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The Radiological Physics Center (RPC) provides heterogeneous phantoms that are used to evaluate radiation treatment procedures as part of a comprehensive quality assurance program for institutions participating in clinical trials. It was hypothesized that the existing RPC heterogeneous thorax phantom can be modified to assess lung tumor proton beam therapy procedures involving patient simulation, treatment planning, and treatment delivery, and could confirm agreement between the measured dose and calculated dose within 5%/3mm with a reproducibility of 5%. The Hounsfield Units (HU) for lung equivalent materials (balsa wood and cork) was measured using a CT scanner. The relative linear stopping power (RLSP) of these materials was measured. The linear energy transfer (LET) of Gafchromic EBT2 film was analyzed utilizing parallel and perpendicular orientations in a water tank and compared to ion chamber readings. Both parallel and perpendicular orientations displayed a quenching effect underperforming the ion chamber, with the parallel orientation showing an average 31 % difference and the perpendicular showing an average of 15% difference. Two treatment plans were created that delivered the prescribed dose to the target volume, while achieving low entrance doses. Both treatment plans were designed using smeared compensators and expanded apertures, as would be utilized for a patient in the clinic. Plan 1a contained two beams that were set to orthogonal angles and a zero degree couch kick. Plan 1b utilized two beams set to 10 and 80 degrees with a 15 degree couch kick. EBT2 film and TLD were inserted and the phantom was irradiated 3 times for each plan. Both plans passed the criteria for the TLD measurements where the TLD values were within 7% of the dose calculated by Eclipse. Utilizing the 5%/3mm criteria, the 3 trial average of overall pass rate was 71% for Plan 1a. The 3 trial average for the overall pass rate was 76% for Plan 1b. The trials were then analyzed using RPC conventional lung treatment guidelines set forth by the RTOG: 5%/5mm, and an overall pass rate of 85%. Utilizing these criteria, only Plan 1b passed for all 3 trials, with an average overall pass rate of 89%.
Proton therapy has become an increasingly more common method of radiation therapy, with the dose sparing to distal tissue making it an appealing option, particularly for treatment of brain tumors. This study sought to develop a head phantom for the Radiological Physics Center (RPC), the first to be used for credentialing of institutions wishing to participate in clinical trials involving brain tumor treatment of proton therapy. It was hypothesized that a head phantom could be created for the evaluation of proton therapy treatment procedures (treatment simulation, planning, and delivery) to assure agreement between the measured dose and calculated dose within ±5%/3mm with a reproducibility of ±3%. The relative stopping power (RSP) and Hounsfield Units (HU) were measured for potential phantom materials and a human skull was cast in tissue-equivalent Alderson material (RLSP 1.00, HU 16) with anatomical airways and a cylindrical hole for imaging and dosimetry inserts drilled into the phantom material. Two treatment plans, proton passive scattering and proton spot scanning, were created. Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and film were loaded into the phantom dosimetry insert. Each treatment plan was delivered three separate times. Each treatment plan passed our 5%/3mm criteria, with a reproducibility of ±3%. The hypothesis was accepted and the phantom was found to be suitable for remote audits of proton therapy treatment facilities.
The proportional distribution of independent malignant tumors in the contralateral breast following treatment for breast cancer was investigated to assess the influence of scattered radiation as a cause of these tumors. In a population of 172 patients the proportion of contralateral tumors in each quadrant and the center (the nipple-areolar complex) was compared with the expected, or natural, distribution found in the general population, in the absence of radiation. The observed/expected ratio for contralateral tumors was 1.43 for the upper-inner quadrant; 0.97, lower-inner quadrant; 1.51, center; 0.76, upper-outer quadrant; and 0.64, lower-outer quadrant. In each quadrant, except the lower-inner, the observed/expected ratio differed from 1.00 with statistical significance at the 5% level (one-tail). The same analysis, stratified by age and menopausal status, showed a similar shift of tumors, with more than expected in the inner quadrants and center and less than expected in the outer quadrants, although the results did not show statistical significance at the 5% level for all strata. For each patient the mean absorbed radiation dose for each quadrant and center of the breast was estimated, based on measurements in a tissue-equivalent phantom. Among patients the doses ranged from 0.5 to 8 Gy; within individuals, doses to the inner quadrants typically were a factor of three times higher than doses to the outer quadrants. The results suggest that radiation may be a risk factor for contralateral breast tumors and warrants further investigation. ^
PURPOSE: To develop and implement a method for improved cerebellar tissue classification on the MRI of brain by automatically isolating the cerebellum prior to segmentation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Dual fast spin echo (FSE) and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) images were acquired on 18 normal volunteers on a 3 T Philips scanner. The cerebellum was isolated from the rest of the brain using a symmetric inverse consistent nonlinear registration of individual brain with the parcellated template. The cerebellum was then separated by masking the anatomical image with individual FLAIR images. Tissues in both the cerebellum and rest of the brain were separately classified using hidden Markov random field (HMRF), a parametric method, and then combined to obtain tissue classification of the whole brain. The proposed method for tissue classification on real MR brain images was evaluated subjectively by two experts. The segmentation results on Brainweb images with varying noise and intensity nonuniformity levels were quantitatively compared with the ground truth by computing the Dice similarity indices. RESULTS: The proposed method significantly improved the cerebellar tissue classification on all normal volunteers included in this study without compromising the classification in remaining part of the brain. The average similarity indices for gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) in the cerebellum are 89.81 (+/-2.34) and 93.04 (+/-2.41), demonstrating excellent performance of the proposed methodology. CONCLUSION: The proposed method significantly improved tissue classification in the cerebellum. The GM was overestimated when segmentation was performed on the whole brain as a single object.
Introduction. Tissue engineering techniques offer a potential means to develop a tissue engineered construct (TEC) for the treatment of tissue and organ deficiencies. However, a lack of adequate vascularization is a limiting factor in the development of most viable engineered tissues. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) could aid in the development of a viable vascular network within TECs. The long-term goals of this research are to develop clinically relevant, appropriately vascularized TECs for use in humans. This project tested the hypothesis that the delivery of VEGF via controlled release from biodegradable microspheres would increase the vascular density and rate of angiogenesis within a model TEC. ^ Materials and methods. Biodegradable VEGF-encapsulated microspheres were manufactured using a novel method entitled the Solid Encapsulation/Single Emulsion/Solvent Extraction technique. Using a PLGA/PEG polymer blend, microspheres were manufactured and characterized in vitro. A model TEC using fibrin was designed for in vivo tissue engineering experimentation. At the appropriate timepoint, the TECs were explanted, and stained and quantified for CD31 using a novel semi-automated thresholding technique. ^ Results. In vitro results show the microspheres could be manufactured, stored, degrade, and release biologically active VEGF. The in vivo investigations revealed that skeletal muscle was the optimal implantation site as compared to dermis. In addition, the TECs containing fibrin with VEGF demonstrated significantly more angiogenesis than the controls. The TECs containing VEGF microspheres displayed a significant increase in vascular density by day 10. Furthermore, TECs containing VEGF microspheres had a significantly increased relative rate of angiogenesis from implantation day 5 to day 10. ^ Conclusions. A novel technique for producing microspheres loaded with biologically active proteins was developed. A defined concentration of microspheres can deliver a quantifiable level of VEGF with known release kinetics. A novel model TEC for in vivo tissue engineering investigations was developed. VEGF and VEGF microspheres stimulate angiogenesis within the model TEC. This investigation determined that biodegradable rhVEGF 165-encapsulated microspheres increased the vascular density and relative rate of angiogenesis within a model TEC. Future applications could include the incorporation of microvascular fragments into the model TEC and the incorporation of specific tissues, such as fat or bone. ^
DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A DYNAMIC HETEROGENEOUS PROTON EQUIVALENT ANTHROPOMORPHIC THORAX PHANTOM FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF SCANNED PROTON BEAM THERAPY by James Leroy Neihart, B.S. APPROVED: ______________________________David Followill, Ph.D. ______________________________Peter Balter, Ph.D. ______________________________Narayan Sahoo, Ph.D. ______________________________Kenneth Hess, Ph.D. ______________________________Paige Summers, M.S. APPROVED: ____________________________ Dean, The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A DYNAMIC HETEROGENEOUS PROTON EQUIVALENT ANTHROPOMORPHIC THORAX PHANTOM FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF SCANNED PROTON BEAM THERAPY A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston andThe University of TexasMD Anderson Cancer CenterGraduate School of Biomedical Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE by James Leroy Neihart, B.S. Houston, Texas Date of Graduation August, 2013 Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge my advisory committee members, chair David Followill, Ph.D., Peter Balter, Ph.D, Narayan Sahoo, Ph.D., Kenneth Hess, Ph.D., Paige Summers M.S. and, for their time and effort contributed to this project. I would additionally like to thank the faculty and staff at the PTC-H and the RPC who assisted in many aspects of this project. Falk Pӧnisch, Ph.D. for his breath hold proton therapy treatment expertise, Matt Palmer and Jaques Bluett for proton dosimetry assistance, Matt Kerr for verification plan assistance, Carrie Amador, Nadia Hernandez, Trang Nguyen, Andrea Molineu, Lynda McDonald for TLD and film dosimetry assistance. Finally, I would like to thank my wife and family for their support and encouragement during my research and studies. Development and implementation of a dynamic heterogeneous proton equivalent anthropomorphic thorax phantom for the assessment of scanned proton beam therapy By: James Leroy Neihart, B.S. Chair of Advisory Committee: David Followill, Ph.D Proton therapy has been gaining ground recently in radiation oncology. To date, the most successful utilization of proton therapy is in head and neck cases as well as prostate cases. These tumor locations do not suffer from the resulting difficulties of treatment delivery as a result of respiratory motion. Lung tumors require either breath hold or motion tracking, neither of which have been assessed with an end-to-end phantom for proton treatments. Currently, the RPC does not have a dynamic thoracic phantom for proton therapy procedure assessment. Additionally, such a phantom could be an excellent means of assessing quality assurance of the procedures of proton therapy centers wishing to participate in clinical trials. An eventual goal of this phantom is to have a means of evaluating and auditing institutions for the ability to start clinical trials utilizing proton therapy procedures for lung cancers. Therefore, the hypothesis of this study is that a dynamic anthropomorphic thoracic phantom can be created to evaluate end-to-end proton therapy treatment procedures for lung cancer to assure agreement between the measured and calculated dose within 5% / 5 mm with a reproducibility of 2%. Multiple materials were assessed for thoracic heterogeneity equivalency. The phantom was designed from the materials found to be in greatest agreement. The phantom was treated in an end-to-end treatment four times, which included simulation, treatment planning and treatment delivery. Each treatment plan was delivered three times to assess reproducibility. The dose measured within the phantom was compared to that of the treatment plan. The hypothesis was fully supported for three of the treatment plans, but failed the reproducibility requirement for the most aggressive treatment plan.