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Diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposed women are well known to be at increased risk of gynecologic cancers and infertility. Infertility may result from DES associated abnormalities in the shape of women's uteri, yet little research has addressed the effect of uterine abnormalities on risk of infertility and reproductive tract infection. Changes in uterine shape may also influence the risk of autoimmune disease and women's subsequent mental health. A sample of consenting women exposed in utero to hormone who were recruited into the DESAD project, underwent hysterosalpingogram (HSG) from 1978 to 1984. These women also completed a comprehensive health questionnaire in 1994 which included women's self-reports of chronic conditions. HSG data were used to categorize uterine shape abnormalities as arcuate shape, hypoplastic, wide lower segment, and constricted. Women were recruited from two of the four DESAD study sites in Houston (Baylor) and Minnesota (Mayo). All women were DES-exposed. Adjusted relative risk estimates were calculated comparing the range of abnormal uterine shaped to women with normal shaped uteri for each of the four outcomes: infertility, reproductive tract infection, autoimmune disease and depressive symptoms. Only the arcuate shape (n=80) was associated with a higher risk of infertility (relative risk [RR]= 1.53, 95% CI = 1.09, 2.15) as well as reproductive tract infection (RR= 1.74, 95% CI = 1.11, 2.73). In conclusion, DES-associated arcuate shaped uteri appeared to be associated with the higher risk of a reproductive tract infection and infertility while no other abnormal uterine shapes were associated with these two outcomes.^


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Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS;OMIM# 182290) is a multiple congenital anomalies and mental retardation syndrome caused by a 3.7- Mb deletion on chromosome 17p11.2 or a mutation in the RAI1 gene. Although the majority of the SMS phenotype has been well described, limited studies are available describing growth patterns in SMS. There is some evidence that individuals with SMS develop obesity. Thus, this study aims to characterize the growth and potential influence of hyperphagia in a cohort of individuals with SMS. A retrospective chart review was conducted of 78 individuals with SMS through Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) at Texas Children¡¯s Hospital (TCH.) All documented height and weight measurements were abstracted and Z-scores (SD units) for height-for-age, length-for-age and BMI-for-age were calculated. Mail-out questionnaires were provided to the corresponding parents of the cohort to assess for the presence of hyperphagia through a validated hyperphagia questionnaire (HQ). Analysis of this data demonstrates that by the age ¡Ý 20 years males with SMS have mean BMI¡¯s in the 85th-90th percentile corresponding to an overweight BMI, and females with SMS had mean BMI¡¯s in the 95th -97th percentile corresponding to an obese BMI. Parents indicated that hyperphagia is present in individuals with SMS as 76% of parent¡¯s report having to lock food away from their child. Females¡¯ age ¡Ý 20 years of age had the highest mean behavior, drive and severity scores as well as the highest BMI. Thus, this study concludes that it appears overweight and obesity, as well as hyperphagia, are present in this cohort of SMS individuals. The results of this study will hopefully enable parents and caregivers of children with SMS to take preventative measures in order to control food related behaviors present in their children as well as to prevent overweight and obesity and the associated negative health consequences.


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Usual food choices during the past year, self-reported changes in consumption of three important food groups, and weight changes or stability were the questions addressed in this cross-sectional survey and retrospective review. The subjects were 141 patients with Hodgkin's disease or other B-cell types of lymphoma within their first three years following completion of initial treatments for lymphoma at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. ^ The previously validated Block-98 Food Frequency Questionnaire was used to estimate usual food choices during the past year. Supplementary questions asked about changes breads and cereals (white or whole grain) and relative amounts of fruits and vegetables compared with before diagnosis and treatment. Over half of the subjects reported consuming more whole grains, fruits, and/or vegetables and almost three quarters of those not reporting such changes had been consuming whole grains before diagnosis and treatment. ^ Various dietary patterns were defined in order to learn whether proportionately more patients who changed in healthy directions fulfilled recognized nutritional guidelines such as 5-A-day fruits and vegetables and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIB) for selected nutrients. ^ Small sizes of dietary pattern sub-groups limited the power of this study to detect differences in meeting recommended dietary guidelines. Nevertheless, insufficient and excessive intakes were detected among individuals with respect to fruits and vegetables, fats, calcium, selenium, iron, folate, and Vitamin A. The prevalence of inadequate or excess intakes of foods or nutrients even among those who perceived that they had increased or continued to eat whole grains and/or fruits and vegetables is of concern because of recognized effects upon general health and potential cancer related effects. ^ Over half of the subjects were overweight or obese (by BMI category) on their first visit to this cancer center and that proportion increased to almost three-quarters by their last follow-up visits. Men were significantly heavier than women, but no other significant differences in BMI measures were found even after accounting for prescribed steroids and dietary patterns. ^


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Purpose. To evaluate the presence of Community Associated–Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, CA-MRSA, in abscesses and skin and soft tissue infections presenting at 9 urgent care clinics in San Antonio, TX. ^ Methods. During the 40-month retrospective study (April 2006 to August 2009), wound cultures collected in 9 urgent care centers were evaluated for MRSA growth, antibiotics prescribed, follow up wound care, and antibiotic prescribing habits by physicians for all patients presenting with abscesses and skin/soft tissue infections. ^ Results. Across 9 urgent care centers in San Antonio, TX, 36,797 abscesses and cases of skin and soft tissue infections were treated during 40 months. Of the 36,797 cases, 9290 patients had wound cultures sent with 5,630 cultures sent to Texas MedClinic’s primary lab. Of the 5630 cultures sent to their primary lab, this reflected a prevalence of 4727 (84 %) cultures were positive for MRSA. Of the 9290 patients who had a wound culture sent (April 10th, 2006 to August 31st, 2009), a total of 4,307 antibiotics were prescribed. The top five antibiotics prescribed for CA-MRSA were Bactrim (55.5%), Clindamycin (18.4%), Bactroban (5%), Amoxicillin (3.5%), and Doxycycline (3%) representing 85.4% of the antibiotics prescribed. 8809/9290 (94.8%) of patients required no more than 3 follow up visits. Of the 33 physicians working full time during the entire study period, 29/33 (87.8%) of the physicians were family medicine physicians and represented varied prescribing rates of antibiotics between 11-76% with 26/33 (78.8%) of physicians prescribing antibiotics greater than 40% of the time.^ Conclusions. Abscesses and soft tissue infections are a common presenting complaint to urgent care centers. This study reveals that antibiotic-prescribing practices can be improved with physician education since this high prevalence was not known previously. Also, treating abscesses with limited packing has been shown to be a viable option in this particular circumstance and would be open field for additional clinical research. Due to the high prevalence of CA-MRSA skin and soft tissue infections among patients presenting to urgent care centers presumptive treatment for MRSA is indicated. Increasing levels of resistance to penicillin antibiotics is concerning and warrants alternative antibiotic management strategies.^


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Background. According to the WHO 2007 country report, Haiti lags behind the Millennium Development Goal of reducing child mortality and maintains the highest under-5 mortality rate in the Western hemisphere. 3 Overall, few studies exist that seek to better grasp barriers in caring for a seriously ill child in a resource-limited setting and only a handful propose sustainable, effective interventions. ^ Objectives. The objectives of this study are to describe the prevalence of serious illnesses among children hospitalized at 2 children's hospitals in Port au Prince, to determine the barriers faced when caring for seriously ill children, and to report hospital outcomes of children admitted with serious illnesses. ^ Methods. Data were gathered from 2 major children's hospitals in Port au Prince, Haiti (Grace Children's Hospital [GCH] and Hopital d l'Universite d'Etat d'Haiti [HUEH]) using a triangulated approach of focus group discussions, physician questionnaires, and retrospective chart review. 23 pediatric physicians participated in focus group discussions and completed a self-administered questionnaire evaluating healthcare provider knowledge, self-efficacy, and perceived barriers relating to the care of seriously ill children in a resource-limited setting. A sample of 240 patient charts meeting eligibility criteria was abstracted for pertinent elements including sociodemographics, documentation, treatment strategies, and outcomes. Factors associated with mortality were analyzed using χ2 test and Fisher exact test [Minitab v.15]. ^ Results. The most common primary diagnoses at admission were gastroenteritis with moderate dehydration (35.5%), severe malnutrition (25.8%), and pneumonia (19.3%) for GCH, and severe malnutrition (32.6%), sepsis (24.7%), and severe respiratory distress (18%) for HUEH. Overall, 12.9% and 27% of seriously ill patients presented with shock to GCH and HUEH, respectively. ^ Shortage of necessary materials and equipment represented the most commonly reported limitation (18/23 respondents). According to chart data, 9.4% of children presenting with shock did not receive a fluid bolus, and only 8% of patients presenting with altered mental status or seizures received a glucose check. 65% of patients with meningitis did not receive a lumbar puncture due to lack of materials. ^ Hospital mortality rates did not differ by gender or by institution. Children who died were more likely to have a history of prematurity (OR 4.97 [95% CI 1.32-18.80]), an incomplete vaccination record (OR 4.05 [95% CI 1.68-9.74]), or a weight for age ≤3rd percentile (OR 6.1 [95% CI 2.49-14.93]. Case-fatality rates were significantly higher among those who presented with signs of shock compared with those who did not (23.1% vs. 10.7%, RR=2.16, p=0.03). Caregivers did not achieve shock reversal in 21% of patients and did not document shock reversal in 50% of patients. ^ Conclusions. Many challenges face those who seek to optimize care for seriously ill children in resource-limited settings. Specifically, in Haiti, qualitative and quantitative data suggest major issues with lack of supplies, pre-hospital factors, including malnutrition as a comorbidity, and early recognition and management of shock. A tailored intervention designed to address these issues is needed in order to prospectively evaluate improvements in child mortality in a high-risk population.^


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Dialysis patients are at high risk for hepatitis B infection, which is a serious but preventable disease. Prevention strategies include the administration of the hepatitis B vaccine. Dialysis patients have been noted to have a poor immune response to the vaccine and lose immunity more rapidly. The long term immunogenicity of the hepatitis B vaccine has not been well defined in pediatric dialysis patients especially if administered during infancy as a routine childhood immunization.^ Purpose. The aim of this study was to determine the median duration of hepatitis B immunity and to study the effect of vaccination timing and other cofactors on the duration of hepatitis B immunity in pediatric dialysis patients.^ Methods. Duration of hepatitis B immunity was determined by Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Comparison of stratified survival analysis was performed using log-rank analysis. Multivariate analysis by Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios for the effect of timing of vaccine administration and other covariates on the duration of hepatitis B immunity.^ Results. 193 patients (163 incident patients) had complete data available for analysis. Mean age was 11.2±5.8 years and mean ESRD duration was 59.3±97.8 months. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that the total median overall duration of immunity (since the time of the primary vaccine series) was 112.7 months (95% CI: 96.6, 124.4), whereas the median overall duration of immunity for incident patients was 106.3 months (95% CI: 93.93, 124.44). Incident patients had a median dialysis duration of hepatitis B immunity equal to 37.1 months (95% CI: 24.16, 72.26). Multivariate adjusted analysis showed that there was a significant difference between patients based on the timing of hepatitis B vaccination administration (p<0.001). Patients immunized after the start of dialysis had a hazard ratio of 6.13 (2.87, 13.08) for loss of hepatitis B immunity compared to patients immunized as infants (p<0.001).^ Conclusion. This study confirms that patients immunized after dialysis onset have an overall shorter duration of hepatitis B immunity as measured by hepatitis B antibody titers and after the start of dialysis, protective antibody titer levels in pediatric dialysis patients wane rapidly compared to healthy children.^


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Objectives. Minimal Important Differences (MIDs) establish benchmarks for interpreting mean differences in clinical trials involving quality of life outcomes and inform discussions of clinically meaningful change in patient status. As such, the purpose of this study was to assess MIDs for the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Melanoma (FACT-M). ^ Methods. A prospective validation study of the FACT-M was performed with 273 patients with stage I to IV melanoma. FACT-M, Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS), and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG-PS) scores were obtained at baseline and 3 months following enrollment. Anchor- and distribution-based methods were used to assess MIDs, and the correspondence between MID ranges derived from each method was evaluated. ^ Results. This study indicates that an approximate range for MIDs of the FACT-M subscales is between 5 to 8 points for the Trial Outcome Index, 4 to 5 points for the Melanoma Combined Subscale, 2 to 4 points for the Melanoma Subscale, and 1 to 2 points for the Melanoma Surgery Subscale. Each method produced similar but not identical ranges of MIDs. ^ Conclusions. The properties of the anchor instrument employed to derive MIDs directly affect resulting MID ranges and point values. When MIDs are offered as supportive evidence of a clinically meaningful change, the anchor instrument used to derive thresholds should be clearly stated along with evidence supporting the choice of anchor instrument as the most appropriate for the domain of interest. In this analysis, the KPS was a more appropriate measure than the ECOG-PS for assessing MIDs. ^


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to identify the medical issues experienced by Military Working Dogs during their period of deployment in Iraq.^ Design. This study was a retrospective cross-sectional survey based on database and medical record abstraction.^ Population. Military Working Dogs (MWDs) that were deployed to Iraq at any time between 20 March 2003 and 31 December 2007 were the inclusive population of interest. Seven hundred ninety-five (795) MWDs were identified as having been deployed to Iraq during the inclusive dates. Four hundred ninety-six (496) MWDs were identified that had medical events during the deployment period. ^ Procedures. Eligible MWDs were identified through several sources, to include database query, medical record abstraction questionnaire, and medical record abstraction. Demographic information collected for each MWD included tattoo, name, age, gender, breed, Branch of Service, and duty certification. Information on each veterinary/medical clinical event (VCE) was collected. This information was coded, and data entered into a database for organization. Frequency and prevalence information were determined for each category of VCE.^ Results. The top four VCEs experienced by MWDs while deployed in Iraq were gastrohepatic, dermatologic, traumatic injury, and appendicular musculoskeletal issues.^ Conclusions. Training, equipment, and supplies for veterinary personnel who care for the deployed MWDs should be tailored accordingly to suit the identified medical needs of the MWDs. ^


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Background. Poor nutrition is an important factor in the onset of obesity which is a growing problem in the United States that disproportionately affects Mexican-Americans. In order to form recommendations and effectively target nutrition in interventions it is necessary to have valid epidemiological tools to better understand dietary trends. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the validity of the nutritional intake questions from the Tu Salud, ¡Sí Cuenta! Questionnaire in an adult Mexican-American population. Methods. Fifty participants in the Cameron County Hispanic Cohort were recruited into the validity study, which consisted of completing the Tu Salud, ¡Sí Cuenta! questionnaire and the 24-hour recall with a 2 hour time period between administrations. Responses were analyzed to determine the percent agreement, kappa statistic and Spearman rank order correlation. Results: Five items had good validity (>0.6), three items had fair validity (>0.4), and three items had poor validity (<0.4). In general, items that had low validity were those that were reported in low frequencies by study subjects. Overall, the Tu Salud, ¡Sí Cuenta! questionnaire showed good validity, making this questionnaire a valuable tool to assess the dietary intake patterns of this Mexican-American adult population. ^


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Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease of great public health importance, particularly to institutions that provide health care to large numbers of TB patients such as Parkland Hospital in Dallas, TX. The purpose of this retrospective chart review was to analyze differences in TB positive and TB negative patients to better understand whether or not there were variables that could be utilized to develop a predictive model for use in the emergency department to reduce the overall number of suspected TB patients being sent to respiratory isolation for TB testing. This study included patients who presented to the Parkland Hospital emergency department between November 2006 and December 2007 and were isolated and tested for TB. Outcome of TB was defined as a positive sputum AFB test or a positive M. tuberculosis culture result. Data were collected utilizing the UT Southwestern Medical Center computerized database OACIS and included demographic information, TB risk factors, physical symptoms, and clinical results. Only two variables were significantly (P<0.05) related to TB outcome: dyspnea (shortness of breath) (P<0.001) and abnormal x-ray (P<0.001). Marginally significant variables included hemoptysis (P=0.06), weight loss (P=0.11), night sweats (P=0.20), history of homelessness or incarceration (P=0.15), and history of positive skin PPD (P=0.19). Using a combination of significant and marginally significant variables, a predictive model was designed which demonstrated a specificity of 24% and a sensitivity of 70%. In conclusion, a predictive model for TB outcome based on patients who presented to the Parkland Hospital emergency department between November 2006 and December 2007 was unsuccessful given the limited number of variables that differed significantly between TB positive and TB negative patients. It is suggested that a future prospective cohort study should be implemented to collect data on TB positive and TB negative patients. It may be possible that a more thorough prospective collection of data may lead to clearer comparisons between TB positive and TB negative patients and ultimately to the design of a more sensitive predictive model for TB outcome. ^


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This retrospective cohort study analyzed data from more than 2200 OSHA-mandated respirator medical evaluations performed between 2004 and 2008, with information initially obtained using an online questionnaire, to determine what factors influence medical clearance and the ability to safely wear respiratory protection in a large petrochemical company.^ The employees were mostly white males with a high school education, ranging in age from 25 to 60 years of age, who had been employed with the company an average of eight years. Their work was typically performed outdoors in a rural or offshore setting. Respirators were typically required for emergency response – escape or rescue only – and/or limited to less than four hours per month.^ Approximately 90% of the population achieved medical clearance by utilizing the online questionnaire. Of the remaining 10%, 66% were cleared after additional "hands-on" medical examination exam; 28% of the individuals' jobs were modified by their supervisor in order to not use a respirator, and 6% of the individuals (n=13) were excluded from wearing a respirator on the basis of the medical examination. The primary causes for exclusion from respirator use were cardiovascular (37.5%) and respiratory (31.3%) issues, followed by psychological (18.8%) and musculoskeletal (12.5%) concerns. Ultimately, over 99% of workers evaluated under this system were found capable of using respiratory protection safely. This questionnaire has proven to be an excellent health screening tool capable of initiating early detection and further investigation of potentially serious medical conditions within a large and diverse population in multiple locations. ^


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Background. An enlarged tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP) results in aspiration around the voice prosthesis (VP) and may lead to pneumonia. The aims of this research were: (1) to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis on enlarged TEP; (2) to analyze preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative risk factors for enlarged TEP; and (3) to evaluate control of leakage around the VP using conservative treatments and adverse events in patients with enlarged TEP.^ Methods. A systematic review was conducted (1978-2008). A summary risk estimate was calculated using a random-effects meta-analysis model. A retrospective cohort study was completed. Patients who underwent total laryngectomy and TEP at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) were included. Multiple logistic regression methods were used to assess risk factors for enlargement. Descriptive and bivariate statistics were calculated to evaluate outcomes and adverse events. Results: Twenty-seven manuscripts were included in the systematic review. The summary risk estimate of enlarged TEP/leakage around the VP was 7.2% (95% CI: 4.8%-9.6%). Temporary VP removal and TEP-site injections were the most commonly reported treatments. Neither prosthetic diameter (p=0.076) nor timing of TEP (p=0.297) significantly increased risk of enlargement per stratified analyses of published outcomes. The cumulative incidence of enlarged TEP was 18.6% (36/194, 95% CI: 13.0%-24.1%) in the MDACC cohort. Enlarged TEP occurred exclusively in irradiated patients. Adjusting for length of follow-up and timing of TEP, advanced nodal disease (ORadjusted: 4.3, 95% CI: 1.0-19.1), stricture (ORadjusted : 3.2, 95% CI: 1.2-8.6), and locoregional recurrence/distant metastasis after laryngectomy (ORadjusted: 6.2, 95% CI: 2.3-16.4) increased risk of enlarged TEP. At last follow-up, conservative methods controlled leakage around the VP in 81% (29/36) of patients. Unresolved leakage was associated with recurrent cancer (p=0.081) and TEP-site irregularity (p=0.003). Relative to those without enlargement, enlarged TEP patients had significantly higher risk of pneumonia (RR: 3.4, 95% CI: 1.9-6.2).^ Conclusions. These data establish that enlarged TEP poses serious health risks, and provide insight into medical and oncologic factors that may contribute to development of this complication. In addition, this research supports the use of conservative treatments to address leakage after enlarged TEP in lieu of complete TEP closure.^


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Background. Over 39.9% of the adult population forty or older in the United States has refractive error, little is known about the etiology of this condition and associated risk factors and their entailed mechanism due to the paucity of data regarding the changes of refractive error for the adult population over time.^ Aim. To evaluate risk factors over a long term, 5-year period, in refractive error changes among persons 43 or older by testing the hypothesis that age, gender, systemic diseases, nuclear sclerosis and baseline refractive errors are all significantly associated with refractive errors changes in patients at a Dallas, Texas private optometric office.^ Methods. A retrospective chart review of subjective refraction, eye health, and self-report health history was done on patients at a private optometric office who were 43 or older in 2000 who had eye examinations both in 2000 and 2005. Aphakic and pseudophakic eyes were excluded as well as eyes with best corrected Snellen visual acuity of 20/40 and worse. After exclusions, refraction was obtained on 114 right eyes and 114 left eyes. Spherical equivalent (sum of sphere + ½ cylinder) was used as the measure of refractive error.^ Results. Similar changes in refractive error were observed for the two eyes. The 5-year change in spherical power was in a hyperopic direction for younger age groups and in a myopic direction for older subjects, P<0.0001. The gender-adjusted mean change in refractive error in right eyes of persons aged 43 to 54, 55 to 64, 65 to 74, and 75 or older at baseline was +0.43D, +0.46 D, -0.09 D, and -0.23D, respectively. Refractive change was strongly related to baseline nuclear cataract severity; grades 4 to 5 were associated with a myopic shift (-0.38 D, P< 0.0001). The mean age-adjusted change in refraction was +0.27 D for hyperopic eyes, +0.56 D for emmetropic eyes, and +0.26 D for myopic eyes.^ Conclusions. This report has documented refractive error changes in an older population and confirmed reported trends of a hyperopic shift before age 65 and a myopic shift thereafter associated with the development of nuclear cataract.^


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Background: Pancreatic cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer death in the United States. Despite advances in cancer treatment, prognosis of pancreatic cancer remains extremely poor with survival rates of 24% and 5% in 1 and 5 years, respectively. Many patients with pancreatic cancer have a history of diabetes and are treated with various antidiabetic regimens including metformin. In multiple retrospective studies, metformin has been associated with decreased risk of cancer and cancer-related mortality. Metformin has also been reported to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, both in vitro and in vivo.^ Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study to examine the survival benefit of metformin in diabetic patients with pancreatic cancer at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). A dataset of 397 patients who carried the diagnosis of "Diabetes Mellitus" and "Pancreatic Cancer" at MD Anderson were screened for this study. ^ Results: Mean age of patients at diagnosis of cancer was 64.0 ± 8.7 years (range 37-84). The majority of the patients were male (65.6%) and of Caucasian race (78.5%). The most common antidiabetic regimen used were insulin and metformin (in 39.1% and 38.7%, respectively). Patients' cancer were staged as resectable in 34.1%, locally advanced unresectable in 29.1%, and disseminated disease in 36.7% of cases. Overall 1-year and 3-year survival rates for all stages combined were 51.8% and 7.6%, respectively. Earlier stage, metformin use, low CA19-9 level, better ECOG performance status, surgical intervention, negative surgical margins, and smaller tumor size were associated with longer survival. Metformin use was associated with a 33% decrease in risk of death (HR: 0.67; 95% CI: 0.51-0.88). Multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression showed hazard ratio of 1.77 (95% CI 1.49-2.10) for cancer stage, 0.65 (95% CI 0.49-0.86) for metformin use, and 1.68 (95% CI 1.26-2.23) for CA 19-9 level above population median. ^ Conclusion: Our study suggests that metformin may improve the outcome in diabetic patients with pancreatic cancer independently of other known prognostic factors. Pancreatic cancer carries extremely poor prognosis; metformin may provide a suitable adjunct therapeutic option for pancreatic cancer in patients with and without diabetes mellitus.^