3 resultados para crude extracts
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The Bacillus anthracis toxin genes, cya, lef , and pag, can be viewed as a regulon, in which transcription of all three genes is activated in trans by the same regulatory gene, atxA, in response to the same signal, CO2. I determined that several phenotypes are associated with the atxA gene. In addition to being toxin-deficient, an atxA -null mutant grows poorly on minimal media and sporulates early compared to the parent strain. Furthermore, an atxA-null mutant has an altered 2-D gel protein profile. I used a genetic approach to find additional atxA-regulated genes. Random transcriptional lacZ fusions were generated in B. anthracis using transposon Tn 917-LTV3. Transposon-insertion libraries were screened for mutants expressing increased β-galactosidase activity in 5% CO2. Introduction of an atxA-null mutation in these mutants revealed that 79% of the CO2-regulated fusions were also atxA-dependent. DNA sequence analysis of transposon insertion sites in mutants carrying CO 2/atxA-regulated fusions revealed ten mutants harboring transposon insertions in loci distinct from the toxin genes. The majority of the tcr (toxin co-regulated) loci mapped within the pXO1 pathogenicity island. These results indicate a clear association of atxA with CO2-enhanced gene expression in B. anthracis and provide evidence that atxA regulates genes other than the structural genes for the anthrax toxin proteins. ^ Characterization of one tcr locus revealed a new regulatory gene, pagR. The pagR gene (300 nt) is located downstream of pag. pagR is cotranscribed with pag and is responsible for autogenous control of the operon. pagR also represses expression of cya and lef. Repression of toxin gene expression by pagR may be mediated by atxA. The steady state level of atxA mRNA is increased in a pagR mutant. Recombinant PagR protein purified from Escherichia coli did not specifically bind the promoter regions of pagA or atxA. An unidentified factor in B. anthracis crude extracts, however, was able to bind the atxA promoter in the absence of PagR or AtxA. These investigations increase our knowledge of virulence regulation in B. anthracis and ultimately will lead to a better understanding of anthrax disease. ^
When Escherichia coli was grown in the presence of tungstate, inactive forms of two molybdoenzymes, nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase, accumulated and were converted to their active forms upon incubation of cell suspensions with molybdate and chloramphenicol. The conversion to the active enzymes did not occur in cell extracts. When incubated with [(99)Mo]molybdate and chloramphenicol, the tungstate-grown cells incorporated (99)Mo into protein components which were released from membranes by procedures used to release nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase and which migrated with these activities on polyacrylamide gels. Although neither activity was formed during incubation of the crude extract with molybdate, (99)Mo was incorporated into protein components which were released from the membrane fraction under the same conditions and were similar to the active enzymes in their electrophoretic properties. The in vitro incorporation of (99)Mo occurred specifically into these components and was equal to or greater than the amount incorporated in vivo under the same conditions. Molybdenum in preformed, active nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase did not exchange with [(99)Mo]molybdate, demonstrating that the observed incorporation depended on the demolybdo forms of the enzymes. We conclude that molybdate may be incorporated into the demolybdo forms both in vivo and in vitro; some unknown additional factor or step, required for active enzyme formation, occurs in vivo but not in vitro under the conditions employed.
Heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins, G proteins, are integral components of eukaryotic signaling systems linking extracellular signals to intracellular responses. Through coupling to seven-transmembrane helix receptors, G proteins convey primary signaling events into multi-leveled cascades of intracellular activity by regulating downstream enzymes, collectively called effectors. The effector enzymes regulated by G proteins include adenylyl cyclase, cAMP phosphodiesterase, phospolipase C-β, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and ion channels. ^ Neurospora crassa is a multicellular, filamentous fungus that is capable of both asexual and sexual reproduction by elaboration of specialized, developmentally controlled structures that give rise to either asexual or sexual spores, respectively. N. crassa possesses at least three heterotrimeric Gα proteins (GNA-1–3) and one Gβ subunit (GNB-1). GNA-1 was the first microbial protein that could be classified in the Gαi superfamily based on its amino acid identity and demonstration that it is a substrate for ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin. ^ Experiments were designed to identify the signal transduction pathways and the effector enzymes regulated by GNA-1. Targeted gene-replacement of gna-1 revealed that GNA-1 controls multiple developmental pathways including both asexual and sexual reproduction, maintenance of growth, and resistance to osmotic stress. The Gαi and Gαz members of the Gαi superfamily negatively regulate adenylyl cyclase activity in mammalian cells; therefore, adenylyl cyclase and cAMP levels were measured in Δgna-1 strains and also in strains that were deleted for both gna-1 and gna-2, a second Gα in N. crassa shown to have overlapping functions with GNA-1. Direct measurements of adenylyl cyclase activity revealed that GNA-1, but not GNA-2, was responsible for GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in N. crassa. Furthermore, anti-GNA-1 IgG could specifically inhibit GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in wild-type strain extracts. These studies also provided evidence that N. crassa possesses feedback mechanisms that control steady-state cAMP levels through indirect regulation of cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity; mutations in gna-1 and gna-2 were additive in their effect on lowering cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity under growth conditions where steady-state cAMP levels were normal but GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity was reduced 90% in comparison to control strains. ^ Genetic and biochemical epistasis experiments utilizing a Δ gna-1 cr-1 mutant suggest that GNA-1 is essential for female fertility in a cAMP-independent pathway. Furthermore, deletion of gna-1 in a cr-1 background exacerbated many of the defects already observed in the cr-1 strain including more severe growth restriction and developmental defects. However, deletion of gna-1 had no effect on the increased thermotolerance of cr-1, which has been attributed to loss of cAMP. cr-1 possesses GNA-1 protein, and crude membrane fractions from this strain reconstituted GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in Δgna-1 membrane fractions. These studies provide direct evidence for the involvement of Gα proteins in the regulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in eukaryotic microbes. ^