27 resultados para Step-up (Program)

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Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is a clustering of cardiovascular (CV) risk factors that includes obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and elevated blood pressure. Applying the criteria for MetS can serve as a clinically feasible tool for identifying patients at high risk for CV morbidity and mortality, particularly those who do not fall into traditional risk categories. The objective of this study was to examine the association between MetS and CV mortality among 10,940 American hypertensive adults, ages 30-69 years, participating in a large randomized controlled trial of hypertension treatment (HDFP 1973-1983). MetS was defined as the presence of hypertension and at least two of the following risk factors: obesity, dyslipidemia, or hyperglycemia. Of the 10,763 individuals with sufficient data available for analysis, 33.2% met criteria for MetS at baseline. The baseline prevalence of MetS was significantly higher among women (46%) than men (22%) and among non-blacks (37%) versus blacks (30%). All-cause and CV mortality was assessed for 10,763 individuals. Over a median follow-up of 7.8 years, 1,425 deaths were observed. Approximately 53% of these deaths were attributed to CV causes. Compared to individuals without MetS at baseline, those with MetS had higher rates of all-cause mortality (14.5% v. 12.6%) and CV mortality (8.2% versus 6.4%). The unadjusted risk of CV mortality among those with MetS was 1.31 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.12-1.52) times that for those without MetS at baseline. After multiple adjustment for traditional risk factors of age, race, gender, history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and smoking status, individuals with MetS, compared to those without MetS, were 1.42 (95% CI, 1.20-1.67) times more likely to die of CV causes. Of the individual components of MetS, hyperglycemia/diabetes conferred the strongest risk of CV mortality (OR 1.73; 95% CI, 1.39-2.15). Results of the present study suggest MetS defined as the presence of hypertension and 2 additional cardiometabolic risk factors (obesity, dyslipidemia, or hyperglycemia/diabetes) can be used with some success to predict CV mortality in middle-aged hypertensive adults. Ongoing and future prospective studies are vital to examine the association between MetS and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in select high-risk subpopulations, and to continue evaluating the public health impact of aggressive, targeted screening, prevention, and treatment efforts to prevent future cardiovascular disability and death.^


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The relationship between serum cholesterol and cancer incidence was investigated in the population of the Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program (HDFP). The HDFP was a multi-center trial designed to test the effectiveness of a stepped program of medication in reducing mortality associated with hypertension. Over 10,000 participants, ages 30-69, were followed with clinic and home visits for a minimum of five years. Cancer incidence was ascertained from existing study documents, which included hospitalization records, autopsy reports and death certificates. During the five years of follow-up, 286 new cancer cases were documented. The distribution of sites and total number of cases were similar to those predicted using rates from the Third National Cancer Survey. A non-fasting baseline serum cholesterol level was available for most participants. Age, sex, and race specific five-year cancer incidence rates were computed for each cholesterol quartile. Rates were also computed by smoking status, education status, and percent ideal weight quartiles. In addition, these and other factors were investigated with the use of the multiple logistic model.^ For all cancers combined, a significant inverse relationship existed between baseline serum cholesterol levels and cancer incidence. Previously documented associations between smoking, education and cancer were also demonstrated but did not account for the relationship between serum cholesterol and cancer. The relationship was more evident in males than females but this was felt to represent the different distribution of occurrence of specific cancer sites in the two sexes. The inverse relationship existed for all specific sites investigated (except breast) although a level of statistical significance was reached only for prostate carcinoma. Analyses after exclusion of cases diagnosed during the first two years of follow-up still yielded an inverse relationship. Life table analysis indicated that competing risks during the period of follow-up did not account for the existence of an inverse relationship. It is concluded that a weak inverse relationship does exist between serum cholesterol for many but not all cancer sites. This relationship is not due to confounding by other known cancer risk factors, competing risks or persons entering the study with undiagnosed cancer. Not enough information is available at the present time to determine whether this relationship is causal and further research is suggested. ^


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The relationship between degree of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) reduction and mortality was examined among hypertensives, ages 30-69, in the Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program (HDFP). The HDFP was a multi-center community-based trial, which followed 10,940 hypertensive participants for five years. One-year survival was required for inclusion in this investigation since the one-year annual visit was the first occasion where change in blood pressure could be measured on all participants. During the subsequent four years of follow-up on 10,052 participants, 568 deaths occurred. For levels of change in DBP and for categories of variables related to mortality, the crude mortality rate was calculated. Time-dependent life tables were also calculated so as to utilize available blood pressure data over time. In addition, the Cox life table regression model, extended to take into account both time-constant and time-dependent covariates, was used to examine the relationship change in blood pressure over time and mortality.^ The results of the time-dependent life table and time-dependent Cox life table regression analyses supported the existence of a quadratic function which modeled the relationship between DBP reduction and mortality, even after adjusting for other risk factors. The minimum mortality hazard ratio, based on a particular model, occurred at a DBP reduction of 22.6 mm Hg (standard error = 10.6) in the whole population and 8.5 mm Hg (standard error = 4.6) in the baseline DBP stratum 90-104. After this reduction, there was a small increase in the risk of death. There was not evidence of the quadratic function after fitting the same model using systolic blood pressure. Methodologic issues involved in studying a particular degree of blood pressure reduction were considered. The confidence interval around the change corresponding to the minimum hazard ratio was wide and the obtained blood pressure level should not be interpreted as a goal for treatment. Blood pressure reduction was attributed, not only to pharmacologic therapy, but also to regression to the mean, and to other unknown factors unrelated to treatment. Therefore, the surprising results of this study do not provide direct implications for treatment, but strongly suggest replication in other populations. ^


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This study analyzed the relationship between fasting blood glucose (FBG) and 8-year mortality in the Hypertension Detection Follow-up Program (HDFP) population. Fasting blood glucose (FBG) was examined both as a continuous variable and by specified FBG strata: Normal (FBG 60–100 mg/dL), Impaired (FBG ≥100 and ≤125 mg/dL), and Diabetic (FBG>125 mg/dL or pre-existing diabetes) subgroups. The relationship between type 2 diabetes was examined with all-cause mortality. This thesis described and compared the characteristics of fasting blood glucose strata by recognized glucose cut-points; described the mortality rates in the various fasting blood glucose strata using Kaplan-Meier mortality curves, and compared the mortality risk of various strata using Cox Regression analysis. Overall, mortality was significantly greater among Referred Care (RC) participants compared to Stepped Care (SC) {HR = 1.17; 95% CI (1.052,1.309); p-value = 0.004}, as reported by the HDFP investigators in 1979. Compared with SC participants, the RC mortality rate was significantly higher for the Normal FBG group {HR = 1.18; 95% CI (1.029,1.363); p-value = 0.019} and the Impaired FBG group, {HR = 1.34; 95% CI (1.036,1.734); p-value = 0.026,}. However, for the diabetic group, 8-year mortality did not differ significantly between the RC and SC groups after adjusting for race, gender, age, smoking status among Diabetic individuals {HR = 1.03; 95% CI (0.816,1.303); p-value = 0.798}. This latter finding is possibly due to a lack of a treatment difference of hypertension among Diabetic participants in both RC and SC groups. The largest difference in mortality between RC and SC was in the Impaired subgroup, suggesting that hypertensive patients with FBG between 100 and 125 mg/dL would benefit from aggressive antihypertensive therapy.^


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America’s low-income families struggle to protect their children from multiple threats to their health and growth. Many research and advocacy groups explore the health and educational effects of food insecurity, but less is known about these effects on very young children. Children’s HealthWatch, a group of pediatric clinicians and public health researchers, has continuously collected data on the effects of food insecurity alone and in conjunction with other household hardships since 1998. The group’s peer reviewed research has shown that a number of economic risks at the household level, including food, housing and energy insecurity, tend to be correlated. These insecurities alone or in conjunction increase the risk that a young child will suffer various negative health consequences, including increases in lifetime hospitalizations, parental report of fair or poor health,1 or risk for developmental delays.2 Child food insecurity is an incremental risk indicator above and beyond the risk imposed by household-level food insecurity. The Children’sHealthwatch research also suggests public benefits programs modify some of these effects for families experiencing hardships. This empirical evidence is presented in a variety of public venues outside the usual scientific settings, such as congressional hearings, to support the needs of America’s most vulnerable population through policy change. Children’s HealthWatch research supports legislative solutions to food insecurity, including sustained funding for public programs and re-evaluation of the use of the Thrifty Food Plan as the basis of SNAP benefits calculations. Children’s HealthWatch is one of many models to support the American Academy of Pediatrics’ call to “stand up, speak up, and step up for children.”3 No isolated group or single intervention will solve child poverty or multiple hardships. However, working collaboratively each group has a role to play in supporting the health and well-being of young children and their families. 1. Cook JT, Frank DA, Berkowitz C, et al. Food insecurity is associated with adverse health outcomes among human infants and toddlers. J Nutr. 2004;134:1432-1438. 2. Rose-Jacobs R, Black MM, Casey PH, et al. Household food insecurity: associations with at-risk infant and toddler development. Pediatrics. 2008;121:65-72. 3. AAP leader says to stand up, speak up, and step up for child health [news release]. Boston, MA: American Academy of Pediatrics; October 11, 2008. http://www2.aap.org/pressroom/nce/nce08childhealth.htm. Accessed January 1, 2012.


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In a study of Lunar and Mars settlement concepts, an analysis was made of fundamental design assumptions in five technical areas against a model list of occupational and environmental health concerns. The technical areas included the proposed science projects to be supported, habitat and construction issues, closed ecosystem issues, the "MMM" issues--mining, material-processing, and manufacturing, and the human elements of physiology, behavior and mission approach. Four major lessons were learned. First it is possible to relate public health concerns to complex technological development in a proactive design mode, which has the potential for long-term cost savings. Second, it became very apparent that prior to committing any nation or international group to spending the billions to start and complete a lunar settlement, over the next century, that a significantly different approach must be taken from those previously proposed, to solve the closed ecosystem and "MMM" problems. Third, it also appears that the health concerns and technology issues to be addressed for human exploration into space are fundamentally those to be solved for human habitation of the earth (as a closed ecosystem) in the 21st century. Finally, it is proposed that ecosystem design modeling must develop new tools, based on probabilistic models as a step up from closed circuit models. ^


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The difficulty of detecting differential gene expression in microarray data has existed for many years. Several correction procedures try to avoid the family-wise error rate in multiple comparison process, including the Bonferroni and Sidak single-step p-value adjustments, Holm's step-down correction method, and Benjamini and Hochberg's false discovery rate (FDR) correction procedure. Each multiple comparison technique has its advantages and weaknesses. We studied each multiple comparison method through numerical studies (simulations) and applied the methods to the real exploratory DNA microarray data, which detect of molecular signatures in papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) patients. According to our results of simulation studies, Benjamini and Hochberg step-up FDR controlling procedure is the best process among these multiple comparison methods and we discovered 1277 potential biomarkers among 54675 probe sets after applying the Benjamini and Hochberg's method to PTC microarray data.^


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The history of the logistic function since its introduction in 1838 is reviewed, and the logistic model for a polychotomous response variable is presented with a discussion of the assumptions involved in its derivation and use. Following this, the maximum likelihood estimators for the model parameters are derived along with a Newton-Raphson iterative procedure for evaluation. A rigorous mathematical derivation of the limiting distribution of the maximum likelihood estimators is then presented using a characteristic function approach. An appendix with theorems on the asymptotic normality of sample sums when the observations are not identically distributed, with proofs, supports the presentation on asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimators. Finally, two applications of the model are presented using data from the Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program, a prospective, population-based, randomized trial of treatment for hypertension. The first application compares the risk of five-year mortality from cardiovascular causes with that from noncardiovascular causes; the second application compares risk factors for fatal or nonfatal coronary heart disease with those for fatal or nonfatal stroke. ^


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There were three purposes of this study. The first was to describe the association between stable marital status and serum cholesterol, systolic blood pressure and cigarette smoking. The second purpose was to determine whether individuals who were married at one point and became widowed or divorced/separated had higher serum cholesterol, higher systolic blood pressure or were more likely to smoke prior to the change in marital status compared with individuals who did not change marital status. The third purpose was to determine whether the changes in marital status described above were related to increases in serum cholesterol or in cigarette smoking behavior. The rationale for the study was to determine whether previously reported associations between marital status categories and cardiovascular mortality may be mediated through higher values of risk correlates for cardiovascular disease among unmarried individuals.^ The study group selected for this dissertation was a sample from the Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program (HDFP) population. The HDFP population was aged 30-69 years at the initial visit and included blacks and whites, males and females. The population was followed five years after the initial visit and periodic measurements of serum cholesterol, blood pressure and cigarette smoking behavior were obtained.^ Serum cholesterol was not associated with stable marital status category or with marital status prior to change. Changes in serum cholesterol were associated with marital status categories after change but the serum cholesterol values deceased rather than increased. Married individuals were shown to have higher serum cholesterol values compared with unmarried. Selection of the HDFP population may have influenced an ability to detect a significant association between marital status and serum cholesterol but it is doubtful that use of a general population would alter the direction of the association.^ Systolic blood pressure was significantly higher at the initial visit among unmarried white males and females compared with their married counterparts. No association between systolic blood pressure was found among black males or females. Those individuals who were married at the initial visit who experienced a change in marital status were found to have higher systolic blood pressure prior to the change in marital status. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^


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The effect of caffeine consumption on mortality was evaluated in a historical cohort study of 10064 hypertensive individuals participating in the Hypertension Detection and Follow-Up Program (HDFP) from 1973 to 1979. The study cohort was stratified into caffeine consumption groups (none, low, medium and high) based on their total level of caffeine intake from beverages (coffee and tea) and certain medications at the One-year follow-up home visit. Stratification was also made by sex, race, type of care and age. The total relative risks (RRs) when computed across strata for each caffeine consumer group (low, medium and high) were not significantly different when compared to the noncaffeine consumer group for all-cause or cause-specific mortality rates. The point estimates and 95 per cent confidence intervals for relative risks of all-cause mortality when compared to nonconsumers were as follows: Low = 0.82 (0.65-1.03), Medium: = 0.82 (0.62-1.82) and High = 0.90 (0.63-1.28). For all sex, race combinations there was an increase in the per cent of current smokers within each caffeine consumer group as the level of caffeine consumption increased. Cigarette smoking was an important confounder correlated with caffeine consumption and associated with mortality in this cohort. When confounding by cigarette smoking was adjusted for in the analysis, no association was found between the level of caffeine consumption and all-cause or cause-specific mortality. ^


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Based on the success of a community health and wellness program, Wellness in the City, delivered in Dallas County by trained volunteers, Texas Cooperative Extension (TCE) decided to pilot the program in 16 counties in North and East Texas. Before implementing the program, TCE wanted the Dallas County program to be reviewed and revised as needed to meet the diverse community needs in the pilot counties. TCE also asked for an implementation manual to be developed for the county agents to utilize. ^ To achieve these objectives, I first reviewed literature on other volunteer-implemented health interventions in the U.S. to see how they were planned, disseminated, implemented, and evaluated. Next, I reviewed the Wellness in the City program and materials. I applied all the information I gathered up to that point to the program development committee meetings (committee included seven TCE county agents, a TCE regional program director, and me). The program structure and training materials were revised based on our research and program implementation experience. These changes were made to ensure adequate training for the volunteers and to create a program that is applicable in the communities it will be piloted in. ^ With the program structure and training presentations developed, next I focused on compiling the implementation manual, which includes program details and volunteer recruitment, training, and management materials. The goal was to create a manual with everything the county agents will need to implement the program, so they can focus their efforts on putting the manual to use and recruiting and managing the volunteers. The final step was developing a program evaluation form for the agents to complete. It includes questions to assess the agents' thoughts about the training content, the feasibility of implementing the program using the manual, and the challenges of the program. ^


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Obesity has been on the rise in the United States over the last 30 years for all populations, including preschoolers. The purpose of the project was to develop an observation tool to measure physical activity levels in preschool children and use the tool in a pilot test of the CATCH UP curriculum at two Head Start Centers in Houston. Pretest and posttest interobserver agreements were all above 0.60 for physical activity level and physical activity type. Preschoolers spent the majority of their time in light physical activity (75.33% pretest, 87.77% posttest), and spent little time in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) (24.67% pretest, 12.23% posttest). Percent time spent in MVPA decreased significantly pretest to posttest from (F=5.738, p=0.043). While the pilot testing of the CATCH UP curriculum did not show an increase in MVPA, the SOFIT-P tool did show promising results as being a new method for collecting physical activity level data for preschoolers. Once the new tool has undergone more reliability and validity testing, it could allow for a more convenient method of collecting physical activity levels for preschoolers. ^


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Background: The Sacred Vocation Program (SVP) (Amick B, Karff S., 2003) helps workers find meaning, spirituality, and see their job as a sacred vocation. The SVP is based on Participatory Action Research (PAR) (Minkler & Wallerstein, 1997; Parker & Wall, 1998). This study aims to evaluate the SVP implemented at the Baylor Healthcare System, Dallas-Fort Worth. ^ Methods: The study design is a qualitative design. We used data from study participants who have participated in focus groups. During these focus groups specific questions and probes regarding the effectiveness of the SVP have been asked. We analyzed the focus groups and derived themes. ^ Results: Results of this study demonstrate SVP helps graduates feel valued and important. The SVP has improved meaningful work for employees and improved a sense of belonging for participants. The program has also increased participant spirituality. The coping techniques developed during a SVP class helps participants deal with stressful situations. The SVP faces challenges of implementation fidelity, poor communication, program viability in tough economic times and implementation of phase II. Another sustainability challenge for SVP is the perception of the program being a religious one versus a spiritual program. ^ Conclusion: Several aspects of the SVP work. The phase I of SVP is successful in improving meaningful work and a sense of belonging for participants. The coping techniques help participants deal with difficult work situations. The SVP can increase effectiveness through improvements in implementation fidelity, communication and leadership commitment. ^


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Introduction: The Virtual Molecular Biology Lab is an innovative, computer-based educational program designed to teach advanced high school biology students how to create a transgenic mouse model in a simulated laboratory setting. It was created in an effort to combat the current decrease in adolescent enthusiasm for and academic achievement in science and science careers, especially in Hispanic students. Because studies have found that hands-on learning, particularly computer-based instruction, is effective in enhancing science achievement, the Virtual Lab is a potential tool for increasing the number of Hispanic students that choose to enter science fields. [See PDF for complete abstract]