5 resultados para dietary assessment
em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center
Introduction. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) are used study the association between dietary intake and disease. An instructional video may potentially offer a low cost, practical method of dietary assessment training for participants thereby reducing recall bias in FFQs. There is little evidence in the literature of the effect of using instructional videos on FFQ-based intake. Objective. This analysis compared the reported energy and macronutrient intake of two groups that were randomized either to watch an instructional video before completing an FFQ or to view the same instructional video after completing the same FFQ. Methods. In the parent study, a diverse group of students, faculty and staff from Houston Community College were randomized to two groups, stratified by ethnicity, and completed an FFQ. The "video before" group watched an instructional video about completing the FFQ prior to answering the FFQ. The "video after" group watched the instructional video after completing the FFQ. The two groups were compared on mean daily energy (Kcal/day), fat (g/day), protein (g/day), carbohydrate (g/day) and fiber (g/day) intakes using descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. Demographic, height, and weight information was collected. Dietary intakes were adjusted for total energy intake before the comparative analysis. BMI and age were ruled out as potential confounders. Results. There were no significant differences between the two groups in mean daily dietary intakes of energy, total fat, protein, carbohydrates and fiber. However, a pattern of higher energy intake and lower fiber intake was reported in the group that viewed the instructional video before completing the FFQ compared to those who viewed the video after. Discussion. Analysis of the difference between reported intake of energy and macronutrients showed an overall pattern, albeit not statistically significant, of higher intake in the video before versus the video after group. Application of instructional videos for dietary assessment may require further research to address the validity of reported dietary intakes in those who are randomized to watch an instructional video before reporting diet compared to a control groups that does not view a video.^
Background. Over half of children in the United States under age five spend 32 hours a week in child care, facilities, where they consume approximately 33-50% of their food intake. ^ Objectives. The aim of this research was to identify the effects of state nutrition policies on provision of food in child care centers. ^ Subjects. Eleven directors or their designee from ten randomly selected licensed child care centers in Travis County, Texas were interviewed. Centers included both nonprofit and for-profit centers, with enrollments ranging from 19 to 82. ^ Methods. Centers were selected using a web-based list of licensed child care providers in the Austin area. One-on-one interviews were conducted in person with center directors using a standard set of questions developed from previous pilot work. Interview items included demographic data, questions about state policies regarding provision of foods in centers, effects of policies on child care center budgets and foods offered, and changes in the provision of food. All interviews were audiotaped and transcribed, and themes were identified using standard qualitative techniques. ^ Results. Four of the centers provided both meals and snacks, four provided snacks only, and two did not provide any food. Directors of centers that provided food were more likely to report adherence to the Minimum Standards than directors of centers that did not. In general, center directors reported that the regulations were loosely enforced. In contrast, center directors were more concerned about a local city-county regulation that required food permits and new standards for kitchens. Most of these local regulations were cost prohibitive and, as a result, centers had changed the types of foods provided, which included providing less fresh produce and more prepackaged items. Although implementation of local regulations had reduced provision of fruits and vegetables to children, no adjustments were reported for allocation of resources, tuition costs or care of the children. ^ Conclusions. Qualitative data from a small sample of child care directors indicate that the implementation and accountability of food- and nutrition-related guidelines for centers is sporadic, uncoordinated, and can have unforeseen effects on the provision of food. A quantitative survey and dietary assessment methods should be conducted to verify these findings in a larger and more representative sample.^
Nutrient intake and specific food item data from 24-hour dietary recalls were utilized to study the relationship between measures of diet diversity and dietary adequacy in a population of white females of child-bearing age and socioeconomic subgroups of that population. As the basis of the diet diversity measures, twelve food groups were constructed from the 24-hour recall data and the number of unique foods per food group counted and weighted according to specified weighting schemes. Utilizing these food groups, nine diet diversity indices were developed.^ Sensitivity/specificity analysis was used to determine the ability of varying levels of selected diet diversity indices to identify individuals above and below preselected intakes of different nutrients. The true prevalence proportions, sensitivity and specificity, false positive and false negative rates, and positive predictive values observed at the selected levels of diet diversity indices were investigated in relation to the objectives and resources of a variety of nutrition improvement programs. Diet diversity indices constructed from the total population data were evaluated as screening tools for respondent nutrient intakes in each of the socioeconomic subgroups as well.^ The results of the sensitivity/specificity analysis demonstrated that the false positive rate, the false negative rate, or both were too high at each diversity cut-off level to validate the widespread use of any of the diversity indices in the dietary assessment of the study population. Although diet diversity has been shown to be highly correlated with the intakes of a number of nutrients, the diet diversity indices constructed in this study did not adequately represent nutrient intakes in the diet as reported, in this study, intakes as reported in the 24-hour dietary recall. Specific cut-off levels of selected diversity indices might have limited application in some nutrition programs. The results were applicable to the sensitivity/specificity analyses in the socioeconomic subgroups as well as in the total population. ^
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are malformations of the developing brain and spinal cord; the most common are anencephaly and spina bifida. Evidence from many populations suggests that 50% of NTDs can be prevented through daily consumption of folic acid. A recent study has reported that folic acid may not protect populations of Mexican descent. This finding has serious implications for women living along the US-Mexico border. Not only is risk high in these Mexican American women compared with other US women; they also differ markedly in supplemental folic acid and dietary folate consumption, and in NTD-related risks (e.g., obesity, diabetes). This case-control study investigated whether folic acid supplements and dietary folate reduces NTDs in Mexican Americans. Cases included liveborn, stillborn, electively and spontaneously aborted NTD-affected fetuses and infants occurring in the 14-county Texas-Mexico border. Controls were randomly selected from unaffected live births, frequency matched to cases by hospital and year. An in-person interview of 110 case and 113 control mothers solicited data on folic acid supplements, dietary folate, and other covariates. Consumption of folic acid-containing vitamins before conception was only 5% for both case and control women. Taking vitamins the trimester before conception had no apparent effect, after adjusting for covariates [odds ratio (OR) = 1.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.3–3.4]. Combining folate from vitamins and diet showed a 20% risk reduction for women consuming at least 400 μg of folate daily [OR = 0.8, 95% CI = 0.5–1.5]; however, this estimate is statistically indistinguishable from the null. Although consistent with an inherent ineffectiveness of supplemental folic acid, that so few women consumed multivitamins during the critical time severely limited the assessment of folic acid in this population. A reduced folate response in Mexican descent women may be due to a genetic heterogeneity for metabolizing folate. Alternatively, folate intakes may be insufficient to overcome other underlying risk factors. In conclusion, determining whether folic acid reduces NTD risk in Mexican American women requires further study in populations with higher folic acid exposures. Meanwhile, we should pursue all recommended prevention strategies to reduce risk, including motivating Mexican American women of childbearing age to take folic acid routinely. ^
Transitional homes present a window of opportunity to address the nutrition-related chronic diseases of previously incarcerated women. However, few transitional facilities offer nutrition education programs. This study assesses the nutritional status of 9 previously incarcerated women living at a transitional home in Houston, Texas and makes recommendations for effective nutrition education programs. Data was collected through individual interviews, questionnaires and a 24-hour dietary recall. Participants differed significantly from national nutrition recommendations when comparing BMI values and fruit, vegetable and fiber intake. Qualitative interview themes concerned key barriers to healthful dietary intake such as inadequate food storage and inconvenient cooking environment. Nutrition education programs at transitional homes should focus on healthy meals and snacks that can be quickly prepared and easily stored in small spaces. ^