3 resultados para dextran

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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The feasibility of establishment of continuously proliferating growth factor-dependent human B lymphocytes was investigated. Normal B lymphocytes prepared from peripheral venous blood were stimulated with a variety of known polyclonal B cell activators, in the continuous presence of various cytokine preparations. Continuously proliferating growth factor-dependent B cell populations were obtained from cultures activated with either insoluble anti-IgM ((mu)-chain specific), soluble anti-IgM, heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus Cowen I (SAC), or dextran sulphate (DxS), in the continuous presence of exogenously added growth factor preparations containing either IL-1, IL-2 and BCGF, or BCGF alone. Although growth factor-dependent B cell lines were obtained via all three methods of activation, the correlation of mode of activation and growth factor preparation proved to be critical. B cell lines could not be established with anti-(mu) activation in the presence of only BCGF; however, B cell lines were successfully obtained with SAC or DxS activation from those cultures continuously replenished with only BCGF. These cultured B lymphocyte populations were routinely maintained in logarithmic-phase growth in the presence of exogenously added growth factor, and exhibited a population doubling time of approximately 36 hours. They were shown to specifically absorb BCGF, suggesting the presence of membrane receptors for it. Also, these cultured B cells have been utilized for the development of a microassay for the assessment of a M(,r) 12,000-14,000 B cell growth factor activity that is accurate, sensitive, and precise. The pronounced sensitivity of this bioassay beyond that of the conventional peripheral blood B cell assay has aided in the purification to homogeneity of natural product extracellular BCGF (EC-BCGF), and in the determination of the nucleotide sequence for a gene coding for a protein exhibiting BCGF activity. Additionally, these B cell lines specifically absorb, and proliferate in the presence of, an affinity-purified M(,r) 60,000 trypsin-sensitive intracellular protein derived from freshly isolated human T lymphocytes, providing evidence for a putative intracellular precursor of EC-BCGF, or a novel high molecular weight BCGF species. ^


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A CDP-diacylglycerol dependent phosphatidylserine synthase was detected in three species of gram-positive bacilli, viz. Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus megaterium; the enzyme in B. licheniformis was studied in detail. The subcellular distribution experiments in cell-free extracts of B. licheniformis using differential centrifugation, sucrose gradient centrifugation and detergent solubilization showed the phosphatidylserine synthase to be tightly associated with the membrane. The enzyme was shown to have an absolute requirement for divalent metal ion for activity with a strong preference for manganese. The enzyme activity was completely dependent upon the addition of CDP-diacylglycerol to the assay system; the role of the liponucleotide was rigorously shown to be that of phosphatidyl donor and not just a detergent-like stimulator. This enzyme was then solubilized from B. licheniformis membranes and purified to near homogeneity. The purification procedure consisted of CDP-diacylglycerol-Sepharose affinity chromatography followed by substrate elution from blue-dextran Sepharose. The purified preparation showed a single band with an apparent minimum molecular weight of 53,000 when subjected to SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The preparation was free of any phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase, CDP-diacylglycerol hydrolase and phosphatidylserine hydrolase activities. The utilization of substrates and formation of products occurred with the expected stoichiometry. Radioisotopic exchange patterns between related substrate and product pairs suggest a sequential BiBi reaction as opposed to the ping-pong mechanism exhibited by the well studied phosphatidylserine synthase of Escherichia coli. Proteolytic digestion of the enzyme yielded a smaller active form of the enzyme (41,000 daltons) which appears to be less prone to aggregation.^ This has been the first detailed study in a well-defined bacillus species of the enzyme catalyzing the CDP-diacylglycerol-dependent formation of phosphatidylserine; this reaction is the first committed step in the biosynthetic pathway to the major membrane component, phosphatidylethanolamine. Further study of this enzyme may lead to understanding of new mechanisms of phosphatidyl transfer and novel modes of control of phospholipid biosynthetic enzymes. ^


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Programmed cell death is characterized by tightly controlled temporal and spatial intracellular Ca2+ responses that regulate the release of key proapoptotic proteins from mitochondria to the cytosol. Since apoptotic cells retain their ability to exclude membrane impermeable dyes, it is possible that the cells evoke repair mechanisms that, similar to those in normal cells, patch any damaged areas of the plasma membrane that preclude dye permeation. One critical distinction between plasma membrane repair in normal and apoptotic cells is the preservation of membrane lipid asymmetry. In normal cells, phosphatidylserine (PS) retains its normal asymmetric distribution in the inner membrane leaflet. In apoptotic cells, PS redistributes to the outer membrane leaflet by a Ca2+ dependent mechanism where it serves as a recognition ligand for phagocytes(1). In this study Ca 2+-specific fluorescent probes were employed to investigate the source of Ca2+ required for PS externalization. Experiments employing Rhod2-AM, calcium green 1, fura2-AM and the aqueous space marker FITC-dextran, demonstrated that exogenous Ca2+ imported with endocytotic vesicles into the cell was released into the cytosol in an apoptosis dependent manner. Labeling of the luminal side of the endocytotic vesicles with FITC-annexin 5, revealed that membrane lipid asymmetry was disrupted upon endosome formation. Specific labeling of the lysosomal luminal surface with the non-exchangeable membrane lipid probe, N-rhodamine-labeled-phosphatidylethanolamine (N-Rho-PE) and the lysosomal specific probe, lysotracker green, facilitated real-time monitoring of plasma membrane-to-endosome-to-lysosome transitions. Enforced elevation of cytosolic [Ca2+] with ionophore resulted in the redistribution of N-Rho-PE and PS from the inner membrane leaflet to the PM outer membrane leaflet. Identical results were obtained during apoptosis, however, the redistribution of both N-RhoPE and PS was dependent on the release of intra-lysosomal Ca2+ to the cytosol. Additional experiments suggested that lipid redistribution was dependent on the activity of lysosomal phospholipase A2 activity since lipid trafficking was abolished in the presence of chloroquine and lipase inhibitors. These data indicate that endosomal/lysosomal Ca2+ and the fusion of hybrid organelles to the plasma membrane regulates the externalization of PS during apoptosis. ^