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em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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This article describes promising findings from the Los Angeles County Prevention Initiative Demonstration Project, a systems change approach to developing relationships between public child welfare, allied public agencies, and community-based networks that offer family-centered services, economic assistance and capacity building to support all kinds of families. It describes the conceptual underpinnings and unique structure of the initiative, the evaluation methods used to assess results, and a pattern of promising results.


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of personal transformation for twenty women in long term, stable recovery from alcohol abuse; to identify themes or patterns of this recovery, and; to determine the extent to which they experienced the phenomenon of perspective transformation. ^ Method. Volunteers were recruited by advertisement, word of mouth, and through a closed circuit web based broadcast. A descriptive, exploratory study, which analyzed perspective transformation from the standpoint of five action phases, was conducted. Data was collected using in-depth personal interviews and questionnaires. Subjects' responses were analyzed by qualitative methods. Triangulation was performed on the grouped data comparing the interviews to the data produced by the questionnaires. Quantitative analysis of questionnaire items explored behavioral changes experienced before and after alcoholism recovery. ^ Results. Five phases of recovery were identified. Phase I which involved recognition that alcohol was a problem and change might be possible took several years during which 3 major transitions occurred: (1) from often being alienated to having relationships with family and friends; (2) from daily upheavals to eventually a more peaceful existence, and; (3) from denial that alcohol was a problem to acceptance and willingness to change. Recovery was often seen in a spiritual context, which also required ongoing support. During Phase II there was an assessment of self, others, and the environment which revealed a pattern of intense unhappiness and negative feelings toward self and others with a disregard for cultural norms. Phase III revealed a period of desperation as life became unmanageable, but gradual willingness to accept support and guidance and a desire to improve self and help others. This led to improvement of existing role performance and the willingness to try out new roles. In Phase IV there was a pattern of personal growth which included: the establishment of boundaries, setting priorities, a willingness to place others' needs above their own, acceptance of responsibility, and learning to cope without alcohol, often with the use of tools learned in AA. During Phase V, many experienced knowledge of frailties but growing respect for self and others, with an improved ability to function in giving relationships. Implications for Prevention and Recovery: Early education concerning addiction and recovery may play a crucial role in prevention and early recovery, as it did for children of women in this study. Recovery requires persistent effort and organized support. ^


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Objective. This study examines post-crisis family stress, coping, communication, and adaptation using the Double ABC-X Model of Family Adaptation in families with a pregnant or postpartum adolescent living at home. ^ Methods. Ninety-eight pregnant and parenting adolescents between ages 14 and 18 years (Group 1 at 20 or more weeks gestation; Group 2 at delivery and 8 weeks postpartum) and their parent(s) completed instruments congruent with the model to measure family stress, coping, communication, and adaptation. Descriptive family data was obtained. Mother-daughter data was analyzed for differences between subjects and within subjects using paired t-tests. Correlational analysis was used to examine relationships among variables. ^ Results. More than 90% of families were Hispanic. There were no significant differences between mother and daughter mean scores for family stress or communication. Adolescent coping was not significantly correlated to family coping at any interval. Adolescent family adaptation scores were significantly lower than mothers' scores at delivery and 8 weeks postpartum. Mean individual ratings of family variables did not differ significantly between delivery and 8 weeks postpartum. Simultaneous multiple regression analysis showed that stress, coping, and communication significantly influenced adaptation for mothers and daughters at all three intervals. The relative contributions of the three independent variables exhibited different patterns for mothers and daughters. Parent-adolescent communication accounted for most of the variability in adaptation for daughters at all three intervals. Daughters' family stress ratings were significant for adaptability (p = .01) during the pregnancy and for cohesion (p = .03) at delivery. Adolescent coping (p = .03) was significant for cohesion at 8 weeks postpartum. Family stress was a significant influence at all three intervals for mothers' ratings of family adaptation. Parent-adolescent communication was significant for mother's perception of both family cohesion (p < .001) and adaptability (p < .001) at delivery and 8 weeks, but not during pregnancy. ^ Conclusions. Mothers' and daughters' ratings of family processes were similar regarding family stress and communication, but were significantly different for family adaptation. Adolescent coping may not reflect family coping. Family communication is a powerful component in family functioning and may be an important focus for interventions with adolescents and parents. ^


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Purpose. This cross-sectional, observational study explored differences among groups staged for intent to decrease dietary fat intake in women with type 2 diabetes in relation to demographic, weight concern, physiological, and psychosocial variables. ^ Methods. A sample of 100 community-dwelling, English-speaking women, who were over age 30 and had type 2 diabetes for at least a year, was accessed through a culturally diverse endocrinology clinic. Subjects completed 7 self-report instruments: demographic sheet, with 11-point weight satisfaction scale; staging algorithm; fat intake (MEDFICTS); depression (CES-D); diabetes-specific dietary knowledge (ADKnowl), social support and self-efficacy scales (SE-Type 2). Physiological variables were abstracted from the medical record (HbA 1c, blood pressure, serum cholesterol and triglycerides). ^ Results. The women's average age was 57.69 years ( SD = 3.07); 50% were married. Subjects were well-educated ( M = 14 years; SD = 3.33), with average diabetes duration of 10.57 years (SD = 9.11), high body mass index (M = 35.72; SD = 8.36), low diabetes-specific dietary knowledge, low weight satisfaction, but in good diabetes control. Racial/ethnic composition was 44% non-Hispanic-White-American, 18% Hispanic-White-American, 15% non-Hispanic-African-American, 16% Hispanic-African-American and 5% other. Fat intake was low and differed by racial/ethnic demographics. The highest fat intake scores were for non-Hispanic-African-Americans (M = 53), followed by Hispanic-White-Americans (M = 51), non-Hispanic-White-Americans (M = 45), and Hispanic-African-Americans (M = 32), who had the lowest fat intake scores. ^ MANOVA analyses revealed no significant differences between stages of behavior change in relation to psychosocial or weight concern variables, age, education, HbA1c, or cholesterol levels. Single women were more likely to be in the three preaction stages (precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation); married women were equally distributed across stages (the preaction stages plus action and maintenance). African-American women (Hispanic and non-Hispanic) were more likely in contemplation and preparation. Triglycerides were higher in women in the action stage than contemplation or preparation. Systolic blood pressure was higher in action than preparation; diastolic blood pressure was higher in action than preaction. ^ Conclusions. Healthcare professionals should consider race, ethnicity, and marital status in client interactions. Dietary intake can vary according to both race and ethnicity; collapsing racial/ethnic groups can alter means and distributions, generating faulty conclusions. Further research is warranted to explore relationships between dietary self-care and marital status, race, ethnicity, and physiological variables. ^


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Although the pregnancy rate of teenage girls in the United States has decreased in recent years, African American female adolescents still have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates among girls in the United States. Previous studies report inconsistent relationships between adolescent pregnancy and self-esteem and parental communication, caring, and closeness. The purpose of this study was to assess relationships between pregnancy among African American female adolescents (7th to 12th grades) and self-esteem, communication levels and type of relationships with their parents. This study used data collected from The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health). Logistic regression analysis was used to determine if the independent variables of self-esteem, levels of parental caring and closeness and levels of communication with parents predicted the dependent variable of pregnancy. After controlling for age and levels of parental education, self-esteem was the only statistically significant variable that was associated with pregnancy. The findings of this study indicate that levels of self-esteem should be further investigated and that self-esteem may be an important factor when designing interventions to prevent adolescent pregnancy, particularly for African American females. ^


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Several studies have examined the association between high glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) diets and the risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). However, most of these studies were conducted primarily on white populations. The primary aim of this study was to examine whether high GI and GL diets are associated with increased risk for developing CHD in whites and African Americans, non-diabetics and diabetics, and within stratifications of body mass index (BMI) and hypertension (HTN). Baseline and 17-year follow-up data from ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities) study was used. The study population (13,051) consisted of 74% whites, 26% African Americans, 89% non-diabetics, 11% diabetics, 43% male, 57% female aged 44 to 66 years at baseline. Data from the ARIC food frequency questionnaire at baseline were analyzed to provide GI and GL indices for each subject. Increases of 25 and 30 units for GI and GL respectively were used to describe relationships on incident CHD risk. Adjusted hazard ratios for propensity score with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to assess associations. During 17 years of follow-up (1987 to 2004), 1,683 cases of CHD was recorded. Glycemic index was associated with 2.12 fold (95% CI: 1.05, 4.30) increased incident CHD risk for all African Americans and GL was associated with 1.14 fold (95% CI: 1.04, 1.25) increased CHD risk for all whites. In addition, GL was also an important CHD risk factor for white non-diabetics (HR=1.59; 95% CI: 1.33, 1.90). Furthermore, within stratum of BMI 23.0 to 29.9 in non-diabetics, GI was associated with an increased hazard ratio of 11.99 (95% CI: 2.31, 62.18) for CHD in African Americans, and GL was associated with 1.23 fold (1.08, 1.39) increased CHD risk in whites. Body mass index modified the effect of GI and GL on CHD risk in all whites and white non-diabetics. For HTN, both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure modified the effect on GI and GL on CHD risk in all whites and African Americans, white and African American non-diabetics, and white diabetics. Further studies should examine other factors that could influence the effects of GI and GL on CHD risk, including dietary factors, physical activity, and diet-gene interactions. ^


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High prevalence of overweight and obesity among preschool children in the low income population is consistently documented in research with one of every seven low-income, preschool-aged children classified as obese. Parental feeding practices have the potential to be contributing factors to the obesity epidemic. However, the impact of parental feeding practices on obesity in preschool age children has not been well explored. The purpose of this study was to determine relationships between the parental feeding practices of using dessert, sweets or candy as a reward for finishing foods, restricting dessert if the child does not finish their plate at dinner, asking the child to consume everything on their plate at dinner, and having family dinners to obesity in low income, preschool age children.^ A cross-sectional secondary data analysis was completed using the STATA 11 statistical software. Descriptive statistics were completed to summarize demographic and BMI data of participants, as well as parental feeding behavior variables. Pearson’s correlation was implemented to determine a correlation between parental feeding behavior variables and BMI z scores. Predictive relationships between the variables were explored through multivariable linear regression analysis. Regression analyses were also completed factoring in the confounders of gender, age, and ethnicity.^ Results revealed (1) no significant correlations or predictive trends between the use of rewards, forced consumption, or family dinner and BMI in low income preschool age children, and (2) a significant negative correlation and predictive trend between restriction of desserts and BMI in low income preschool age children. Since the analysis supported the null hypothesis for the practices of reward use, forced consumption, and family dinner, these practices are not considered risk factors for obese level BMIs. The inverse association found for practice of restriction and BMI suggests it is unnecessary to discourage parents from using restriction. Limitations of the study included the sample size, reliability of the answers provided on the Healthy Home Survey by participant guardians, and generalizability of the sample to the larger population.^


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The State of Texas began mandatory screening for neonatal hypothyroidism in February 1980. The data from the first three years of the program's operation were compiled and incidence rates were calculated. Incidence rates include summary rates for the Texas population as well as specific rates by sex, race, geographic area, and month of the year.^ Differences in incidence rates were studied to determine whether these differences may be attributed to bias in data collection, or bias due to differences in blood thyroxine levels associated with sex, race, or geographic location.^ An attempt was made to definitively identify the type of neonatal hypothyroidism for each case from Harris County. Incidence rates were used to study relationships between specific diagnoses and race and sex. ^


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Problem: Medical and veterinary students memorize facts but then have difficulty applying those facts in clinical problem solving. Cognitive engineering research suggests that the inability of medical and veterinary students to infer concepts from facts may be due in part to specific features of how information is represented and organized in educational materials. First, physical separation of pieces of information may increase the cognitive load on the student. Second, information that is necessary but not explicitly stated may also contribute to the student’s cognitive load. Finally, the types of representations – textual or graphical – may also support or hinder the student’s learning process. This may explain why students have difficulty applying biomedical facts in clinical problem solving. Purpose: To test the hypothesis that three specific aspects of expository text – the patial distance between the facts needed to infer a rule, the explicitness of information, and the format of representation – affected the ability of students to solve clinical problems. Setting: The study was conducted in the parasitology laboratory of a college of veterinary medicine in Texas. Sample: The study subjects were a convenience sample consisting of 132 second-year veterinary students who matriculated in 2007. The age of this class upon admission ranged from 20-52, and the gender makeup of this class consisted of approximately 75% females and 25% males. Results: No statistically significant difference in student ability to solve clinical problems was found when relevant facts were placed in proximity, nor when an explicit rule was stated. Further, no statistically significant difference in student ability to solve clinical problems was found when students were given different representations of material, including tables and concept maps. Findings: The findings from this study indicate that the three properties investigated – proximity, explicitness, and representation – had no statistically significant effect on student learning as it relates to clinical problem-solving ability. However, ad hoc observations as well as findings from other researchers suggest that the subjects were probably using rote learning techniques such as memorization, and therefore were not attempting to infer relationships from the factual material in the interventions, unless they were specifically prompted to look for patterns. A serendipitous finding unrelated to the study hypothesis was that those subjects who correctly answered questions regarding functional (non-morphologic) properties, such as mode of transmission and intermediate host, at the family taxonomic level were significantly more likely to correctly answer clinical case scenarios than were subjects who did not correctly answer questions regarding functional properties. These findings suggest a strong relationship (p < .001) between well-organized knowledge of taxonomic functional properties and clinical problem solving ability. Recommendations: Further study should be undertaken investigating the relationship between knowledge of functional taxonomic properties and clinical problem solving ability. In addition, the effect of prompting students to look for patterns in instructional material, followed by the effect of factors that affect cognitive load such as proximity, explicitness, and representation, should be explored.


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The importance of treatment fidelity in evaluations of all human service programs, including intensive family preservation services (IFPS), is examined in this article. Special attention is focused on the issue of treatment fidelity in IFPS programs attempting to adhere to a specific program model (Homebuilders©), and on the problems that lack of treatment fidelity has caused for research that has been conducted on this and other program models. Attempts to address the issue of treatment fidelity in other program areas offer models for constructing treatment fidelity assessment tools for IFPS. The authors suggest a schema for assessing treatment fidelity in evaluations of IFPS programs that should help to explore relationships among different approaches to IFPS, the consistency with which they are being implemented, and the outcomes that result.


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The purpose of this study was to examine factors that may be associated with benzodiazepine (BZ) self-administration and risks of dependence in anxious patients. Preliminary work included examination of psychosocial characteristics and subjective drug response as potential predictors of medication use. Fifty-five M, F patients with generalized anxiety or panic disorder participated in a 3-week outpatient Choice Procedure in which they self-medicated “as needed” with alprazolam (Alz) and placebo. Findings showed that a large amount of variance in alprazolam preference, frequency, and quantity of use could be predicted by measures of anxiety, drug liking, and certain personality characteristics. The primary study extended this work by examining whether individual differences in Alz sensitivity also predict patterns of use. Twenty anxious patients participated in the study, which required 11 weekly clinic visits. Ten of these also participated in a baseline assessment of HPA-axis function that involved 24-hour monitoring of cortisol and ACTH levels and a CRH Stimulation Test. This assessment was conducted on the basis of prior evidence that steroid metabolites exert neuromodulatory effects on the GABA A receptor and that HPA-axis function may be related to BZ sensitivity and long-term disability in anxious patients. Patients were classified as either HIGH or LOW users based on their p.r.n. patterns of Alz use during the first 3 weeks of the study. They then participated in a 4-week dose response trial in which they received prescribed doses of medication (placebo, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0mg Alz), each taken TID for 1 week. The dose response trial was followed by a second 3-week Choice Procedure. Findings were not indicative of biological differences in Alz sensitivity between the HIGH and LOW users. However, the HIGH users had higher baseline anxiety and greater anxiolytic response to Alz than the LOW users. Anxiolytic benefits of p.r.n. and prescribed dosing were shown to be comparable, and patients' conservative patterns of p.r.n. medication use were not affected by the period of prescribed dosing. Although there was not strong evidence to suggest relationships between HPA-axis function and Alz use or sensitivity, interesting findings emerged about the relationship between HPA-axis function and anxiety. ^