18 resultados para Systematic Development

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Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is an important indoor air pollutant associated with adverse effects on the respiratory health of the general population, especially people with asthma. ETS consists mainly of sidestream smoke from burning cigarettes and a smaller quantity of mainstream smoke which is exhaled by the smoker. At least one out of every three children is frequently exposed to ETS. ^ This paper reviewed the literature for studies on the role of ETS in the development and exacerbation of asthma among children in developing countries, specifically the low and middle income countries from the year 1980 to the present. The databases searched in this systematic review were: Ovid Medline; PubMed (National Library of Medicine); and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL) (EBSCOhost). Out of a total of 197 articles initially identified, only four studies (two from China, one from Macedonia and one from Brazil) were rated by two independent raters as being of high quality, and were selected for final abstraction, synthesis and evidence weighting. Results from these four studies suggests that, in developing countries, ETS exposure is associated with childhood asthma, and that asthma prevalence increases with an increase in the amount and duration of exposure to ETS. Similarly, exposure to ETS is associated with persistent cough, current night dry cough, and exacerbation of asthma symptoms. ^ Therefore, as is the case in developed nations, there is suggestive evidence in the literature that ETS exposure plays substantial role in the development and/or exacerbation of asthma among children in developing countries. To decrease the likelihood of new asthma development, enhance asthma control, and reduce the rate of medical service utilization in children exposed to ETS, smoking should be eliminated at home and in public places.^


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C. difficile causes gastrointestinal infections in humans, including severe diarrhea. It is implicated in 20%-30% of cases of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, in 50%-70% of cases of antibiotic-associated colitis, and in >90% of cases of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis. Exposure to antimicrobial agent, hospitalization and age are some of the risk factors that predispose to CDI. Virtually all hospitalized patients with nosocomially-acquired CDI have a history of treatment with antimicrobials or neoplastic agent within the previous 2 months. The development of CDI usually occurs during treatment with antibiotics or some weeks after completing the course of the antibiotics. ^ After exposure to the organism (often in a hospital), the median incubation period is less than 1 week, with a median time of onset of 2days. The difference in the time between the use of antibiotic and the development of the disease relate to the timing of exogenous acquisition of C. difficile. ^ This paper reviewed the literature for studies on different classes of antibiotics in association with the rates of primary CDI and RCDI from the year 1984 to 2012. The databases searched in this systematic review were: PubMed (National Library of Medicine) and Medline (R) (Ovid). RefWorks was used to store bibliographic data. ^ The search strategy yielded 733 studies, 692 articles from Ovid Medline (R) and 41 articles from PubMed after removing all duplicates. Only 11 studies were included as high quality studies. Out of the 11 studies reviewed, 6 studies described the development of CDI in non-CDI patients taking antibiotics for other purposes and 5 studies identified the risk factors associated with the development of recurrent CDI after exposure to antibiotics. ^ The risk of developing CDI in non-CDI patients receiving beta lactam antibiotics was 2.35%, while fluoroquinolones, clindamycin/macrolides and other antibiotics were associated with 2.64%, 2.54% and 2.35% respectively. Of those who received beta lactam antibiotic, 26.7% developed RCDI, while 36.8% of those who received any fluoroquinolone developed RCDI, 26.5% of those who received either clindamycin or macrolides developed RCDI and 29.1% of those who received other antibiotics developed RCDI. Continued use of non-C. difficile antibiotics especially fluoroquinolones was identified as an important risk factor for primary CDI and recurrent CDI. ^


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A graphing method was developed and tested to estimate gestational ages pre-and postnatally in a consistent manner for epidemiological research and clinical purposes on feti/infants of women with few consistent prenatal estimators of gestational age. Each patient's available data was plotted on a single page graph to give a comprehensive overview of that patient. A hierarchical classification of gestational age determination was then applied in a systematic manner, and reasonable gestational age estimates were produced. The method was tested for validity and reliability on 50 women who had known dates for their last menstrual period or dates of conception, and multiple ultrasound examinations and other gestational age estimating measures. The feasibility of the procedure was then tested on 1223 low income women with few gestational age estimators. The graphing method proved to have high inter- and intrarater reliability. It was quick, easy to use, inexpensive, and did not require special equipment. The graphing method estimate of gestational age for each infant was tested against the last menstrual period gestational age estimate using paired t-Tests, F tests and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of similar populations, producing a 98 percent probability or better that the means and data populations were the same. Less than 5 percent of the infants' gestational ages were misclassified using the graphing method, much lower than the amount of misclassification produced by ultrasound or neonatal examination estimates. ^


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Background. Risk factors underlying the development of Barrett's esophagus (BE) are poorly understood. Recent studies have examined the association between elevated body mass index (BMI) and BE with conflicting results. A systematic review of literature was performed to study this association.^ Methods. Cross-sectional, case control and cohort studies published through April 2007 meeting strict inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. A thorough data abstraction, including that of reported crude or adjusted odds ratios or mean BMI, was performed. Crude odds ratios were estimated from available information in 3 studies.^ Results. Of 630 publications identified by our search items, 59 were reviewed in detail and 12 included in the final analyses. 3 studies showed a statistically significant association between obesity and BE (30-32) while 2 studies found a statistically significant association between overweight and BE (31, 32). Two studies that reported BMI as a continuous variable found BMI in cases to be significantly higher than that in the comparison group (30, 32). Other studies failed to show an significant association between elevated BMI and BE.^ Conclusions. There is conflicting data regarding the association between elevated BMI and BE. It is important to identify other risk factors that in combination with elevated BMI may lead to BE. Further studies are needed to evaluate if the presence of reflux symptoms or any particular pattern of obesity, are independently associated with BE.^ Key words. Barrett's esophagus, obesity, Body Mass Index, gastroesophageal reflux disease, meta-analysis^


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Background. Several studies have proposed a link between type 2 Diabetes mellitus (DM2) and Hepatitis C infection (HCV) with conflicting results. Since DM2 and HCV have high prevalence, establishing a link between the two may guide further studies aimed at DM2 prevention. A systematic review was conducted to estimate the magnitude and direction of association between DM2 and HCV. Temporality was assessed from cohort studies and case-control studies where such information was available. ^ Methods. MEDLINE searches were conducted for studies that provided risk estimates and fulfill criteria regarding the definition of exposure (HCV) and outcomes (DM2). HCV was defined in terms of method of diagnosis, laboratory technique and method of data collection; DM2 was defined in terms of the classification [World Health Organization (WHO) and American Diabetes Association (ADA)] 1-3 used for diagnosis, laboratory technique and method of data collection. Standardized searches and data abstraction for construction of tables was performed. Unadjusted or adjusted measures of association for individual studies were obtained or calculated from the full text of the studies. Template designed by Dr. David Ramsey. ^ Results. Forty-six studies out of one hundred and nine potentially eligible articles finally met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were classified separately based on the study design as cross-sectional (twenty four), case-control (fifteen) or cohort studies (seven). The cohort studies showed a three-fold high (confidence interval 1.66–6.29) occurrence of DM2 in individuals with HCV compared to those who were unexposed to HCV and cross sectional studies had a summary odds ratio of 2.53 (1.96, 3.25). In case control studies, the summary odds ratio for studies done in subjects with DM2 was 3.61 (1.93, 6.74); in HCV, it was 2.30 (1.56, 3.38); and all fifteen studies, together, yielded an odds ratio of 2.60 (1.82, 3.73). ^ Conclusion. The above results support the hypothesis that there is an association between DM and HCV. The temporal relationship evident from cohort studies and proposed pathogenic mechanisms also suggest that HCV predisposes patients to development of DM2. Further cohort or prospective studies are needed, however, to determine whether treatment of HCV infections prevents development of DM2.^


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Streptococcus mutans has been identified as the primary etiological agent of human dental caries. Since its identification, there has been research focused on the development of a vaccine to prevent this disease. Preliminary research has been conducted to test both active and passive vaccines for Streptococcus mutans in animals and humans. Although a vaccine for dental caries caused by Streptococcus mutans would most likely be administered to children, no testing of any type of dental caries vaccines has been conducted on children as of yet. The public health imperative for the development of a vaccine is great. Not only will a vaccine reduce the various consequences, but it would also improve quality of life for many individuals. Among the many possible vaccine antigen candidates, researchers have also been focusing on protein antigens, GTFs, and Gbps as possible candidates for a vaccine. There are also many routes of administration under research, with topical, oral, and intranasal showing a lot of promise. This review will provide an overview on the current state of research, present key factors influencing prevalence of caries, and summarize and discuss the results of animal and human studies on caries vaccines against Streptococcus mutans. The progress and obstacles facing the development of a vaccine to fight dental caries will also be discussed. ^


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Approximately 200,000 African children are born with sickle-cell anemia each year. Research has shown that individuals with hemoglobin disorders, particularly sickle-cell anemia, have increased susceptibility to contracting malaria. Currently it is recommended that patients diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia undergo malaria chemoprophylaxis in order to decrease their chances of malarial infection. However, studies have shown that routine administration of these drugs increases the risk of drug resistance and could possibly impair the development of naturally acquired immunity. Clinical trials have shown intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) to be an effective method of protection against malaria. The objective of this report was to review previously conducted clinical trials that study the effects of intermittent preventive treatment on malaria and anemia in infants and children. Based on the review, implications for its appropriateness as a protective measure against malaria for infants and children diagnosed with sickle-cell disease were provided.^ The 18 studies reviewed were randomized controlled trials that focused on IPT’s effect on malaria (7 studies), anemia (1 study), or both (8 studies). In addition to these 16, one study looks at IPT’s effect on molecular resistance to malaria, and another study is a follow-up to a study in order to review IPT’s potential to cause a rebound effect. The 18 th study in this review specifically looks at IPT’s protective efficacy in children with SCA. The studies in this report were restricted to randomized controlled trials that have been performed from 2000 to 2010. Reports on anemia were included to illustrate possible added benefits of the use of IPT specific to burdens associated with SCA other than malaria susceptibility. The outcomes of these studies address several issues of concern involving the administration of IPT: protective efficacy (in reference to age, seasonal versus perennial malaria regions, and overall effectiveness against malaria and anemia), drug resistance, drug rebound effect, drug side-effects, and long-term effects. Overall, these showed that IPT has a significant level of protective efficacy against malaria and/or anemia in children. More specifically, the IPT study evaluating children diagnosed with sickle-cell anemia proved IPT to be a more effective method of protection than traditional chemoprophylaxis. ^


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Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, are a disease of the oral cavity that affects the tooth structure and leads to the occurrence of cavities in teeth. Dental caries are one of the leading chronic diseases in the population and are very common in childhood. If not treated appropriately, dental caries have debilitating effect on the oral and general health of individuals. ^ Objectives. The aims of this review are to (1) analyze and elucidate the relationship between the social and economic determinants of health like income, education and race/ethnicity and the prevalence of dental caries and (2) identify and understand the pathways/underlying causes through which these factors affect the occurrence of dental caries. This review will provide a foundation for formulation of better oral health policies in future by identifying the key socio-economic factors and pathways affecting the prevalence of dental caries. Knowledge about these socioeconomic factors could be incorporated in the design of future policies and interventions to achieve greater benefits.^ Methods. This review includes information from all pertinent articles, reviews, surveys, reports, peer reviewed literature and web sources that were published after 2000. The selection criterion includes literature focusing on individuals between the ages of 1 to 65 years, and individuals from different subgroups of community based on income, education and race/ethnicity. The analyses of literature include identifying if a relationship between income/education/race and the prevalence of dental caries exists by comparing the prevalence of dental caries in different socio-economic groups. Also included in this review are articles that are relevant to the mechanisms/pathways through which income/education/race affect the prevalence of dental caries.^ Results. Analyses of available literature suggests that disparities in the prevalence of dental caries may be attributed to differences in income, education and race/ethnicity. Higher prevalence of dental caries was observed in African-American and Mexican-American individuals, and in people with low income and low education. The leading pathways through which the socioeconomic factors affect the prevalence of dental caries are the lack of access to dental care, lack of awareness about good oral hygiene beliefs and habits, oral health, inability to afford dental care, lack of social support to maintain oral health and lack of dental insurance.^ Conclusion. Disparities in the prevalence of dental caries exist in various socio-economic groups. The relationship between socio-economic factors and dental caries prevalence should be considered in the development of future policies and interventions that are aimed at reducing the prevalence of dental caries and enhancing oral health status.^


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Public health efforts were initiated in the United States with legislative actions for enhancing food safety and ensuring pure drinking water. Some additional policy initiatives during the early 20th century helped organize and coordinate relief efforts for victims of natural disasters. By 1950's the federal government expanded its role for providing better health and safety to the communities, and its disaster relief activities became more structured. A rise in terrorism related incidents during the late 1990's prompted new proactive policy directions. The traditional policy and program efforts for rescue, recovery, and relief measures changed focus to include disaster preparedness and countermeasures against terrorism.^ The study took a holistic approach by analyzing all major disaster related policies and programs, in regard to their structure, process, and outcome. Study determined that United States has a strong disaster preparedness agenda and appropriate programs are in place with adequate policy support, and the country is prepared to meet all possible security challenges that may arise in the future. The man-made disaster of September 11th gave a major thrust to improve security and enhance preparedness of the country. These new efforts required large additional funding from the federal government. Most existing preparedness programs at the local and national levels are run with federal funds which is insufficient in some cases. This discrepancy arises from the fact that federal funding for disaster preparedness programs at present are not allocated by the level of risks to individual states or according to the risks that can be assigned to critical infrastructures across the country. However, the increased role of the federal government in public health affairs of the states is unusual, and opposed to the spirit of our constitution where sovereignty is equally divided between the federal government and the states. There is also shortage of manpower in public health to engage in disaster preparedness activities, despite some remarkable progress following the September 11th disaster.^ Study found that there was a significant improvement in knowledge and limited number of studies showed improvement of skills, increase in confidence and improvement in message-mapping. Among healthcare and allied healthcare professionals, short-term training on disaster preparedness increased knowledge and improved personal protective equipment use with some limited improvement in confidence and skills. However, due to the heterogeneity of these studies, the results and interpretation of this systematic review may be interpreted with caution.^


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Background. An enlarged tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) results in aspiration around the voice prosthesis (VP) and may lead to pneumonia. The aims of this research were: (1) to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on enlarged TEP; (2) to analyze preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative risk factors for enlarged TEP; and (3) to evaluate control of leakage around the VP using conservative treatments and adverse events in patients with enlarged TEP.^ Methods. A systematic review was conducted (1978-2008). A summary risk estimate was calculated using a random-effects meta-analysis model. A retrospective cohort study was completed. Patients who underwent total laryngectomy and TEP at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) were included. Multiple logistic regression methods were used to assess risk factors for enlargement. Descriptive and bivariate statistics were calculated to evaluate outcomes and adverse events. Results: Twenty-seven manuscripts were included in the systematic review. The summary risk estimate of enlarged TEP/leakage around the VP was 7.2% (95% CI: 4.8%-9.6%). Temporary VP removal and TEP-site injections were the most commonly reported treatments. Neither prosthetic diameter (p=0.076) nor timing of TEP (p=0.297) significantly increased risk of enlargement per stratified analyses of published outcomes. The cumulative incidence of enlarged TEP was 18.6% (36/194, 95% CI: 13.0%-24.1%) in the MDACC cohort. Enlarged TEP occurred exclusively in irradiated patients. Adjusting for length of follow-up and timing of TEP, advanced nodal disease (ORadjusted: 4.3, 95% CI: 1.0-19.1), stricture (ORadjusted : 3.2, 95% CI: 1.2-8.6), and locoregional recurrence/distant metastasis after laryngectomy (ORadjusted: 6.2, 95% CI: 2.3-16.4) increased risk of enlarged TEP. At last follow-up, conservative methods controlled leakage around the VP in 81% (29/36) of patients. Unresolved leakage was associated with recurrent cancer (p=0.081) and TEP-site irregularity (p=0.003). Relative to those without enlargement, enlarged TEP patients had significantly higher risk of pneumonia (RR: 3.4, 95% CI: 1.9-6.2).^ Conclusions. These data establish that enlarged TEP poses serious health risks, and provide insight into medical and oncologic factors that may contribute to development of this complication. In addition, this research supports the use of conservative treatments to address leakage after enlarged TEP in lieu of complete TEP closure.^


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Context: Black women are reported to have a higher prevalence of uterine fibroids, and a threefold higher incidence rate and relative risk for clinical uterine fibroid development as compared to women of other races. Uterine fibroid research has reported that black women experience greater uterine fibroid morbidity and disproportionate uterine fibroid disease burden. With increased interest in understanding uterine fibroid development, and race being a critical component of uterine fibroid assessment, it is imperative that the methods used to determine the race of research participants is defined and the operational definition of the use of race as a variable is reported for methodological guidance, and to enable the research community to compare statistical data and replicate studies. ^ Objectives: To systematically review and evaluate the methods used to assess race and racial disparities in uterine fibroid research. ^ Data Sources: Databases searched for this review include: OVID Medline, NML PubMed, Ebscohost Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Plus with Full Text, and Elsevier Scopus. ^ Review Methods: Articles published in English were retrieved from data sources between January 2011 and March 2011. Broad search terms, uterine fibroids and race, were employed to retrieve a comprehensive list of citations for review screening. The initial database yield included 947 articles, after duplicate extraction 485 articles remained. In addition, 771 bibliographic citations were reviewed to identify additional articles not found through the primary database search, of which 17 new articles were included. In the first screening, 502 titles and abstracts were screened against eligibility questions to determine citations of exclusion and to retrieve full text articles for review. In the second screening, 197 full texted articles were screened against eligibility questions to determine whether or not they met full inclusion/exclusion criteria. ^ Results: 100 articles met inclusion criteria and were used in the results of this systematic review. The evidence suggested that black women have a higher prevalence of uterine fibroids when compared to white women. None of the 14 studies reporting data on prevalence reported an operational definition or conceptual framework for the use of race. There were a limited number of studies reporting on the prevalence of risk factors among racial subgroups. Of the 3 studies, 2 studies reported prevalence of risk factors lower for black women than other races, which was contrary to hypothesis. And, of the three studies reporting on prevalence of risk factors among racial subgroups, none of them reported a conceptual framework for the use of race. ^ Conclusion: In the 100 uterine fibroid studies included in this review over half, 66%, reported a specific objective to assess and recruit study participants based upon their race and/or ethnicity, but most, 51%, failed to report a method of determining the actual race of the participants, and far fewer, 4% (only four South American studies), reported a conceptual framework and/or operational definition of race as a variable. However, most, 95%, of all studies reported race-based health outcomes. The inadequate methodological guidance on the use of race in uterine fibroid studies, purporting to assess race and racial disparities, may be a primary reason that uterine fibroid research continues to report racial disparities, but fails to understand the high prevalence and increased exposures among African-American women. A standardized method of assessing race throughout uterine fibroid research would appear to be helpful in elucidating what race is actually measuring, and the risk of exposures for that measurement. ^


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Oral health is essential for the general well being of the individual and collectively for the health of the population. Oral health can be maintained by routine dental care and visits to dental professionals, but accessing professional dental care may be a continuing difficulty in vulnerable older adult population. Many older adults are not frequent users of dental care, though oral health is crucial to their well-being and overall health. Access to care is the timely use of personal health services to achieve the best possible health outcomes. ^ Objectives: The aims of this review are to (i) to analyze and elucidate the relationship between socio-economic disparities in gender, ethnicity, poverty status, education and the continuing public issue of access to oral care, (ii) to identify the underlying causes through which these factors can affect access to oral care. This review will provide a knowledgeable basis for development of interventions to provide adequate access to oral care in older adults and implementing policies to ensure access to oral care; through highlighting the various socio economic factors that affect access to oral care among older adults. ^ Methods: This paper used a purposeful review of literature on socioeconomic disparities in access to oral care among older adults. The references considered in this review included all the relevant articles, surveys and reports published in English language, since the year 1985 to 2010, in the United States. The articles selected were scrutinized for relevancy to the topic of access to oral care and which included discussions of the effects of gender, ethnicity, poverty status, educational status in accessing oral care. ^ Results: Evidence confirmed the continuing disparity in access to oral care among older adults. The possible links identified were gender inequality, ethnic differences, income levels and educational differences affecting access to oral care. The underlying causes linking these factors with access to oral care were established. ^ Conclusion: The analysis of the literature review findings supported the prevalence of disparities in gender, ethnicity, income and education with its possible links affecting access to oral care. The underlying causes helped to understand the reasons behind this growing issue of inaccessible oral care. Further research is needed to develop policies and target dental public health efforts towards specific problem areas ensuring equitable access to oral services and consequently, improve the health of older adults.^


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Epilepsy is a very complex disease which can have a variety of etiologies, co-morbidities, and a long list of psychosocial factors4. Clinical management of epilepsy patients typically includes serological tests, EEG's, and imaging studies to determine the single best antiepileptic drug (AED). Self-management is a vital component of achieving optimal health when living with a chronic disease. For patients with epilepsy self-management includes any necessary actions to control seizures and cope with any subsequent effects of the condition9; including aspects of treatment, seizure, and lifestyle. The use of computer-based applications can allow for more effective use of clinic visits and ultimately enhance the patient-provider relationship through focused discussion of determinants affecting self-management. ^ The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic literature review on informatics application in epilepsy self-management in an effort to describe current evidence for informatics applications and decision support as an adjunct to successful clinical management of epilepsy. Each publication was analyzed for the type of study design utilized. ^ A total of 68 publications were included and categorized by the study design used, development stage, and clinical domain. Descriptive study designs comprised of three-fourths of the publications and indicate an underwhelming use of prospective studies. The vast majority of prospective studies also focused on clinician use to increase knowledge in treating patients with epilepsy. ^ Due to the chronic nature of epilepsy and the difficulty that both clinicians and patients can experience in managing epilepsy, more prospective studies are needed to evaluate applications that can effectively increase management activities. Within the last two decades of epilepsy research, management studies have employed the use of biomedical informatics applications. While the use of computer applications to manage epilepsy has increased, more progress is needed.^


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Ovarian cancer is the most lethal of the gynecologic malignancies. The development of endometriosis has been shown to increase one's risk of ovarian cancer. Numerous studies have investigated this association, yet none have synthesized the available data. In a pooled analysis of cohort and case-control studies, the association between endometriosis and ovarian cancer was strengthened. Women who developed endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer were more likely to develop an early stage clear cell or endometrioid ovarian cancer histotypes and were more likely to have a better overall prognosis. The prognostic differences between endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer and ovarian cancer without an associated endometriosis may indicate genetic and environmental differences between groups.^


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Background: An increased understanding of the pathogenesis of cancer at the molecular level has led to the development of personalized cancer therapy based on the mutation status of the tumor. Tailoring treatments to genetic signatures has improved treatment outcomes in patients with advanced cancer. We conducted a meta-analysis to provide a quantitative summary of the response to treatment on a phase I clinical trial matched to molecular aberration in patients with advanced solid tumors. ^ Methods: Original studies that reported the results of phase I clinical trials in patients with advanced cancer treated with matched anti-cancer therapies between January 2006 and November 2011 were identified through an extensive search of Medline, Embase, Web of Science and Cochrane Library databases. Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) was estimated for each study to assess the strength of an association between objective response rate (ORR) and mutation status. Random effects model was used to estimate the pooled OR and their 95% CI was derived. Funnel plot was used to assess publication bias. ^ Results: Thirteen studies published between January 2006 and November 2011that reported on responses to matched phase I clinical trials in patients with advanced cancer were included in the meta-analysis. Nine studies reported on the responses seen in 538 of the 835 patients with driver mutations responsive to therapy and seven studies on the responses observed in 234 of the 306 patients with mutation predictive for negative response. Random effects model was used to estimate pooled OR, which was 7.767(95% CI = 4.199 − 14.366; p-value=0.000) in patients with activating mutations that were responsive to therapy and 0.287 (95% CI = 0.119 − 0.694; p-value=0.009) in patients with mutation predictive of negative response. ^ Conclusion: It is evident from the meta-analysis that somatic mutations present in tumor tissue of patients are predictive of responses to therapy in patients with advanced cancer in phase I setting. Plethora of research and growing evidence base indicate that selection of patients based on mutation analysis of the tumor and personalizing therapy is a step forward in the war against cancer.^