11 resultados para calcium signaling

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Bone remodeling is controlled by the osteoclast, which resorbs bone, and the osteoblast, which synthesizes and secretes proteins that are eventually mineralized into bone. Ca$\sp{2+}$ homeostasis and signaling contribute to the function of nearly all cell types, and understanding both in the osteoblast is of importance given its secretory properties and interaction with osteoclasts. This study was undertaken to identify and investigate the physiology of the Ca$\sp{2+}$ signaling mechanisms present in osteoblasts. The Ca$\sp{2+}$ pumps, stores and channels present in osteoblasts were studied. RT-PCR cloning revealed that osteoblast-like cells express PMCA1b, an alternatively spliced transcript of the plasma membrane Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase. The PMCA1b isoform contains a consensus phosphorylation site for cAMP-dependent protein kinase A and a modified calmodulin binding domain. The regulation of osteoblast function by agents that act via cAMP-mediated pathways may involve alterations in the activity of the plasma membrane Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase.^ Calcium release from intracellular stores is a signaling mechanism used universally by cells responding to hormones and growth factors, and the compartmentalization and regulated release of calcium is cell-type specific. Fura-2 was employed to monitor intracellular Ca$\sp{2+}$. Thapsigargin and 2,5,-di-(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (tBuHQ), two inhibitors of endoplasmic reticulum Ca$\sp{2+}$-ATPase activity, both emptied a single intracellular calcium pool which was released in response to either ATP or thrombin, identifying it as the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive calcium store. The Ca$\sp{2+}$ storage system present in osteoblasts is typical of a non-excitable cell type, despite these cells sharing characteristics of excitable cells such as voltage-sensitive Ca$\sp{2+}$ channels (VSCCs).^ VSCCs are important cell surface regulators of membrane permeability to Ca$\sp{2+}$. In non-excitable cells VSCCs act as cellular transducers of stimulus-secretion coupling, activators of intracellular proteins, and in control of cell growth and differentiation. Functional VSCCs have been shown to exist in osteoblasts, however, no molecular cloning has been reported. To obtain information concerning the molecular identity of the osteoblastic VSCC, we used an RT-PCR regional amplification approach. Sequencing of the products indicated that osteoblasts express at least two isoforms of the L-type VSCC, $\alpha 1\sb{\rm C-a}$ and the $\alpha 1\sb{\rm C-d}$, which share regions of identity to the $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ isoform first identified in cardiac myocytes. The ability of $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ and structural analogs to modulate expression of Ca$\sp{2+}$ channel mRNA was then investigated. Cells were cultured for 48 hr in the presence of $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ or vitamin D analogs, and the levels of mRNA encoding VSCC $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ were quantitated using a competitive RT-PCR assay. It was found that $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$ and analog BT reduced steady state levels of $\alpha \sb{\rm 1C}$ mRNA. Conversely, analog AT did not alter steady state levels of Ca$\sp{2+}$ channel mRNA. Since it has been shown previously that analog BT, but not AT, binds and activates the nuclear vitamin D receptor, these findings suggest that the down regulation of channel mRNA involves the nuclear receptor for $1,25(\rm OH)\sb2D\sb3$. ^


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Atherosclerosis is a complex disease resulting from interactions of genetic and environmental risk factors leading to heart failure and stroke. Using an atherosclerotic mouse model (ldlr-/-, apobec1-/- designated as LDb), we performed microarray analysis to identify candidate genes and pathways, which are most perturbed in changes in the following risk factors: genetics (control C57BL/6 vs. LDb mice), shearstress (lesion-prone vs. lesion-resistant regions in LDb mice), diet (chow vs. high fat fed LDb mice) and age (2-month-old vs. 8-month old LDb mice). ^ Atherosclerotic lesion quantification and lipid profile studies were performed to assess the disease phenotype. A microarray study was performed on lesion-prone and lesion-resistant regions of each aorta. Briefly, 32 male C57BL/6 and LDb mice (n =16/each) were fed on either chow or high fat diet, sacrificed at 2- and 8-months old, and RNA isolated from the aortic lesion-prone and aortic lesion-resistant segments. Using 64 Affymetrix Murine 430 2.0 chips, we profiled differentially expressed genes with the cut off value of FDR ≤ 0.15 for t-test, and q <0.0001 for the ANOVA. The data were normalized using two normalization methods---invariant probe sets (Loess) and Quantile normalization, the statistical analysis was performed using t-tests and ANOVA, and pathway characterization was done using Pathway Express (Wayne State). The result identified the calcium signaling pathway as the most significant overrepresented pathway, followed by focal adhesion. In the calcium signaling pathway, 56 genes were found to be significantly differentially expressed out of 180 genes listed in the KEGG calcium signaling pathway. Nineteen of these genes were consistently identified by both statistical tests, 11 of which were unique to the test, and 26 were unique to the ANOVA test, using the cutoffs noted above. ^ In conclusion, this finding suggested that hypercholesterolemia drives the disease progression by altering the expression of calcium channels and regulators which subsequently results in cell differentiation, growth, adhesion, cytoskeletal change and death. Clinically, this pathway may serve as an important target for future therapeutic intervention, and thus the calcium signaling pathway may serve as an important target for future diagnostic and therapeutic intervention. ^


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often results in disruption of the blood brain barrier (BBB), which is an integral component to maintaining the central nervous system homeostasis. Recently cytosolic calcium levels ([Ca2+]i), observed to elevate following TBI, have been shown to influence endothelial barrier integrity. However, the mechanism by which TBI-induced calcium signaling alters the endothelial barrier remains unknown. In the present study, an in vitro BBB model was utilized to address this issue. Exposure of cells to biaxial mechanical stretch, in the range expected for TBI, resulted in a rapid cytosolic calcium increase. Modulation of intracellular and extracellular Ca2+ reservoirs indicated that Ca2+ influx is the major contributor for the [Ca2+]i elevation. Application of pharmacological inhibitors was used to identify the calcium-permeable channels involved in the stretch-induced Ca2+ influx. Antagonist of transient receptor potential (TRP) channel subfamilies, TRPC and TRPP, demonstrated a reduction of the stretch-induced Ca2+ influx. RNA silencing directed at individual TRP channel subtypes revealed that TRPC1 and TRPP2 largely mediate the stretch-induced Ca2+ response. In addition, we found that nitric oxide (NO) levels increased as a result of mechanical stretch, and that inhibition of TRPC1 and TRPP2 abolished the elevated NO synthesis. Further, as myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation and actin cytoskeleton rearrangement are correlated with endothelial barrier disruption, we investigated the effect mechanical stretch had on the myosin-actin cytoskeleton. We found that phosphorylated MLC was increased significantly by 10 minutes post-stretch, and that inhibition of TRP channel activity or NO synthesis both abolished this effect. In addition, actin stress fibers formation significantly increased 2 minutes post-stretch, and was abolished by treatment with TRP channel inhibitors. These results suggest that, in brain endothelial cells, TRPC1 and TRPP2 are activated by TBI-mechanical stress and initiate actin-myosin contraction, which may lead to disruption of the BBB.


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Neurogranin (Ng) is a postsynaptic IQ-motif containing protein that accelerates Ca(2+) dissociation from calmodulin (CaM), a key regulator of long-term potentiation and long-term depression in CA1 pyramidal neurons. The exact physiological role of Ng, however, remains controversial. Two genetic knockout studies of Ng showed opposite outcomes in terms of the induction of synaptic plasticity. To understand its function, we test the hypothesis that Ng could regulate the spatial range of action of Ca(2+)/CaM based on its ability to accelerate the dissociation of Ca(2+) from CaM. Using a mathematical model constructed on the known biochemistry of Ng, we calculate the cycle time that CaM molecules alternate between the fully Ca(2+) saturated state and the Ca(2+) unbound state. We then use these results and include diffusion of CaM to illustrate the impact that Ng has on modulating the spatial profile of Ca(2+)-saturated CaM within a model spine compartment. Finally, the first-passage time of CaM to transition from the Ca(2+)-free state to the Ca(2+)-saturated state was calculated with or without Ng present. These analyses suggest that Ng regulates the encounter rate between Ca(2+) saturated CaM and its downstream targets during postsynaptic Ca(2+) transients.


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Role of Neurogranin in the regulation of calcium binding to Calmodulin Anuja Chandrasekar, B.S Advisor: M. Neal Waxham, Ph.D The overall goal of my project was to gain a quantitative understanding of how the interaction between two proteins neurogranin (RC3) and calmodulin (CaM) alters a fundamental property of CaM. CaM, has been extensively studied for more than four decades due to its seminal role in almost all biological functions as a calcium signal transducer. Calcium signals in cardiac and neuronal cells are exquisitely precise and enable activation of some processes while down-regulating others. CaM, with its four calcium binding sites, serves as a central component of calcium signaling in these cells. It is aided in this role as a regulatory hub that differentially activates targets in response to a calcium flux by proteins that alter its calcium binding properties. Neurogranin, also known as RC3, is a member of a family of small neuronal IQ (SNIQ) domain proteins that was originally thought to play a ‘capacitive’ role by sequestering CaM until a calcium influx of sufficient intensity arrived. However, based on earlier work in our lab on neurogranin, we believe that this protein plays a more nuanced role in neurons than simply acting as a CaM buffer. We believe that neurogranin is one of the proteins which, by altering the kinetics of calcium binding allow CaM to decode a variety of signals with fine precision. To quantify the interaction between CaM, neurogranin and calcium, I used biophysical techniques and computational simulations. From my results, I conclude that neurogranin finely regulates the proportion of calcium-saturated CaM and thereby directs CaM’s target specificity.


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Activity-dependent alterations of synaptic transmission important for learning and memory are often induced by Ca(2+) signals generated by depolarization. While it is widely assumed that Ca(2+) is the essential transducer of depolarization into cellular plasticity, little effort has been made to test whether Ca(2+)-independent responses to depolarization might also induce memory-like alterations. It was recently discovered that peripheral axons of nociceptive sensory neurons in Aplysia display long-lasting hyperexcitability triggered by conditioning depolarization in the absence of Ca(2+) entry (using nominally Ca(2+)-free solutions containing EGTA, "0Ca/EGTA") or the absence of detectable Ca(2+) transients (adding BAPTA-AM, "0Ca/EGTA/BAPTA-AM"). The current study reports that depolarization of central ganglia to approximately 0 mV for 2 min in these same solutions induced hyperexcitability lasting >1 h in sensory neuron processes near their synapses onto motor neurons. Furthermore, conditioning depolarization in these solutions produced a 2.5-fold increase in excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) amplitude 1-3 h afterward despite a drop in motor neuron input resistance. Depolarization in 0 Ca/EGTA produced long-term potentiation (LTP) of the EPSP lasting > or = 1 days without changing postsynaptic input resistance. When re-exposed to extracellular Ca(2+) during synaptic tests, prior exposure to 0Ca/EGTA or to 0Ca/EGTA/BAPTA-AM decreased sensory neuron survival. However, differential effects on neuronal health are unlikely to explain the observed potentiation because conditioning depolarization in these solutions did not alter survival rates. These findings suggest that unrecognized Ca(2+)-independent signals can transduce depolarization into long-lasting synaptic potentiation, perhaps contributing to persistent synaptic alterations following large, sustained depolarizations that occur during learning, neural injury, or seizures.


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To better understand synaptic signaling at the mammalian rod bipolar cell terminal and pave the way for applying genetic approaches to the study of visual information processing in the mammalian retina, synaptic vesicle dynamics and intraterminal calcium were monitored in terminals of acutely isolated mouse rod bipolar cells and the number of ribbon-style active zones quantified. We identified a releasable pool, corresponding to a maximum of 7 s. The presence of a smaller, rapidly releasing pool and a small, fast component of refilling was also suggested. Following calcium channel closure, membrane surface area was restored to baseline with a time constant that ranged from 2 to 21 s depending on the magnitude of the preceding Ca2+ transient. In addition, a brief, calcium-dependent delay often preceded the start of onset of membrane recovery. Thus, several aspects of synaptic vesicle dynamics appear to be conserved between rod-dominant bipolar cells of fish and mammalian rod bipolar cells. A major difference is that the number of vesicles available for release is significantly smaller in the mouse rod bipolar cell, both as a function of the total number per neuron and on a per active zone basis.


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Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a dominant tumor suppressor disorder caused by mutations in either TSC1 or TSC2. The proteins of these genes form a complex to inhibit the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), which controls protein translation and cell growth. TSC causes substantial neuropathology, often leading to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in up to 60% of patients. The anatomic and neurophysiologic links between these two disorders are not well understood. However, both disorders share cerebellar abnormalities. Therefore, we have characterized a novel mouse model in which the Tsc2 gene was selectively deleted from cerebellar Purkinje cells (Tsc2f/-;Cre). These mice exhibit progressive Purkinje cell degeneration. Since loss of Purkinje cells is a well-reported postmortem finding in patients with ASD, we conducted a series of behavior tests to assess if Tsc2f/-;Cre mice displayed autistic-like deficits. Using the three chambered social choice assay, we found that Tsc2f/-;Cre mice showed behavioral deficits, exhibiting no preference between a stranger mouse and an inanimate object, or between a novel and a familiar mouse. Tsc2f/-;Cre mice also demonstrated increased repetitive behavior as assessed with marble burying activity. Altogether, these results demonstrate that loss of Tsc2 in Purkinje cells in a haploinsufficient background lead to behavioral deficits that are characteristic of human autism. Therefore, Purkinje cells loss and/or dysfunction may be an important link between TSC and ASD. Additionally, we have examined some of the cellular mechanisms resulting from mutations in Tsc2 leading to Purkinje cell death. Loss of Tsc2 led to upregulation of mTORC1 and increased cell size. As a consequence of increased protein synthesis, several cellular stress pathways were upregulated. Principally, these included altered calcium signaling, oxidative stress, and ER stress. Likely as a consequence of ER stress, there was also upregulation of ubiquitin and autophagy. Excitingly, treatment with an mTORC1 inhibitor, rapamycin attenuated mTORC1 activity and prevented Purkinje cell death by reducing of calcium signaling, the ER stress response, and ubiquitin. Remarkably, rapamycin treatment also reversed the social behavior deficits, thus providing a promising potential therapy for TSC-associated ASD.


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Pancreatic cancer is the 4th most common cause for cancer death in the United States, accompanied by less than 5% five-year survival rate based on current treatments, particularly because it is usually detected at a late stage. Identifying a high-risk population to launch an effective preventive strategy and intervention to control this highly lethal disease is desperately needed. The genetic etiology of pancreatic cancer has not been well profiled. We hypothesized that unidentified genetic variants by previous genome-wide association study (GWAS) for pancreatic cancer, due to stringent statistical threshold or missing interaction analysis, may be unveiled using alternative approaches. To achieve this aim, we explored genetic susceptibility to pancreatic cancer in terms of marginal associations of pathway and genes, as well as their interactions with risk factors. We conducted pathway- and gene-based analysis using GWAS data from 3141 pancreatic cancer patients and 3367 controls with European ancestry. Using the gene set ridge regression in association studies (GRASS) method, we analyzed 197 pathways from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database. Using the logistic kernel machine (LKM) test, we analyzed 17906 genes defined by University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) database. Using the likelihood ratio test (LRT) in a logistic regression model, we analyzed 177 pathways and 17906 genes for interactions with risk factors in 2028 pancreatic cancer patients and 2109 controls with European ancestry. After adjusting for multiple comparisons, six pathways were marginally associated with risk of pancreatic cancer ( P < 0.00025): Fc epsilon RI signaling, maturity onset diabetes of the young, neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, long-term depression (Ps < 0.0002), and the olfactory transduction and vascular smooth muscle contraction pathways (P = 0.0002; Nine genes were marginally associated with pancreatic cancer risk (P < 2.62 × 10−5), including five reported genes (ABO, HNF1A, CLPTM1L, SHH and MYC), as well as four novel genes (OR13C4, OR 13C3, KCNA6 and HNF4 G); three pathways significantly interacted with risk factors on modifying the risk of pancreatic cancer (P < 2.82 × 10−4): chemokine signaling pathway with obesity ( P < 1.43 × 10−4), calcium signaling pathway (P < 2.27 × 10−4) and MAPK signaling pathway with diabetes (P < 2.77 × 10−4). However, none of the 17906 genes tested for interactions survived the multiple comparisons corrections. In summary, our current GWAS study unveiled unidentified genetic susceptibility to pancreatic cancer using alternative methods. These novel findings provide new perspectives on genetic susceptibility to and molecular mechanisms of pancreatic cancer, once confirmed, will shed promising light on the prevention and treatment of this disease. ^


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1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D 3] exerts pleiotropic effects on osteoblasts via both long-term nuclear receptor-mediated and rapid membrane-initiated pathways during bone remodeling and mineral homeostasis. This study explored the membrane transducers that mediate rapid effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on osteoblasts, including sphingomyelinase (SMase) and L-type voltage sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs). ^ It was previously demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulates transmembrane influx of Ca2+ through VSCCs in ROS 17/2.8 osteoblasts, however the molecular identity of 1,25(OH)2D 3-regulated VSCC has not been known. In this study, on the basis of in vitro tests of three unique ribozymes specifically cleaving a1C mRNA, I transfected ROS 17/2.8 cells with vectors coding recombinant ribozyme modified with U1 snRNA structure, and successfully selected stable clonal cells in which the expression of a1C was strikingly reduced. Ca2+ influx studies in these cells compared to control transfectants showed selective attenuation of depolarization- and 1,25(OH)2D3-regulated Ca2+ responses. These results allow us to conclude that the cardiac ( a1C ) subtype of the L-type VSCC is the major membrane transducer of Ca 2+ influx in osteoblasts. ^ I also demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3 induces a rapid hydrolysis of membrane sphingomyelin (SM) in ROS 17/2.8 cells, with the concomitant generation of ceramide, detectable at 15 minute, and maximal at 1 hour after addition. Sphingosine, sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP) and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC), downstream products of SM hydrolysis, but not ceramide, elicit Ca 2+ release from intracellular stores. Considering ceramide, sphingosine, and SPP as second messengers modulating intracellular kinases or phosphatases, these findings implicate sphingolipid-signaling pathways in transducing rapid effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on osteoblasts. In structure/function analyses of sphingolipid signaling, it was observed that psychosine elicits Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. This challenges the dogma that sphingosine phosphorylation permits mobilization of Ca2+ , because psychosine is a sphingosine analog galactosylated at 1-carbon, preventing phosphorylation at that site. Psychosine is the pathological metabolite found in patients with Krabbe's disease, suggesting that psychosine disrupts the physiological sphingolipid signaling by chronic release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. ^ Slower SM turnover than Ca2+ influx through VSCCs in response to 1,25(OH)2D3 demonstrates ceramide does not mediate the 1,25(OH)2D3-induced Ca2+ signaling, a conclusion endorsed further by the failure of ceramide to induce Ca 2+ signaling. ^


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The multifunctional Ca$\sp{2+}$/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase) is a Ser/Thr directed protein kinase that participates in diverse Ca$\sp{2+}$ signaling pathways in neurons. The function of CaM kinase depends upon the ability of subunits to form oligomers and to interact with other proteins. Oligomerization is required for autophosphorylation which produces significant functional changes that include Ca$\sp{2+}$/calmodulin-independent activity and calmodulin trapping. Associations with other proteins localize CaM kinase to specific substrates and effectors which serves to optimize the efficiency and speed of signal transduction. In this thesis, we investigate the interactions that underlie the appropriate positioning of CaM kinase activity in cells. We demonstrate that the subcellular distribution of CaM kinase is dynamic in hippocampal slices exposed to anoxic/aglycemic insults and to high K$\sp{+}$-induced depolarization. We determine the localization of CaM kinase domains expressed in neurons and PC-12 cells and find that the C-terminal domain of the $\alpha$ subunit is necessary for localization to dendrites. Moreover, monomeric forms of the enzyme gain access to the nucleus. Attempts made to identify novel CaM kinase binding proteins using the yeast two-hybrid system resulted in the isolation of hundreds of positive clones. Those that have been sequenced are identical to CaM kinase isoforms. Finally, we report the discovery of specific regions within the C-terminal domain that are necessary and sufficient for subunit-subunit interactions. Differences between the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isoforms were discovered that indicate unique structural requirements for oligomerization. A model for how CaM kinase subunits interact to form holoenzymes and how structural heterogeneity might influence CaM kinase function is presented. ^