28 resultados para SPINAL MRI

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Serial quantitative and correlative studies of experimental spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats were conducted using three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Correlative measures included morphological histopathology, neurobehavioral measures of functional deficit, and biochemical assays for N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), lactate, pyruvate, and ATP. A spinal cord injury device was characterized and provided a reproducible injury severity. Injuries were moderate and consistent to within $\pm$20% (standard deviation). For MRI, a three-dimensional implementation of the single spin-echo FATE (Fast optimum angle, short TE) pulse sequence was used for rapid acquisition, with a 128 x 128 x 32 (x,y,z) matrix size and a 0.21 x 0.21 x 1.5 mm resolution. These serial studies revealed a bimodal characteristic in the evolution in MRI pathology with time. Early and late phases of SCI pathology were clearly visualized in $T\sb2$-weighted MRI, and these corresponded to specific histopathological changes in the spinal cord. Centralized hypointense MRI regions correlated with evidence of hemorrhagic and necrotic tissue, while surrounding hyperintense regions represented edema or myelomalacia. Unexpectedly, $T\sb2$-weighted MRI pathology contrast at 24 hours after injury appeared to subside before peaking at 72 hours after injury. This change is likely attributable to ongoing secondary injury processes, which may alter local $T\sb2$ values or reduce the natural anisotropy of the spinal cord. MRI, functional, and histological measures all indicated that 72 hours after injury was the temporal maximum for quantitative measures of spinal cord pathology. Thereafter, significant improvement was seen only in neurobehavioral scores. Significant correlations were found between quantitated MRI pathology and histopathology. Also, NAA and lactate levels correlated with behavioral measures of the level of function deficit. Asymmetric (rostral/caudal) changes in NAA and lactate due to injury indicate that rostral and caudal segments from the injury site are affected differently by the injury. These studies indicate that volumetric quantitation of MRI pathology from $T\sb2$-weighted images may play an important role in early prediction of neurologic deficit and spinal cord pathology. The loss of $T\sb2$ contrast at 24 hours suggests MR may be able to detect certain delayed mechanisms of secondary injury which are not resolved by histopathology or other radiological modalities. Furthermore, in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies of SCI may provide a valuable addition source of information about changes in regional spinal cord lactate and NAA levels, which are indicative of local metabolic and pathological changes. ^


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition that affects people in the prime of their lives. A myriad of vascular events occur after SCI, each of which contributes to the evolving pathology. The primary trauma causes mechanical damage to blood vessels, resulting in hemorrhage. The blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB), a neurovascular unit that limits passage of most agents from systemic circulation to the central nervous system, breaks down, resulting in inflammation, scar formation, and other sequelae. Protracted BSCB disruption may exacerbate cellular injury and hinder neurobehavioral recovery in SCI. In these studies, angiopoietin-1 (Ang1), an agent known to reduce vascular permeability, was hypothesized to attenuate the severity of secondary injuries of SCI. Using longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies (dynamic contrast-enhanced [DCE]-MRI for quantification of BSCB permeability, highresolution anatomical MRI for calculation of lesion size, and diffusion tensor imaging for assessment of axonal integrity), the acute, subacute, and chronic effects of Ang1 administration after SCI were evaluated. Neurobehavioral assessments were also performed. These non-invasive techniques have applicability to the monitoring of therapies in patients with SCI. In the acute phase of injury, Ang1 was found to reduce BSCB permeability and improve neuromotor recovery. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI revealed a persistent compromise of the BSCB up to two months post-injury. In the subacute phase of injury, Ang1’s effect on reducing BSCB permeability was maintained and it was found to transiently reduce axonal integrity. The SCI lesion burden was assessed with an objective method that compared favorably with segmentations from human raters. In the chronic phase of injury, Ang1 resulted in maintained reduction in BSCB permeability, a decrease in lesion size, and improved axonal integrity. Finally, longitudinal correlations among data from the MRI modalities and neurobehavioral assays were evaluated. Locomotor recovery was negatively correlated with lesion size in the Ang1 cohort and positively correlated with diffusion measures in the vehicle cohort. In summary, the results demonstrate a possible role for Ang1 in mitigating the secondary pathologies of SCI during the acute and chronic phases of injury.


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There is a high incidence of infertility in males following traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Quality of semen is frequently poor in these patients, but the pathophysiological mechanism(s) causing this are not known. Blood-testis barrier (BTB) integrity following SCI has not previously been examined. The objective of this study was to characterize the effects of spinal contusion injury on the BTB in the rat. 63 adult, male Sprague Dawley rats received SCI (n = 28), laminectomy only (n = 7) or served as uninjured, age-matched controls (n = 28). Using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI), BTB permeability to the vascular contrast agent gadopentate dimeglumine (Gd) was assessed at either 72 hours-, or 10 months post-SCI. DCE-MRI data revealed that BTB permeability to Gd was greater than controls at both 72 h and 10 mo post-SCI. Histological evaluation of testis tissue showed increased BTB permeability to immunoglobulin G at both 72 hours- and 10 months post-SCI, compared to age-matched sham-operated and uninjured controls. Tight junctional integrity within the seminiferous epithelium was assessed; at 72 hours post-SCI, decreased expression of the tight junction protein occludin was observed. Presence of inflammation in the testes was also examined. High expression of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 beta was detected in testis tissue. CD68(+) immune cell infiltrate and mast cells were also detected within the seminiferous epithelium of both acute and chronic SCI groups but not in controls. In addition, extensive germ cell apoptosis was observed at 72 h post-SCI. Based on these results, we conclude that SCI is followed by compromised BTB integrity by as early as 72 hours post-injury in rats and is accompanied by a substantial immune response within the testis. Furthermore, our results indicate that the BTB remains compromised and testis immune cell infiltration persists for months after the initial injury.


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Longitudinal in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) and immunohistochemistry were performed to investigate the tissue degeneration in traumatically injured rat spinal cord rostral and caudal to the lesion epicenter. On 1H-MRS significant decreases in N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) and total creatine (Cr) levels in the rostral, epicenter, and caudal segments were observed by 14 days, and levels remained depressed up to 56 days post-injury (PI). In contrast, the total choline (Cho) levels increased significantly in all three segments by 14 days PI, but recovered in the epicenter and caudal, but not the rostral region, at 56 days PI. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated neuronal cell death in the gray matter, and reactive astrocytes and axonal degeneration in the dorsal, lateral, and ventral white-matter columns. These results suggest delayed tissue degeneration in regions both rostrally and caudally from the epicenter in the injured spinal cord tissue. A rostral-caudal asymmetry in tissue recovery was seen both on MRI-observed hyperintense lesion volume and the Cho, but not NAA and Cr, levels at 56 days PI. These studies suggest that dynamic metabolic changes take place in regions away from the epicenter in injured spinal cord.


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Compromised blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB) is a factor in the outcome following traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent stimulator of angiogenesis and vascular permeability. The role of VEGF in SCI is controversial. Relatively little is known about the spatial and temporal changes in the BSCB permeability following administration of VEGF in experimental SCI. Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) studies were performed to noninvasively follow spatial and temporal changes in the BSCB permeability following acute administration of VEGF in experimental SCI over a post-injury period of 56 days. The DCE-MRI data was analyzed using a two-compartment pharmacokinetic model. Animals were assessed for open field locomotion using the Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan score. These studies demonstrate that the BSCB permeability was greater at all time points in the VEGF-treated animals compared to saline controls, most significantly in the epicenter region of injury. Although a significant temporal reduction in the BSCB permeability was observed in the VEGF-treated animals, BSCB permeability remained elevated even during the chronic phase. VEGF treatment resulted in earlier improvement in locomotor ability during the chronic phase of SCI. This study suggests a beneficial role of acutely administered VEGF in hastening neurobehavioral recovery after SCI.


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Magnetic resonance imaging, with its exquisite soft tissue contrast, is an ideal modality for investigating spinal cord pathology. While conventional MRI techniques are very sensitive for spinal cord pathology, their specificity is somewhat limited. Diffusion MRI is an advanced technique which is a very sensitive and specific indicator of the integrity of white matter tracts. Diffusion imaging has been shown to detect early ischemic changes in white matter, while conventional imaging demonstrates no change. By acquiring the complete apparent diffusion tensor (ADT), tissue diffusion properties can be expressed in terms of quantitative and rotationally invariant parameters. ^ Systematic study of SCI in vivo requires controlled animal models such as the popular rat model. To date, studies of spinal cord using ADT imaging have been performed exclusively in fixed, excised spinal cords, introducing inevitable artifacts and losing the benefits of MRI's noninvasive nature. In vivo imaging reflects the actual in vivo tissue properties, and allows each animal to be imaged at multiple time points, greatly reducing the number of animals required to achieve statistical significance. Because the spinal cord is very small, the available signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is very low. Prior spin-echo based ADT studies of rat spinal cord have relied on high magnetic field strengths and long imaging times—on the order of 10 hours—for adequate SNR. Such long imaging times are incompatible with in vivo imaging, and are not relevant for imaging the early phases following SCI. Echo planar imaging (EPI) is one of the fastest imaging methods, and is popular for diffusion imaging. However, EPI further lowers the image SNR, and is very sensitive to small imperfections in the magnetic field, such as those introduced by the bony spine. Additionally, The small field-of-view (FOV) needed for spinal cord imaging requires large imaging gradients which generate EPI artifacts. The addition of diffusion gradients introduces yet further artifacts. ^ This work develops a method for rapid EPI-based in vivo diffusion imaging of rat spinal cord. The method involves improving the SNR using an implantable coil; reducing magnetic field inhomogeneities by means of an autoshim, and correcting EPI artifacts by post-processing. New EPI artifacts due to diffusion gradients described, and post-processing correction techniques are developed. ^ These techniques were used to obtain rotationally invariant diffusion parameters from 9 animals in vivo, and were validated using the gold-standard, but slow, spinecho based diffusion sequence. These are the first reported measurements of the ADT in spinal cord in vivo . ^ Many of the techniques described are equally applicable toward imaging of human spinal cord. We anticipate that these techniques will aid in evaluating and optimizing potential therapies, and will lead to improved patient care. ^


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive technique that offers excellent soft tissue contrast for characterizing soft tissue pathologies. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MRI technique that has shown to have the sensitivity to detect subtle pathology that is not evident on conventional MRI. ^ Rats are commonly used as animal models in characterizing the spinal cord pathologies including spinal cord injury (SCI), cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc. These pathologies could affect both thoracic and cervical regions and complete characterization of these pathologies using MRI requires DTI characterization in both the thoracic and cervical regions. Prior to the application of DTI for investigating the pathologic changes in the spinal cord, it is essential to establish DTI metrics in normal animals. ^ To date, in-vivo DTI studies of rat spinal cord have used implantable coils for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and spin-echo pulse sequences for reduced geometric distortions. Implantable coils have several disadvantages including: (1) the invasive nature of implantation, (2) loss of SNR due to frequency shift with time in the longitudinal studies, and (3) difficulty in imaging the cervical region. While echo planar imaging (EPI) offers much shorter acquisition times compared to spin-echo imaging, EPI is very sensitive to static magnetic field inhomogeneities and the existing shimming techniques implemented on the MRI scanner do not perform well on spinal cord because of its geometry. ^ In this work, an integrated approach has been implemented for in-vivo DTI characterization of rat spinal cord in the thoracic and cervical regions. A three element phased array coil was developed for improved SNR and extended spatial coverage. A field-map shimming technique was developed for minimizing the geometric distortions in EPI images. Using these techniques, EPI based DWI images were acquired with optimized diffusion encoding scheme from 6 normal rats and the DTI-derived metrics were quantified. ^ The phantom studies indicated higher SNR and smaller bias in the estimated DTI metrics than the previous studies in the cervical region. In-vivo results indicated no statistical difference in the DTI characteristics of either gray matter or white matter between the thoracic and cervical regions. ^


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Approximately 12,000 new cases of spinal cord injury (SCI) are added each year to the estimated 259,000 Americans living with SCI. The majority of these patients return to society, their lives forever changed by permanent loss of sensory and motor function. While there are no FDA approved drugs for the treatment of SCI or a universally accepted standard therapy, the current though controversial treatment includes the delivery of high dosages of the corticosteroid methyliprednisolone sodium succinate, surgical interventions to stabilize the spinal column, and physical rehabilitation. It is therefore critically important to fully understand the pathology of injury and determine novel courses and rationally-based therapies for SCI. ^ Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an attractive target for treating central nervous system (CNS) injury and disease because it has been shown to influence angiogenesis and neuroprotection. Preliminary studies have indicated that increased vasculature may be associated with functional recovery; therefore exogenous delivery of a pro-angiogenic growth factor such as VEGF may improve neurobehavioral outcome. In addition, VEGF may provide protection from secondary injury and result in increased survival and axonal sprouting. ^ In these studies, SCI rats received acute intraspinal injections of VEGF, the antibody to VEGF, or vehicle control. The effect of these various agents was investigated using longitudinalmulti-modal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), neuro- and sensory behavioral assays, and end point immunohistochemistry. We found that rats that received VEGF after SCI had increased tissue sparing and improved white matter integrity at the earlier time points as shown by advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. However, these favorable effects of VEGF were not maintained, suggesting that additional treatments with VEGF at multiple time points may be more beneficial, Histological examinations revealed that VEGF treatment may result in increased oligodendrogenesis and therefore may eventually lead to remyelination and improved functional outcome. ^ On the neurobehavioral studies, treatments with VEGF and Anti-VEGF did not significantly affect performance on tests of open-field locomotion, grid walk, inclined plane, or rearing. However, VEGF treatment resulted in significantly increased incidence of chronic neuropathic pain. This phenomenon could possibly be attributed to the fact that VEGF treatment may promote axonal sprouting and also results in tissue sparing, thereby providing a substrate for the growth of new axons. New connections made by these sprouting axons may involve components of pathways involved in the transmission of pain and therefore result in increased pain in those animals. ^


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DCE-MRI is an important technique in the study of small animal cancer models because its sensitivity to vascular changes opens the possibility of quantitative assessment of early therapeutic response. However, extraction of physiologically descriptive parameters from DCE-MRI data relies upon measurement of the vascular input function (VIF), which represents the contrast agent concentration time course in the blood plasma. This is difficult in small animal models due to artifacts associated with partial volume, inflow enhancement, and the limited temporal resolution achievable with MR imaging. In this work, the development of a suite of techniques for high temporal resolution, artifact resistant measurement of the VIF in mice is described. One obstacle in VIF measurement is inflow enhancement, which decreases the sensitivity of the MR signal to the presence of contrast agent. Because the traditional techniques used to suppress inflow enhancement degrade the achievable spatiotemporal resolution of the pulse sequence, improvements can be achieved by reducing the time required for the suppression. Thus, a novel RF pulse which provides spatial presaturation contemporaneously with the RF excitation was implemented and evaluated. This maximizes the achievable temporal resolution by removing the additional RF and gradient pulses typically required for suppression of inflow enhancement. A second challenge is achieving the temporal resolution required for accurate characterization of the VIF, which exceeds what can be achieved with conventional imaging techniques while maintaining adequate spatial resolution and tumor coverage. Thus, an anatomically constrained reconstruction strategy was developed that allows for sampling of the VIF at extremely high acceleration factors, permitting capture of the initial pass of the contrast agent in mice. Simulation, phantom, and in vivo validation of all components were performed. Finally, the two components were used to perform VIF measurement in the murine heart. An in vivo study of the VIF reproducibility was performed, and an improvement in the measured injection-to-injection variation was observed. This will lead to improvements in the reliability of quantitative DCE-MRI measurements and increase their sensitivity.


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Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and immunohistochemistry were performed in spinal cord injured rats to understand the basis for activation of multiple regions in the brain observed in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies. The measured fractional anisotropy (FA), a scalar measure of diffusion anisotropy, along the region encompassing corticospinal tracts (CST) indicates significant differences between control and injured groups in the 3 to 4 mm area posterior to bregma that correspond to internal capsule and cerebral peduncle. Additionally, DTI-based tractography in injured animals showed increased number of fibers that extend towards the cortex terminating in the regions that were activated in fMRI. Both the internal capsule and cerebral peduncle demonstrated an increase in GFAP-immunoreactivity compared to control animals. GAP-43 expression also indicates plasticity in the internal capsule. These studies suggest that the previously observed multiple regions of activation in spinal cord injury are, at least in part, due to the formation of new fibers.


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Promotion of remyelination is an important therapeutic strategy to facilitate functional recovery after traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Transplantation of neural stem cells (NSCs) or oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) has been used to enhance remyelination after SCI. However, the microenvironment in the injured spinal cord is inhibitory for oligodendrocyte (OL) differentiation of NSCs or OPCs. Identifying the signaling pathways that inhibit OL differentiation in the injured spinal cord could lead to new therapeutic strategies to enhance remyelination and functional recovery after SCI. In the present study, we show that reactive astrocytes from the injured rat spinal cord or their conditioned media inhibit OL differentiation of adult OPCs with concurrent promotion of astrocyte differentiation. The expression of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) is dramatically increased in the reactive astrocytes and their conditioned media. Importantly, blocking BMP activity by BMP receptor antagonist, noggin, reverse the effects of active astrocytes on OPC differentiation by increasing the differentiation of OL from OPCs while decreasing the generation of astrocytes. These data indicate that the upregulated bone morphogenetic proteins in the reactive astrocytes are major factors to inhibit OL differentiation of OPCs and to promote its astrocyte differentiation. These data suggest that manipulation of BMP signaling in the endogenous or grafted NSCs or OPCs may be a useful therapeutic strategy to increase their OL differentiation and remyelination and enhance functional recovery after SCI.


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Mechanisms underlying chronic pain that develops after spinal cord injury (SCI) are incompletely understood. Most research on SCI pain mechanisms has focused on neuronal alterations within pain pathways at spinal and supraspinal levels associated with inflammation and glial activation. These events might also impact central processes of primary sensory neurons, triggering in nociceptors a hyperexcitable state and spontaneous activity (SA) that drive behavioral hypersensitivity and pain. SCI can sensitize peripheral fibers of nociceptors and promote peripheral SA, but whether these effects are driven by extrinsic alterations in surrounding tissue or are intrinsic to the nociceptor, and whether similar SA occurs in nociceptors in vivo are unknown. We show that small DRG neurons from rats (Rattus norvegicus) receiving thoracic spinal injury 3 d to 8 months earlier and recorded 1 d after dissociation exhibit an elevated incidence of SA coupled with soma hyperexcitability compared with untreated and sham-treated groups. SA incidence was greatest in lumbar DRG neurons (57%) and least in cervical neurons (28%), and failed to decline over 8 months. Many sampled SA neurons were capsaicin sensitive and/or bound the nociceptive marker, isolectin B4. This intrinsic SA state was correlated with increased behavioral responsiveness to mechanical and thermal stimulation of sites below and above the injury level. Recordings from C- and Aδ-fibers revealed SCI-induced SA generated in or near the somata of the neurons in vivo. SCI promotes the entry of primary nociceptors into a chronic hyperexcitable-SA state that may provide a useful therapeutic target in some forms of persistent pain.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is being investigated as a potential interventional therapy for spinal cord injury (SCI). In the current study, we examined SCI-induced changes in VEGF protein levels using Western blot analysis around the epicenter of injury. Our results indicate a significant decrease in the levels of VEGF(165) and other VEGF isoforms at the lesion epicenter 1 day after injury, which was maintained up to 1 month after injury. We also examined if robust VEGF(165) decrease in injured spinal cords affects neuronal survival, given that a number of reported studies show neuroprotective effect of this VEGF isoform. However, exogenously administered VEGF(165) at the time of injury did not affect the number of sparred neurons. In contrast, exogenous administration of VEGF antibody that inhibits actions of not only VEGF(165) but also of several other VEGF isoforms, significantly decreased number of sparred neurons after SCI. Together these results indicate a general reduction of VEGF isoforms following SCI and that isoforms other than VEGF(165) (e.g., VEGF(121) and/or VEGF(189)) provide neuroprotection, suggesting that VEGF(165) isoform is likely involved in other pathophysiological process after SCI.


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OBJECTIVE: To relate volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings to hypothermia therapy and neurosensory impairments. STUDY DESIGN: Newborns > or =36 weeks' gestation with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy who participated in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development hypothermia randomized trial at our center were eligible. We determined the relationship between hypothermia treatment and usual care (control) to absolute and relative cerebral tissue volumes. Furthermore, we correlated brain volumes with death or neurosensory impairments at 18 to 22 months. RESULT: Both treatment groups were comparable before randomization. Total brain tissue volumes did not differ in relation to treatment assignment. However, relative volumes of subcortical white matter were significantly larger in hypothermia-treated than control infants. Furthermore, relative total brain volumes correlated significantly with death or neurosensory impairments. Relative volumes of the cortical gray and subcortical white matter also correlated significantly with Bayley Scales psychomotor development index. CONCLUSION: Selected volumetric MRI findings correlated with hypothermia therapy and neurosensory impairments. Larger studies using MRI brain volumes as a secondary outcome measure are needed.


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Intensity non-uniformity (bias field) correction, contextual constraints over spatial intensity distribution and non-spherical cluster's shape in the feature space are incorporated into the fuzzy c-means (FCM) for segmentation of three-dimensional multi-spectral MR images. The bias field is modeled by a linear combination of smooth polynomial basis functions for fast computation in the clustering iterations. Regularization terms for the neighborhood continuity of either intensity or membership are added into the FCM cost functions. Since the feature space is not isotropic, distance measures, other than the Euclidean distance, are used to account for the shape and volumetric effects of clusters in the feature space. The performance of segmentation is improved by combining the adaptive FCM scheme with the criteria used in Gustafson-Kessel (G-K) and Gath-Geva (G-G) algorithms through the inclusion of the cluster scatter measure. The performance of this integrated approach is quantitatively evaluated on normal MR brain images using the similarity measures. The improvement in the quality of segmentation obtained with our method is also demonstrated by comparing our results with those produced by FSL (FMRIB Software Library), a software package that is commonly used for tissue classification.