5 resultados para Transversal competence

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Introduction Few physicians involved in medical education are likely to have had formal training in teaching. One pedagogical method that can enhance relationships, thus improve teaching and learning is the Critical Friends Group (CFG). The CFG is a collegial support team that offers improved understanding of others. Unconditional high regard for team members frames the interactions in the CFG. These teams could be used to reduce bias and enhance intercultural competence among student CFGs and faculty CFGs. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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This dissertation investigated perspectives on cultural competence among African-American women patients, staff, and the administrator of a dental clinic serving people living with HIV/AIDS; and evaluated the role of the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care (CLAS) in advancing the provision of culturally competent care in the clinic. ^ The study was qualitative with data collection via focus groups and individual interviews with a sample of African-American women patients, and individual interviews with a sample of staff and the clinic administrator. Transcripts were coded and themes identified using the software program ATLAS.ti. A cultural audit template was developed and applied to evaluate cultural competency. ^ Among attitudes and behaviors that contributed to the provision of culturally competent care at the clinic were respect and empathic communication. Formal cultural competency was not featured strongly in the methods by which the staff learned to work with diverse populations. Instead cultural competence among the staff was based on thoughtful hiring practices, natural aptitude and a climate that encouraged learning through informal sharing of experiences. The staff and administrator felt that an African-American dentist would be an asset in improving culturally competent care at the clinic. Previous research and national policy also promote the provider-patient racial/ethnic concordance to improve care. In this study, however, the patients were happy with the care provided regardless of the race/ethnicity of the staff, probably reflecting the well developed cultural competence skills of clinic staff overall. ^ The clinic administrator was unaware of the CLAS standards although the clinic was implicitly operated under their mandates. This occurred because the clinic is supported by federal funding and the CLAS standards were incorporated into the requirements. Incorporation into and monitoring of the CLAS standards in federally funded programs therefore appears to be an effective means for ensuring that they are implemented. ^ This study illustrates that cultural competence, though not universally understood, can be systematically investigated to identify what constitutes appropriate care and the factors that support or inhibit it. Among important elements of culturally competent care are respect and empathic communication. ^


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A national sample of family physicians was surveyed to (1) assess family physicians' beliefs about the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and individuals at risk for infection, their clinical competence regarding HIV-related issues, and their experiences with HIV disease; (2) present conclusions to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) to effect the development of an early clinical care protocol and a continuing medical education curriculum; and (3) collect base-line data for use in the evaluation of an early clinical care protocol and a continuing medical education curriculum, in the case that such programs are developed and disseminated. After considering retired or deceased respondents, of the 2,660 physicians surveyed, 1,678 (63.7%) responded. The resulting sample was representative of the active members of the AAFP. About 77% of the respondents were unable to accurately identify the universal precautions for blood and body fluids to prevent occupational transmission of HIV or hepatitis B virus (HBV). Residency trained and board certified physicians expressed fewer "external constraints," such as fear of losing patients, obviating them from providing treatment to individuals with HIV disease (p =.004 and p $<$.001, respectively). These physicians also manifested fewer "internal constraints" to the provision of HIV treatment, such as fear of becoming infected (p $<$.001 and p =.012, respectively). Residency trained physicians also expressed a greater comfort with discussing sexually-related topics with their patients than did non-residency trained physicians (p $<$.001). There were 67.1% of the physicians surveyed who reported never providing treatment to an individual with HIV disease. Residency trained and board certified physicians expressed a greater likelihood to provide treatment to HIV-infected patients (p $<$.001) than non-residency trained and non-board certified physicians.^ Among the various primary care specialties, family medicine is especially vulnerable to the current challenges of HIV/AIDS. These challenges are augmented by the epidemiologic pattern that characterizes AIDS. For the past several years, we have seen AIDS in this country assume a similar pattern to that seen in most other countries; HIV is becoming increasingly prevalent in the heterosexual population as well as in locations removed from metropolitan centers. This current phase of the epidemic generates greater pressures upon primary care physicians, particularly family physicians, to become better acquainted with the means to provide early care to HIV/AIDS patients and to prevent HIV/AIDS among their patients. Family medicine is especially appropriate for providing care to HIV patients because family medicine involves treatment to all age groups and conditions; other primary care specialties focus on limited patient populations or specific conditions. Family physicians should be armed with the expertise to confront HIV/AIDS. However, family physicians' clinical competence and experience with HIV is not known. The data collected in this survey describes their competencies, attitudes, and experiences. ^


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This investigation focused on how people cope with the demands of their environment in a competent manner. It sought to assess the effects of learning competent coping behaviors on self-reported well-being. The study chose a community-evolved, organized effort on the part of a group of neighborhoods to build competence in the Mexican-American community of East Los Angeles. This network was a citizen-action organization called the United Neighborhoods Organization. UNO was selected because it concentrated on developing community leaders by using spiritual beliefs and family values as shared community resources. Neighborhood leaders were encouraged to engage in risk-taking and confrontation maneuvers. They were also taught problem-solving skills and provided with social support.^ A survey instrument was developed to assess sociodemographic characteristics, acculturation history and status, willingness to engage in risk-taking and confrontation and self-perceived general well-being. The study relied on eight months of daily participant-observation of the organization, the East Los Angeles environment and the interaction between the two. At the end of the observation period, a sample of 150 UNO participants were given the survey questionnaire as was a matched group of 150 non-UNO participants who were ELA residents.^ The study sample was mostly women, in their middle age years who had lived in the area from 5 to more than 30 years. Significantly more single persons were found in the UNO group. The sample was almost equally divided into English and Spanish speaking respondents. Acculturatively almost all the sample fell in the Very Mexican and Mostly Mexican types. The survey found a trend of association between participating in UNO and reporting feeling well. A statistically significant association was found among UNO participants between taking risks and reporting feeling well, regardless of a tendency for all the sample to minimize risk. A trend was seen for married UNO participants to report feeling well. Slightly more UNO participants were willing to engage in confrontation and a substantial proportion of the participants who were confronters reported feeling well in comparison to their counterparts. Ethnic pride was positively associated with participation in UNO and showed a trend in the expected direction with reported self-perceived well-being. ^


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Today there are approximately 581,000 children in the United States foster care system. Children of color, one special population group, are disproportionately represented in the foster care system. Family preservation, a program that aims to improve family functioning and thus decrease the need for foster care, has been examined closely. Some researchers believe that family preservation programs have failed partly due to practitioners' inability to target appropriate families (Feldman, 1990; Schuerman, Rzepnicki & Littell, 1994). Additionally, research confirms that children of color are not the target of family preservation services (Denby, Curtis, & Alford, 1998). Improvements in the effectiveness of family preservation will require many types of reform both internal and external to the program. Among the types of internal reform needed is accurate "targeting of services. " Given the overrepresentation of children of color in the foster care system, this group must be among those who are targeted for services. The results of a national survey of 254 family preservation workers reveal a "profile" of the worker who is likely to target special populations, including children of color, for family preservation services. A case is made for service improvements and training to facilitate the "profiled" workers' competencies.