5 resultados para Stable And Unstable Manifolds

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Aim. To review and explore cataract prevalence in stable and unstable countries by examining published and unpublished ocular literature about Africa from 1980 onwards.^ Methods. Searches using OVID, Proquest Dissertations, WHO, and Ebsco Host were done. The review was restricted to articles utilizing WHO definitions of blindness and low vision. Random cluster sampling technique with a minimum sample size of 1,500, and reporting causes of blindness categorized by age and gender were inclusion considerations in the selected articles. ^ Results. Blindness and low vision increased with conflict. Women and the elderly were more likely to have vision impairing cataract. Cataract was the leading cause of blindness; the prevalence range was 22%–81% for the reviewed nations.^ Conclusion. Instability was connected to higher cataract prevalence and worse visual outcome across all characteristics examined except cataract surgical rates. ^


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Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common adult leukemia in the western countries. The interaction between CLL cells and the bone marrow stromal environment is thought to play a major role in promoting the leukemia cell survival and drug resistance. My dissertation works proved a novel biochemical mechanism by which the bone marrow stromal cells exert a profound influence on the redox status of primary CLL cells and enhance their ability to sustain oxidative stress and drug treatment. Fresh leukemia cells isolated from the peripheral blood of CLL patients exhibited two major redox alterations when they were cultured alone: a significant decrease in cellular glutathione (GSH) and an increase in basal ROS levels. However, when cultured in the presence of bone marrow stromal cells, CLL cells restored their redox balance with an increased synthesis of GSH, a decrease in spontaneous apoptosis, and an improved cell survival. Further study showed that CLL cells were under intrinsic ROS stress and highly dependent on GSH for survival, and that the bone marrow stromal cells promoted GSH synthesis in CLL cells through a novel biochemical mechanism. Cysteine is a limiting substrate for GSH synthesis and is chemically unstable. Cells normally obtain cysteine by uptaking the more stable and abundant precursor cystine from the tissue environment and convert it to cysteine intracellularly. I showed that CLL cells had limited ability to take up extracellular cystine for GSH synthesis due to their low expression of the transporter Xc-, but had normal ability to uptake cysteine. In the co-culture system, the bone marrow stromal cells effectively took up cystine and reduced it to cysteine for secretion into the tissue microenvironment to be taken up by CLL cells for GSH synthesis. The elevated GSH in CLL cells in the presence of bone marrow stromal cells significantly protected the leukemia cells from stress-induced apoptosis, and rendered them resistant to standard therapeutic agents such as fludarabine and oxaliplatin. Importantly, disabling of this protective mechanism by depletion of cellular GSH using a pharmacological approach potently sensitized CLL cells to drug treatment, and effectively enhanced the cytotoxic action of fludarabine and oxaliplatin against CLL in the presence of stromal cells. This study reveals a key biochemical mechanism of leukemia-stromal cells interaction, and identifies a new therapeutic strategy to overcome drug resistance in vivo.


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Cmd4 is a colcemid-sensitive CHO cell line that is temperature sensitive for growth and expresses an altered $\beta$-tubulin, $\beta\sb1$. One revertant of this cell line, D2, exhibits a further alteration in $\beta\sb1$ resulting in an acidic shift in its isoelectric point and a decrease in its molecular weight to 40 kD, as measured by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. This $\beta$-tubulin variant has been shown to be assembly-defective and unstable. Characterization of the mutant $\beta\sb1$ in D2 by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed the loss of methionine containing tryptic peptides 7,8,9, and 10. Southern analysis of the genomic DNA digested with several different restriction enzymes resulted in the appearance of new restriction fragments 250 base pairs shorter than the corresponding fragments from the wild-type $\beta\sb1$-tubulin gene. Northern analysis on mRNA from D2 revealed two new message products that also differed by 250 bases from the corresponding wild type $\beta$-tubulin transcripts. To precisely define the region of the alteration, cloning and sequencing of the mutant and wild type genomic $\beta$-tubulin genes were conducted. A size-selected EcoRI genomic library was prepared using the Stratagene lambda Zap II phage cloning system. Using subclones of CHO $\beta$-tubulin cDNA as probes, a 2.5 kb wild type clone and a 2.3 kb mutant clone were identified from this library. Each of these was shown to contain a portion of the gene extending from intron 3 through the end of the coding sequence in exon 4 and into the 3$\sp\prime$ untranslated region on the basis of alignment with the published human $\beta$-tubulin sequence. Sequencing of the mutant 2.3 kb clone revealed that the mutation is due to a 246 base pair internal deletion in exon 4 (base pair 756-1001) that encodes amino acids 253-334. This deletion results in the loss of a putative binding site for GTP which could potentially explain the phenotype of this mutant $\beta$-tubulin. Also sequence comparison of the 3$\sp\prime$ untranslated region between different species revealed the conservation of 200 base pairs with 78% homology. It is proposed that this region could play an important role in the regulation of $\beta$-tubulin gene expression. ^


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PAX6 is a transcription activator that regulates eye development in animals ranging from Drosophila to human. The C-terminal region of PAX6 is proline/serine/threonine-rich (PST) and functions as a potent transactivation domain when attached to a heterologous DNA-binding domain of the yeast transcription factor, GAL4. The PST region comprises 152 amino acids encoded by four exons. The transactivation function of the PST region has not been defined and characterized in detail by in vitro mutagenesis. I dissected the PST domain in two independent systems, a heterologous system using a GAL4 DNA-binding site and the native system of PAX6. In both systems, the results show consistently that all four constituent exons of the PST domain are responsible for the transactivation function. The four exon fragments act cooperatively to stimulate transcription, although none of them can function individually as an independent transactivation domain. Combinations of two or more exon fragments can reconstitute substantial transactivation activity when fused to the DNA-binding domain of GAL4, but they surprisingly do not produce much activity in the context of native PAX6 even though the mutant PAX6 proteins are stable and their DNA-binding function remains unaffected. I conclude that the PAX6 protein contains an unusually large transactivation domain that is evolutionarily conserved to a high degree, and that its full transactivation activity relies on the cooperative action of the four exon fragments.^ Most PAX6 mutations detected in patients with aniridia result in truncations of the protein. Some of the truncation mutations occur in the PST region of PAX6, resulting in mutant proteins that retain their DNA-binding ability but have no significant transactivation activity. It is not clear whether such mutants are true loss-of-function or dominant-negative mutants. I show that these mutants are dominant-negative if they are coexpressed with wild-type PAX6 in cultured cells and that the dominant-negative effects result from enhanced DNA-binding ability of these mutants due to removal of the PST domain. These mutants are able to repress the wild-type PAX6 activity not only at target genes with paired domain binding sites but also at target genes with homeodomain binding sites.^ Mutations in the human PAX6 gene produce various phenotypes, including aniridia, Peters' anomaly, autosomal dominant keratitis, and familial foveal dysplasia. The various phenotypes may arise from different mutations in the same gene. To test this theory, I performed a functional analysis of two missense mutations in the paired domain: the R26G mutation reported in a case of Peters' anomaly, and the I87R mutation identified in a patient with aniridia. While both the R26 and the I87 positions are conserved in the paired boxes of all known PAX genes, X-ray crystallography has shown that only R26 makes contact with DNA. I found that the R26G mutant failed to bind a subset of paired domain binding sites but, surprisingly, bound other sites and successfully transactivated promoters containing those sites. In contrast, the I87R mutant had lost the ability to bind DNA at all tested sites and failed to transactivate promoters. My data support the haploinsufficiency hypothesis of aniridia, and the hypothesis that R26G is a hypomorphic allele. ^


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The 3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors, or statins, can achieve significant reductions in plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol levels. Experimental and clinical evidence now shows that some statins interfere with formation of atherosclerotic lesions independent of their hypolipidemic properties. Vulnerable plaque rupture can result in thrombus formation and artery occlusion; this plaque deterioration is responsible for most acute coronary syndromes, including myocardial infarction (MI), unstable angina, and coronary death, as well as coronary heart diseaseequivalent non-hemorrhagic stroke. Inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase has potential pleiotropic effects other than lipid-lowering, as statins block mevalonic acid production, a precursor to cholesterol and numerous other metabolites. Statins' beneficial effects on clinical events may also thus involve nonlipid-related mechanisms that modify endothelial function, inflammatory responses, plaque stability, and thrombus formation. Aspirin, routinely prescribed to post-MI patients as adjunct therapy, may potentiate statins beneficial effects, as aspirin does not compete metabolically with statins but acts similarly on atherosclerotic lesions. Common functions of both medications include inhibition of platelet activity and aggregation, reduction in atherosclerotic plaque macrophage cell count, and prevention of atherosclerotic vessel endothelial dysfunction. The Cholesterol and Recurrent Events (CARE) trial provides an ideal population in which to examine the combined effects of pravastatin and aspirin. Lipid levels, intermediate outcomes, are examined by pravastatin and aspirin status, and differences between the two pravastatin groups are found. A modified Cox proportional-hazards model with aspirin as a time-dependent covariate was used to determine the effect of aspirin and pravastatin on the clinical cardiovascular composite endpoint of coronary heart disease death, recurrent MI or stroke. Among those assigned to pravastatin, use of aspirin reduced the composite primary endpoint by 35%; this result was similar by gender, race, and diabetic status. Older patients demonstrated a nonsignificant 21% reduction in the primary outcome, whereas the younger had a significant reduction of 43% in the composite primary outcome. Secondary outcomes examined include coronary artery bypass graft (38% reduction), nonsurgical bypass, peripheral vascular disease, and unstable angina. Pravastatin and aspirin in a post-MI population was found to be a beneficial combination that seems to work through lipid and nonlipid, anti-inflammatory mechanisms. ^