19 resultados para Teens

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Many students are sexually active, and hundreds of thousands experience pregnancy every year. Smith, Novello, and Chacko’s research found that students at a school where contraception is available on site were more likely to access contraception and less likely to experience pregnancy – illustrating the power of school based health centers (SBHCs) to help students take responsibility and protect their own futures. Yet the majority of SBHCs are prohibited from dispensing contraception. To remove barriers in access to contraception and help reduce teen pregnany, policymakers, school administrators, and health providers should ensure that SBHCs follow youth-friendly protocols and provide confidential access to contraception.


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Current teen pregnancy and repeat pregnancy rates reveal that there is a pressing need for comprehensive care for pregnant and parenting teens to address their unique needs. The Internet has become a source of various types of information and as a result, several efforts have begun to assess the quality of health information provided on websites. The objective of this study was to assess the functionality and quality of websites containing health information and resources for pregnant and parenting teens. The three most widely used search engines currently: Google, MSN, and Yahoo were searched using three general search terms “teen pregnancy”, “pregnant teen”, and “teen parent”. The first 5 pages of each search were reviewed and categorized to yield 12 websites which met inclusion criteria for content evaluation. The 12 websites were rated using a pre-existing instrument encompassing two domains: functionality and content analysis. Within the functionality domain, this sample highlighted the need to improve accessibility and credibility for the target population. The content analysis revealed that among the topics which are recommended for pregnant and parenting teens, the topics most commonly covered were mental health and primary and preventive health care. The majority of websites neglected sexual health topics including STI’s and family planning. This study provides the first glimpse into health information and resources for pregnant and parenting teens on the Internet. Researchers, health care providers, social workers, health educators, and website sponsors can use these results to maintain and recommend websites which offer easily accessible, accurate, and practical information for pregnant and parenting teens.^


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Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a motivational weight management DVD on knowledge of obesity related diseases, readiness, motivation, and self-efficacy to lose weight, connectedness to their care provider, and patients return to clinic. Design. A randomized control trial was conducted in which 40 overweight/obese adolescents and their parents/caregivers were randomly assigned to standard care alone or standard care plus DVD. Subjects completed a set of pre- and post-questionnaire measures. A group of 22 patients was also formed as a historical control group in order to account for the potential effect of extra attention given to subjects prospectively enrolled. Methods. The adolescents and their parent/caregiver were placed into a patient room. Consent was obtained and a set of written pre-questionnaires were given to both the parent and the adolescent. Standard care was provided to all patients by the Registered Dietitian and physician; the DVD was shown in addition to standard care among the intervention group. A set of post-questionnaires were given and compensation was provided. Analysis. Groups were compared to determine equivalence at baseline. Analysis of covariance was used to evaluate changes over time, while controlling for pre-test scores and race/ethnicity. Results. Parents who viewed the DVD experienced greater changes in correct knowledge as compared to parents who did not view the DVD. Conclusion. Our study found only one substantial benefit of the DVD beyond standard clinical practices. This is an important area for change as it increased awareness of obesity as a serious disease and has future clinical implications.^


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Introduction: According to the American Cancer Society, each day, more than 4,000 teens try cigarettes for the first time, and another 2,000 become daily smokers. One-half of these teens eventually will die from a smoking-related disease. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Texas is home to over one million Latino teens who are at risk for negative reproductive health outcomes, such as teen pregnancy and STIs. Teen pregnancy disproportionately impacts the health of Latino teens in Texas and places them at risk of continued high rates of poverty, school dropout, and unemployment unless Texas makes a concerted effort to reduce its teen pregnancy rate. The birth rate among Latina girls is astonishing: 98 per 1000 Latinas (aged 15-19) are giving birth. This translates to over 32,000 births each year among Latina teens, costing almost $98 million in direct medical expenditures and well over $638 million if other costs are included. Most teens become sexually experienced while they are of school age, which translates to an estimated 414,583 sexually experienced Latino students attending Texas public schools. Of these Latino youth, 237,466 report being currently sexually active, and 89,000 report having had four or more sexual partners in their lifetime. While causes of teen pregnancy are complex, the solutions to teen pregnancy are known. Texas needs an effective, comprehensive approach to address the sexual health needs of Texas Latino youth that includes: statewide implementation and monitoring of evidence-based sex education for middle school and high school students, access to reproductive health services for students who are already sexually experienced, and widespread training on adolescent sexual health for teachers, service providers, and parents. By tackling teen pregnancy, we can positively impact the future and well-being of not only Latinos, but of all Texans, and subsequently can contribute to the social and economic success of Texas.


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Introduction: US teens are having sex early; however, the vast majority of schools do not implement evidence-based sexual health education (SHE) programs that could delay sexual behavior and/or reduce risky behavior. This study examines middle school staff’s knowledge, attitudes, barriers, self-efficacy, and perceived support (psychosocial factors known to influence SHE program adoption and implementation). Methods: Professional school staff from 33 southeast Texas middle schools completed an internet or paper-based survey. Prevalence estimates for psychosocial variables were computed for the total sample. Chi-square and t-test analyses examined variation by demographic factors. Results: Almost 70% of participants were female, 37% white, 42% black, 16% Hispanic; 20% administrators, 15% nurses/counselors, 31% non-physical education/non-health teachers, 28% physical education/health teachers; mean age = 42.78 years (SD = 10.9). Over 90% favored middle school SHE, and over 75% reported awareness of available SHE curricula or policies. More than 60% expressed confidence for discussing SHE. Staff perceived varying levels of administrator (28%-56%) support for SHE and varying levels of support for comprehensive sex education from outside stakeholders (e.g., parents, community leaders) (42%-85%). Overall, results were more favorable for physical education/health teachers, nurses/counselors, and administrators (when compared to non-physical education/non-health teachers) and individuals with experience teaching SHE. Few significant differences were observed by other demographic factors. Conclusions: Overall, study results were extremely positive, which may reflect a high level of readiness among school staff for adopting and implementing effective middle school SHE programs. Study results highlight the importance of several key action items for schools.


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Texas has an appalling record on adolescent sexual health. The Markham, et al. analysis of three data sets comparing Texas with the United States suggests what can be done to remedy the state's negative trends: (1) acknowledge that teens are having sex; (2) provide earlier, medically-accurate sex education; and, (3) provide reproductive health services in school-based health centers.


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While both California and Texas have experienced declines in teen birth rates over the past three decades, declines in California have been larger, particularly among Hispanic teens. Differences in state policies may have shaped this disparity, as suggested by Tortolero and her colleagues in their article “A Tale of Two States: What We Learn from California and Texas”. Fundamental differences exist between Texas and California in their approaches to sex education, access to family planning services for teens, and public-private partnerships. However, methodological challenges are present when drawing state comparisons, including the limitations of available public health data and the difficulty of disaggregating state characteristics from state policies. Based on their comparison of state data and policies, Tortolero and her colleagues issue sensible recommendations for reducing the teen birth rate in Texas. History suggests that state policies are most effective when political commitment is linked to scientifically effective approaches. Based on our understanding of the scientific literature, the most effective strategies for reducing rates of teen childbearing in Texas would be providing comprehensive school sexuality education and improving teen access to contraceptive services.


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This is a commentary on “The impact of family stressors on the social development of adolescents admitted to a residential treatment facility,” by Cynthia Harr. This article examines the important but relatively understudied relationship of family dynamics in the social development of high risk teens in residential treatment facility (RTF) care. The commentary supports the author’s calls for a continuum of care involving greater cooperation with parents, and critiques and expands on some of the recommendations.


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Background: The US has higher rates of teen births and sexually transmitted infections (STI) than other developed countries. Texas youth are disproportionately impacted. Purpose: To review local, state, and national data on teens’ engagement in sexual risk behaviors to inform policy and practice related to teen sexual health. Methods: 2009 middle school and high school Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data, and data from All About Youth, a middle school study conducted in a large urban school district in Texas, were analyzed to assess the prevalence of sexual initiation, including the initiation of non-coital sex, and the prevalence of sexual risk behaviors among Texas and US youth. Results: A substantial proportion of middle and high school students are having sex. Sexual initiation begins as early as 6th grade and increases steadily through 12th grade with almost two-thirds of high school seniors being sexually experienced. Many teens are not protecting themselves from unintended pregnancy or STIs – nationally, 80% and 39% of high school students did not use birth control pills or a condom respectively the last time they had sex. Many middle and high school students are engaging in oral and anal sex, two behaviors which increase the risk of contracting an STI and HIV. In Texas, an estimated 689,512 out of 1,327,815 public high school students are sexually experienced – over half (52%) of the total high school population. Texas students surpass their US peers in several sexual risk behaviors including number of lifetime sexual partners, being currently sexually active, and not using effective methods of birth control or dual protection when having sex. They are also less likely to receive HIV/AIDS education in school. Conclusion: Changes in policy and practice, including implementation of evidence-based sex education programs in middle and high schools and increased access to integrated, teen-friendly sexual and reproductive health services, are urgently needed at the state and national levels to address these issues effectively.


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Objectives. The purpose of this study was to identify the psychosocial and environmental predictors and the pathways they use to influence calcium intake, physical activity and bone health among adolescent girls. Methods. A secondary data analysis using a cross-sectional and longitudinal study design was implemented to examine the associations of interest. Data from the Incorporating More Physical Activity and Calcium in Teens (IMPACT) study collected in 2001-2003 were utilized for the analyses. IMPACT was a 1½ year nutrition and physical activity intervention study conducted among 718 middle-school girls in central Texas. Hierarchical regression modeling and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to determine the psychosocial predictors of calcium intake, physical activity and bone health at baseline. Hierarchical regression was used to determine if psychosocial factors at baseline were significant predictors of calcium intake and physical activity at follow-up. Data was adjusted for included BMI, lactose intolerance, ethnicity, menarchal status, intervention and participation in 7th grade PE/athletics. Results. Results of the baseline regression analysis revealed that calcium self-efficacy and milk availability at home were the strongest predictors of calcium intake. Friend engagement in physical activity, physical activity self-efficacy and participation in sports teams were the strongest predictors of physical activity. Finally, physical activity outcome expectations, social support and participation in sports teams were significant predictors of stiffness index at baseline. Results of the baseline SEM path analysis found that outcome expectations and milk availability at home directly influenced calcium intake. Knowledge and calcium self-efficacy indirectly influenced calcium intake with outcome expectations as the mediator. Physical activity self-efficacy and social support had significant direct and indirect influence on physical activity with participation in sports teams as the mediator. Participation in sports teams had a direct effect on both physical activity and stiffness index. Results of regression analysis for baseline predicting follow-up showed that participation in sports teams, self-efficacy, outcome expectations and social support at baseline were significant predictors of physical activity at follow-up. Conclusion. Results of this study reinforce the relevance of addressing both, psychosocial and environmental factors which are critical when developing interventions to improve bone health among adolescent girls. ^


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The purpose of this research was two-fold; to investigate the effect of institutionalization on death and CD4 decline in a cohort of 325 HIV-infected Romanian children, and to investigate the effect of disclosure of the child's own HIV status in this cohort. All children were treated with Kaletra-based highly active antiretroviral therapy, and were followed from November, 2001 through October, 2004. The mean age of the children included in the cohort is 13. The study found that children in biological families were more likely to experience disease progression through either death or CD4 decline than children in institutions (p=0.04). The family home-style institution may prove to be a replicable model for the safe and appropriate care of HIV-infected orphaned and abandoned children and teens. The study also found that children who do not know their own HIV infection status were more likely to experience disease progression through either death or CD4 decline than children who know their HIV diagnosis (p=0.03). This evidence suggests that, in the context of highly active anti retroviral therapy, knowledge of one's own HIV infection status is associated with delayed HIV disease progression. ^


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Objective. To examine associations between parental monitoring and adolescent alcohol/drug use. ^ Methods. 981 7th grade students from 10 inner-city middle schools were surveyed at the 3 month follow-up of an HIV, STD, and pregnancy prevention program. Data from 549 control subjects were used for analyses. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine associations between five parental monitoring variables and substance use, coded as: low risk [never drank alcohol or used drugs (0)], moderate risk [drank alcohol, no drug use (1)], and high risk [both drank alcohol and used drugs or just used drugs (2)]. ^ Results. Participants were 58.3% female, 39.6% African American, 43.8% Hispanic, mean age 13.3 years. Lifetime alcohol use was 47.9%. Lifetime drug use was 14.9%. Adjusted for gender, age, race, and family structure, each individual parental monitoring variable (perceived parental monitoring, less permissive parental monitoring, greater supervision (public places), greater supervision (teen clubs), and less time spent with older teens) was significant and protective for the moderate and high risk groups. When all 5 variables were entered into a single model, only perceived parental monitoring was significantly associated (OR=0.40, 95% CI 0.29-0.55) for the moderate risk group. For the high risk group, 3 variables were significantly protective (perceived parental monitoring OR=0.28, CI 0.18-0.42, less time spent with older teens OR=0.75, CI 0.60-0.93, and greater supervision (public places) OR=0.79, CI 0.64-0.99). ^ Conclusion. The association between parental monitoring and substance abuse is complex and varied for different risk levels. Implications for intervention development are addressed. ^


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Background. Previous research shows inconsistent results as to the association between part-time employment and sexual behavior among younger teens. Studies of older teens cannot be generalized to younger teens because of the wide differences in types of work performed, nature of work environments, and work intensity. Objective. Examine the relationship between part-time employment and sexual behavior in a cross-sectional sample of public middle school students in Houston, Texas. Methods . The study presents a secondary analysis of data from the It’s Your Game…Keep it Real baseline data collection (11/2004–1/2005). It’s Your Game… is an intervention program for middle school students designed to prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections. Statistical analysis. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine the association between part-time employment and vaginal intercourse: (a) ever had sex; and (b) current sexual activity. Results. Overall, 13.2% of students worked for pay; male students were 1.5 times as likely as females to be working. Of all the students, 11.0% had had sexual intercourse; students who worked were 3 times more likely to be sexually experienced than those who did not. Among students who were sexually experienced, 67.0% were currently sexually active. After adjusting for the other covariates, Hispanic students were almost 3.6 times more likely to report current sexual activity compared to students in other racial/ethnic groups. In univariate analysis, students who worked 1-5 hrs/week were more likely to be sexually experienced than those not currently employed, and the likelihood increased with number of hours worked. There is a similar pattern in the multivariate model, but the odds ratios are too close for the evidence to be more than suggestive. Of sexually experienced students, students working 1-5 hrs/week were 2.7 times more likely to report current sexual intercourse than those not working; those working >5 hrs/week were 4.7 times more likely. The multivariate model showed a similar increase in likelihood, and adjustment for covariates increased these associations: students who worked 1-5 hrs/week were 3.6 times more likely to report current sexual intercourse, and students who worked >5 hrs/week were 4.5 times more likely, than students not currently employed.^


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Hispanic teens are a high-risk population for initiation of early sexual activity and alcohol use which in turn has numerous social and health consequences. One strategy to address prevention of these behaviors is to implement a capacity building intervention that promotes parent child communication, encompasses their cultural values and community participation. This study describes the process evaluation of a pilot intervention program amongst Hispanic teens and their families living along the Texas-Mexico border. “Girls Lets Talk” is a small group intervention with 10-14 year old teens and their female adult family members that involves education regarding effects of alcohol use and sexual activity as well as activities for monitoring and refusal skills to prevent risky behaviors. Two waves of the program each consisting of at least seven mother daughter dyads were conducted. During the designing process, community advisory board meetings and focus groups were held to review course materials and ensure they were appropriate to the Mexican American culture. Parent and adolescent surveys were administered at the beginning and end of the intervention to assess for psychosocial outcome variables. All sessions received high mean satisfactory scores (mean of 4.00 or better on a five point scale) for both adult and adolescent participants. Qualitative feedback was obtained via debriefing sessions to evaluate experience as well as alter recruitment strategies. A Wilcoxon Sign Rank analysis of the pre and post intervention surveys was done that showed significant changes in some outcome variables such as intentions and confidence for monitoring behaviors for adults and beliefs regarding sexual activity. “Girls Lets Talk” is a promising example of how a process evaluation plan can help develop a theory based health promotion program using the community based participatory research approach. The intervention may also be effective in altering intentions and enhancing self-efficacy among parents and teens in order to decrease risky behaviors such as early sexual activity and alcohol use.^