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Workplace wellness programs have revealed immense beneficial results for both the employer and employee. Examples of results include decrease in absenteeism, turnover rate, medical claims and increases in employee satisfaction, productivity, and return on investment. However, the approach taken when implementing requires greater attention since such programs and the financial and/or non-financial incentives chosen have shown to significantly impact employee participation thus the amount of savings the organization experiences. A systematic review was conducted to evaluate the overall effectiveness of workplace wellness programs on employee health status and lifestyle change, recognize the majority types of returns observed by such programs, and identify whether financial or non-financial incentives created a greater effect on the employee. Overall employee health status improvement occurred when participating in wellness programs. The dominant indirect benefit for the organization was employee weight loss leading to a decrease in absenteeism and direct benefits included decreases in medical claims and increases in return on investment. In general, factors such as rate of participation and health status changes were most influenced when a financial incentives was provided in the wellness program. The basis of providing a program with effective incentives resides from efforts made by the employer and their efforts to play a role on every level of the organization regarding planning, implementing, and strategizing the most optimal approach for creating changes for the employees' wellbeing and productivity, thus the organizations overall returns.^


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An integrated approach for multi-spectral segmentation of MR images is presented. This method is based on the fuzzy c-means (FCM) and includes bias field correction and contextual constraints over spatial intensity distribution and accounts for the non-spherical cluster's shape in the feature space. The bias field is modeled as a linear combination of smooth polynomial basis functions for fast computation in the clustering iterations. Regularization terms for the neighborhood continuity of intensity are added into the FCM cost functions. To reduce the computational complexity, the contextual regularizations are separated from the clustering iterations. Since the feature space is not isotropic, distance measure adopted in Gustafson-Kessel (G-K) algorithm is used instead of the Euclidean distance, to account for the non-spherical shape of the clusters in the feature space. These algorithms are quantitatively evaluated on MR brain images using the similarity measures.


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BACKGROUND: Gray matter lesions are known to be common in multiple sclerosis (MS) and are suspected to play an important role in disease progression and clinical disability. A combination of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, double-inversion recovery (DIR), and phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR), has been used for detection and classification of cortical lesions. This study shows that high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition with gradient echo (MPRAGE) improves the classification of cortical lesions by allowing more accurate anatomic localization of lesion morphology. METHODS: 11 patients with MS with previously identified cortical lesions were scanned using DIR, PSIR, and 3D MPRAGE. Lesions were identified on DIR and PSIR and classified as purely intracortical or mixed. MPRAGE images were then examined, and lesions were re-classified based on the new information. RESULTS: The high signal-to-noise ratio, fine anatomic detail, and clear gray-white matter tissue contrast seen in the MPRAGE images provided superior delineation of lesion borders and surrounding gray-white matter junction, improving classification accuracy. 119 lesions were identified as either intracortical or mixed on DIR/PSIR. In 89 cases, MPRAGE confirmed the classification by DIR/PSIR. In 30 cases, MPRAGE overturned the original classification. CONCLUSION: Improved classification of cortical lesions was realized by inclusion of high-spatial resolution 3D MPRAGE. This sequence provides unique detail on lesion morphology that is necessary for accurate classification.


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PURPOSE: To develop and implement a method for improved cerebellar tissue classification on the MRI of brain by automatically isolating the cerebellum prior to segmentation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Dual fast spin echo (FSE) and fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) images were acquired on 18 normal volunteers on a 3 T Philips scanner. The cerebellum was isolated from the rest of the brain using a symmetric inverse consistent nonlinear registration of individual brain with the parcellated template. The cerebellum was then separated by masking the anatomical image with individual FLAIR images. Tissues in both the cerebellum and rest of the brain were separately classified using hidden Markov random field (HMRF), a parametric method, and then combined to obtain tissue classification of the whole brain. The proposed method for tissue classification on real MR brain images was evaluated subjectively by two experts. The segmentation results on Brainweb images with varying noise and intensity nonuniformity levels were quantitatively compared with the ground truth by computing the Dice similarity indices. RESULTS: The proposed method significantly improved the cerebellar tissue classification on all normal volunteers included in this study without compromising the classification in remaining part of the brain. The average similarity indices for gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) in the cerebellum are 89.81 (+/-2.34) and 93.04 (+/-2.41), demonstrating excellent performance of the proposed methodology. CONCLUSION: The proposed method significantly improved tissue classification in the cerebellum. The GM was overestimated when segmentation was performed on the whole brain as a single object.


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This article examines the predictors of placement following IFPSfor a sample of child mental health service recipients and their families. Risk and protective factors vary depending on the time frame under consideration. Immediately following service, children 's level of Social/Legal functioning, a previous group home placement, and the presence of mental health problems for other family members increase risk of placement, while the number of follow-up services serves to lessen risk. Three to six months after service, the presence of a child behavior presenting problem and a projected placement in foster care serve as protective factors, while two service targets, alcohol monitoring and time management, serve to increase risk. Appropriate use of results for program design and for structuring access to services is discussed.


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There are nearly 200,000 licensed practicing nurses in the state of Texas, representing one-tenth of the nations' workforce. The prevalence of substance abuse among nurses is estimated to range between six and 20 percent in this professional group.^ Since March 1987, the Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses (TPAPN) has offered intervention, education, support and monitoring to nurses in Texas whose practice has become impaired due to substance abuse and/or mental illness. Since then approximately 44 percent of nurses who voluntarily signed participation agreements successfully completed the program; fifty-six percent have not. One determinant of completion for those nurses identified as chemically dependent is abstinence from mood altering substances. Other helping professions report higher rates of abstinence two years following treatment.^ The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between relapse, demographics, treatment variables, work setting, "stress" indicators and support factors for nurses who participated in TPAPN. A questionnaire was mailed to 1000 randomly selected nurses who had signed agreements since 1987 and were no longer active in the program. More than 41% of the questionnaires were returned undeliverable.^ Recipients of the questionnaire were known only to TPAPN, never to the investigator. All information was received anonymously except when the participant chose to sign the questionnaire. A cover letter explaining the study and inviting participation was enclosed. Completion and return of the questionnaire was considered consent to participate.^ Findings demonstrated a significant relationship between relapse and opiates as the drug of choice for past participants in the Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses. Significant associations were found among factors such as control at work, support, physical complaints, job security, self-esteem and employment in this sample. Respondents shared copious written comments about their experiences in TPAPN. These data were analyzed using qualitative methods and compared with similar studies of recovering nurses. Further research with nurses whose practice has been affected by abuse of chemical and mental illness is warranted. ^


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The molecular complex containing the seven transmembrane helix photoreceptor S&barbelow;ensory R&barbelow;hodopsin I&barbelow; (SRI) and transducer protein HtrI (H&barbelow;alobacterial Transducer for SRI&barbelow;) mediates color-sensitive phototaxis responses in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Orange light causes an attractant response by a one-photon reaction and white light (orange + UV light) a repellent response by a two-photon reaction. Three aspects of SRI-HtrI structure/function and the signal transduction pathway were explored. First, the coupling of HtrI to the photoactive site of SRI was analyzed by mutagenesis and kinetic spectroscopy. Second, SRI-HtrI mutations and suppressors were selected and characterized to elucidate the color-sensing mechanism. Third, the signal relay through the transducer-bound histidine kinase was analyzed using an in vitro reconstitution system with known and newly identified taxis components. ^ Twenty-one mutations on HtrI were introduced by site-directed mutagenesis. Several replacements of charged residues perturbed the photochemical kinetics of SRI which led to the finding of a cluster of residues at the membrane/cytoplasm interface in HtrI electrostatically coupled to the photoactive site of SRI. We found by laser-flash kinetic spectroscopy that the transducer and these residues have specific effects on the light-induced proton transfer between the retinal chromophore and the protein. ^ One of the mutations showed an unusual mutant phenotype we called “inverted” signaling, in which the cell produces a repellent response to normally attractant light. Therefore, this mutant (E56Q of HtrI) had lost the color-discrimination by the SRI-HtrI complex. We used suppressor analysis to better understand the phenotype. Certain suppressors resulted in return of attractant responses to orange light but with inversion of the normally repellent response to white light to an attractant response. To explain this and other results, we formulated the Conformational Shuttling model in which the HtrI-SRI complex is poised in a metastable equilibrium of two conformations shifted in opposite directions by orange and white light. We tested this model by behavioral analysis (computerized cell tracking and motion study) of double mutants of inverting and suppressing mutations and the results confirmed the equilibrium-shift explanation. ^ We developed an in vitro system for measuring the effect of purified transducer on the histidine-kinase CheAH that controls the flagellar motor switch. The rate of kinase autophosphorylation was stimulated >2 fold in the reconstitution of the complete signal transduction system from purified components from H. salinarum. The in vitro assay also showed that the kinase activity was reduced in the absence and in the presence of high levels of linker protein CheWH. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Adult monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with lesions of the hippocampal formation, perirhinal cortex, areas TH/TF, as well as controls were tested on tasks of object, spatial and contextual recognition memory. ^ Using a visual paired-comparison (VPC) task, all experimental groups showed a lack of object recognition relative to controls, although this impairment emerged at 10 sec with perirhinal lesions, 30 sec with areas TH/TF lesions and 60 sec with hippocampal lesions. In contrast, only perirhinal lesions impaired performance on delayed nonmatching-to-sample (DNMS), another task of object recognition memory. All groups were tested on DNMS with distraction (dDNMS) to examine whether the use of active cognitive strategies during the delay period could enable good performance on DNMS in spite of impaired recognition memory (revealed by the VPC task). Distractors affected performance of animals with perirhinal lesions at the 10-sec delay (the only delay in which their DNMS performance was above chance). They did not affect performance of animals with areas TH/TF lesions. Hippocampectomized animals were impaired at the 600-sec delay (the only delay at which prevention of active strategies would likely affect their behavior). ^ While lesions of areas TH/TF impaired spatial location memory and object-in-place memory, hippocampal lesions impaired only object-in-place memory. The pattern of results for perirhinal cortex lesions on the different task conditions indicated that this cortical area is not critical for spatial memory. ^ Finally, all three lesions impaired contextual recognition memory processes. The pattern of impairment appeared to result from the formation of only a global representation of the object and background, and suggests that all three areas are recruited for associating information across sources. ^ These results support the view that (1) the perirhinal cortex maintains storage of information about object and the context in which it is learned for a brief period of time, (2) areas TH/TF maintain information about spatial location and form associations between objects and their spatial relationship (a process that likely requires additional time) and (3) the hippocampal formation mediates associations between objects, their spatial relationship and the general context in which these associations are formed (an integrative function that requires additional time). ^


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a bacillus known to cause disease in humans since ancient times, is the etiological agent of tuberculosis (TB). The infection is primarily pulmonary, although other organs may also be affected. The prevalence of pulmonary TB disease in the US is highest along the US-Mexico border, and of the four US states bordering Mexico, Texas had the second highest percentage of cases of TB disease among Mexico-born individuals in 1999 (CDC, 2001). Between the years of 1993 and 1998, the prevalence of drug-resistant (DR) TB was 9.1% among Mexican-born individuals and 4.4% among US-born individuals (CDC, 2001). In the same time period, the prevalence of multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB was 1.4% among Mexican-born individuals and 0.6% among US-born individuals (CDC, 2001). There is a renewed urgency in the quest for faster and more effective screening, diagnosis, and treatment methods for TB due to the resurgence of tuberculosis in the US during the mid-1980s and early 1990s (CDC, 2007a), and the emergence of drug-resistant, multidrug-resistant, and extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis worldwide. Failure to identify DR and MDR-TB quickly leads to poorer treatment outcomes (CDC, 2007b). The recent rise in TB/HIV comorbidity further complicates TB control efforts. The gold standard for identification of DR-TB requires mycobacterial growth in culture, a technique taking up to three weeks, during which time DR/MDR-TB individuals harboring resistant organisms may be receiving inappropriate treatment. The goal of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) using molecular beacons in the Texas population. qPCR using molecular beacons is a novel approach to detect mycobacterial mutations conferring drug resistance. This technique is time-efficient and has been shown to have high sensitivity and specificity in several populations worldwide. Rifampin (RIF) susceptibility was chosen as the test parameter because strains of M. tuberculosis which are resistant to RIF are likely to also be MDR. Due to its status as a point of entry for many immigrants into the US, control efforts against TB and drug-resistant TB in Texas is a vital component of prevention efforts in the US as a whole. We show that qPCR using molecular beacons has high sensitivity and specificity when compared with culture (94% and 87%, respectively) and DNA sequencing (90% and 96%, respectively). We also used receiver operator curve analysis to calculate cutoff values for the objective determination of results obtained by qPCR using molecular beacons. ^


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The availability of transplantable, syngeneic murine melanomas made it possible to study the potential effects of UV radiation on the growth and progression of melanomas in an animal model. The purpose of my study was to determine how UV-irradiation increases the incidence of melanoma out-growth, when syngeneic melanoma cells are transplanted into a UV-irradiated site. Short term intermittent UVB exposure produces a transitory change in the mice which allows the increased outgrowth of melanoma cells injected into the UV-irradiated site. One possible mechanism is an immunomodulatory effect of UVR on the host. An alternative mechanism to account for the increased tumor incidence in the UV-irradiated site, is the release of inflammatory mediators from UV-irradiated epidermal cells. A third possibility is that UVR could induce the production and/or release of melanoma-specific growth factors resulting in increased melanoma outgrowth.^ My first step in distinguishing among these different possible mechanisms was to characterize further the conditions leading to increased development of melanoma cells in UV-irradiated mouse skin. Next, I attempted to determine which of the 3 proposed mechanisms was most likely. To do this, I defined the specificity of the effect by examining the growth of additional C3H tumorigenic cell lines in UV-irradiated skin. Second, I determined the immunogenicity of these tumor cell lines. The tumor cell lines exhibiting increased tumor incidence are restricted to those tumor cell lines which are immunogenic in normal C3H mice. Third, I determined the effect of UVR on melanoma development did not occur in immunosuppressed mice.^ Because of results from these three lines of investigation suggested that the effect was immunologically mediated, I then investigated whether specific immune reactions were affected by local UV irradiation. To accomplish this, I investigated the effect of UVR on cutaneous immune cells and on induction of contact hypersensitivity (CHS), and I also determined the effect of UVR on the development and the expression of systemic immunity against the melanoma cells. There is no clear cut relationship between the number of Langerhans or Thy1+ cells and the UV effect on tumor incidence. Furthermore, there was no suppression of CHS in the UV-irradiated mice. While the development of systemic immunity is significantly reduced, it appears to be sufficient to provide in vivo immunity to tumor challenge. However the elicitation of tumor immunity in immunized mice can be abrogated if tumor challenge occurs in the site of UV irradiation. This investigation provides new information on an effect of UVR on the elicitation of tumor immunity. Furthermore, it indicates that UV radiation can play a role in the development of melanoma other than just in the transformation of melanocytes. ^