7 resultados para core complex

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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The VirB/D4 type IV secretion system (T4SS) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens functions to transfer substrates to infected plant cells through assembly of a translocation channel and a surface structure termed a T-pilus. This thesis is focused on identifying contributions of VirB10 to substrate transfer and T-pilus formation through a mutational analysis. VirB10 is a bitopic protein with several domains, including a: (i) cytoplasmic N-terminus, (ii) single transmembrane (TM) α-helix, (iii) proline-rich region (PRR), and (iv) large C-terminal modified β-barrel. I introduced cysteine insertion and substitution mutations throughout the length of VirB10 in order to: (i) test a predicted transmembrane topology, (ii) identify residues/domains contributing to VirB10 stability, oligomerization, and function, and (iii) monitor structural changes accompanying energy activation or substrate translocation. These studies were aided by recent structural resolution of a periplasmic domain of a VirB10 homolog and a ‘corecomplex composed of homologs of VirB10 and two outer membrane associated subunits, VirB7 and VirB9. By use of the substituted cysteine accessibility method (SCAM), I confirmed the bitopic topology of VirB10. Through phenotypic studies of Ala-Cys insertion mutations, I identified “uncoupling” mutations in the TM and β-barrel domains that blocked T-pilus assembly but permitted substrate transfer. I showed that cysteine replacements in the C-terminal periplasmic domain yielded a variety of phenotypes in relation to protein accumulation, oligomerization, substrate transfer, and T-pilus formation. By SCAM, I also gained further evidence that VirB10 adopts different structural states during machine biogenesis. Finally, I showed that VirB10 supports substrate transfer even when its TM domain is extensively mutagenized or substituted with heterologous TM domains. By contrast, specific residues most probably involved in oligomerization of the TM domain are required for biogenesis of the T-pilus.


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Chromatin, composed of repeating nucleosome units, is the genetic polymer of life. To aid in DNA compaction and organized storage, the double helix wraps around a core complex of histone proteins to form the nucleosome, and is therefore no longer freely accessible to cellular proteins for the processes of transcription, replication and DNA repair. Over the course of evolution, DNA-based applications have developed routes to access DNA bound up in chromatin, and further, have actually utilized the chromatin structure to create another level of complexity and information storage. The histone molecules that DNA surrounds have free-floating tails that extend out of the nucleosome. These tails are post-translationally modified to create docking sites for the proteins involved in transcription, replication and repair, thus providing one prominent way that specific genomic sequences are accessed and manipulated. Adding another degree of information storage, histone tail-modifications paint the genome in precise manners to influence a state of transcriptional activity or repression, to generate euchromatin, containing gene-dense regions, or heterochromatin, containing repeat sequences and low-density gene regions. The work presented here is the study of histone tail modifications, how they are written and how they are read, divided into two projects. Both begin with protein microarray experiments where we discover the protein domains that can bind modified histone tails, and how multiple tail modifications can influence this binding. Project one then looks deeper into the enzymes that lay down the tail modifications. Specifically, we studied histone-tail arginine methylation by PRMT6. We found that methylation of a specific histone residue by PRMT6, arginine 2 of H3, can antagonize the binding of protein domains to the H3 tail and therefore affect transcription of genes regulated by the H3-tail binding proteins. Project two focuses on a protein we identified to bind modified histone tails, PHF20, and was an endeavor to discover the biological role of this protein. Thus, in total, we are looking at a complete process: (1) histone tail modification by an enzyme (here, PRMT6), (2) how this and other modifications are bound by conserved protein domains, and (3) by using PHF20 as an example, the functional outcome of binding through investigating the biological role of a chromatin reader. ^


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Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare recessive genetic disease with an array of clinical manifestations including multiple congenital abnormalities, progressive bone marrow failure and profound cancer susceptibility. A hallmark of cells derived from FA patients is hypersensitivity to DNA interstrand crosslinking agents such as mitomycin C (MMC) and cisplatin, suggesting that FA- and FA-associated proteins play important roles in protecting cells from DNA interstrand crosslink (ICL) damage. Two genes involved in the FA pathway, FANCM and FAAP24, are of particular interest because they contain DNA interacting domains. However, there are no definitive patient mutations for these two genes, and the resulting lack of human genetic model system renders their functional studies difficult. In this study, I established isogenic human FANCM- and FAAP24-null mutants through homologous replacement-mediated gene targeting in HCT-116 cells, and systematically investigated the functions of FANCM and FAAP24 inchromosome stability, FA pathway activation, DNA damage checkpoint signaling, and ICL repair. I found that the FANCM-/-/FAAP24-/- double mutant was much more sensitive to DNA crosslinking agents than FANCM-/- and FAAP24-/- single mutants, suggesting that FANCM and FAAP24 possess epistatic as well as unique functions in response to ICL damage. I demonstrated that FANCM and FAAP24 coordinately support the activation of FA pathway by promoting chromatin localization of FA core complex and FANCD2 monoubiqutination. They also cooperatively function to suppress sister chromatid exchange and radial chromosome formation, likely by limiting crossovers in recombination repair. In addition, I defined novel non-overlapping functions of FANCM and FAAP24 in response to ICL damage. FAAP24 plays a major role in activating ICL-induced ATR-dependent checkpoint, which is independent of its interaction with FANCM. On the other hand, FANCM promotes recombination-independent ICL repair independently of FAAP24. Mechanistically, FANCM facilitates recruitment of nucleotide excision repair machinery and lesion bypass factors to ICL damage sites through its translocase activity. Collectively, my studies provide mechanistic insights into how genome integrity is both coordinately and independently protected by FANCM and FAAP24.


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Xenopus ARVCF (xARVCF), a member of p120-catenin subfamily, binds cadherin cytoplasmic domains to enhance cadherin metabolic stability, or when dissociated, modulates Rho-family GTPases. We previously found that xARVCF binds directly to Xenopus KazrinA (xKazrinA), a widely expressed, conserved protein that bears little homology to established protein families. xKazrinA is also known to influence keratinocyte proliferation-differentiation and cytoskeletal activity. In my study, I first evaluated the expression pattern of endogenous Kazrin RNA and protein in Xenopus embryogenesis as well as in adult tissues. We then collaboratively predicted the helical structure of Kazrin’s coiled-coil domain, and I obtained evidence of Kazrin’s dimerization/oligomerization. In considering the intracellular localization of the xARVCF-catenin:xKazrin complex, I did not resolve xKazrinA in a larger ternary complex with cadherin, nor did I detect its co-precipitation with core desmosomal components. Instead, screening revealed that xKazrinA binds spectrin. This suggested a potential means by which xKazrinA localizes to cell-cell junctions, and indeed, biochemical assays confirmed a ternary xARVCF:xKazrinA:xβ2-spectrin complex. Functionally, I demonstrated that xKazrin stabilizes cadherins by negatively modulating the RhoA small-GTPase. I further revealed that xKazrinA binds to p190B RhoGAP (an inhibitor of RhoA), and enhances p190B’s association with xARVCF. Supporting their functional interaction in vivo, Xenopus embryos depleted of xKazrin exhibited ectodermal shedding, a phenotype that could be rescued with exogenous xARVCF. Cell shedding appeared to be caused by RhoA activation, which consequently altered actin organization and cadherin function. Indeed, I was capable of rescuing Kazrin depletion with ectopic expression of p190B RhoGAP. In addition, I obtained evidence that xARVCF and xKazrin participate in craniofacial development, with effects observed upon the neural crest. Finally, I found that xKazrinA associates further with delta-catenin and p0071-catenin, but not with p120-catenin, suggesting that Kazrin interacts selectively with additional members of the p120-catenin sub-family. Taken together, my study supports Kazrin’s essential role in development, and reveals KazrinA’s biochemical and functional association with ARVCF-catenin, spectrin and p190B RhoGAP.


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Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) is a member of the Aquareovirus genus of the family Reoviridae, a large family of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) viruses infecting plants, insects, fishes and mammals. We report the first subnanometer-resolution three-dimensional structures of both GCRV core and virion by cryoelectron microscopy. These structures have allowed the delineation of interactions among the over 1000 molecules in this enormous macromolecular machine and a detailed comparison with other dsRNA viruses at the secondary-structure level. The GCRV core structure shows that the inner proteins have strong structural similarities with those of orthoreoviruses even at the level of secondary-structure elements, indicating that the structures involved in viral dsRNA interaction and transcription are highly conserved. In contrast, the level of similarity in structures decreases in the proteins situated in the outer layers of the virion. The proteins involved in host recognition and attachment exhibit the least similarities to other members of Reoviridae. Furthermore, in GCRV, the RNA-translocating turrets are in an open state and lack a counterpart for the sigma1 protein situated on top of the close turrets observed in mammalian orthoreovirus. Interestingly, the distribution and the organization of GCRV core proteins resemble those of the cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus, a cypovirus and the structurally simplest member of the Reoviridae family. Our results suggest that GCRV occupies a unique structure niche between the simpler cypoviruses and the considerably more complex mammalian orthoreovirus, thus providing an important model for understanding the structural and functional conservation and diversity of this enormous family of dsRNA viruses.


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Despite of much success of breast cancer treatment, basal-like breast cancer subtype still presented as a clinical challenge to mammary oncologist for its lack of available targeted therapy owing to their negative expression of targeted molecules, such as PgR, ERα and Her2. These molecules are all critical regulators in mammary gland development. EZH2, a histone methyltransferase, by forming Polycomb Repressive Complex 2(PRC2) can directly suppress a large array of developmental regulators. Overexpression of cyclin E has also been correlated with basal-like (triple-negative) breast cancer and poor prognosis. We found an important functional link between these two molecules. Cyclin E/Cdk2 can enhance PRC2 function by phosphorylating a specific residue of EZH2, threonine 416 and increasing EZH2's ability to complex with SUZ12. This regulation would further recruit whole PRC2 complex to core promoter regions of these developmental regulators. The local enrichment of PRC2 complex would then trimethylate H3K27 around the core promoter regions and suppress the expression of targeted genes, which included PgR, ERα, erbB2 and BRCA1. This widespread gene suppressive effect imposed by highly active PRC2 complex would then transform the lumina) type cell to adopt a basal-like phenotype. This finding suggested deregulated Cdk2 activity owing to cyclin E overexpression may contribute to basal phenotype through enhancing epigenetic silencing effects by regulating PRC2 function. Inhibition of Cdk2 activity in basal-like cancer cells may help release the suppression, reexpress the silenced genes and become responsive to existing anti-hormone or anti-Her2 therapy. From this study, the mechanisms described here provided a rationale to target basal-like breast cancer by new combinational therapy of Cdk2 inhibitors together with Lapatinib, or Aromatin. ^


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Uridine-rich small nuclear RNAs (U snRNAs) play essential roles in eukaryotic gene expression by facilitating the removal of introns from mRNA precursors and the processing of the replication-dependent histone pre-mRNAs. Formation of the 3’ end of these snRNAs is carried out by a poorly characterized, twelve-membered protein complex named Integrator Complex. In the effort to understand Integrator Complex function in the formation of the snRNA 3’ end, we performed a functional RNAi screen in Drosophila S2 cells to identify protein factors required for snRNA 3’ end formation. This screen was conducted by using a fluorescence-based reporter that elicits GFP expression in response to a deficiency in snRNA processing. Besides scoring the known Integrator subunits, we identified Asunder and CG4785 as additional core members of the Integrator Complex. Additionally, we also found a conserved requirement for Cyclin C and Cdk8 in both fly and human snRNA 3’ end processing. We have further demonstrated that the kinase activity of Cdk8 is critical for snRNA 3’ end processing and is likely to function independent of its well-documented function within the Mediator Cdk8 module. Taken together, this work functionally defines the Drosophila Integrator Complex and demonstrates a novel function for Cyclin C/Cdk8 in snRNA 3’ end formation. This thesis work has also characterized an important functional interaction mediated by a microdomain within Integrator subunit 12 (IntS12) and IntS1 that is required for the activity of the Integrator Complex in processing the snRNA 3’ end. Through the development of a reporter-based functional RNAi-rescue assay in Drosophila S2 cells, we analyzed domains within IntS12 required for snRNA 3’ end formation. This analysis unexpectedly revealed that an N-terminal 30 amino acid region and not the highly conserved central PHD finger domain, is required for snRNA 3’ end cleavage. The IntS12 microdomain (1-45) functions autonomously, and is sufficient to interact and stabilize the putative scaffold protein IntS1. Our findings provide more details of the Integrator Complex for understanding the molecular mechanism of snRNA 3’ end processing. Moreover, these results lay the foundation for future studies of the complex through the identification of a novel functional domain within one subunit and the identification of additional subunits.