5 resultados para data elements

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Clinical Research Data Quality Literature Review and Pooled Analysis We present a literature review and secondary analysis of data accuracy in clinical research and related secondary data uses. A total of 93 papers meeting our inclusion criteria were categorized according to the data processing methods. Quantitative data accuracy information was abstracted from the articles and pooled. Our analysis demonstrates that the accuracy associated with data processing methods varies widely, with error rates ranging from 2 errors per 10,000 files to 5019 errors per 10,000 fields. Medical record abstraction was associated with the highest error rates (70–5019 errors per 10,000 fields). Data entered and processed at healthcare facilities had comparable error rates to data processed at central data processing centers. Error rates for data processed with single entry in the presence of on-screen checks were comparable to double entered data. While data processing and cleaning methods may explain a significant amount of the variability in data accuracy, additional factors not resolvable here likely exist. Defining Data Quality for Clinical Research: A Concept Analysis Despite notable previous attempts by experts to define data quality, the concept remains ambiguous and subject to the vagaries of natural language. This current lack of clarity continues to hamper research related to data quality issues. We present a formal concept analysis of data quality, which builds on and synthesizes previously published work. We further posit that discipline-level specificity may be required to achieve the desired definitional clarity. To this end, we combine work from the clinical research domain with findings from the general data quality literature to produce a discipline-specific definition and operationalization for data quality in clinical research. While the results are helpful to clinical research, the methodology of concept analysis may be useful in other fields to clarify data quality attributes and to achieve operational definitions. Medical Record Abstractor’s Perceptions of Factors Impacting the Accuracy of Abstracted Data Medical record abstraction (MRA) is known to be a significant source of data errors in secondary data uses. Factors impacting the accuracy of abstracted data are not reported consistently in the literature. Two Delphi processes were conducted with experienced medical record abstractors to assess abstractor’s perceptions about the factors. The Delphi process identified 9 factors that were not found in the literature, and differed with the literature by 5 factors in the top 25%. The Delphi results refuted seven factors reported in the literature as impacting the quality of abstracted data. The results provide insight into and indicate content validity of a significant number of the factors reported in the literature. Further, the results indicate general consistency between the perceptions of clinical research medical record abstractors and registry and quality improvement abstractors. Distributed Cognition Artifacts on Clinical Research Data Collection Forms Medical record abstraction, a primary mode of data collection in secondary data use, is associated with high error rates. Distributed cognition in medical record abstraction has not been studied as a possible explanation for abstraction errors. We employed the theory of distributed representation and representational analysis to systematically evaluate cognitive demands in medical record abstraction and the extent of external cognitive support employed in a sample of clinical research data collection forms. We show that the cognitive load required for abstraction in 61% of the sampled data elements was high, exceedingly so in 9%. Further, the data collection forms did not support external cognition for the most complex data elements. High working memory demands are a possible explanation for the association of data errors with data elements requiring abstractor interpretation, comparison, mapping or calculation. The representational analysis used here can be used to identify data elements with high cognitive demands.


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This descriptive, cross-sectional study addressed the relationship between variables of deployed military women and prevalence of gender-specific infections. The analysis of secondary data will look at the last deployment experience of 880 randomly selected U.S. military women who completed a mailed questionnaire (Deployed Female Health Practice Questionnaire (FHPQ)) in June 1998. The questionnaire contained 191 items with 80 data elements and one page for the subject's written comments. The broad categories of the questionnaire included: health practices, health promotion, disease prevention and treatment, reproduction, lifestyle management, military characteristics and demographics. The research questions are: (1) What is the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), urinary tract infections (UTI) and vaginal infections (VI) related to demographic data, military characteristics, behavioral risk factors and health practices of military women during their last deployment? and (2) What are the differences between STD, UTI and VI related to the demographic data, military characteristics, behavioral risk factors and health practices of military women during their last deployment. The results showed that (1) STDs were found to be significantly associated with age and rank but not location of deployment or military branch; (2) UTI were found to be significantly associated with intrauterine device (IUD) use, prior UTI and type of items used for menses management, but not education or age; and (3) VI were significantly associated with age, rank and deployment location but not ethnicity or education. Although quantitative research exploring hygiene needs of deployed women continues, qualitative studies may uncover further “hidden” issues of importance. It cannot be said that the military has not made proactive changes for women, however, continued efforts to hone these changes are still encouraged. Mandatory debriefings of “seasoned” deployed women soldiers and their experiences would benefit leadership and newly deployed female soldiers with valuable “lessons learned.” Tailored hygiene education material, prevention education classes, easy access website with self-care algorithms, pre-deployment physicals, revision of military protocols for health care providers related to screening, diagnosing and treatment of gender-specific infections and process changes in military supply network of hygiene items for women are offered as recommendations. ^


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The first manuscript, entitled "Time-Series Analysis as Input for Clinical Predictive Modeling: Modeling Cardiac Arrest in a Pediatric ICU" lays out the theoretical background for the project. There are several core concepts presented in this paper. First, traditional multivariate models (where each variable is represented by only one value) provide single point-in-time snapshots of patient status: they are incapable of characterizing deterioration. Since deterioration is consistently identified as a precursor to cardiac arrests, we maintain that the traditional multivariate paradigm is insufficient for predicting arrests. We identify time series analysis as a method capable of characterizing deterioration in an objective, mathematical fashion, and describe how to build a general foundation for predictive modeling using time series analysis results as latent variables. Building a solid foundation for any given modeling task involves addressing a number of issues during the design phase. These include selecting the proper candidate features on which to base the model, and selecting the most appropriate tool to measure them. We also identified several unique design issues that are introduced when time series data elements are added to the set of candidate features. One such issue is in defining the duration and resolution of time series elements required to sufficiently characterize the time series phenomena being considered as candidate features for the predictive model. Once the duration and resolution are established, there must also be explicit mathematical or statistical operations that produce the time series analysis result to be used as a latent candidate feature. In synthesizing the comprehensive framework for building a predictive model based on time series data elements, we identified at least four classes of data that can be used in the model design. The first two classes are shared with traditional multivariate models: multivariate data and clinical latent features. Multivariate data is represented by the standard one value per variable paradigm and is widely employed in a host of clinical models and tools. These are often represented by a number present in a given cell of a table. Clinical latent features derived, rather than directly measured, data elements that more accurately represent a particular clinical phenomenon than any of the directly measured data elements in isolation. The second two classes are unique to the time series data elements. The first of these is the raw data elements. These are represented by multiple values per variable, and constitute the measured observations that are typically available to end users when they review time series data. These are often represented as dots on a graph. The final class of data results from performing time series analysis. This class of data represents the fundamental concept on which our hypothesis is based. The specific statistical or mathematical operations are up to the modeler to determine, but we generally recommend that a variety of analyses be performed in order to maximize the likelihood that a representation of the time series data elements is produced that is able to distinguish between two or more classes of outcomes. The second manuscript, entitled "Building Clinical Prediction Models Using Time Series Data: Modeling Cardiac Arrest in a Pediatric ICU" provides a detailed description, start to finish, of the methods required to prepare the data, build, and validate a predictive model that uses the time series data elements determined in the first paper. One of the fundamental tenets of the second paper is that manual implementations of time series based models are unfeasible due to the relatively large number of data elements and the complexity of preprocessing that must occur before data can be presented to the model. Each of the seventeen steps is analyzed from the perspective of how it may be automated, when necessary. We identify the general objectives and available strategies of each of the steps, and we present our rationale for choosing a specific strategy for each step in the case of predicting cardiac arrest in a pediatric intensive care unit. Another issue brought to light by the second paper is that the individual steps required to use time series data for predictive modeling are more numerous and more complex than those used for modeling with traditional multivariate data. Even after complexities attributable to the design phase (addressed in our first paper) have been accounted for, the management and manipulation of the time series elements (the preprocessing steps in particular) are issues that are not present in a traditional multivariate modeling paradigm. In our methods, we present the issues that arise from the time series data elements: defining a reference time; imputing and reducing time series data in order to conform to a predefined structure that was specified during the design phase; and normalizing variable families rather than individual variable instances. The final manuscript, entitled: "Using Time-Series Analysis to Predict Cardiac Arrest in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit" presents the results that were obtained by applying the theoretical construct and its associated methods (detailed in the first two papers) to the case of cardiac arrest prediction in a pediatric intensive care unit. Our results showed that utilizing the trend analysis from the time series data elements reduced the number of classification errors by 73%. The area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve increased from a baseline of 87% to 98% by including the trend analysis. In addition to the performance measures, we were also able to demonstrate that adding raw time series data elements without their associated trend analyses improved classification accuracy as compared to the baseline multivariate model, but diminished classification accuracy as compared to when just the trend analysis features were added (ie, without adding the raw time series data elements). We believe this phenomenon was largely attributable to overfitting, which is known to increase as the ratio of candidate features to class examples rises. Furthermore, although we employed several feature reduction strategies to counteract the overfitting problem, they failed to improve the performance beyond that which was achieved by exclusion of the raw time series elements. Finally, our data demonstrated that pulse oximetry and systolic blood pressure readings tend to start diminishing about 10-20 minutes before an arrest, whereas heart rates tend to diminish rapidly less than 5 minutes before an arrest.


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Expression of the structural genes for the anthrax toxin proteins is coordinately controlled by host-related signals such as elevated CO2 , and the trans-acting positive regulator, AtxA. No specific binding of AtxA to the toxin gene promoters has been demonstrated and no sequence-based similarities are apparent in the promoter regions of toxin genes. We hypothesized that the toxin genes possess common structural features that are required for positive regulation. To test this hypothesis, I performed an extensive characterization of the toxin gene promoters. I determined the minimal sequences required for atxA-mediated toxin gene expression and compared these sequences for structural similarities. In silico modeling and in vitro experiments indicated significant curvature within these regions. Random mutagenesis revealed that point mutations associated with reduced transcriptional activity, mostly mapped to areas of high curvature. This work enabled the identification of two potential cis-acting elements implicated in AtxA-mediated regulation of the toxin genes. In addition to the growth condition requirements and AtxA, toxin gene expression is under growth phase regulation. The transition state regulator AbrB represses atxA expression to influence toxin synthesis. Here I report that toxin gene expression also requires sigH, a gene encoding the RNA polymerase sigma factor associated with development in B. subtilis. In the well-studied B. subtilis system, σH is part of a feedback control pathway that involves AbrB and the major response regulator of sporulation initiation, Spo0A. My data indicate that in B. anthracis, regulatory relationships exist between these developmental regulators and atxA . Interestingly, during growth in toxin-inducing conditions, sigH and abrB expression deviates from that described for B. subtilis, affecting expression of the atxA gene. These findings, combined with previous observations, suggest that the steady state level of atxA expression is critical for optimal toxin gene transcription. I propose a model whereby, under toxin-inducing conditions, control of toxin gene expression is fine-tuned by the independent effects of the developmental regulators on the expression of atxA . The growth condition-dependent changes in expression of these regulators may be crucial for the correct timing and uninterrupted expression of the toxin genes during infection. ^


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These three manuscripts are presented as a PhD dissertation for the study of using GeoVis application to evaluate telehealth programs. The primary reason of this research was to understand how the GeoVis applications can be designed and developed using combined approaches of HC approach and cognitive fit theory and in terms utilized to evaluate telehealth program in Brazil. First manuscript The first manuscript in this dissertation presented a background about the use of GeoVisualization to facilitate visual exploration of public health data. The manuscript covered the existing challenges that were associated with an adoption of existing GeoVis applications. The manuscript combines the principles of Human Centered approach and Cognitive Fit Theory and a framework using a combination of these approaches is developed that lays the foundation of this research. The framework is then utilized to propose the design, development and evaluation of “the SanaViz” to evaluate telehealth data in Brazil, as a proof of concept. Second manuscript The second manuscript is a methods paper that describes the approaches that can be employed to design and develop “the SanaViz” based on the proposed framework. By defining the various elements of the HC approach and CFT, a mixed methods approach is utilized for the card sorting and sketching techniques. A representative sample of 20 study participants currently involved in the telehealth program at the NUTES telehealth center at UFPE, Recife, Brazil was enrolled. The findings of this manuscript helped us understand the needs of the diverse group of telehealth users, the tasks that they perform and helped us determine the essential features that might be necessary to be included in the proposed GeoVis application “the SanaViz”. Third manuscript The third manuscript involved mix- methods approach to compare the effectiveness and usefulness of the HC GeoVis application “the SanaViz” against a conventional GeoVis application “Instant Atlas”. The same group of 20 study participants who had earlier participated during Aim 2 was enrolled and a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessments was done. Effectiveness was gauged by the time that the participants took to complete the tasks using both the GeoVis applications, the ease with which they completed the tasks and the number of attempts that were taken to complete each task. Usefulness was assessed by System Usability Scale (SUS), a validated questionnaire tested in prior studies. In-depth interviews were conducted to gather opinions about both the GeoVis applications. This manuscript helped us in the demonstration of the usefulness and effectiveness of HC GeoVis applications to facilitate visual exploration of telehealth data, as a proof of concept. Together, these three manuscripts represent challenges of combining principles of Human Centered approach, Cognitive Fit Theory to design and develop GeoVis applications as a method to evaluate Telehealth data. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the usefulness and effectiveness of GeoVis to facilitate visual exploration of telehealth data. The results of the research enabled us to develop a framework for the design and development of GeoVis applications related to the areas of public health and especially telehealth. The results of our study showed that the varied users were involved with the telehealth program and the tasks that they performed. Further it enabled us to identify the components that might be essential to be included in these GeoVis applications. The results of our research answered the following questions; (a) Telehealth users vary in their level of understanding about GeoVis (b) Interaction features such as zooming, sorting, and linking and multiple views and representation features such as bar chart and choropleth maps were considered the most essential features of the GeoVis applications. (c) Comparing and sorting were two important tasks that the telehealth users would perform for exploratory data analysis. (d) A HC GeoVis prototype application is more effective and useful for exploration of telehealth data than a conventional GeoVis application. Future studies should be done to incorporate the proposed HC GeoVis framework to enable comprehensive assessment of the users and the tasks they perform to identify the features that might be necessary to be a part of the GeoVis applications. The results of this study demonstrate a novel approach to comprehensively and systematically enhance the evaluation of telehealth programs using the proposed GeoVis Framework.