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With an increasing number of institutions offering proton therapy, the number of multi-institutional clinical trials involving proton therapy will also increase in the coming years. The Radiological Physics Center monitors sites involved in clinical trials through the use of site visits and remote auditing with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) and mailable anthropomorphic phantoms. Currently, there are no heterogeneous phantoms that have been commissioned to evaluate proton therapy. It was hypothesized that an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom can be designed to audit treatment procedures (patient simulation, treatment planning and treatment delivery) at proton facilities to confirm agreement between the measured dose and calculated dose within 5%/3mm with a reproducibility of 3%. A pelvis phantom originally designed for use with photon treatments was retrofitted for use in proton therapy. The relative stopping power (SP) of each phantom material was measured. Hounsfield Units (HU) for each phantom material were measured with a CT scanner and compared to the relative stopping power calibration curve. The tissue equivalency for each material was calculated. Two proton treatment plans were created; one which did not correct for material SP differences (Plan 1) and one plan which did correct for SP differences (Plan 2). Film and TLD were loaded into the phantom and the phantom was irradiated 3 times per plan. The measured values were compared to the HU-SP calibration curve and it was found that the stopping powers for the materials could be underestimated by 5-10%. Plan 1 passed the criteria for the TLD and film margins with reproducibility under 3% between the 3 trials. Plan 2 failed because the right-left film dose profile average displacement was -9.0 mm on the left side and 6.0 mm on the right side. Plan 2 was intended to improve the agreements and instead introduced large displacements along the path of the beam. Plan 2 more closely represented the actual phantom composition with corrected stopping powers and should have shown an agreement between the measured and calculated dose within 5%/3mm. The hypothesis was rejected and the pelvis phantom was found to be not suitable to evaluate proton therapy treatment procedures.
The RPC developed a new phantom to ensure comparable and consistent radiation administration in spinal radiosurgery clinical trials. This study assessed the phantom’s dosimetric and anatomic utility. The ‘spine phantom’ is a water filled thorax with anatomy encountered in spinal radiosurgery: target volume, vertebral column, spinal canal, esophagus, heart, and lungs. The dose to the target volume was measured with axial and sagittal planes of radiochromic film and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). The dose distributions were measured with the radiochromic film calibrated to the absolute dose measured by the TLD. Four irradiations were administered: a four angle box plan, a seven angle conformal plan, a seven angle IMRT plan, and a nine angle IMRT plan (denoted as IMRT plan #1 and plan #2, respectively). In each plan, at least 95% of the defined tumor volume received 8 Gy. For each irradiation the planned and administered dose distributions were registered via pinpricks, and compared using point dose measurements, dose profiles, isodose distributions, and gamma analyses. Based on previous experience at the RPC, a gamma analysis was considering passing if greater than 95% of pixels passed the criteria of 5% dose difference and 3 mm distance-to-agreement. Each irradiation showed acceptable agreement in the qualitative assessments and exceeded the 95% passing rate at the 5% / 3 mm criteria, except IMRT plan #1, which was determined to have been poorly localized during treatment administration. The measured and planned dose distributions demonstrated acceptable agreement at the 5% / 3 mm criteria, and the spine phantom was determined to be a useful tool for the remote assessment of an institution’s treatment planning and dose delivery regimen.
Proton therapy has become an increasingly more common method of radiation therapy, with the dose sparing to distal tissue making it an appealing option, particularly for treatment of brain tumors. This study sought to develop a head phantom for the Radiological Physics Center (RPC), the first to be used for credentialing of institutions wishing to participate in clinical trials involving brain tumor treatment of proton therapy. It was hypothesized that a head phantom could be created for the evaluation of proton therapy treatment procedures (treatment simulation, planning, and delivery) to assure agreement between the measured dose and calculated dose within ±5%/3mm with a reproducibility of ±3%. The relative stopping power (RSP) and Hounsfield Units (HU) were measured for potential phantom materials and a human skull was cast in tissue-equivalent Alderson material (RLSP 1.00, HU 16) with anatomical airways and a cylindrical hole for imaging and dosimetry inserts drilled into the phantom material. Two treatment plans, proton passive scattering and proton spot scanning, were created. Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and film were loaded into the phantom dosimetry insert. Each treatment plan was delivered three separate times. Each treatment plan passed our 5%/3mm criteria, with a reproducibility of ±3%. The hypothesis was accepted and the phantom was found to be suitable for remote audits of proton therapy treatment facilities.
Measurement of the absorbed dose from ionizing radiation in medical applications is an essential component to providing safe and reproducible patient care. There are a wide variety of tools available for measuring radiation dose; this work focuses on the characterization of two common, solid-state dosimeters in medical applications: thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) and optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters (OSLD). There were two main objectives to this work. The first objective was to evaluate the energy dependence of TLD and OSLD for non-reference measurement conditions in a radiotherapy environment. The second objective was to fully characterize the OSLD nanoDot in a CT environment, and to provide validated calibration procedures for CT dose measurement using OSLD. Current protocols for dose measurement using TLD and OSLD generally assume a constant photon energy spectrum within a nominal beam energy regardless of measurement location, tissue composition, or changes in beam parameters. Variations in the energy spectrum of therapeutic photon beams may impact the response of TLD and OSLD and could thereby result in an incorrect measure of dose unless these differences are accounted for. In this work, we used a Monte Carlo based model to simulate variations in the photon energy spectra of a Varian 6MV beam; then evaluated the impact of the perturbations in energy spectra on the response of both TLD and OSLD using Burlin Cavity Theory. Energy response correction factors were determined for a range of conditions and compared to measured correction factors with good agreement. When using OSLD for dose measurement in a diagnostic imaging environment, photon energy spectra are often referenced to a therapy-energy or orthovoltage photon beam – commonly 250kVp, Co-60, or even 6MV, where the spectra are substantially different. Appropriate calibration techniques specifically for the OSLD nanoDot in a CT environment have not been presented in the literature; furthermore the dependence of the energy response of the calibration energy has not been emphasized. The results of this work include detailed calibration procedures for CT dosimetry using OSLD, and a full characterization of this dosimetry system in a low-dose, low-energy setting.
The Radiological Physics Center (RPC) uses both on-site and remote reviews to credential institutions for participation in clinical trials. Anthropomorphic quality assurance (QA) phantoms are one tool the RPC uses to remotely audit institutions, which include thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and radiochromic film. The RPC desires to switch from TLD as the absolute dosimeter in the phantoms, to optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters (OSLDs), but a problem lies in the angular dependence exhibited by the OSLD. The purpose of this study was to characterize the angular dependence of OSLD and establish a correction factor if necessary, to provide accurate dosimetric measurements as a replacement for TLD in the QA phantoms. A 10 cm diameter high-impact polystyrene spherical phantom was designed and constructed to hold an OSLD to study the angular response of the dosimeter under the simplest of circumstances for both coplanar and non-coplanar treatment deliveries. OSLD were irradiated in the spherical phantom, and the responses of the dosimeter from edge-on angles were normalized to the response when irradiated with the beam incident normally on the surface of the dosimeter. The average normalized response was used to establish an angular correction factor for 6 MV and 18 coplanar treatments, and for 6 MV non-coplanar treatments specific to CyberKnife. The RPC pelvic phantom dosimetry insert was modified to hold OSLD, in addition to the TLD, adjacent to the planes of film. Treatment plans of increasing angular beam delivery were developed, three in Pinnacle v9.0 (4-field box, IMRT, and VMAT) and one in Accuray’s MultiPlan v3.5.3 (CyberKnife). The plans were delivered to the pelvic phantom containing both TLD and OSLD in the target volume. The pelvic phantom was also sent to two institutions to be irradiated as trials, one delivering IMRT, and the other a CyberKnife treatment. For the IMRT deliveries and the two institution trials, the phantom also included film in the sagittal and coronal planes. The doses measured from the TLD and OSLD were calculated for each irradiation, and the angular correction factors established from the spherical phantom irradiations were applied to the OSLD dose. The ratio of the TLD dose to the angular corrected OSLD dose was calculated for each irradiation. The corrected OSLD dose was found to be within 1% of the TLD measured dose for all irradiations, with the exception of the in-house CyberKnife deliveries. The films were normalized to both TLD measured dose and the corrected OSLD dose. Dose profiles were obtained and gamma analysis was performed using a 7%/4 mm criteria, to compare the ability of the OSLD, when corrected for the angular dependence, to provide equivalent results to TLD. The results of this study indicate that the OSLD can effectively be used as a replacement for TLD in the RPC’s anthropomorphic QA phantoms for coplanar treatment deliveries when a correction is applied for the dosimeter’s angular dependence.
Validation of treatment plan quality and dose calculation accuracy is essential for new radiotherapy techniques, including volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). VMAT delivers intensity modulated radiotherapy treatments while simultaneously rotating the gantry, adding an additional level of complexity to both the dose calculation and delivery of VMAT treatments compared to static gantry IMRT. The purpose of this project was to compare two VMAT systems, Elekta VMAT and Varian RapidArc, to the current standard of care, IMRT, in terms of both treatment plan quality and dosimetric delivery accuracy using the Radiological Physics Center (RPC) head and neck (H&N) phantom. Clinically relevant treatment plans were created for the phantom using typical prescription and dose constraints for Elekta VMAT (planned with Pinnacle3 Smart Arc) and RapidArc and IMRT (both planned with Eclipse). The treatment plans were evaluated to determine if they were clinically comparable using several dosimetric criteria, including ability to meet dose objectives, hot spots, conformity index, and homogeneity index. The planned treatments were delivered to the phantom and absolute doses and relative dose distributions were measured with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and radiochromic film, respectively. The measured and calculated doses of each treatment were compared to determine if they were clinically acceptable based upon RPC criteria of ±7% dose difference and 4 mm distance-to-agreement. Gamma analysis was used to assess dosimetric accuracy, as well. All treatment plans were able to meet the dosimetric objectives set by the RPC and had similar hot spots in the normal tissue. The Elekta VMAT plan was more homogenous but less conformal than the RapidArc and IMRT plans. When comparing the measured and calculated doses, all plans met the RPC ±7%/4 mm criteria. The percent of points passing the gamma analysis for each treatment delivery was acceptable. Treatment plan quality of the Elekta VMAT, RapidArc and IMRT treatments were comparable for consistent dose prescriptions and constraints. Additionally, the dosimetric accuracy of the Elekta VMAT and RapidArc treatments was verified to be within acceptable tolerances.
This study investigated characteristics of optically stimulated luminescent detectors (OSLDs) in protons, allowing comparison to thermoluminescent detectors, and to be implemented into the Radiological Physics Center’s (RPC) remote audit quality assurance program for protons, and for remote anthropomorphic phantom irradiations. The OSLDs used were aluminum oxide (Al2O3:C) nanoDots from Landauer, Inc. (Glenwood, Ill.) measuring 10x10x2 mm3. A square, 20(L)x20(W)x0.5(H) cm3 piece of solid water was fabricated with pockets to allow OSLDs and TLDs to be irradiated simultaneously and perpendicular to the beam. Irradiations were performed at 5cm depth in photons, and in the center of a 10 cm SOBP in a 200MeV proton beam. Additionally, the Radiological Physics Center’s anthropomorphic pelvic phantom was used to test the angular dependence of OSLDs in photons and protons. A cylindrical insert in the phantom allows the dosimeters to be rotated to any angle with a fixed gantry angle. OSLDs were irradiated at 12 angles between 0 and 360 degrees. The OSLDs were read out with a MicroStar reader from Landauer, Inc. Dose response indicates that at angles where the dosimeter is near parallel with the radiation beam response is reduced slightly. Measurements in proton beams do not show significant angular dependence. Post-irradiation fading of OSLDs was studied in proton beams to determine if the fading was different than that of photons. The fading results showed no significant difference from results in photon beams. OSLDs and TLDs are comparable within 3% in photon beams and a correction factor can be posited for proton beams. With angular dependence characteristics defined, OSLDs can be implemented into multiple-field treatment plans in photons and protons and used in the RPC’s quality assurance program.
This project assessed the effectiveness of polymer gel dosimeters as tools for measuring the dose deposited by and LET of a proton beam. A total of three BANG® dosimeter formulations were evaluated: BANG®-3-Pro-2 BANGkits™ for dose measurement and two BANG®-3 variants, the LET-Baseline and LET-Meter dosimeters, for LET measurement. All dosimeters were read out using an OCT scanner. The basic characteristics of the BANGkits™ were assessed in a series of photon and electron irradiations. The dose-response relationship was found to be sigmoidal with a threshold for response of approximately 15 cGy. The active region of the dosimeter, the volume in which dosimeter response is not inhibited by oxygen, was found to make up roughly one fourth of the total dosimeter volume. Delivering a dose across multiple fractions was found to yield a greater response than delivering the same dose in a single irradiation. The dosimeter was found to accurately measure a dose distribution produced by overlapping photon fields, yielding gamma pass rates of 95.4% and 93.1% from two planar gamma analyses. Proton irradiations were performed for measurements of proton dose and LET. Initial irradiations performed through the side of a dosimeter led to OCT artifacts. Gamma pass rates of 85.7% and 89.9% were observed in two planar gamma analyses. In irradiations performed through the base of a dosimeter, gel response was found to increase with height in the dosimeter, even in areas of constant dose. After a correction was applied, gamma pass rates of 94.6% and 99.3% were observed in two planar gamma analyses. Absolute dose measurements were substantially higher (33%-100%) than the delivered doses for proton irradiations. Issues encountered while calibrating the LET-Meter gel restricted analysis of the LET measurement data to the SOBP of a proton beam. LET-Meter overresponse was found to increase linearly with track-average LET across the LET range that could be investigated (1.5 keV/micron – 3.5 keV/micron).
With continuous new improvements in brachytherapy source designs and techniques, method of 3D dosimetry for treatment dose verifications would better ensure accurate patient radiotherapy treatment. This study was aimed to first evaluate the 3D dose distributions of the low-dose rate (LDR) Amersham 6711 OncoseedTM using PRESAGE® dosimeters to establish PRESAGE® as a suitable brachytherapy dosimeter. The new AgX100 125I seed model (Theragenics Corporation) was then characterized using PRESAGE® following the TG-43 protocol. PRESAGE® dosimeters are solid, polyurethane-based, 3D dosimeters doped with radiochromic leuco dyes that produce a linear optical density response to radiation dose. For this project, the radiochromic response in PRESAGE® was captured using optical-CT scanning (632 nm) and the final 3D dose matrix was reconstructed using the MATLAB software. An Amersham 6711 seed with an air-kerma strength of approximately 9 U was used to irradiate two dosimeters to 2 Gy and 11 Gy at 1 cm to evaluate dose rates in the r=1 cm to r=5 cm region. The dosimetry parameters were compared to the values published in the updated AAPM Report No. 51 (TG-43U1). An AgX100 seed with an air-kerma strength of about 6 U was used to irradiate two dosimeters to 3.6 Gy and 12.5 Gy at 1 cm. The dosimetry parameters for the AgX100 were compared to the values measured from previous Monte-Carlo and experimental studies. In general, the measured dose rate constant, anisotropy function, and radial dose function for the Amersham 6711 showed agreements better than 5% compared to consensus values in the r=1 to r=3 cm region. The dose rates and radial dose functions measured for the AgX100 agreed with the MCNPX and TLD-measured values within 3% in the r=1 to r=3 cm region. The measured anisotropy function in PRESAGE® showed relative differences of up to 9% with the MCNPX calculated values. It was determined that post-irradiation optical density change over several days was non-linear in different dose regions, and therefore the dose values in the r=4 to r=5 cm regions had higher uncertainty due to this effect. This study demonstrated that within the radial distance of 3 cm, brachytherapy dosimetry in PRESAGE® can be accurate within 5% as long as irradiation times are within 48 hours.
In external beam radiation therapy, it is imperative that the prescribed dose is administered to the correct location and in the correct amount. Though several ex vivo methods of quality assurance are currently employed to achieve this goal, verifying that the correct dose is received within the patient in situ is impossible without the capability of measuring dose inside the patient. Recently, a method of measuring dose delivered within the patient has been developed, an implantable MOSFET dosimeter. This dosimeter is implanted within the patient and records the dose received. Since the dosimeter is implanted in the patient, it could serve a dual function as a fiducial marker for image guided radiation therapy (IGRT) treatment if it could be modified to be visible on x-rays. In this study, modifications to the MOSFET dosimeter were made to increase its visibility for IGRT treatment. To test whether the modifications hindered the dosimeter’s ability to accurately measure and transmit dose information, the energy dependence, angular dependence and wireless read range of the modified dosimeter were measured and compared to unmodified dosimeters. It was found that the modified dosimeter performed as well as the unmodified dosimeter while also being suitable for use as a fiducial marker for IGRT treatment.
There is evidence that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is increasing over certain locations on the Earth's surface. Of primary concern is the annual pattern of ozone depletion over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Reduction of ozone concentration selectively limits absorption of solar UV-B (290–320 nm), resulting in higher irradiance at the Earth's surface. The effects of ozone depletion on the human population and natural ecosystems, particularly the marine environment, are a matter of considerable concern. Indeed, marine plankton may serve as sensitive indicators of ozone depletion and UV-B fluctuations. Direct biological effects of UVR result from absorption of UV-B by DNA. Once absorbed, energy is dissipated by a variety of pathways, including covalent chemical reactions leading to the formation of photoproducts. The major types of photoproduct formed are cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer (CPD) and pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone dimer [(6-4)PD]. Marine plankton repair these photoproducts using light-dependent photoenzymatic repair or nucleotide excision repair. The studies here show that fluctuations in CPD concentrations in the marine environment at Palmer Station, Antarctica correlate well with ozone concentration and UV-B irradiance at the Earth's surface. A comparison of photoproduct levels in marine plankton and DNA dosimeters show that bacterioplankton display higher resistance to solar UVR than phytoplankton in an ozone depleted environment. DNA damage in marine microorganisms was investigated during two separate latitudinal transects which covered a total range of 140°. We observed the same pattern of change in DNA damage levels in dosimeters and marine plankton as measured using two distinct quantitative techniques. Results from the transects show that differences in photosensitivity exist in marine plankton collected under varying UVR environments. Laboratory studies of Antarctic bacterial isolates confirm that marine bacterioplankton possess differences in survival, DNA damage induction, and repair following exposure to UVR. Results from DNA damage measurements during ozone season, along a latitudinal gradient, and in marine bacterial isolates suggest that changes in environmental UVR correlate with changes in UV-B induced DNA damage in marine microorganisms. Differences in the ability to tolerate UVR stress under different environmental conditions may determine the composition of the microbial communities inhabiting those environments. ^
Research studies on the association between exposures to air contaminants and disease frequently use worn dosimeters to measure the concentration of the contaminant of interest. But investigation of exposure determinants requires additional knowledge beyond concentration, i.e., knowledge about personal activity such as whether the exposure occurred in a building or outdoors. Current studies frequently depend upon manual activity logging to record location. This study's purpose was to evaluate the use of a worn data logger recording three environmental parameters—temperature, humidity, and light intensity—as well as time of day, to determine indoor or outdoor location, with an ultimate aim of eliminating the need to manually log location or at least providing a method to verify such logs. For this study, data collection was limited to a single geographical area (Houston, Texas metropolitan area) during a single season (winter) using a HOBO H8 four-channel data logger. Data for development of a Location Model were collected using the logger for deliberate sampling of programmed activities in outdoor, building, and vehicle locations at various times of day. The Model was developed by analyzing the distributions of environmental parameters by location and time to establish a prioritized set of cut points for assessing locations. The final Model consisted of four "processors" that varied these priorities and cut points. Data to evaluate the Model were collected by wearing the logger during "typical days" while maintaining a location log. The Model was tested by feeding the typical day data into each processor and generating assessed locations for each record. These assessed locations were then compared with true locations recorded in the manual log to determine accurate versus erroneous assessments. The utility of each processor was evaluated by calculating overall error rates across all times of day, and calculating individual error rates by time of day. Unfortunately, the error rates were large, such that there would be no benefit in using the Model. Another analysis in which assessed locations were classified as either indoor (including both building and vehicle) or outdoor yielded slightly lower error rates that still precluded any benefit of the Model's use.^
Background. Infant colic is a common condition that is thought to put infants at risk for Shaken Baby Syndrome, a particularly devastating form of child abuse. However, little research has been done on techniques parents can use to deal with infant colic. This pilot study was conducted to assess the equipment that will be used in a randomized control trial that will compare the results for two different techniques that parents can use to reduce crying in infants with colic. ^ Methods. A total of 11 healthy infants, between one and five months of age, were recruited into this pilot study. All infants had a dosimeter, actiwatch and maternal log placed into the home and a subset of infants (N=3) were also recorded by a video camera. The equipment recorded between 6pm and 6am for at least two and up to five nights. The maternal log and video log were compared with one another to determine if the maternal log provides an accurate representation of the infant's night-time activities (i.e. sleep, awake, crying, feeding). The maternal log was then compared to the dosimeter and actiwatch data to determine if the dosimeter/actiwatch accurately reproduce the maternal log. ^ Results. Data from 10 infants were included in the analyses. The maternal log and video log were in full or partial agreement 90% of the time. When comparing events noted by the mother, the maternal log and dosimeter data were in agreement 84% of the time, and the maternal log and actiwatch data were in agreement 87% of the time. In combination, the dosimeter and/or actiwatch data agreed with the maternal log 90% of the time. ^ Conclusions. Our preliminary analyses of these data suggest the dosimeter and actiwatch will be useful tool for defining infant sleep patterns relative to the maternal log. However further analysis will be required to develop threshold values that can be used to objectively define events in the proposed RCT. Such analyses will need to integrate data from multiple dosimeters and deal with the shifting baselines observed for both the dosimeter and actiwatch.^
This work aimed to create a mailable and OSLD-based phantom with accuracy suitable for RPC audits of HDR brachytherapy sources at institutions participating in NCI-funded cooperative clinical trials. An 8 × 8 × 10 cm3 prototype with two slots capable of holding nanoDot Al2O3:C OSL dosimeters (Landauer, Glenwood, IL) was designed and built. The phantom has a single channel capable of accepting all 192Ir HDR brachytherapy sources in current clinical use in the United States. Irradiations were performed with an 192Ir HDR source to determine correction factors for linearity with dose, dose rate, and the combined effect of irradiation energy and phantom construction. The uncertainties introduced by source positioning in the phantom and timer resolution limitations were also investigated. It was found that the linearity correction factor was where dose is in cGy, which differed from that determined by the RPC for the same batch of dosimeters under 60Co irradiation. There was no significant dose rate effect. Separate energy+block correction factors were determined for both models of 192Ir sources currently in clinical use and these vendor-specific correction factors differed by almost 2.6%. For Nucletron sources, this correction factor was 1.026±0.004 (99% Confidence Interval) and for Varian sources it was 1.000±0.007 (99% CI). Reasonable deviations in source positioning within the phantom and the limited resolution of the source timer had insignificant effects on the ability to measure dose. Overall measurement uncertainty of the system was estimated to be ±2.5% for both Nucletron and Varian source audits (95% CI). This uncertainty was sufficient to establish a ±5% acceptance criterion for source strength audits under a formal RPC audit program. Trial audits of eight participating institutions resulted in an average RPC-to-institution dose ratio of 1.000 with a standard deviation of 0.011.