8 resultados para crown horizontal projection

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The motion of lung tumors during respiration makes the accurate delivery of radiation therapy to the thorax difficult because it increases the uncertainty of target position. The adoption of four-dimensional computed tomography (4D-CT) has allowed us to determine how a tumor moves with respiration for each individual patient. Using information acquired during a 4D-CT scan, we can define the target, visualize motion, and calculate dose during the planning phase of the radiotherapy process. One image data set that can be created from the 4D-CT acquisition is the maximum-intensity projection (MIP). The MIP can be used as a starting point to define the volume that encompasses the motion envelope of the moving gross target volume (GTV). Because of the close relationship that exists between the MIP and the final target volume, we investigated four MIP data sets created with different methodologies (3 using various 4D-CT sorting implementations, and one using all available cine CT images) to compare target delineation. It has been observed that changing the 4D-CT sorting method will lead to the selection of a different collection of images; however, the clinical implications of changing the constituent images on the resultant MIP data set are not clear. There has not been a comprehensive study that compares target delineation based on different 4D-CT sorting methodologies in a patient population. We selected a collection of patients who had previously undergone thoracic 4D-CT scans at our institution, and who had lung tumors that moved at least 1 cm. We then generated the four MIP data sets and automatically contoured the target volumes. In doing so, we identified cases in which the MIP generated from a 4D-CT sorting process under-represented the motion envelope of the target volume by more than 10% than when measured on the MIP generated from all of the cine CT images. The 4D-CT methods suffered from duplicate image selection and might not choose maximum extent images. Based on our results, we suggest utilization of a MIP generated from the full cine CT data set to ensure a representative inclusive tumor extent, and to avoid geometric miss.


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The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB/D4 type IV secretion system (T4SS) delivers oncogenic T-DNA and effector proteins to susceptible plant cells. This leads to the formation of tumors termed Crown Galls. The VirB/D4 T4SS is comprised of 12 subunits (VirB1 to VirB11 and VirD4), which assemble to form two structures, a secretion channel spanning the cell envelope and a T-pilus extending from the cell surface. In A. tumefaciens, the VirB2 pilin subunit is required for assembly of the secretion channel and is the main subunit of the T-pilus. The focus of this thesis is to define key reactions associated with the T4SS biogenesis pathway involving the VirB2 pilin. Topology studies demonstrated that VirB2 integrates into the inner membrane with two transmembrane regions, a small cytoplasmic loop, and a long periplasmic loop comprised of covalently linked N and C termini. VirB2 was shown by the substituted cysteine accessibility method (SCAM) to adopt distinct structural states when integrated into the inner membrane and when assembled as a component of the secretion channel and the T-pilus. The VirB4 and VirB11 ATPases were shown by SCAM to modulate the structural state of membrane-integrated VirB2 pilin, and evidence was also obtained that VirB4 mediates extraction of pilin from the membrane. A model that VirB4 functions as a pilin dislocase by an energy-dependent mechanism was further supported by coimmunoprecipitation and osmotic shock studies. Mutational studies identified two regions of VirB10, an N-terminal transmembrane domain and an outer membrane-associated domain termed the antennae projection, that contribute selectively to T-pilus biogenesis. Lastly, characterization of a VirB10 mutant that confers a ‘leaky’ channel phenotype further highlighted the role of VirB10 in gating substrate translocation across the outer membrane as well as T-pilus biogenesis. Results of my studies support a working model in which the VirB4 ATPase catalyzes dislocation of membrane-integrated pilin, and distinct domains of VirB10 coordinate pilin incorporation into the secretion channel and the extracellular T-pilus.


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Using diffusion tensor tractography, we quantified the microstructural changes in the association, projection, and commissural compact white matter pathways of the human brain over the lifespan in a cohort of healthy right-handed children and adults aged 6-68 years. In both males and females, the diffusion tensor radial diffusivity of the bilateral arcuate fasciculus, inferior longitudinal fasciculus, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus, corticospinal, somatosensory tracts, and the corpus callosum followed a U-curve with advancing age; fractional anisotropy in the same pathways followed an inverted U-curve. Our study provides useful baseline data for the interpretation of data collected from patients.


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Morphological analysis of neonatal rabbit retina suggests that the type-A horizontal cell acts as the pioneer cell for development of the OPL. It is the first mature element of the OPL, and it forms the infrastructure upon which the OPL accrues. The role of type-A horizontal cells in influencing postnatal development of the OPL was examined.^ GABAergic characteristics of the type-A horizontal cell were defined. The type-A horizontal cell was found to possess two more GABAergic characteristics in addition to those previously demonstrated, during a short period in early postnatal development: endogenous stores of GABA and the GABA precursor, glutamate. Lesioning the type-A horizontal cell resulted in their permanent loss in addition to the disappearance of cone terminals and a dramatic increase in rod terminals within the OPL. Thus the type-A cells are not a necessary prerequisite for positioning the OPL in postnatal development, but may be necessary for establishment of the normal photoreceptor mosaic.^ Since type-A horizontal cells possess a number of GABAergic qualities during the period of cone photoreceptor cell differentiation, and there are reports of GABA's trophic action in other developing neuronal systems; the role that GABAergic type-A horizontal cells play in directing photoreceptor differentiation was examined.^ Disrupting effects of GABA-A receptor antagonists indicate that type-A horizontal cells act as postsynaptic targets for the growing cone terminals of photoreceptor cells. These trophic or synaptic interactions may involve GABA-A receptors activated by GABA released from horizontal cells. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that type-A horizontal cells act as pioneering cells in directing the postnatal development of the OPL.^ These studies offer an in depth analysis of the structural and chemical relationship between type-A horizontal cells and other elements of the OPL from which the roles of type-A horizontal cells and the GABA system in development can be defined. They contribute to our knowledge of both structural and GABAergic mechanisms involved in central nervous system development. ^


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In the rabbit retina, there are two kinds of horizontal cells (HCs). The A-type HC is a large axonless cell which contacts cones exclusively. The B-type HC is an axon bearing cell. While the somatic dendrites of B-type HCs also contact cones, the axon expands into an elaborately branched structure, the axon terminal (AT), which contacts a large number of rods. It is difficult to label the different HCs selectively by immunochemical methods. Therefore, we developed dye injection methods to label each type of HC. Then it was possible, (1) to describe the detailed structure of the AT (2) to identify the glutamate receptors mediating cone input to A and B-type HCs and rod input to ATs and (3) to test the hypothesis that the B-type HCs are coupled via Cx57 gap junctions. ^ To obtain well filled examples of single HCs, it was necessary to block gap junction coupling to stop the spread of Neurobiotin through the network. We used dye coupling in A-type HCs to screen a series of potential gap junction antagonists. One of these compounds, meclofenamic acid (MFA), was potent, water soluble and easily reversible. This compound may be a useful tool to manipulate gap junction coupling. ^ In the presence of MFA, Neurobiotin passed down the axon of B-type HCs to reveal the detailed structure of the AT. We observed that only one AT ending entered each rod spherule invagination. This observation was confirmed by calculation and two dye injections. ^ Glutamate is the neurotransmitter used by both rods and cones. AMPA receptors were colocalized with the dendrites of A and B-type HCs at each cone pedicle. In addition, AMPA receptors were located on the AT ending at each rod spherule. Thus rod and cone input to HCs is mediated by AMPA receptors. ^ A-type and B-type HCs may express different connexins because they have different dye-coupling properties. Recently, we found that connexin50 (Cx50) is expressed by A-type HCs. B-type HCs and B-type ATs are also independently coupled. Cx57 was expressed in the OPL and double label studies showed that Cx 57 was colocalized with the AT matrix but not with the somatic dendrites of B-type HCs. ^ In summary, we have identified a useful gap junction antagonist, MFA. There is one AT ending at each rod spherule, rods inputs to ATs is mediated by AMPA receptors and coupling in the AT matrix is mediated by Cx57. This confirms that HCs with different properties use distinct connexins. The properties of ATs described in this research are consistent. The connections and properties reported here suggest that ATs functions as rod HCs and provide a negative feedback signal to rods. ^


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The National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-641) requires that health systems agencies (HSAs) plan for their health service areas by the use of existing data to the maximum extent practicable. Health planning is based on the identificaton of health needs; however, HSAs are, at present, identifying health needs in their service areas in some approximate terms. This lack of specificity has greatly reduced the effectiveness of health planning. The intent of this study is, therefore, to explore the feasibility of predicting community levels of hospitalized morbidity by diagnosis by the use of existing data so as to allow health planners to plan for the services associated with specific diagnoses.^ The specific objectives of this study are (a) to obtain by means of multiple regression analysis a prediction equation for hospital admission by diagnosis, i.e., select the variables that are related to demand for hospital admissions; (b) to examine how pertinent the variables selected are; and (c) to see if each equation obtained predicts well for health service areas.^ The existing data on hospital admissions by diagnosis are those collected from the National Hospital Discharge Surveys, and are available in a form aggregated to the nine census divisions. When the equations established with such data are applied to local health service areas for prediction, the application is subject to the criticism of the theory of ecological fallacy. Since HSAs have to rely on the availability of existing data, it is imperative to examine whether or not the theory of ecological fallacy holds true in this case.^ The results of the study show that the equations established are highly significant and the independent variables in the equations explain the variation in the demand for hospital admission well. The predictability of these equations is good when they are applied to areas at the same ecological level but become poor, predominantly due to ecological fallacy, when they are applied to health service areas.^ It is concluded that HSAs can not predict hospital admissions by diagnosis without primary data collection as discouraged by Public Law 93-641. ^


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Studies suggest that slim infants (low weight-for-height) experienced higher mortality rates than average or high weight-for-height infants (Miller and Hassanein, 1973; Hoffman, Meirik, and Bakketeig, 1984). In this study, the 1980 National Natality Survey and the National Fetal Mortality Survey were used to examine the association of weight, height and perinatal mortality. All singleton births to white married mothers, between 18 and 34 years of age and of parity less than 4, for whom both mother's and hospital questionnaires were completed in those two surveys (3796 live births and 2043 fetal deaths) were selected for analysis. Overall, low weight and height infants had excess mortality rates. However, after adjustment for low birthweight and preterm birth status, low weight and height infants had only slightly higher mortality rates than their medium or high weight and height counterparts. The current study consists of relatively well-educated white married mothers of optimal reproductive age and low parity. Therefore, lower than expected mortality rates for slim infants may be attributed to these favorable demographic factors in this sample as compared with previous studies, or because of advances in perinatal medicine, slim infants may be prevented from achieving the high mortality seen in earlier studies. ^