjects. 453 Non-Hispanic white (NHW), Hispanic, and African American (AA) women age 18-30 y with no previous live birth, a history of menstruating, no use of other hormonal contraceptives or medications, no menopause or hysterectomy, and no current pregnancies.^ Measurements. Demographic data, medication use, and menstrual history were assessed via self-administered questionnaires at baseline. Anthropometric and laboratory measures were taken at baseline and 15-weeks. ^ Data Analysis. Linear regression assessed the association between OC use and study variables at baseline, and the change in study variables from baseline to 15-weeks. Logistic regression assessed the association between OC use and CVD risk. Each analysis was also stratified by race/ethnicity. ^ Results. At baseline, OC users had higher total cholesterol (p<.0005) and were above cholesterol risk cut points for CVD (OR=4.3, 95% CI=2.4-7.7) compared to non-users. At baseline, OC use was also associated with higher diastolic blood pressure (p=.018) compared to non-users, primarily in non-Hispanic whites (p=.007). OC use was associated with lower blood glucose compared to non-users in Hispanics only (p=.008). OC use was associated with absolute change in diastolic blood pressure (p=.044) and total cholesterol (p=.003). There was evidence that OC use may affect individuals differently based on race/ethnicity for certain obesity and CVD risk factors.^ Conclusions. OC users and non-users responded similarly to a 15-week cardiovascular exercise program. Exceptions included a greater change in diastolic blood pressure and total cholesterol among NHW and Hispanic OC users compared to non-users after exercise intervention. At baseline, OC use was associated with diastolic blood pressure and was most strongly associated with increased levels of total cholesterol. OC users were at greater risk of having total cholesterol above CVD risk cut points than non-users.^
Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of dementia, is the fifth leading cause of death among U.S. adults aged 65 or older. Most AD patients have shorter life expectancy compared with older people without dementia. This disease has become an enormous challenge in the aging society and is also a global problem. Not only do families of patients with Alzheimer's disease need to pay attention to this problem, but also the healthcare system and society as a whole have to confront. In dementia, functional impairment is associated with basic activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). For patients with Alzheimer's disease, problems typically appear in performing IADL and progress to the inability of managing less complex ADL functions of personal care. Thus, assessment of ADLs can be used for early accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. It should be useful for patients, caregivers, clinicians, and policy planners to estimate the survival of patients with Alzheimer's disease. However, it is unclear that when making predictions of patient outcome according to their histories, time-dependent covariates will provide us with important information on how changes in a patient's status can effect the survival. In this study, we examined the effect of impaired basic ADL as measured by the Physical Self-Maintenance Scale (PSMS) and utilized a multistate survival analysis approach to estimate the probability of death in the first few years of initial visit for AD patients taking into consideration the possibility of impaired basic ADL. The dataset used in this study was obtained from the Baylor Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center (ADMDC). No impaired basic ADL and older age at onset of impaired basic ADL were associated with longer survival. These findings suggest that the occurrence of impaired basic ADL and age at impaired basic ADL could be predictors of survival among patients with Alzheimer's disease. ^
The retrospective cohort study examined the association between the presence of comorbidities and breast cancer disease-free survival rates among racial/ethnic groups. The study population consisted of 2389 women with stage I and II invasive breast cancer who were diagnosed and treated at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center between 1985 and 2000. It has been suggested that as the number of comorbidities increases, breast cancer mortality increases. It is known that African Americans and Hispanics are considered to be at a higher risk for comorbid conditions such as hypertension and diabetes compared to Caucasian women (23) (10). When compared to Caucasian women, African American women also have a higher breast cancer mortality rate (1). As a result, the study also examined whether comorbid conditions contribute to racial differences in breast cancer disease-free survival. Among the study population, 24% suffered from breast cancer recurrence, 6% died from breast cancer and 24% died from all causes. The mean age was 56 with 41% of the population being women between the ages of 40-55. One or more comorbidities were reported in 84 (36%) African Americans (OR 1.57; 95% CI 1.19-2.10), 58 (31%) Hispanics (OR 1.25; 95% CI 0.90-1.74) compared to the reference group of 531 (27%) Caucasians. Additionally, African American women were significantly more likely to suffer from either a breast cancer recurrence or breast cancer death (OR 1.5; 95% CI 0.70-1.41) when compared to Caucasian women. Multivariate analysis found hypertension (HR 1.22; 95% CI 0.99-1.49; p<0.05) to be statistically significant and a potential prognostic tool for disease-free survival with African American women (OR 2.96; 95% 2.25-3.90) more likely to suffer from hypertension when compared to Caucasian women. When compared to Caucasian women, Hispanics were also more likely to suffer from hypertension (OR 1.33; 95% CI 0.96-1.83). This suggests that comorbid conditions like hypertension could account for the racial disparities that exist when comparing breast cancer survival rates. Future studies should investigate this relationship further.^
Blood cholesterol and blood pressure development in childhood and adolescence have important impact on the future adult level of cholesterol and blood pressure, and on increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. The U.S. has higher mortality rates of coronary heart diseases than Japan. A longitudinal comparison in children of risk factor development in the two countries provides more understanding about the causes of cardiovascular disease and its prevention. Such comparisons have not been reported in the past. ^ In Project HeartBeat!, 506 non-Hispanic white, 136 black and 369 Japanese children participated in the study in the U.S. and Japan from 1991 to 1995. A synthetic cohort of ages 8 to 18 years was composed by three cohorts with starting ages at 8, 11, and 14. A multilevel regression model was used for data analysis. ^ The study revealed that the Japanese children had significantly higher slopes of mean total cholesterol (TC) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels than the U.S. children after adjusting for age and sex. The mean TC level of Japanese children was not significantly different from white and black children. The mean HDL level of Japanese children was significantly higher than white and black children after adjusting for age and sex. The ratio of HDL/TC in Japanese children was significantly higher than in U.S. whites, but not significantly different from the black children. The Japanese group had significantly lower mean diastolic blood pressure phase IV (DBP4) and phase V (DBP5) than the two U.S. groups. The Japanese group also showed significantly higher slopes in systolic blood pressure, DBP5 and DBP4 during the study period than both U.S. groups. The differences were independent from height and body mass index. ^ The study provided the first longitudinal comparison of blood cholesterol and blood pressure between the U.S. and Japanese children and adolescents. It revealed the dynamic process of these factors in the three ethnic groups. ^
Vertical integration is grounded in economic theory as a corporate strategy for reducing cost and enhancing efficiency. There were three purposes for this dissertation. The first was to describe and understand vertical integration theory. The review of the economic theory established vertical integration as a corporate cost reduction strategy in response to environmental, structural and performance dimensions of the market. The second purpose was to examine vertical integration in the context of the health care industry, which has greater complexity, higher instability, and more unstable demand than other industries, although many of the same dimensions of the market supported a vertical integration strategy. Evidence on the performance of health systems after integration revealed mixed results. Because the market continues to be turbulent, hybrid non-owned integration in the form of alliances have increased to over 40% of urban hospitals. The third purpose of the study was to examine the application of vertical integration in health care and evaluate the effects. The case studied was an alliance formed between a community hospital and a tertiary medical center to facilitate vertical integration of oncology services while maintaining effectiveness and preserving access. The economic benefits for 1934 patients were evaluated in the delivery system before and after integration with a more detailed economic analysis of breast, lung, colon/rectal, and non-malignant cases. A regression analysis confirmed the relationship between the independent variables of age, sex, location of services, race, stage of disease, and diagnosis, and the dependent variable, cost. The results of the basic regression model, as well as the regression with first-order interaction terms, were statistically significant. The study shows that vertical integration at an intermediate health care system level has economic benefits. If the pre-integration oncology group had been treated in the post-integration model, the expected cost savings from integration would be 31.5%. Quality indicators used were access to health care services and research treatment protocols, and access was preserved in the integrated model. Using survival as a direct quality outcome measure, the survival of lung cancer patients was statistically the same before and after integration. ^
The potential impact of periodontal disease, a suspected risk factor for systemic diseases, presents challenges for health promotion and disease prevention strategies. This study examined clinical, microbiological, and immunological factors in a disease model to identify potential biomarkers that may be useful in predicting the onset and severity of both inflammatory and destructive periodontal disease. This project used an historical cohort design based on data obtained from 47 adult, female nonhuman primates followed over a 6-year period for 5 unique projects where the ligature-induced model of periodontitis was utilized. Standardization of protocols for sample collection allowed for comparison over time. Bleeding and pocket depth measures were selected as the dependent variables of relevance to humans based upon the literature and historical observations. Exposure variables included supragingival plaque, attachment level, total bacteria, black-pigmented bacteria, Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, total IgG and IgA in crevicular fluid, specific IgG antibody in both crevicular fluid and serum, and IgG antibody to four select pathogenic microorganisms. Three approaches were used to analyze the data from this study. The first approach tested for differences in the means of the response variables within the group and among longitudinal observations within the group at each time point. The second approach examined the relationship among the clinical, microbiological, and immunological variables using correlation coefficients and stratified analyses. Multivariable models using GEE for repeated measures were produced as a predictive description of the induction and progression of gingivitis and periodontal disease. The multivariable models for bleeding (gingivitis) include supragingival plaque, total bacteria and total IgG while the second also contains supragingival plaque, Gram-positive bacteria, and total IgG. Two multivariable models emerged for periodontal disease. One multivariable model contains plaque, total bacteria, total IgG and attachment level. The second model includes black-pigmented bacteria, total bacteria, antibody to Campylobacter rectus, and attachment level. Utilization of the nonhuman primate model to prospectively examine causal hypotheses can provide a focus for human research on the mechanisms of progression from health to gingivitis to periodontitis. Ultimately, causal theories can guide strategies to prevent disease initiation and reduce disease severity. ^
Objective. Although complete blood count (CBC) changes occur with the development of clinical sepsis in newborns, the CBC has not been reported to be a sensitive predictor of sepsis in asymptomatic full-term newborn infants, nor has it been reported to be related to risk factors for sepsis or clinical decisions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the WBC/I:T (immature:total neutrophil) ratio and maternal group B streptococcal (GBS) risk factors (rupture of membranes ≥18 hours, maternal temperature ≥100.4°F, maternal age ≤20 years, previous infant with invasive GBS disease, maternal GBS bacteriuria, and black ethnicity); and to evaluate the relationship between the WBC/I:T ratios and providers' clinical decisions (observe versus repeat the CBC or complete sepsis evaluation) in the asymptomatic full-term newborn at risk for early-onset GBS sepsis. ^ Methods. Medical records of infants admitted to the well baby nursery at a tertiary care teaching hospital in Houston, TX between 1/1/99 and 12/31/00 whose gestational ages were ≥35 weeks; who had mothers with GBS positive or unknown culture status and inadequate intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis; and who had screening CBCs performed in the first 30 hours of life because of GBS risk were reviewed (n = 412). Demographic information, maternal GBS risk factors, CBC results, clinical decisions, and rationales for clinical decisions were collected. ^ Results. With the exception of black ethnicity (p = .0000, odds ratio = 0.213), no statistically significant differences in risk factors between infants with normal and abnormal WBC counts or normal and abnormal I:T ratios were found. Infants with abnormal WBCs had a significantly higher likelihood of having a CBC repeated (p = 0.002 for WBC). Providers documented the CBC result in the rationale for clinical decisions in 62% of the cases. ^ Conclusion. The CBC results were not related to maternal risk factors for GBS except for ethnicity. Black infants had significantly lower WBC levels than infants of other ethnicities, although this difference was clinically insignificant. Infants with abnormal WBCs had a significantly higher likelihood of undergoing repeat CBCs but not sepsis evaluations. Provider rationale was difficult to evaluate due to insufficient documentation. The screening CBC result did not impact the clinicians' decisions to initiate sepsis evaluations in this population. ^
Recent progress in diagnostic tools allows many breast cancers to be detected at an early pre-invasive stage. Thus, a better understanding of the molecular basis of early breast cancer progression is essential. 14-3-3 is a family of highly conserved and ubiquitously expressed proteins that are expressed in all eukaryotic organisms. In mammals there are seven isoforms, which bind to phosphor-serine/threonine residues regulating essential cellular processes such as signal transduction, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis. Our laboratory has discovered that a particular 14-3-3 family member, Zeta, is overexpressed in over 40% of breast tumor tissues. Furthermore, I examined the stage of breast disease in which 14-3-3ζ overexpression occurs and found that increased expression of 14-3-3ζ begins at the stage of atypical ductal hyperplasia, a very early stage of breast disease that confers increased risk for progress toward breast cancer. To determine whether 14-3-3ζ overexpression is a decisive early event in breast cancer, I overexpressed 14-3-3ζ in MCF10A cells, a non-transformed mammary epithelial cell (MEC) line and examined its impact on acini formation in a three dimensional (3D) culture model which simulates a basic unit of structure in the mammary gland. I discovered that 14-3-3ζ overexpression severely disrupted the acini architecture resulting in the disruption of polarity and luminal filling. Both are critical morphological events in the pre-neoplastic breast disease. This thesis focuses on the molecular mechanism of luminal filling. Proper lumen formation is a result of anoikis, a specific type apoptosis of cells not attached to the basement membrane. I found that 14-3-3ζ overexpression conferred a resistance to anoikis. Additionally, 14-3-3ζ overexpression in MCF10A cells and in MECs from 14-3-3ζ transgenic mice reduced expression of p53, which is known to mediate anoikis. Mechanistically, 14-3-3ζ induced hyperactivation of the PI3K/Akt pathway which led to phosphorylation and translocation of the MDM2 to the nucleus resulting in increased p53 degradation. Ectopic expression of p53 restored luminal apoptosis in 14-3-3ζ overexpressing MCF10A acini in 3D cultures. These data suggest that 14-3-3ζ overexpression is a critical event in early breast disease and down-regulation of p53 is one of the mechanisms by which 14-3-3ζ alters MEC acini structure and may increase the risk of progression to breast cancer. ^
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the single greatest cause of death in the United States, accounting for nearly 2400 deaths each day. It is estimated that 79.4 million American adults have some form of the disease, and CVD mortality rates are greater than those of cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, accidents and diabetes mellitus combined. Psychosocial stress is a nontraditional risk factor for CVD, and can contribute to the clustering of traditional risk factors as well as to vascular manifestations of the disease. The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has been researched as a cost effective intervention aimed at decreasing psychosocial stress. This literature review attempts to analyze randomized controlled clinical trials of TM on cardiovascular disease outcomes. Eleven studies met inclusion criteria and are described below, with statistically significant positive outcomes observed in each study. Studies are grouped by primary outcome reported in the categories of cardiovascular function, blood pressure, and exercise tolerance. The TM intervention significantly decreased insulin resistance, heart rate variability, and carotid intima media thickness and improved exercise tolerance compared to control groups. Seven studies also reported significant decreases in blood pressure among hypertensive and normotensive subjects. Five studies focused solely on African American subjects, a population that has disproportionately higher rates of CVD and hypertension, and found significant improvements in CVD outcomes. Further research is recommended to establish the efficacy of TM on CVD outcomes. Future trials should include larger sample populations, wider ethnic distributions of subjects, and longer follow-up to ascertain the impact of this particular stress reduction technique on cardiovascular disease.^
The number of people with end-stage-renal-disease (ESRD) and living with dialysis is a growing public health concern. Most studies about the impact of ESRD on people’s lives have placed attention on the medical and clinical dimension of ESRD. Very few have given attention to the environmental and cultural context in which people with ESRD live, the adaptation that these individuals must make to adjust to living with ESRD and dialysis, or the occupations in which they engage. Additionally these studies have not focused on Mexican Americans who are disproportionately affected by this illness and condition. This qualitative study explores the needs, perceptions, and issues facing Mexican Americans with ESRD living with dialysis as well as their families. Participants were residents of the Lower Rio Grande Valley and included individuals with ESRD, family members, and the healthcare providers who give care to them. The Health Belief Model and Lifestyle Performance Model served as the theoretical frameworks. The study also explored the daily occupations of this population. ^ In-depth interviews were conducted on 15 Mexican Americans with ESRD living with dialysis, 15 family members, and six dialysis healthcare providers. A video documentary of the day-to-day life of three individuals with ESRD and their families was produced. Such data do not currently exist and will greatly enhance the understanding of the human experience of living with ESRD. The results suggest that a collective effort of the family unit is at work to deal with the demands of dialysis. An imbalance and disharmony exist among the occupational activities, which creates occupational deprivation and disruption for both the individuals and family members. Implications for practice and recommendations for further research are described. ^
The rates of syphilis in the United States have increased since the all time low in 2000. In 2003, the rates of syphilis in the United States were 2.5 cases per 100,000. There were 178 reported cases of primary and secondary syphilis (8.9 cases per 100,000) in Houston, Texas, which was a 58.9% increase from 2002. While syphilis can be completely treated now, unlike in times past, it is still a public health concern. The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of modeling the impact of an immune response in primary and secondary syphilis in 63 major cities across the United States, stratified by gender and racial-ethnic groups. A Fourier analysis will be performed by SAS. Subsequently, this study will compare the results to a similar study of syphilis in 68 US cities, that focused on immune response, however, did not stratified by race and gender. This study will help determine if the oscillating rates of syphilis are due to biological factors of the disease or to behavioral changes in the population. This study will use surveillance data from 63 major cities across the United States. The data will be provided by the Centers of Disease Control. Ultimately, this study will expand the knowledge of the effect of immunity on endemics.^
Objective. To determine the impact of antibiotic associated diarrhea (AAD) on health related quality of life (HRQOL) in hospitalized patients compared to matched controls without diarrhea. ^ Methods. This is a hospital-based, matched case-control study using secondary data from a prospective cohort trial of patients receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics. One hundred and seventy-eight patients were recruited of whom 18 (10%) reported having antibiotic associated diarrhea. Two non-diarrhea controls were selected for each case with diarrhea giving a final sample of 18 cases and 36 controls. Responses from Short Form (SF) 36 questionnaire were aggregated into eight domains including physical functioning (PF), role-functioning physical (RP), bodily pain (BP), general health (GH), social functioning (SF), vitality (VT), role-functioning emotional (RE), and mental health (MH). The eight domains were compared between cases and controls. A GI targeted HRQOL measure was administered to 13 patients with AAD. Responses from the disease-specific instrument were combined in eight subscale scores: dysphoria, interference with activity, body image, health worry, food avoidance, social reaction, sex, and relationships. ^ Results. The sample consisted of 41 females (75.9%) and 13 males (24.1%) aged 53.5 ± 14.4 years (range: 21-76 years). Twenty five patients (46%) were Caucasian, 15 (27%) were African American, 13(24%) were Hispanic and 1(2%) was Asian. In univariate analysis, no significant differences in quality of life outcomes were observed in each of the SF36 domains between the case patients and matched controls. There were trends for decreased scores on the role-functioning physical, bodily pain, general health, social functioning, mental health, and mental summary domains. In total, 7 of 8 domain scores were lower in patients with AAD and 5 of 8 domain scores were lower by more than 5 points (considered clinically significant). Controlling for age, patients with antibiotic associated diarrhea had significantly lower general health, vitality, and mental health scale scores (p<0.05 each). The disease-specific scores were significantly lower in patients with AAD than those in published norms for irritable bowel syndrome patients. ^ Conclusion. In this small sample, several areas of decreased QOL in patients with AAD compared to matched controls were noted. A larger sample size to validate these results is necessary.^
Background. The parents of a sick child likely experience situational anxiety due to their young child being unexpectedly hospitalized. The emotional upheaval may be great enough that their anxiety inhibits them in providing positive support to their hospitalized child. Because anxiety affects psychological distress as well as behavioral distress, identifying parental distress helps parents improving their coping mechanisms. ^ Purpose. The study compared situational anxiety levels between Taiwanese fathers and mothers and focused on differences between parental anxiety levels at the beginning of the child's unplanned hospitalization and at time of discharge. The study also identified factors related to the parents' distress and use of coping mechanisms. ^ Methods. A descriptive, comparative research design was used to determine the difference between the anxiety levels of 62 Taiwanese father-mother dyads during the situational crisis of their child's unexpected hospitalization. The Mandarin version (M) of Visual Analog Scale (VAS-M), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-M), and the Index of Parent Participation/Hospitalized Child (IPP/HC-M) were used to differentiate maternal and paternal anxiety levels and identify factors related to the parents' distress. Questionnaires were completed by parents within 24-36 hours of the child's hospital admission and within 24 hours prior to discharge. A paired t-test, two sample t-test, and linear mixed regression model were used to test and support the study hypothesis. ^ Results. The findings reveal that the mothers' anxiety levels did not significantly differ from the fathers' anxiety level when their child had a sudden admission to the hospital. In particular, parental state anxiety levels did not decrease during the child's hospital stay and subsequent discharge. Moreover, anxiety levels did not differ between parents regardless of whether the child's disease was acute or chronic. The most effective factor related to parental situational anxiety was parental perception of the severity of the child's illness. ^ Conclusions. Parental anxiety was found to be significantly related to changes in their perception of the severity of their child's illness. However, the study was not able to illustrate how parental involvement in the child's hospital care was related to parental perception of the severity of their child's illness. Future studies, using a qualitative approach to gamer more information as to what variables influence parental anxiety during a situational crisis, may provide a richer database from which to modify key variables as well as the instruments used to improve the quality of the data obtained. ^
Prostate cancer (CaP) is the most diagnosed non-cutaneous malignancy and the second leading cause of cancer mortality among United States males. Major racial disparities in incidence, survival, as well as treatment persist. The mortality is three times higher among African Americans (AAs) compared with Caucasians. Androgen carcinogenesis has been persistently implicated but results are inconsistent; and hormone manipulation has been the main stay of treatment for metastatic disease, supportive of the androgen carcinogenesis. The survival disadvantage of AAs has been attributed to the differences in socioeconomic factors (SES), tumor stage, and treatment. We hypostasized that HT prolongs survival in CaP and that the racial disparities in survival is influenced by variation in HT and primary therapies as well as SES. To address these overall hypothesis, we first utilized a random-effect meta-analytic design to examine evidence from randomized trials on the efficacy of androgen deprivation therapy in localized and metastatic disease, and assessed, using Cox proportional hazards models, the effectiveness of HT in prolonging survival in a large community-based cohort of older males diagnosed with local/regional CaP. Further we examined the role of HT and primary therapies on the racial disparities in CaP survival. The results indicated that adjuvant HT compared with standard care alone is efficacious in improving overall survival, whereas HT has no significant benefit in the real world experience in increasing the overall survival of older males in the community treated for local/regional disease. Further, racial differences in survival persist and were explained to some extent by the differences in the primary therapies (radical prostatectomy, radiation and watchful waiting) and largely by SES. Therefore, given the increased used of hormonal therapy and the cost-effectiveness today, more RCTs are needed to assess whether or not survival prolongation translates to improved quality of life, and to answer the research question on whether or not the decreased use of radical prostatectomy by AAs is driven by the Clinicians bias or AAs's preference of conservative therapy and to encourage AAs to seek curative therapies, thus narrowing to some degree the persistent mortality disparities between AAs and Caucasians. ^
Undiagnosed infected mothers often are the source of pertussis illness in young infants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends Tdap vaccine for post-partum women before hospital discharge. This intervention has been implemented at Ben Taub General Hospital (BTGH) in Houston, TX since January 2008. Our objective was to compare the proportion of infants born at BTGH and developing pertussis to the total number of pertussis cases before and after the intervention. Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional comparative study between the pre-intervention (7/2000 to 12/2007) and post-intervention (1/2008 to 5/2009) periods. Information on pertussis diagnosis was determined using ICD-9 codes, infection control records, and molecular microbiology reports from Texas Children's Hospital (TCH) and BTGH. Only patients ≤ 6 months of age with laboratory-confirmed B. pertussis infection were included in the study. Results. 481 infants had pertussis illness; 353 (73.3%) during pre-intervention and 128 (26.6%) during post-intervention years. The groups were comparable in all measures including age (median 73 vs. 62.5 days; p=0.08), gender (males 54.2%; p=0.47), length of hospitalization (median 9.8 vs. 4 9.5 days; p=0.5), outcomes (2 deaths in each period; p=0.28) and pertussis illness at TCH (95.2% vs. 95.3%; p=0.9). The proportion of pertussis patients born at BTGH, and thus amenable to protection by the intervention, was not statically different between the two periods after adjusting for age, gender and ethnicity (7.3% vs. 9.3%; an OR=1.05, 95% CI 0.5-2.1, p=0.88). Conclusions. Vaccinating only mothers with Tdap in the post-partum period does not reduce the proportion of pertussis in infants age ≤ 6 months. Efforts should be directed at Tdap immunization of not only mothers, but also all household and key contacts of newborns to protect them against pertussis illness before the primary DTaP series is completed.^