4 resultados para TEC

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Enforced expression of Tbx1 in fetal thymic epithelial cells antagonizes thymus organogenesis Kim T. Cardenas The thymus and parathyroid glands originate from organ-specific domains of 3rd pharyngeal pouch (PP) endoderm. At embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5), the ventral thymus and dorsal parathyroid domains can be identified by Foxn1 and Gcm2 expression respectively. Neural crest cells, (NCCs) play a role in regulating patterning of 3rd PP endoderm. In addition, pharyngeal endoderm influences fate determination via secretion of Sonic hedgehog (Shh), a morphogen required for Gcm2 expression and generation of the parathyroid domain. Gcm2 is a downstream target of the transcription factor Tbx1, which in turn is positively regulated by Shh. Although initially expressed throughout pharyngeal pouch endoderm, Tbx1 expression is excluded from the thymus-specific domain of the 3rd PP by E10.5, but persists in the parathyroid domain. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that Tbx1 expression is non-permissive for thymus fate specification and that enforced expression of Tbx1 in the fetal thymus would impair thymus development. To test this hypothesis, we generated knock-in mice containing a Cre-inducible allele that allows for tissue-specific Tbx1 expression. Expression of the R26iTbx1 allele in fetal and adult thymus using Foxn1Cre resulted in severe thymus hypoplasia throughout ontogeny that persisted in the adult. Thymic epithelial cell (TEC) development was impaired as determined by immunohistochemical and FACS analysis of various differentiation markers. The relative level of Foxn1 expression in fetal TECs was significantly reduced. TECs in R26iTbx1/+ thymi assumed an almost universal expression of Plet-1, a marker associated with a TEC stem/progenitor cell fate. In addition, embryonic R26iTbx1/+ mice develop a perithymic mesechymal capsule that appears expanded compared to control littermates. Interestingly, thymi from neonatal and adult R26iTbx1/+ but not R26+/+ mice were encased in adipose tissue. This thymic phenotype also correlated with a decrease in thymocyte cellularity and aberrant thymocyte differentiation. The results to date support the conclusion that enforced expression of Tbx1 in TECs antagonizes their differentiation and prevents normal organogenesis via both direct and indirect effects.


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Introduction. Tissue engineering techniques offer a potential means to develop a tissue engineered construct (TEC) for the treatment of tissue and organ deficiencies. However, a lack of adequate vascularization is a limiting factor in the development of most viable engineered tissues. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) could aid in the development of a viable vascular network within TECs. The long-term goals of this research are to develop clinically relevant, appropriately vascularized TECs for use in humans. This project tested the hypothesis that the delivery of VEGF via controlled release from biodegradable microspheres would increase the vascular density and rate of angiogenesis within a model TEC. ^ Materials and methods. Biodegradable VEGF-encapsulated microspheres were manufactured using a novel method entitled the Solid Encapsulation/Single Emulsion/Solvent Extraction technique. Using a PLGA/PEG polymer blend, microspheres were manufactured and characterized in vitro. A model TEC using fibrin was designed for in vivo tissue engineering experimentation. At the appropriate timepoint, the TECs were explanted, and stained and quantified for CD31 using a novel semi-automated thresholding technique. ^ Results. In vitro results show the microspheres could be manufactured, stored, degrade, and release biologically active VEGF. The in vivo investigations revealed that skeletal muscle was the optimal implantation site as compared to dermis. In addition, the TECs containing fibrin with VEGF demonstrated significantly more angiogenesis than the controls. The TECs containing VEGF microspheres displayed a significant increase in vascular density by day 10. Furthermore, TECs containing VEGF microspheres had a significantly increased relative rate of angiogenesis from implantation day 5 to day 10. ^ Conclusions. A novel technique for producing microspheres loaded with biologically active proteins was developed. A defined concentration of microspheres can deliver a quantifiable level of VEGF with known release kinetics. A novel model TEC for in vivo tissue engineering investigations was developed. VEGF and VEGF microspheres stimulate angiogenesis within the model TEC. This investigation determined that biodegradable rhVEGF 165-encapsulated microspheres increased the vascular density and relative rate of angiogenesis within a model TEC. Future applications could include the incorporation of microvascular fragments into the model TEC and the incorporation of specific tissues, such as fat or bone. ^


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T cell development is a multistage process of differentiation that depends on proper thymocyte-thymic epithelial cell (TEC) interactions. Epithelial cells in the thymus are organized in a three-dimensional network that provides support and signals for thymocyte maturation. Concurrently, proper TEC differentiation in the adult thymus relies on thymocyte-derived signals. TECs produce interleukin-7 (IL-7), a non-redundant cytokine that promotes the survival, differentiation, and proliferation of thymocytes. We have identified IL-7 expressing TECs throughout ontogeny and in the adult thymus by in situ hybridization analysis. IL-7 expression is initiated in the thymic fated domain of the thymic primordium by embryonic day 11.5, in a Foxn1 independent pathway. Marked changes occur in the localization and regulation of IL-7 expressing TECs during development. Whereas IL-7 expressing TECs are present throughout the early thymic rudiment, the majority of IL-7 producing TECs are concentrated in the adult thymic medulla. By analyzing mouse strains that sustain blocks at different stages of thymocyte development, we show that IL-7 expression is initiated independently of hematopoietic-derived signals during thymic organogenesis. However, thymocyte-derived signals play an essential role in regulating IL-7 expression in the adult TEC compartment. Furthermore, distinct thymocyte subsets regulate the expression of IL-7 and keratin 5 in adult cortical epithelium. Intraperitoneal injection of Recombination Activating Gene deficient mice (RAG-2−/−) with anti-CD3ϵ monoclonal antibody (mAb) induces CD4− 8− double negative thymocytes to undergo β-selection and differentiate into CD4+8+ cells. Analysis of the thymic stromal compartment reveals that progression through β-selection renders thymocytes competent to alter the pattern of IL-7 expression in the cortical TEC compartment. RAG-2−/− mice do not generate mature T cells and therefore the RAG-2−/− thymus is devoid of organized medullary regions. Histological examination of RAG-2−/− thymus following anti-CD3ϵ stimulation reveals the emergence of mature thymic medullary regions, as assessed by H & E staining and expression of thymic stromal medullary markers. Stromal medullary reorganization occurs in the absence of T cell receptor αβ expression, suggesting that activation of RAG-2−/− thymocytes by CD3ϵ ligation generates thymocyte-derived signals that induce thymic epithelial reorganization, generating a mature medullary compartment. This model provides a tool to assess the mechanisms underlying thymic medullary development. ^


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The contribution of recent thymic emigrants (RTEs) to the peripheral naïve T cell population is necessary to maintain diversity of the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire and produce immune responses against newly encountered antigens. The thymus involutes with age, after irradiation or chemotherapy, and due to severe viral infections. Thymus involution results in decreased thymopoiesis and RTE output leading to a reduced diversity of peripheral T cells. This increases susceptibility to disease and impairs immune responsiveness to vaccines. Therefore, studies aimed at maintaining or regenerating thymic function are integral for maintaining and restoring peripheral TCR diversity. Mice that express a K5.CyclinD1 transgene expression have a severely hyperplastic thymus that fails to undergo involution. Both thymocyte and TEC development appear normal in these mice. We have used the K5.CyclinD1 transgenic model to test the hypothesis that preventing thymus involution will sustain RTE output and incorporation into the peripheral T cell pool to prevent naïve T cell depletion with age. The K5.CyclinD1 transgene was crossed to the RAG2p-GFP transgenic model so that RTEs could be tracked by the intensity of the GFP signal. The frequency and number of RTEs in naïve CD4 splenic T cells was analyzed at monthly intervals to 5 months of age. Using this double transgenic approach, we determined that preventing thymus involution does maintain or enhance the number of RTEs in the peripheral T cell pool before and after thymus involution.