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Obesity rates around the nation have risen to epidemic proportions. Rates of childhood obesity are at very high levels with 24.4% of preschool-aged children in the U.S. currently considered as overweight or obese. The percentage of childhood obesity is much higher in the southern part of the United States as compared to the rest of the nation. Minority populations, especially African American and Hispanic, are affected more than other ethnic groups. Obesity prevention programs are needed targeting young children <6 years of age from minority populations. Currently, there are few obesity prevention programs that have been implemented and evaluated in children <6 years of age. Gardening programs have been successful in improving the health status of elementary school children by increasing fruit and vegetable intake and increasing preferences for healthier food choices. However, there is no evidence of the feasibility and acceptability of a garden-based obesity prevention program among preschoolers. This pretest study, a classroom-based gardening curriculum program with 16 lesson plans and coordinating activities for preschool age children (3-5 years old) enrolled in Head Start, provides the opportunity to address this need. The study included 103 preschoolers from two centers and 9 teachers or teachers' aides. Qualitative data on feasibility and acceptability was collected from process evaluation forms of individual lesson plans and focus groups with teachers. Teacher questionnaires assessed individual teacher characteristics and provided feedback regarding the curriculum. Quantitative measures of teachers' self-efficacy, attitudes, and knowledge pertaining to nutrition were analyzed from pre and post-test surveys. Results revealed this preschool garden-based nutrition curriculum was both feasible and acceptable. The program improved teacher's self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitudes about nutrition, with teacher's confidence in ability to teach a gardening curriculum increasing from a mean score of 2.14 to 3.00 from pre to post test (P value = 0.0046). These results indicate implementing garden-based nutrition lessons within preschools is achievable. Employing garden-based nutrition lessons in the classroom is the first step in teaching children about nutrition and gardening concepts. Constructing gardening beds for more hands-on learning is the next proposed step in the larger parent study of this program.^
Epidemiological evidence suggests that fruit and vegetable intake is negatively associated with the development of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, some cancers and diabetes mellitus. Inadequate consumption of milk during developmental years is associated with osteoporosis. Consumption of fruit, vegetable and milk (FVM) declines from childhood to adolescence. Adolescent eating habits persist into adulthood; thus, understanding psychosocial factors such as self-efficacy, norms and preferences, is important for developing effective interventions. Preferences, one of the most consistent correlates of fruit and vegetable consumption in children and adolescents, may mediate the relationships between self-efficacy and norms and fruit and vegetable consumption. ^ Fifth grade students from one middle school in South Texas were followed for two years. Students completed lunch food records and questionnaires assessing fruit, vegetable and milk self-efficacy and norms and fruit and vegetable preferences. Principal component analyses identified four scales: Fruit Self-Efficacy, Vegetable Self-Efficacy, Fruit and Vegetable Norms, and Milk Influences. Reliability and validity of the four scales and emerging subscales were assessed using Cronbach's alpha and consumption data, respectively. Associations between longitudinal FVM consumption and self-efficacy and norms were tested. Additionally, the influence of preferences on the relationship of self-efficacy, norms and fruit and vegetable consumption was examined. ^ Confirmatory factor analyses confirmed four scales and subscales. Internal consistency and test-retest reliabilities were acceptable. Self-efficacy and norms were related to FVM consumption and changes in fruit and high fat vegetable consumption over the two-year period. While intake over the two-year period differed statistically, eating patterns were stable. Preferences mediated the relation between fruit self-efficacy and FV norms and fruit consumption. ^ In conclusion, self-efficacy and norms about consuming FVM at school appear to influence FVM consumption. Because eating patterns were similar over the two-year period, establishing healthy eating habits in elementary school is important. While FVM self-efficacy and norms influenced FVM consumption in children, only fruit preferences mediated the relationship of fruit consumption, self-efficacy and norms. Since the influences of FVM consumption appear to differ, interventions designed to increase consumption should target these differences and consider the specificity of self-efficacy and norms. ^
Innovative, aggressive treatments and prolonged survival rates for patients with childhood cancers have placed new demands on the patient, parent and physician. As a result, counterproductive coping behaviors are often noted in adolescent cancer patients.^ One of the main ways the environment is manipulated by the individual to achieve personal comfort is through selectivity of information. An individual will usually pull the support personally needed to cope from the environment if sufficient resources are available. However, information provided young cancer patients is often filtered through the physicians and parents perspectives of the patient's needs without systematic input from the patient. In order to ensure that adequate information resources are available to help teenage patients cope with their illness, health professionals must have insights into the information needs of those patients. No previous efforts to address this subject were found in the literature.^ This study was designed to identify adolescent perspectives of their disease-related information needs and to compare their viewpoints with those of their parents and physicians. Sixty-five outpatient cancer patients (ages 11-20) receiving treatment at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute in Houston, Texas, 60 of their parents, and 53 physicians, who were involved in the treatment of pediatric patients at M. D. Anderson, were asked to complete self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires used were developed, administered and analyzed by the investigator. Specific areas addressed in the questionnaires included: Perceptions of cancer-related tests and treatments, the importance of 30 disease-related items of information, responses evoked by receipt of information, current and preferred sources of information, delivery of information at the time of diagnosis, and disease-related information requested for patients, family, friends and teachers.^ Adolescent perceptions of their information needs and their preferences for delivery of information were determined. The relationships between patient-parent and patient-physician perceptions were then analyzed to determine areas in which agreements and disparities in viewpoint existed. Programmatic and research recommendations were then provided.^ Hopefully, through these efforts, the adolescent patient will be helped to receive relevant information support from those deemed to be most important to his/her efforts to cope with cancer. ^
Understanding and Characterizing Shared Decision-Making and Behavioral Intent in Medical Uncertainty
Applying Theoretical Constructs to Address Medical Uncertainty Situations involving medical reasoning usually include some level of medical uncertainty. Despite the identification of shared decision-making (SDM) as an effective technique, it has been observed that the likelihood of physicians and patients engaging in shared decision making is lower in those situations where it is most needed; specifically in circumstances of medical uncertainty. Having identified shared decision making as an effective, yet often a neglected approach to resolving a lack of information exchange in situations involving medical uncertainty, the next step is to determine the way(s) in which SDM can be integrated and the supplemental processes that may facilitate its integration. SDM involves unique types of communication and relationships between patients and physicians. Therefore, it is necessary to further understand and incorporate human behavioral elements - in particular, behavioral intent - in order to successfully identify and realize the potential benefits of SDM. This paper discusses the background and potential interaction between the theories of shared decision-making, medical uncertainty, and behavioral intent. Identifying Shared Decision-Making Elements in Medical Encounters Dealing with Uncertainty A recent summary of the state of medical knowledge in the U.S. reported that nearly half (47%) of all treatments were of unknown effectiveness, and an additional 7% involved an uncertain tradeoff between benefits and harms. Shared decision-making (SDM) was identified as an effective technique for managing uncertainty when two or more parties were involved. In order to understand which of the elements of SDM are used most frequently and effectively, it is necessary to identify these key elements, and understand how these elements related to each other and the SDM process. The elements identified through the course of the present research were selected from basic principles of the SDM model and the “Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom” (DIKW) Hierarchy. The goal of this ethnographic research was to identify which common elements of shared decision-making patients are most often observed applying in the medical encounter. The results of the present study facilitated the understanding of which elements patients were more likely to exhibit during a primary care medical encounter, as well as determining variables of interest leading to more successful shared decision-making practices between patients and their physicians. Understanding Behavioral Intent to Participate in Shared Decision-Making in Medically Uncertain Situations Objective: This article describes the process undertaken to identify and validate behavioral and normative beliefs and behavioral intent of men between the ages of 45-70 with regard to participating in shared decision-making in medically uncertain situations. This article also discusses the preliminary results of the aforementioned processes and explores potential future uses of this information which may facilitate greater understanding, efficiency and effectiveness of doctor-patient consultations.Design: Qualitative Study using deductive content analysisSetting: Individual semi-structure patient interviews were conducted until data saturation was reached. Researchers read the transcripts and developed a list of codes.Subjects: 25 subjects drawn from the Philadelphia community.Measurements: Qualitative indicators were developed to measure respondents’ experiences and beliefs related to behavioral intent to participate in shared decision-making during medical uncertainty. Subjects were also asked to complete the Krantz Health Opinion Survey as a method of triangulation.Results: Several factors were repeatedly described by respondents as being essential to participate in shared decision-making in medical uncertainty. These factors included past experience with medical uncertainty, an individual’s personality, and the relationship between the patient and his physician.Conclusions: The findings of this study led to the development of a category framework that helped understand an individual’s needs and motivational factors in their intent to participate in shared decision-making. The three main categories include 1) an individual’s representation of medically uncertainty, 2) how the individual copes with medical uncertainty, and 3) the individual’s behavioral intent to seek information and participate in shared decision-making during times of medically uncertain situations.
The use of smokeless tobacco products is undergoing an alarming resurgence in the United States. Several national surveys have reported a higher prevalence of use among those employed in blue-collar occupations. National objectives now target this group for health promotion programs which reduce the health risks associated with tobacco use.^ Drawn from a larger data set measuring health behaviors, this cross-sectional study tested the applicability of two related theories, the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), to smokeless tobacco (SLT) cessation in a blue-collar population of gas pipeline workers. In order to understand the determinants of SLT cessation, measures were obtained of demographic and normative characteristics of the population and specific constructs. Attitude toward the act of quitting (AACT) and subjective norm (SN) are constructs common to both models, perceived behavioral control (PBC) is unique to the TPB, and the number of past quit attempts is not contained in either model. In addition, a self-reported measure was taken of SLT use at two-month follow-up.^ The study population was comprised of all male SLT users who were field employees in a large gas pipeline company with gas compressor stations extending from Texas to the Canadian border. At baseline, 199 employees responded to the SLT portion of the survey, 118 completed some portion of the two-month follow-up, and 101 could be matched across time.^ As hypothesized, significant correlations were found between constructs antecedent to AACT and SN, although crossover effects occurred. Significant differences were found between SLT cessation intenders and non-intenders with regard to their personal and normative beliefs about quitting as well as their outcome expectancies and motivation to comply with others' beliefs. These differences occurred in the expected direction, with the mean intender score consistently higher than that of the non-intender.^ Contrary to hypothesis, AACT predicted intention to quit but SN did not. However, confirmatory of the TPB, PBC, operationalized as self-efficacy, independently contributed to the prediction of intention. Statistically significant relationships were not found between intention, perceived behavioral control, their interactive effects, and use behavior at two-month follow-up. The introduction of number of quit attempts into the logistic regression model resulted in insignificant findings for independent and interactive effects.^ The findings from this study are discussed in relation to their implications for program development and practice, especially within the worksite. In order to confirm and extend the findings of this investigation, recommendations for future research are also discussed. ^
The 1999-2004 prevalence of chronic kidney disease in adults 20 year or older (15.5 million) is an estimated 7.69%. The risk of developing CKD is exacerbated by diabetes, hypertension and/or a family history of kidney disease. African Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, and the elderly are more susceptible to higher incidence of CKD. The challenges of aging coupled with co-morbidities such as kidney disease raises the potential for malnutrition among elderly (for the purpose of this study 55 years or older) populations. Lack of adherence to prescribed nutrition guidelines specific to renal failure jeopardizes body homeostasis and increases the likelihood of future morbidity and resultant mortality. The relationship and synergy that exists between diet and disease is evident. Clinical experience with renal patients has indicated the importance of adherence to diet therapy specific to kidney disease. Extension investigation of diet adherence among endstage renal disease patients revealed a sizeable dearth in the current literature. This thesis study was undertaken to help reduce that void. The study design is qualitative and descriptive. Support, cooperation, and collaboration were provided by the University of Texas Nephrology Department, University of Texas Physicians, and DaVita Dialysis Centers. Approximately 105 male and female chronic to end-stage kidney disease patients were approached to participate in elicitation interviews in dialysis treatment facilities regarding their present diet beliefs and practices. Eighty-five were recruited and agreed to participate. Inclusion criteria required individuals to be between 35-90 years of age; capable of completing a 5-10 minute interview; and English speaking. Each kidney patient was asked seven (7) non-leading questions developed from the constructs of the Theory of Planned Behavior. The study presents a descriptive comparison of behavioral, normative, and control beliefs that influence adherence to renal diets by age, race, and gender. The study successfully concluded that behavioral, normative, and control beliefs of chronic to end-stage renal patients promoted execution and adherence to prescribed nutrition. This study provides valuable information for dietitians, technicians, nurses, and physicians to assess patient compliance toward prescribed nutrition and the means to support or improve that performance. ^