17 resultados para Select suitable information sources

em DigitalCommons@The Texas Medical Center


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Breast and cervical cancer, though less common in Mexican-American than in Anglo women, are more likely to go undetected in Mexican-American women, leaving them more vulnerable to advanced disease and death. Although highly effective screening tests--the Pap smear and the mammogram--can detect these cancers early, many Mexican-American women do not regularly undergo these preventive screening tests.^ To explore the differential influence of encouraging sources of health information, this investigation examined the relationship between encouragement from a "peer"--husband or partner, child or children, other family members, or close friends--and a "health professional"--a doctor, a nurse, or another health professional--on Mexican-American women's cancer screening intentions and behaviors. Furthermore, this research explored whether the sources' influence on cancer screening intentions and behaviors differed depending on level of acculturation.^ One thousand seven hundred eleven surveys of Mexican-American women were analyzed to identify the source that most effectively encourages these women to participate in cancer screening. The data provided evidence that health professionals strongly influenced this population's cancer screening intentions and behaviors. Evidence for peer influence was also found; however, it was usually weaker, and, in some cases, negligible. Peer encouragement was related to Pap test behaviors and mammogram intentions, but not to Pap test intentions or mammogram behaviors. Consistently, women reported greater intentions and screening behaviors when encouraged from a health professional than from a peer. Acculturation was not found to be a modifying variable related to the relationship between sources of information and Pap test or mammogram intentions and behaviors.^ Because health professionals were identified as strongly influencing both intentions and behaviors for Pap tests and mammograms, further efforts should be undertaken to urge them to encourage their clients to obtain cancer screening. Failure to provide this encouragement leads to missed opportunities. Enlisting support from peers also may help to increase cancer screening participation in urban Mexican-American women; however, the consistently greater intentions and behaviors related to a health professional's encouragement indicated the greater power of the latter. ^


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Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. With the advent of new technologies, changes in health care delivery, and multiplicity of provider types that patients must see, cancer care management has become increasingly complex. The availability of cancer health information has been shown to help cancer patients cope with the management and effects of their cancers. As a result, more cancer patients are using the internet to find resources that can aid in decision-making and recovery. ^ The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) is a nationally representative survey designed to collect information about the experiences of cancer and non-cancer adults with health information sources. The HINTS survey focused on both conventional sources as well as newer technologies, particularly the internet. This study is a descriptive analysis of the HINTS 2003 and HINTS 2005 survey data. The purpose of the research is to explore the general trends in health information seeking and use by US adults, and especially by cancer patients. ^ From 2003 to 2005, internet use for various health-related activities appears to have increased among adults with and without cancer. Differences were found between the groups in the general trust in information media, particularly the internet. Non-cancer respondents tended to have greater trust in information media than cancer respondents. ^ The latter portion of this work examined characteristics of HINTS respondents that were thought to be relevant to how much trust individuals placed in the internet as a source of health information. Trust in health information from the internet was significantly greater among younger adults, higher-earning households, internet users, online seekers of health or cancer information, and those who found online cancer information useful. ^


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A video and PowerPoint presentation from a webinar about the National Institute of Health's Public Access Policy. Overview of the Policy Who Has to Comply? When do you Have to Comply? How to Secure the Required Copyright How to Submit your Article How to Cite your Article How to Cite with EndNote More Information Sources Questions and Answers


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The purpose of this comparative analysis of CHIP Perinatal policy (42 CFR § 457) was to provide a basis for understanding the variation in policy outputs across the twelve states that, as of June 2007, implemented the Unborn Child rule. This Department of Health and Human Services regulation expanded in 2002 the definition of “child” to include the period from conception to birth, allowing states to consider an unborn child a “targeted low-income child” and therefore eligible for SCHIP coverage. ^ Specific study aims were to (1) describe typologically the structural and contextual features of the twelve states that adopted a CHIP Perinatal policy; (2) describe and differentiate among the various designs of CHIP Perinatal policy implemented in the states; and (3) develop a conceptual model that links the structural and contextual features of the adopting states to differences in the forms the policy assumed, once it was implemented. ^ Secondary data were collected from publicly available information sources to describe characteristics of states’ political system, health system, economic system, sociodemographic context and implemented policy attributes. I posited that socio-demographic differences, political system differences and health system differences would directly account for the observed differences in policy output among the states. ^ Exploratory data analysis techniques, which included median polishing and multidimensional scaling, were employed to identify compelling patterns in the data. Scaled results across model components showed that economic system was most closely related to policy output, followed by health system. Political system and socio-demographic characteristics were shown to be weakly associated with policy output. Goodness-of-fit measures for MDS solutions implemented across states and model components, in one- and two-dimensions, were very good. ^ This comparative policy analysis of twelve states that adopted and implemented HHS Regulation 42 C.F.R. § 457 contributes to existing knowledge in three areas: CHIP Perinatal policy, public health policy and policy sciences. First, the framework allows for the identification of CHIP Perinatal program design possibilities and provides a basis for future studies that evaluate policy impact or performance. Second, studies of policy determinants are not well represented in the health policy literature. Thus, this study contributes to the development of the literature in public health policy. Finally, the conceptual framework for policy determinants developed in this study suggests new ways for policy makers and practitioners to frame policy arguments, encouraging policy change or reform. ^


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In this study we sought to identify and understand feelings, benefits and barriers to making heart healthy behavioral changes by reviewing and analyzing participant responses to a follow-up telephone survey conducted as part of the HEART project (Health Education Awareness Research Team). Individuals who participated in HEART attended classes and received “Su Corazon, Su Vida” education. The HEART follow-up telephone survey was conducted only on those participants who were part of the experimental group. A total of 93 individuals from this group were successfully contacted for participation in the telephone survey after the classes ended. Quantitative data regarding ‘feelings’ and ‘difficulty making heart healthy behavioral changes’ were analyzed by calculating frequencies of each category of response for post-intervention weeks 9, 13, and 15. In addition, Wilcoxon rank-sum tests were conducted for post-intervention at weeks 9, 13, and 15 to measure associations between feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes. Changes in responses over time for feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes were looked at by counting differences in responses between pairs of follow up weeks. Qualitative responses to the survey were analyzed by categorizing content of responses under themes in order to identify factors related to feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes. Telephone survey participants showed positive attitudes towards making nutritional and physical activity changes. Out of the 93 telephone survey respondents, 53 (57%) reported some type of physical activity change during the follow-up period while 46 (49%) reported specific changes in nutrition. Data from the “difficulty to making changes” responses were categorized under constructs from the Health Belief Model, perceived benefits and barriers. Overall, the barriers for physical activity were health issues, individual habits and time. Barriers to eating healthy were family support, individual habits, and knowledge. This study suggests that with respect to nutritional knowledge barriers, educational programs should explore other ways of teaching and familiarizing individuals with information sources that may be more appropriate for those populations not accustomed to them. For example, nutrition labels, portions, recipes, and use of photonovelas. Our findings of the barriers to changes in food preparation due to lack of family support may also suggest the need for the development of programs where influential partners or relatives are involved in order to create a more supportive environment which may provide more opportunity for change toward healthier lifestyle behaviors. Finally, the physical activity barriers found suggest that it may be beneficial to recommend appropriate exercises for those with specific health problems or those with time restrictions due to work or travel so that physical activity is not completely avoided.^


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The situational and interpersonal characteristics of homicides occurring in Houston, Texas, during 1987 were investigated. A total of 328 cases were ascertained from the linking of police computer data, medical examiner's records, and death certificate information. The medical examiner's records contained all of the ascertained cases. The comparability ratio between the medical examiner's records and police and vital statistic data was 1.03 and 0.966, respectively. Data inconsistencies were found between the three information sources on Spanish surname, age, race/ethnicity, external cause of death coding, alcohol and drug involvement, weapon/method used, and Hispanic immigration status. Recommendations for improving the quality of homicide information gathered and for linking homicide surveillance systems were made.^ Males constituted 82% of all victims. The age-adjusted homicide rate for Blacks was 31.1 per 100,000 population, for Hispanics 19.2, and for Anglos 5.4. Among males, Blacks had an age-adjusted rate of 54.5, Hispanics, 31.0, and Anglos 7.5. Among females, Blacks had an age-adjusted rate of 9.3, Hispanics 6.1, and Anglos 3.1. Black males, ages 25-34, had the highest homicide rate, at 96.5.^ Half of all homicides occurred in a residence. Among Hispanic males, homicides occurred most often in the street. Firearms were used to commit 64% of the homicides. Arguments preceded 58% of all cases. Nearly two-thirds of the victims knew their assailant. Only 15% of males compared to 62% of females were killed by a spouse, an intimate acquaintance, or a family member. Blacks (93%) and Hispanics (88%) were more likely than Anglos (70%) to have been killed by persons of the same race/ethnicity. Nearly three-fourths of all Houston Hispanic homicide victims were foreign born.^ Alcohol was detected in 47% of the victims tested. Nearly one-third of those tested had blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) greater than 100 mg%. Males (53%) were more likely than females (20%) to have positive BACs. Hispanic males (64%) were more likely to have detectable BACs than either Black (51%) or Anglo (44%) males.^ Illegal drugs were detected in 20% of the victims tested. One-fourth of the victims who tested positive for drugs had more than one drug in their system at death. The stimulant cocaine was the most commonly detected drug, comprising 53% of all illegal drugs identified.^ Recommendations for the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of homicide and for future homicide research are made. ^


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According to the 2000 United States Census, the Asian population in Houston, Texas, has increased more than 67% in the last ten years. To supplement an already active consumer health information program, the staff of the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library worked with community partners to bring health information to predominantly Asian neighborhoods. Brochures on health topics of concern to the Asian community were translated and placed in eight informational kiosks in Asian centers such as temples and an Asian grocery store. A press conference and a ribbon cutting ceremony were held to debut the kiosks and to introduce the Consumer Health Information for Asians (CHIA) program. Project goals for the future include digitizing the translated brochures, mounting them on the Houston HealthWays Website, and developing touch-screen kiosks. The CHIA group is investigating adding health resources in other Asian languages, as well as Spanish. Funding for this project has come from outside sources rather than from the regular library budget.


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The ability of public health practitioners (PHPs) to work efficiently and effectively is negatively impacted by their lack of knowledge of the broad range of evidence-based practice information resources and tools that can be utilized to guide them in their development of health policies and programs. This project, a three-hour continuing education hands-on workshop with supporting resources, was designed to increase knowledge and skills of these resources. The workshop was presented as a pre-conference continuing education program for the Texas Public Health Association (TPHA) 2008 Annual Conference. Topics included: identification of evidence-based practice resources to aid in the development of policies and programs; identification of sources of publicly available data; utilization of data for community assessments; and accessing and searching the literature through a collection of databases available to all citizens of Texas. Supplemental resources included a blog that served as a gateway to the resources explored during the presentation, a community assessment workbook that incorporates both Healthy People 2010 objectives and links to reliable sources of data, and handouts providing additional instruction on the use of the resources covered during the workshop.^ Before- and after-workshop surveys based on Kirkpatrick's 4-level model of evaluation and the Theory of Planned Behavior were administered. Of the questions related to the trainer, the workshop, and the usefulness of the workshop, participants gave "Good" to "Excellent" responses to all one question. Confidence levels overall increased a statistically significant amount; measurements of attitude, social norms, and control showed no significant differences before and after the workshop. Lastly, participants indicated they were likely to use resources shown during the workshop within a one to three month time period on average. ^ The workshop and creation of supplemental resources served as a pilot for a funded project that will be continued with the development and delivery of four 4-week long webinar-based training sessions to be completed by December 2008. ^


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When compared to other types of occupational injuries, radiation overexposure events are somewhat rare, so health care providers may not be familiar with the actual clinical care to be provided when such an event occurs. Radiation overexposure treatment decisions are predicated on the amount of radiation dose received, which is a value many health care providers may not have the knowledge or expertise to either calculate or even estimate. Even the different units of measure for radiation exposure and dose received can be a source of confusion. The prompt treatment of radiation overexposure victims could be enhanced and facilitated through the creation of a single, simple protocol that consists of the various means of dose measurement and estimation, correlated to the corresponding appropriate clinical care measures. This culminating experience will assemble essential information currently maintained in disparate references to create a single, simplified protocol to facilitate the treatment of victims of acute external radiation overexposure. ^


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Introduction. Investigations into the shortcomings of current intracavitary brachytherapy (ICBT) technology has lead us to design an Anatomically Adaptive Applicator (A3). The goal of this work was to design and characterize the imaging and dosimetric capabilities of this device. The A3 design incorporates a single shield that can both rotate and translate within the colpostat. We hypothesized that this feature, coupled with specific A3 component construction materials and imaging techniques, would facilitate artifact-free CT and MR image acquisition. In addition, by shaping the delivered dose distribution via the A3 movable shield, dose delivered to the rectum will be less compared to equivalent treatments utilizing current state-of-the-art ICBT applicators. ^ Method and materials. A method was developed to facilitate an artifact-free CT imaging protocol that used a "step-and-shoot" technique: pausing the scanner midway through the scan and moving the A 3 shield out of the path of the beam. The A3 CT imaging capabilities were demonstrated acquiring images of a phantom that positioned the A3 and FW applicators in a clinically-applicable geometry. Artifact-free MRI imaging was achieved by utilizing MRI-compatible ovoid components and pulse-sequences that minimize susceptibility artifacts. Artifacts were qualitatively compared, in a clinical setup. For the dosimetric study, Monte-Carlo (MC) models of the A3 and FW (shielded and unshielded) applicators were validated. These models were incorporated into a MC model of one cervical cancer patient ICBT insertion, using 192Ir (mHDR v2 source). The A3 shield's rotation and translation was adjusted for each dwell position to minimize dose to the rectum. Superposition of dose to rectum for all A3 dwell sources (4 per ovoid) was applied to obtain a comparison of equivalent FW treatments. Rectal dose-volume histograms (absolute and HDR/PDR biologically effective dose (BED)) and BED to 2 cc (BED2cc ) were determined for all applicators and compared. ^ Results. Using a "step-and-shoot" CT scanning method and MR compliant materials and optimized pulse-sequences, images of the A 3 were nearly artifact-free for both modalities. The A3 reduced BED2cc by 18.5% and 7.2% for a PDR treatment and 22.4% and 8.7% for a HDR treatment compared to treatments delivered using an uFW and sFW applicator, respectively. ^ Conclusions. The novel design of the A3 facilitated nearly artifact-free image quality for both CT and MR clinical imaging protocols. The design also facilitated a reduction in BED to the rectum compared to equivalent ICBT treatments delivered using current, state-of-the-art applicators. ^


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Innovative, aggressive treatments and prolonged survival rates for patients with childhood cancers have placed new demands on the patient, parent and physician. As a result, counterproductive coping behaviors are often noted in adolescent cancer patients.^ One of the main ways the environment is manipulated by the individual to achieve personal comfort is through selectivity of information. An individual will usually pull the support personally needed to cope from the environment if sufficient resources are available. However, information provided young cancer patients is often filtered through the physicians and parents perspectives of the patient's needs without systematic input from the patient. In order to ensure that adequate information resources are available to help teenage patients cope with their illness, health professionals must have insights into the information needs of those patients. No previous efforts to address this subject were found in the literature.^ This study was designed to identify adolescent perspectives of their disease-related information needs and to compare their viewpoints with those of their parents and physicians. Sixty-five outpatient cancer patients (ages 11-20) receiving treatment at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute in Houston, Texas, 60 of their parents, and 53 physicians, who were involved in the treatment of pediatric patients at M. D. Anderson, were asked to complete self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires used were developed, administered and analyzed by the investigator. Specific areas addressed in the questionnaires included: Perceptions of cancer-related tests and treatments, the importance of 30 disease-related items of information, responses evoked by receipt of information, current and preferred sources of information, delivery of information at the time of diagnosis, and disease-related information requested for patients, family, friends and teachers.^ Adolescent perceptions of their information needs and their preferences for delivery of information were determined. The relationships between patient-parent and patient-physician perceptions were then analyzed to determine areas in which agreements and disparities in viewpoint existed. Programmatic and research recommendations were then provided.^ Hopefully, through these efforts, the adolescent patient will be helped to receive relevant information support from those deemed to be most important to his/her efforts to cope with cancer. ^


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The Internet, and specifically web 2.0 social media applications, offers an innovative method for communicating child health information to low-income parents. The main objective of this study was to use qualitative data to determine the value of using social media to reach low-income parents with child health information. A qualitative formative evaluation employing focus groups was used to determine the value of using social media for dissemination of child health information. Inclusion criteria included: (1) a parent with a child that attends a school in a designated Central Texas school district; and (2) English-speaking. The students who attend these schools are generally economically disadvantaged and are predominately Hispanic. The classic analysis strategy was used for data analysis. Focus group participants (n=19) were female (95%); White (53%), Hispanic (42%) or African American (5%); and received government assistance (63%). Most had access to the Internet (74%) and were likely to have low health literacy (53%). The most preferred source of child health information was the family pediatrician or general practitioner. Many participants were familiar with social media applications and had profiles on popular social networking sites, but used them infrequently. Objections to social media sites as sources of child health information included lack of credibility and parent time. Social media has excellent potential for reaching low-income parents when used as part of a multi-channel communication campaign. Further research should focus on the most effective type and format of messages that can promote behavior change in this population, such as story-telling. ^


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Genetics education for physicians has been a popular publication topic in the United States and in Europe for over 20 years. Decreasing numbers of medical genetics professionals and an increasing volume of genetic information has created a dire need for increased genetics training in medical school and in clinical practice. This study aimed to assess how well pediatrics-focused primary care physicians apply their general genetics knowledge to clinical genetic testing using scenario-based questions. We chose to specifically focus on knowledge of the diagnostic applicability of Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) technology in pediatrics because of its recent recommendation by the International Standard Cytogenomic Array (ISCA) Consortium as a first-tier genetic test for individuals with developmental disabilities and/or congenital anomalies. Proficiency in ordering baseline genetic testing was evaluated for eighty-one respondents from four pediatrics-focused residencies (categorical pediatrics, pediatric neurology, internal medicine/pediatrics, and family practice) at two large residency programs in Houston, Texas. Similar to other studies, we found an overall deficit of genetic testing knowledge, especially among family practice residents. Interestingly, residents who elected to complete a genetics rotation in medical school scored significantly better than expected, as well as better than residents who did not elect to complete a genetics rotation. We suspect that the insufficient knowledge among physicians regarding a baseline genetics work-up is leading to redundant (i.e. concurrent karyotype and CMA) and incorrect (i.e. ordering CMA to detect achondroplasia) genetic testing and is contributing to rising health care costs in the United States. Our results provide specific teaching points upon which medical schools can focus education about clinical genetic testing and suggest that increased collaboration between primary care physicians and genetics professionals could benefit patient health care overall.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the healthcare information needs of decision-makers in a local US healthcare setting in efforts to promote the translation of knowledge into action. The focus was on the perceptions and preferences of decision-makers regarding usable information in making decisions as to identify strategies to maximize the contribution of healthcare findings to policy and practice. Methods: This study utilized a qualitative data collection and analysis strategy. Data was collected via open-ended key-informant interviews from a sample of 37 public and private-sector healthcare decision-makers in the Houston/Harris County safety net. The sample was comprised of high-level decision-makers, including legislators, executive managers, service providers, and healthcare funders. Decision-makers were asked to identify the types of information, the level of collaboration with outside agencies, useful attributes of information, and the sources, formats/styles, and modes of information preferred in making important decisions and the basis for their preferences. Results: Decision-makers report acquiring information, categorizing information as usable knowledge, and selecting information for use based on the application of four cross-cutting thought processes or cognitive frameworks. In order of apparent preference, these are time orientation, followed by information seeking directionality, selection of validation processes, and centrality of credibility/reliability. In applying the frameworks, decision-makers are influenced by numerous factors associated with their perceptions of the utility of information and the importance of collaboration with outside agencies in making decisions as well as professional and organizational characteristics. Conclusion: An approach based on the elucidated cognitive framework may be valuable in identifying the reported contextual determinants of information use by decision-makers in US healthcare settings. Such an approach can facilitate active producer/user collaborations and promote the production of mutually valued, comprehensible, and usable findings leading to sustainable knowledge translation efforts long-term.^


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This study assessed and compared sociodemographic and income characteristics along with food and physical activity assets (i.e. grocery stores, fast food restaurants, and park areas) in the Texas Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (CORD) Study intervention and comparison catchment areas in Houston and Austin, Texas. The Texas CORD Study used a quasi-experimental study design, so it is necessary to establish the interval validity of the study characteristics by confirming that the intervention and comparison catchment areas are statistically comparable. In this ecological study, ArcGIS and Esri Business Analyst were used to spatially relate U.S. Census Bureau and other business listing data to the specific school attendance zones within the catchment areas. T-tests were used to compare percentages of sociodemographic and income characteristics and densities of food and physical activity assets between the intervention and comparison catchment areas.^ Only five variables were found to have significant differences between the intervention and comparison catchment areas: Age groups 0-4 and 35-64, the percentage of owner-occupied and renter-occupied households, and the percentage of Asian and Pacific Islander residents. All other variables showed no significant differences between the two groups. This study shows that the methodology used to select intervention and comparison catchment areas for the Texas CORD Study was effective and can be used in future studies. The results of this study can be used in future Texas CORD studies to confirm the comparability of the intervention and comparison catchment areas. In addition, this study demonstrates a methodology for describing detailed characteristics about a geographic area that practitioners, researchers, and educators can use.^