15 resultados para SOMATIC HYBRIDS

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Human x rodent somatic cell hybrids have played an important role in human genetics research. They have been especially useful for assigning genes to chromosomes and isolating DNA markers from specific regions of the human genome.^ By employing a combination of somatic cell genetic, recombinant DNA, and cytogenetic techniques, human DNA excision repair gene ERCC4 was mapped regionally to human 16p13.13-13.2, even though the gene has not been cloned. Human x Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell hybrids selected for human ERCC4 activity and containing 16p13.1-p13.3 as the only human genetic material were identified. These hybrids were used to order DNA markers located in 16p13.1-p13.3. New DNA markers physically close to ERCC4 were isolated from such hybrids. Using amplified human DNA from the hybrids as probe in fluorescent in situ hybridization, the short arm breakpoint in the chromosome 16 inversion associated with acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML) was found to be physically close to the ERCC4 gene. The physical mapping and eventually, the cloning of the ERCC4 gene, will benefit the understanding of the DNA repair system and the study of other important biomedical problems such as tumorigenesis.^ To facilitate the cloning of ERCC4 gene and, in general, the cloning of genes from any defined regions of the human genome, a method was developed for the direct isolation of human transcribed genes ffom somatic cell hybrids. cDNA was prepared from human x rodent hybrid by using consensus 5$\sp\prime$ splice site sequences as primers. These primers were designed to select immature, unspliced messenger RNA (still retaining species specific repeat sequences) as templates. Screening of a derived cDNA library for human repeat sequences resulted in the isolation of human clones at the anticipated frequency with characteristics expected of exons of transcribed human genes. The usefulness of the splice site specific primers was analyzed and the cDNA synthesis conditions with these primers were optimized. The procedure was shown to be sensitive enough to clone weakly expressed genes. Studying the expression of the represented genes with the isolated clones was shown to be feasible. Such regional specific human gene fragments will be very valuable for many human genetic studies such as the search of inherited disease genes and the construction of a cDNA map of the human genome. ^


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Not enough research efforts on depression have been carried out up to now in Latin America. The knowledge that has resulted from research activities in the United States or Europe offers limited generalizability to other regions of the world, including Latin America. In the Andean highlands of Ecuador, we found very high rates of moderate and severe depressive symptoms, a finding that must be interpreted within its cultural context. Somatic manifestations of depression predominated over cognitive manifestations, and higher education level was protective against depression. These findings call for an appreciation of culturally-specific manifestations of depression and the social factors that influence them. These factors must be further studied in order to give them the deserved priority, allocate resources appropriately, and formulate innovative psychosocial interventions.


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The purpose of this project was to determine if stability of specific antibody secretion improved after fusion of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed lymphoblastoid cells with P3X63Ag8.653 murine myeloma cells. Production of human monoclonal antibodies by Epstein-Barr virus transformation and somatic cell fusion has been used by many laboratories, however the steps involved have not been fully optimized. B lymphocytes isolated from the peripheral blood of normal donors were enriched for Thomsen-Friedenreich (T) antigen-reactive cells by panning on asialoglycophorin. The EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines generated from asialoglycophorin-adherent B lymphocytes were treated in three different manners: (1) cloned and maintained in culture as monoclonal lymphoblastoid cell lines, (2) cloned and fused with murine myeloma cells or (3) fused shortly after transfomation without prior cloning. Cloned lymphoblastoid cell lines maintained in culture without fusion either died or lost specific antibody secretion within five months. Uncloned lymphoblastoid cells remained viable for up to three months but lost specific antibody secretion within two months probably due to overgrowth by nonspecific clones. In an attempt to increase longevity and to stabilize specific antibody secretion by these cells, the cloned lymphoblastoid cells were fused with murine myeloma cells. In nine of ten fusions no hybrids were recovered. As an alternate approach, uncloned lymphoblastoid cells secreting T antigen-specific antibody were hybridized with murine myeloma cells, hybrids secreting T antigen-specific antibody were recovered in six of seven fusions. Furthermore, T antigen-specific antibodies of high titer were secreted by the heterohybridoma clones for more than five months of continuous culture. These heterohybridoma cells secreted more immunoglobulin, produced greater titers of antibody and maintained specific antibody secretion longer than either monoclonal or polyclonal EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cells. These studies have conclusively demonstrated that fusion of polyclonal lymphoblastoid cells secreting T antigen-specific antibody with murine myeloma cells results in prolongation of human monoclonal antibody production compared with unfused monoclonal or polyclonal lymphoblastoid cell lines. This procedure should be generally applicable for the production of stable human monoclonal antibody-secreting cells lines from peripheral blood lymphocytes. ^


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The role of tumor suppressor function in the multistep process of carcinogenesis was studied in the human teratocarcinoma cell line PA-1. Early passage PA-1 cells ($<$P100) are preneoplastic while late passage ($>$P100) PA-1 cells are spontaneously transformed. Previous work demonstrated a causal role for the N-ras oncogene in the neoplastic transformation of this cell line and the gene was cloned. A clonal cell line established at passage 40 has been shown to suppress the neoplastic transformation potential of the PA-1 N-ras oncogene in gene transfer experiments. This phenotype has been termed SRT+ for suppression of ras transformation. A clonal cell line established at passage 63 is neoplastically transformed by the N-ras in similar gene transfer experiments and is regarded as srt$-$. Somatic cell hybrids were formed between the SRT+ cell and two different N-ras transformed srt$-$ cells. The results indicate that five of the seven independent hybrid clones, and all 14 subclones, failed to form tumors in the nude mouse tumor assay. Chromosomal analysis of rare neoplastic segregants which arose from suppressed hybrid populations demonstrate that the general loss of chromosomes correlates with the reemergence of neoplastic transformation. Karyotype analyses demonstrate a statistically correlative loss of chromosomes 1, 4, 19, and to a lesser extent 11, 14, and 16. DNA hybridization analysis demonstrates a single copy of the intact N-ras oncogene in parental cells, suppressed hybrids, and neoplastically transformed hybrids. These results indicate that functional ras transformation suppression is a trans-dominant trait which may be controlled by sequences residing on particular chromosomes in the human genome. Furthermore, the suppression of ras transformation results from a unique step in the multistep process of carcinogenesis that is different from the induction of immortality. Thus, the neoplastic process of the PA-1 cell line involves at least three steps: (1) induction of immortality, (2) activation of the N-ras oncogene, and (3) loss of tumor suppressor function. ^


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Nephroblastoma or Wilms' tumor is a pediatric renal malignancy that is the most frequently occurring childhood solid tumor. Approximately 1-2% of children with Wilms' tumor also present with aniridia, a congenital absence of all or part of the iris of the eye. These children also have high rates of genitourinary anomalies and mental retardation resulting in what is called the WAGR (Wilms' tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomaly, mental retardation) syndrome. Cytogenetic analysis of metaphase chromosomes from these patients revealed a consistent deletion of band P13 on chromosome 11. These observations suggest close physical linkage between the disease-related loci, and further imply that development of each phenotype results from the loss of normal gene function.^ The objective of this work is to understand the molecular events at chromosome band 11p13 that are essential to the development of sporadic Wilms' tumor and sporadic aniridia. Two human/hamster somatic cell hybrids have been used to identify sixteen independent DNA probes that map to this segment of the human genome. These newly identified DNA probes and four previously reported probes (CAT, FSHB, D11S16, and HBVIS) have been used to subdivide 11p13 into five intervals defined by overlapping constitutional deletions from several WAGR patients. A long-range physical map of 11p13 has been constructed using each of these probes in Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA after digestion with infrequently cutting restriction enzymes and pulse-field gel electrophoresis. This map, established primarily with MluI and NotI, spans approximately 13 $\times$ 10$\sp{6}$ bp and encompasses deletion and translocation breakpoints associated with genitourinary anomalies, aniridia, and sporadic Wilms' tumor. This complete physical map of human chromosome band 11p13 enables us to localize the genes for sporadic Wilms' tumor and sporadic aniridia to a small number of specific NotI fragments. ^


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A series of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids were investigated by Southern blot analysis for the presence or absence of twenty-six molecular markers and three isozyme loci from human chromosome 19. Based on the co-retention of these markers in the various independent hybrid clones containing portions of human chromosome 19 and on pulsed field mapping, chromosome 19 is divided into twenty ordered regions. The most likely marker order for the chromosome is: (LDLR, C3)-(cen-MANNB)-D19S7-PEPD-D19S9-GPI-TGF$ \beta$-(CYP2A, NCA, CGM2, BCKAD)-PSG1a-(D19S8, XRCC1)-(D19S19, ATP1A3)-(D19S37, APOC2)-CKMM-ERCC2-ERCC1-(D19S62, D19S51)-D19S6-D19S50-D19S22-(CGB, FTL)-qter.^ The region of 19q between the proximal marker D19S7 and the distal gene coding for the beta subunit of chorionic gonadotropin (CGB) is about 37 Mb in size and covers about 37 cM genetic distance. The ration of genetic to physical distance on 19q is therefore very close to the genomic average OF 1 cM/Mb. Estimates of physical distances for intervals between chromosome 19 markers were calculated using a mapping function which estimates distances based on the number of breaks in hybrid clone panels. The consensus genetic distances between individual markers (established at HBM10) were compared to these estimates of physical distances. The close agreement between the two estimates suggested that spontaneously broken hybrids are as appropriate for this type of study as radiation hybrids.^ All three DNA repair genes located on chromosome 19 were found to have homologues on Chinese hamster chromosome 9, which is hemizygous in CHO cells, providing an explanation for the apparent ease with which mutations at these loci were identified in CHO cells. Homologues of CKMM and TGF$\beta$ (from human chromosome 19q) and a mini-satellite DNA specific to the distal region of human chromosome 19q were also mapped to Chinese hamster 9. Markers from 19p did not map to this hamster chromosome. Thus the q-arm of chromosome 19, at least between the genes PEPD and ERCC1, appears to be a linkage group which is conserved intact between humans and Chinese hamsters. ^


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The c-mos proto-oncogene, which is expressed at relatively high levels in male and female germ cells, plays a key role in oocyte meiotic maturation. The c-mos gene product in oocytes (p39$\sp{\rm c-mos}$) is necessary and sufficient to initiate meiosis. p39$\sp{\rm c-mos}$ is also an essential component of the cytostatic factor, which is responsible for arresting vertebrate oocytes at the second meiotic metaphase by stabilizing the maturation promoting factor (MPF). MPF is a universal regulator of both meiosis and mitosis. Much less is understood about c-mos expression and function in somatic cells. In addition to gonadal tissues, c-Mos has been detected in some somatic tissues and non-germ cell lines including NIH 3T3 cells as a protein termed p43$\sp{\rm c-mos}$. Since c-mos RNA transcripts were not previously detected in this cell line by Northern blot or S1 protection analyses, a search was made for c-mos RNA in NIH 3T3 cells. c-mos transcripts were detected using the highly sensitive RNA-PCR method and RNase protection assays. Furthermore, cell cycle analyses indicated that expression of c-mos RNA is tightly controlled in a cell cycle dependent manner with highest levels of transcripts (approximately 5 copies/cell) during the G2 phase.^ In order to determine the physiological significance of c-mos RNA expression in somatic cells, antisense mos was placed under the control of an inducible promoter and introduced into either NIH 3T3 cells or C2 cells. It was found that a basal level of expression of antisense mos resulted in interference with mitotic progression and growth arrest. Several nuclear abnormalities were observed, especially the appearance of binucleated and multinucleated cells as well as the extrusion of microvesicles containing cellular material. These results indicate that antisense mos expression results in a block in cytokinesis. In summary, these results establish that c-mos expression is not restricted to germ cells, but instead indicate that c-mos RNA expression occurs during the G2 stage of the cell cycle. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate that the c-mos proto-oncogene plays an important role in cell cycle progression. As in meiosis, c-mos may have a similar but not identical function in regulating cell cycle events in somatic cells, particularly in controlling mitotic progression via activation/stabilization of MPF. ^


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The relationship between MMAC/PTEN, DMBT1 and the progression and prognosis of glioma, and the association between the alterations of MMAC/PTEN, p53, p16, and Rb and some cancer risk factors, such as smoking, exposure to radiation, family cancer history, and previous cancer history, were assessed in 4 studies. ^ By allelic deletion analysis, MMAC/PTEN locus was shown to be frequently lost in glioblastomas multiforme (GM) but maintained in most lower-grade astrocytic tumors. DMBT1 locus, however, was frequently lost in all grades of gliomas examined. The potential biological significance of these two regions was frontier assessed by examining microcell-hybrids that contained various fragments of 10q. Somatic cell hybrid clones that retained the MMAC/PTEN locus have less transformed phenotypes, exhibiting an inability to grow in soft agarose. On the other hand, the presence or absence of DAMT1 did not correlate with any in vitro phenotype assessed in our model system. Further, Cox proportional hazards regression analysis, adjusted for age at surgery and histologic grades (GM, and non-GM), showed that without LOH at the MMAC/PTEN locus had a significantly better prognosis than did patients with LOH at MMAC/ PTEN (hazard ratio = 0.5; 95% Cl = 0.28–0.89; P = 0.018). Furthermore, status of LOH at MMAC/PTEN was found to be significantly associated with age, while that for DMBT1 was not. These results suggest that the DMBT1 may be involved early in the oncogenesis of gliomas, while alterations in the MMAC /PTEN may be a late event in the oncogenesis related with progression of gliomas and provide a significant prognostic marker for patient survival. ^ The associations between 4 cancer risk factors and 4 tumor suppressor genes were assessed. The expression of p16 was observed to be associated with current smoking (adjusted OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.02–3.6) but not the former smoking (adjusted OR = 1.1, 95% Cl = 0.5–3.5). The expression of p53 was found to be associated with the family cancer history (OR = 3.5, 95% Cl = 1.07–11 for patients with first-degree family history of cancer). MMAC/ PTEN was associated with the histologic grade (OR = 2.8, 95% CI = 1.2–6.6) and age (P = 0.035). Also, the OR for LOH around MMAC/PTEN in patients with a family history of cancer was elevated (OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 0.8–4.6 for patients with first-degree family history of cancer). The associations between exposure and the alterations of tumor suppressor genes, between smoking and p16, between family history of cancer and p53 and MMAC/PTEN, provide suggestive evidences that those exposures are related to the development of gliomas. ^


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D1S1, an anonymous human DNA clone originally called (lamda)Ch4-H3 or (lamda)H3, was the first single copy mapped to a human chromosome (1p36) by in situ hybridization. The chromosomal assignment has been confirmed in other laboratories by repeating the in situ hybridization but not by another method. In the present study, hybridization to a panel of hamster-human somatic cell hybrids revealed copies of D1S1 on both chromosomes 1 and 3. Subcloning D1S1 showed that the D1S1 clone itself is from chromosome 3, and the sequence detected by in situ hybridization is at least two copies of part of the chromosome 3 copy. This finding demonstrates the importance of verifying gene mapping with two methods and questions the accuracy of in situ hybridization mapping.^ Non-human mammals have only one copy of D1S1, and the non-human primate D1S1 map closely resembles the human chromosome 3 copy. Thus, the human chromosome 1 copies appear to be part of a very recent duplication that occurred after the divergence between humans and the other great apes.^ A moderately informative HindIII D1S1 RFLP was mapped to chromosome 3. This marker and 12 protein markers were applied to a linkage study of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). None of the markers proved linkage, but adding the three families examined to previously published data raises the ADRP:Rh lod score to 1.92 at (THETA) = 0.30. ^


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Resistance of tumors to pharmacologic agents poses a significant problem in the treatment of human malignancies. This study overviews the scope of clinical resistance and focuses upon current research attempts toward investigation of the phenomenon of multidrug resistance (MDR).^ The objective of this investigation was to determine whether gene amplification had a role in the development of the MDR phenotype in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) primarily selected for resistance to vincristine (VCR). A DNA fragment, previously shown to be amplified in two independently derived Chinese hamster cell lines exhibiting the MDR phenotype, was also amplified in VCR hamster lines. Sequences flanking this fragment were shown to contain coding information for a 4.3 kb transcript overproduced in VCR cells. These sequences were not enriched in double minute DNA preparations isolated from VCR cells. There was an approximately forty-fold increase in both the level of gene amplification and transcript overproduction in the VCR cell lines, independent of the level of primary resistance. This DNA amplification and overproduction of the 4.3 kb transcript was also demonstrated in CHO cells independently selected for resistance to Adriamycin and vinblastine.^ All the DNA sequences of two hamster cDNA clones containing 785 and 932 base pair inserts showed direct homology to the published mouse mdr sequences (about 90%). This sequence conservation held for only portions of the gene when the human mdr1 sequences were compared with those from either the mouse or hamster.^ Somatic cell hybrids, constructed between VCR CHO cells and sensitive murine cells, were used to determine whether there was a functional relationship between the chromosome bearing the amplified sequences and the MDR phenotype. Concordant segregation between vincristine resistance, the MDR phenotype, the presence of MDR-associated amplified sequences, overexpression of the mRNA encoded by these sequences, overexpression of the mRNA encoded by these sequences, and CHO chromosome Z1 was consistent with the hypothesis that there is an amplified gene on chromosome Z1 of the VCR CHO cells which is responsible for MDR in these cells. ^


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In both euploid Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) cells and pseudodiploid Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, gene assignments were accomplished by G band chromosome and isozyme analysis (32 isozymes) of interspecific somatic cell hybrids obtained after HAT selection of mouse CL 1D (TK('-)) cells which were PEG-fused with either euploid Chinese hamster cells or HPRT('-) CHO cells. Hybrids slowly segregated hamster chromosomes. Clone panels consisting of independent hybrid clones and subclones containing different combinations of Chinese hamster chromosomes and isozymes were established from each type of fusion.^ These clone panels enabled us to provisionally assign the loci for: nucleoside phosphorylase (NP), glyoxalase (GLO), glutathione reductase (GSR), adenosine kinase (ADK), esterase D (ESD), peptidases B and S (PEPB and -S) and phosphoglucomutase 2 (PGM2, human nomenclature) to chromosome 1; adenylate kinase 1 (AK1), adenosine deaminase (ADA) and inosine triosephosphatase (ITP) to chromosome 6; triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) to chromosome 8; and glucose phosphate isomerse (GPI) and peptidase D (PEPD) to chromosome 9.^ We also confirm the assignments of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD), PGM1, enolase 1 (ENO1) and diptheria toxin sensitivity (DTS) to chromosome 2 as well as provisionally assign galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) and AK2 to chromosome 2. Selection in either HAT or BrdU for hybrids that had retained or lost the chromosome carrying the locus for TK enabled us to assign the loci for TK, galactokinase (GALK) and acid phosphatase 1 (ACP1) to Chinese hamster chromosome 7.^ These results are discussed in relation to current theories on the basis for high frequency of drug resistant autosomal recessive mutants in CHO cells and conservation of mammalian autosomal linkage groups. ^


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Red Blood cell mediated and glass needle mediated microinjection technology was used to introduce macromolecules into mammalian somatic cells. The biological activities of DNA synthesis inducing factor(s) (Chapter 1), mitotic factor(s) (Chapter 2), and DNA coding for ovalbumin and thymidine kinase (Chapter 3) were studied following injection into mammalian somatic cells.^ Chapter 1. A cell undergoing DNA replication (S phase) contains a factor(s) that induces DNA synthesis prematurely in a G(,1) nucleus when an S phase cell is fused to a G(,1) cell. An assay for the active factor(s) was developed in which a mixture of s phase extract loaded red blood cells (RBC) and synchronous G(,1) HeLa cells was centrifuged onto Concanavalin A (Con A) treated coverslips and fused by PEG. This technique is called "Centrifusion". The synchronous G(,1) HeLa cells injected with S phase extract initiated DNA synthesis earlier than the control G(,1) cells mock injected with RBC loaded with buffer.^ Chapter 2. It has been demonstrated that fusion between a mitotic and an interphase cell usually leads to breakdown of the interphase nucleus, followed by condensation of the interphase chromatin into discrete chromosomes, a process termed premature chromosome condensation. I wanted to develop an assay for the mitotic factor(s) that induces premature chromosome condensation. Experiments were performed utilizing glass needle mediated microinjection of HeLa cell mitotic extract into interphase somatic mammalian cells in an attempt to induce premature chromosome condensation. However, I was not able to induce premature chromosome condensation in the interphase cells, probably because of an inability to introduce sufficient mitotic factor(s) into the cells.^ Chapter 3. A recombinant plasmid containing the chicken ovalbumin gene and three copies of the Herpes thymidine Kinase gene (pOV12-TK) was introduced into mouse LMTK('-) cell nuclei using glass needle mediated gene transfer resulting in LMTK('+) clones that were selected for in HAT medium. Restriction enzyme analysis of the high molecular weight DNA from 6 HAT medium survivor cell clones revealed the presence of one or at best only a few copies of the 12kb ovalbumin gene per mouse genome. Further analysis showed the ovalbumin DNA was not rearranged and was associated with high molecular weight mouse cell DNA. Each of the analyzed cell clones produced ovalbumin demonstrating that the biological activity of the microinjected ovalbumin was retained. ^


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This study addresses the questions of whether the frequency of generation and in vivo cross-reactivity of highly immunogenic tumor clones induced in a single parental murine fibrosarcoma cell line MCA-F is more closely related to the agent used to induce the Imm$\sp{+}$ clone or whether these characteristics are independent of the agents used. These questions were addressed by treating the parental tumor cell line MCA-F with UV-B radiation (UV-B), 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), or 5-aza-2$\sp\prime$-deoxycytidine (5-azaCdR). The frequency of Imm$\sp{+}$ variant generation was similarly high for the three different agents, suggesting that the frequency of Imm$\sp{+}$ generation was related more closely to the cell line than to the inducing agent used. Cross-reactivity was tested with two Imm$\sp{+}$ clones from each treatment group in a modified immunoprotection assay that selectively engendered antivariant, but not antiparental immunity. Under these conditions each clone, except one, immunized against itself. The MNNG-induced clones engendered stronger antivariant immunity but a weaker variant cross-reactive immunity could also be detected.^ This study also characterized the lymphocyte populations responsible for antivariant and antiparental immunity in vivo. Using the local adoptive transfer assay (LATA) and antibody plus complement depletion of T-cell subsets, we showed that immunity induced by the Imm$\sp{+}$ variants against the parent MCA-F was transferred by the Thy1.2$\sp{+}$, L3T4a$\sp{+}$, Lyt2.1$\sp{-}$ (CD4$\sp{+}$) population, without an apparent contribution by Thy1.2$\sp{+}$, L3T4a$\sp{-}$, Lyt2.1$\sp{+}$ (CD8$\sp{+}$) cells. A role for Lyt2.1$\sp{+}$T lymphocytes in antivariant, but not antiparent immunity was supported by the results of LATA and CTL assays. Immunization with low numbers of viable Imm$\sp{+}$ cells, or with high numbers of non viable Imm$\sp{+}$ cells engendered only antivariant immunity without parental cross-protection. The associative recognition of parental antigens and variant neoantigens resulting in strong antiparent immunity was investigated using somatic cells hybrids of Imm$\sp{+}$ variants of MCA-F and an antigenically distinct tumor MCA-D. An unexpected result of these latter experiments was the expression of a unique tumor-specific antigen by the hybrid cells. These studies demonstrate that the parental tumor-specific antigen and the variant neoantigen must be coexpressed on the cell surface to engender parental cross-protective immunity. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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The discovery of expanded simple repeated sequences causing or associated with human disease has lead to a new area of research involved in the elucidation of how the expanded repeat causes disease and how the repeat becomes unstable. ^ To study the genetic basis of the (CTG)n repeat instability in the DMPK gene in myotonic dystrophy (DM1) patients, somatic cell hybrids were constructed between the lymphocytes of DM1 patients and a variety of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell DNA repair gene deficient mutants. By using small pool PCR (SP-PCR), the instability of the (CTG)n can be quantitated for both the frequency and sizes of length change mutations. ^ Additional SP-PCR analysis on 2/11 subclones generated from this original hybrid showed a marked increase in large repeat deletions, ∼50%. A bimodal distribution of repeats was seen around the progenitor allele and at a large deleted product (within the normal range) with no intermediate products present. ^ To determine if the repair capacity of the CHO cell led to a mutator phenotype in the hamster and hybrid clones, SP-PCR was also done on 3 hamster microsatellites in a variety of hamster cell backgrounds. No variant alleles were seen in over 2500 genome equivalents screened. ^ Human-hamster hybrids have long been shown to be chromosomally unstable, yet information about the stability of repeated sequences was not known. To test if repeat instability was associated with either intact or non-intact human chromosomes, more than 300 microsatellite repeats on 13 human chromosomes (intact and non-intact) were analyzed in eight hybrid cells. No variants were seen between the hybrid and patient alleles in the hybrids. ^ To identify whether DM1 patients have a previously undetected level of genome wide instability or if the instability is truly locus specific, SP-PCR was done on 6 human microsatellites within the patient used to make the hybrid cells. No variants were seen in over 1000 genomes screened. ^ These studies show that the somatic cell hybrid approach is a genetically stable system that allows for the determination of factors that could lead to changes in microsatellite instability. It also shows that there is something inherent about the DM1 expanded (CTG)n repeat that it is solely targeted by, as of yet, and unknown mechanism that causes the repeat to be unstable. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^